Live Stream: RIOT WATCH - St Louis, MO ...

some one says they're going to kill some one then do it and gets off ??? Come on even republicans should smell that bullshit

Don't care. Who cares? Should have blew perp away as soon as it moved the car. No hi-speed chase.

Someone has to secure the scene. Cop picked up gun. So what? Another POS bites dust. Kill them all.
They never riot over genuine victims, just fellow vermin; some armed heroin dealer wins a Darwin Award, nothing to see here, like all the rest of their media concocted 'outrages'..
They never riot over genuine victims, just fellow vermin; some armed heroin dealer wins a Darwin Award, nothing to see here, like all the rest of their media concocted 'outrages'..
Cops getting away with murder??? Are cops EVER judged guilty of anything ?? Murder ,beatings abuse of wives etc etc ???

Yes, they are. It's just rare they're actually guilty.
They never riot over genuine victims, just fellow vermin; some armed heroin dealer wins a Darwin Award, nothing to see here, like all the rest of their media concocted 'outrages'..
99% of these protests are for CRIMINALS!!!! resisting/attacking police
You are assuming it was a killing. It apparently was self defense. Like I said, I was talking about the leftists in this thread.
throwing a gun or knife down at the crime scene is an old cop trick

Perhaps, but you don't know that that is what happened.
cops dna was on the gun from what I read

And he said it got there because he checked it and unloaded it, which, he shouldn't have done.
The guy was FOS The judge was fos They knew enough to stay away from a jury

That's your opinion and has nothing at all to do with reality.
They never riot over genuine victims, just fellow vermin; some armed heroin dealer wins a Darwin Award, nothing to see here, like all the rest of their media concocted 'outrages'..
Cops getting away with murder??? Are cops EVER judged guilty of anything ?? Murder ,beatings abuse of wives etc etc ???
it's because in the majority of the shootings they are justified--the CRIMINAL is a threat
the BART officer was convicted of shooting Oscar Grant
there were about 951 deaths by police 2016
I find in 2011, there were over 30 Million calls for police assistance...I take it that doesn't even count traffic stops
humans are not perfect...there will always be problems.....but it is rare for a cop to shoot someone for no reason
They never riot over genuine victims, just fellow vermin; some armed heroin dealer wins a Darwin Award, nothing to see here, like all the rest of their media concocted 'outrages'..
Cops getting away with murder??? Are cops EVER judged guilty of anything ?? Murder ,beatings abuse of wives etc etc ???
So to looney liberals ...are criminal douchebags that attack,try to run over,or shoot police ever responsible for getting their own asses shot?
So apparently the anti cop mayor now has multiple cops stationed outside her house because it was targeted by rioters.

What hypocritical cow. LOL
You get the point yet or not? Less than 1%.

Get it?

It could happen .01% of the time and cops getting away with murder would still be wrong and worthy of public outrage. The media hypes it and fuels the tensions between races because that gets them views. I really don't think the media has an agenda outside of "Make controversy, profit off views."
Even if it is for profit that in itself is an agenda. You of course then skated around the other CLEAR EVIDENCE of the AGENDA.

That is why Officer Darren WIlsons image was shown day and night for months while Jeronimo Yanez's name and image was not.

You also refuse I guess to address why the media lighted the photo of Zimmerman. Nothing to any of that eh?

So, something that happens less than 1% is a mass epidemic in this country? Tell me, are you one of those that still think Michael Brown was murdered? Why did the democrats send voter registration tables to Ferguson as the rioters were bused in as the democrats stoked the flames by declaring the guilt of officer Wilson before his day in court?

Nothing to any of that?


Nothing to it eh?
Dude, everyone knows that short, chubby middle-aged guys can easily chase down tall black teenaged athletes.
Subject is ...protesters pour into st Louis. Because of verdict.

I really don't care that a heroin dealer that tried to run over cops and that lead them on a high speed chase endangering the public was killed.

Or that the prosecutor couldn't prove their case.
It wasn't proven he was a heroin dealer, that is just what the cop claimed. What was proven...

...the cop stated he was going to kill the guy as recorded on his dashcam video.
...there was a gun placed in the victims car that had the cops DNA on it and none of the victims DNA.
...the city paid a $900,000 settlement which was one of the largest in history for the city.
The prosecution proved its case. However, the racist judge and racist blogger I am responding to now, felt otherwise.
They never riot over genuine victims, just fellow vermin; some armed heroin dealer wins a Darwin Award, nothing to see here, like all the rest of their media concocted 'outrages'..
Cops getting away with murder??? Are cops EVER judged guilty of anything ?? Murder ,beatings abuse of wives etc etc ???
So to looney liberals ...are criminal douchebags that attack,try to run over,or shoot police ever responsible for getting their own asses shot?
They should No room for POS on the left or right

This entire trial was a staged event by the "powers that be." Powers that have money....lots of it. Protests then riots would ensue. Predictable behavior. The "state" never did have a good case but they pursued it anyways. It looks good on paper and the public. They knew the cop would never be indicted for 1st degree murder. Given the emotional publicity, the state knew it would end in civil unrest. "At least they tried" some fool may say. Sure, but at what cost?

This entire trial was a staged event by the "powers that be." Powers that have money....lots of it. Protests then riots would ensue. Predictable behavior. The "state" never did have a good case but they pursued it anyways. It looks good on paper and the public. They knew the cop would never be indicted for 1st degree murder. Given the emotional publicity, the state knew it would end in civil unrest. "At least they tried" some fool may say. Sure, but at what cost?
Wonder if they took the POS back into force Maybe promoted him to captain??
Subject is ...protesters pour into st Louis. Because of verdict.

I really don't care that a heroin dealer that tried to run over cops and that lead them on a high speed chase endangering the public was killed.

Or that the prosecutor couldn't prove their case.
It wasn't proven he was a heroin dealer, that is just what the cop claimed. What was proven...

...the cop stated he was going to kill the guy as recorded on his dashcam video.
...there was a gun placed in the victims car that had the cops DNA on it and none of the victims DNA.
...the city paid a $900,000 settlement which was one of the largest in history for the city.
The prosecution proved its case. However, the racist judge and racist blogger I am responding to now, felt otherwise.
The prosecution didn't prove its case...

Hence the riots.
Subject is ...protesters pour into st Louis. Because of verdict.

I really don't care that a heroin dealer that tried to run over cops and that lead them on a high speed chase endangering the public was killed.

Or that the prosecutor couldn't prove their case.
It wasn't proven he was a heroin dealer, that is just what the cop claimed. What was proven...

...the cop stated he was going to kill the guy as recorded on his dashcam video.
...there was a gun placed in the victims car that had the cops DNA on it and none of the victims DNA.
...the city paid a $900,000 settlement which was one of the largest in history for the city.
The prosecution proved its case. However, the racist judge and racist blogger I am responding to now, felt otherwise.
The prosecution didn't prove its case...

Hence the riots.
BS It proved it ,,just not to the fixed judge No wonder the pos didn't want a jury trial

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