Living in a Hell beyond Hell

I would agree. He has a goal---I suppose it is to make Russia #1.

Israel, Hamas, et al--they are focused on their goal.

Iran, N Korea, Syria----assorted terrorist groups--

The rest of the world just needs to shut up and understand??
I would agree. He has a goal---I suppose it is to make Russia #1.

Israel, Hamas, et al--they are focused on their goal.

Iran, N Korea, Syria----assorted terrorist groups--

The rest of the world just needs to shut up and understand??


Take a breath
Putin also had an asshole transplant, but the asshole rejected him.
I would agree. He has a goal---I suppose it is to make Russia #1.

Israel, Hamas, et al--they are focused on their goal.

Iran, N Korea, Syria----assorted terrorist groups--

The rest of the world just needs to shut up and understand??

Maybe some adore KGB Vlad because former Secretary of State Clinton deplores the slaughter of MH17 passengers:

Russian President Vladimir Putin bears at least some responsibility for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday.
"I think if there were any doubt it should be gone by now, that Vladimir Putin, certainly indirectly -- through his support of the insurgents in eastern Ukraine and the supply of advanced weapons and, frankly, the presence of Russian Special Forces and intelligence agents -- bears responsibility for what happened," she told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday.
I would agree. He has a goal---I suppose it is to make Russia #1.

Israel, Hamas, et al--they are focused on their goal.

Iran, N Korea, Syria----assorted terrorist groups--

The rest of the world just needs to shut up and understand??


Take a breath

What else is there to think?

I assume, maybe incorrectly--that the US and several other countries possess the weapons/resources to blow the world off the face of the planet at any given time. The senseless slaughter of the inhabitants is slower but apparently if a political/religious goal is involved---no issues.

No one wants to live cooperatively---all I can conclude.

Russia can control Europe through oil/energy. It has a sovereign right?
I would agree. He has a goal---I suppose it is to make Russia #1.

Israel, Hamas, et al--they are focused on their goal.

Iran, N Korea, Syria----assorted terrorist groups--

The rest of the world just needs to shut up and understand??

Maybe some adore KGB Vlad because former Secretary of State Clinton deplores the slaughter of MH17 passengers:

Russian President Vladimir Putin bears at least some responsibility for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday.
"I think if there were any doubt it should be gone by now, that Vladimir Putin, certainly indirectly -- through his support of the insurgents in eastern Ukraine and the supply of advanced weapons and, frankly, the presence of Russian Special Forces and intelligence agents -- bears responsibility for what happened," she told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday.

A heartless thug has no feelings. He will watch people morn and weep over their fallen babies and feel nothing. He is without a soul.....heartless....void of empathy.
MH17 Family Living in 'Hell Beyond Hell' After Losing Three Kids - NBC News

So will Putin watch this and become a little teary eyed? Naw, thugs don't care how they have hurt other people. He won't care....his heart was removed by the KGB.

You think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson cared about the blood slave families they split apart?

You think Andrew Jackson cared about the Native American families he destroyed?

You think Ulysses S. Grant cared about the poor Southern families his Bushwhackers ravaged during The Reconstruction?

How about Franklin D. Roosevelt — you think he cared about the German Jews on the MS St. Louis whose families would be split up and murdered in the WWII death camps?

And Lyndon B. Johnson — you think he cared about the hundreds of thousands of poor American families he split up and forever scarred because of the Vietnam War?

We could play this fun little game all day.

The fact is that Russia isn't the only place in the world whose leaders have done some downright despicable things in the course of world history.

Stop making it sound like Putin is the only guy out there who's done as much.
I would agree. He has a goal---I suppose it is to make Russia #1.

Israel, Hamas, et al--they are focused on their goal.

Iran, N Korea, Syria----assorted terrorist groups--

The rest of the world just needs to shut up and understand??

Maybe some adore KGB Vlad because former Secretary of State Clinton deplores the slaughter of MH17 passengers:

Russian President Vladimir Putin bears at least some responsibility for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday.
"I think if there were any doubt it should be gone by now, that Vladimir Putin, certainly indirectly -- through his support of the insurgents in eastern Ukraine and the supply of advanced weapons and, frankly, the presence of Russian Special Forces and intelligence agents -- bears responsibility for what happened," she told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday.

A heartless thug has no feelings. He will watch people morn and weep over their fallen babies and feel nothing. He is without a soul.....heartless....void of empathy.

Yes --of course. It makes sense to him and to others.

I don't know what sort of answer might ever be found. Two World Wars---then years of rebuilding from that---the more rational nations don't support that approach but what can be done with the irrational?

I don't see much that would work. Hopefully there are those with some better ideas.
MH17 Family Living in 'Hell Beyond Hell' After Losing Three Kids - NBC News

So will Putin watch this and become a little teary eyed? Naw, thugs don't care how they have hurt other people. He won't care....his heart was removed by the KGB.

You think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson cared about the blood slave families they split apart?

You think Andrew Jackson cared about the Native American families he destroyed?

You think Ulysses S. Grant cared about the poor Southern families his Bushwhackers ravaged during The Reconstruction?

How about Franklin D. Roosevelt — you think he cared about the German Jews on the MS St. Louis whose families would be split up and murdered in the WWII death camps?

And Lyndon B. Johnson — you think he cared about the hundreds of thousands of poor American families he split up and forever scarred because of the Vietnam War?

We could play this fun little game all day.

The fact is that Russia isn't the only place in the world whose leaders have done some downright despicable things in the course of world history.

Stop making it sound like Putin is the only guy out there who's done as much.

What sort of reasoning is this? It is a fact--wars have been fought.

nothing worth saying---just tell him to do what he wants--everyone should do the same. See how that works out.
Maybe some adore KGB Vlad because former Secretary of State Clinton deplores the slaughter of MH17 passengers:

Russian President Vladimir Putin bears at least some responsibility for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday.
"I think if there were any doubt it should be gone by now, that Vladimir Putin, certainly indirectly -- through his support of the insurgents in eastern Ukraine and the supply of advanced weapons and, frankly, the presence of Russian Special Forces and intelligence agents -- bears responsibility for what happened," she told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday.

A heartless thug has no feelings. He will watch people morn and weep over their fallen babies and feel nothing. He is without a soul.....heartless....void of empathy.

Yes --of course. It makes sense to him and to others.

I don't know what sort of answer might ever be found. Two World Wars---then years of rebuilding from that---the more rational nations don't support that approach but what can be done with the irrational?

I don't see much that would work. Hopefully there are those with some better ideas.

So if you "don't see much that would work", then why the heck are you here on an online forum talking about it?

Get back to playing Guitar Hero™, and leave us adults alone.
MH17 Family Living in 'Hell Beyond Hell' After Losing Three Kids - NBC News

So will Putin watch this and become a little teary eyed? Naw, thugs don't care how they have hurt other people. He won't care....his heart was removed by the KGB.

You think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson cared about the blood slave families they split apart?

You think Andrew Jackson cared about the Native American families he destroyed?

You think Ulysses S. Grant cared about the poor Southern families his Bushwhackers ravaged during The Reconstruction?

How about Franklin D. Roosevelt — you think he cared about the German Jews on the MS St. Louis whose families would be split up and murdered in the WWII death camps?

And Lyndon B. Johnson — you think he cared about the hundreds of thousands of poor American families he split up and forever scarred because of the Vietnam War?

We could play this fun little game all day.

The fact is that Russia isn't the only place in the world whose leaders have done some downright despicable things in the course of world history.

Stop making it sound like Putin is the only guy out there who's done as much.

What sort of reasoning is this? It is a fact--wars have been fought.

nothing worth saying---just tell him to do what he wants--everyone should do the same. See how that works out.

Hardly a shock that you of all people here don't understand the reasoning.

Reasoning is not your milieu.
You think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson cared about the blood slave families they split apart?

You think Andrew Jackson cared about the Native American families he destroyed?

You think Ulysses S. Grant cared about the poor Southern families his Bushwhackers ravaged during The Reconstruction?

How about Franklin D. Roosevelt — you think he cared about the German Jews on the MS St. Louis whose families would be split up and murdered in the WWII death camps?

And Lyndon B. Johnson — you think he cared about the hundreds of thousands of poor American families he split up and forever scarred because of the Vietnam War?

We could play this fun little game all day.

The fact is that Russia isn't the only place in the world whose leaders have done some downright despicable things in the course of world history.

Stop making it sound like Putin is the only guy out there who's done as much.

What sort of reasoning is this? It is a fact--wars have been fought.

nothing worth saying---just tell him to do what he wants--everyone should do the same. See how that works out.

Hardly a shock that you of all people here don't understand the reasoning.

Reasoning is not your milieu.

The United States ---bad.

ok--nothing to debate. Putin should do whatever he wants.
MH17 Family Living in 'Hell Beyond Hell' After Losing Three Kids - NBC News

So will Putin watch this and become a little teary eyed? Naw, thugs don't care how they have hurt other people. He won't care....his heart was removed by the KGB.

You think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson cared about the blood slave families they split apart?

You think Andrew Jackson cared about the Native American families he destroyed?

You think Ulysses S. Grant cared about the poor Southern families his Bushwhackers ravaged during The Reconstruction?

How about Franklin D. Roosevelt — you think he cared about the German Jews on the MS St. Louis whose families would be split up and murdered in the WWII death camps?

And Lyndon B. Johnson — you think he cared about the hundreds of thousands of poor American families he split up and forever scarred because of the Vietnam War?

We could play this fun little game all day.

The fact is that Russia isn't the only place in the world whose leaders have done some downright despicable things in the course of world history.

Stop making it sound like Putin is the only guy out there who's done as much.

1. Washington's Will provided for the freedom of his slaves upon the death of his wife; Martha waited only a year, freed them; hell of a woman.

2. Jefferson agonized about slavery, his many writings, including the letters Adams* attest to this, In truth.......Jefferson was ...........not a very good farmer. He offered Sally Hemings her freedom in Paris, she declined; Jefferson, ignored the few slaves that escaped**, and freed upon his death a few more. The rest were mortgaged.
3.Jackson: No defense from me(.)
4. Grant, a man held captive himself, by liquor;, tried to stop the looting, had no control over others, except in battle. Note: historians rank Grant near the bottom of Us Presidents, though he ceased drinking, he remained weak in human interactions that did not involve WAR throughout his life.
5. FDR, some FACTS:

"To his critics, Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Holocaust was epitomized by his June 1939 decision to refuse political asylum to more than 900 passengers aboard the German ocean liner St. Louis. The passengers, nearly all of them Jewish refugees, had the lights of Miami in sight when the United States government refused them permission to disembark. Roosevelt did not respond to pleas for help. The ship returned to Europe, and the Holocaust claimed more than a third of those who returned to the Continent.

Because of this, Roosevelt has been depicted as indifferent to the fate of the Jews. According to a new book, Refugees and Rescue, though, it is a reputation he does not deserve. As revealed in the previously unpublished diary of James McDonald, the man who oversaw Roosevelt's wartime advisory committee on refugees, FDR did try to help Jewish refugees before the war.

A year before the St. Louis affair, FDR prodded the State Department to allow tens of thousands of Jews to immigrate from Germany and Austria, and developed plans to turn the Western democracies into a huge safety net. "Roosevelt was a man of grand vision who wanted to resettle a much larger number of refugees," writes Richard Breitman, an American University historian who helped edit the volume. "[But] his willingness to take action varied sharply according to political and military circumstances."

As early as the spring of 1938, according to McDonald's papers, Roosevelt began talking about a plan to rescue millions of Jews from Nazi Germany and divide them between a group of 10 democratic countries. Later that year, Roosevelt promised McDonald that he would ask Congress to appropriate $150 million to help resettle refugees around the world. In May 1939, only a month before the St. Louis incident, McDonald was present when FDR warned his advisors that the situation of the Jews in Germany was growing critical. "It was not so much a question of money," McDonald recorded the president saying, "as it was of actual lives."

FDR Pushed for the Rescue of Jewish Refugees, Newly Revealed Documents Show

As with several others FDR, was much less powerful than imagined. Historians differ as to how much he was informed of concerning the St. Louis. It remains a blot on his record, always. The "its not OUR problem" crowd grew more vocal until 12/07/41, after that there was no more denial. FDR's opposition tried to "slur" him by calling him a Jew, FDR tried the unconstitutional court packing scheme for a reason. After Churchill, Roosevelt was Hitler's primary enemy in the 1930s, but there was almost no support for US involvement, and some Bund Americans, sadly.

6. LBJ: US involvement began under Eisenhower, the Red Scare never lessened, the caca about Oswald being a "Soviet spy" added to the fear. LBJ could see suffering if it was in his face, but followed the "THE MONSTERS ARE ON MAPLE STREET!" feelings of his times. Only a few, like Humphrey rejected McCarthyism while the drunken Joe grabbed the headlines.

*Adams never owned slaves, and chastised Jefferson regularly on the matter, Jefferson at times conceded, and hinted at his "financial" situation.

**Jefferson was committing a crime by not tracking down escaped slaves, he claimed illness on at least one occasion.
Putin wants Mother Russia back as a super power and he will do whatever it takes to make it so. Pretty damn sure the united states would do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. Will many people die that get in the way of this? Yep. When titans clash...shit happens. Sad, but whatchagonnado?
Putin wants Mother Russia back as a super power and he will do whatever it takes to make it so. Pretty damn sure the united states would do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. Will many people die that get in the way of this? Yep. When titans clash...shit happens. Sad, but whatchagonnado?

who am I to say--not one of the well-informed, astute posters--but some effort has been made to change that approach--met with disapproval--but I can't see what the alternatives are---

? launch missiles which would kill 100,000's ---that was done---

? boots on the ground--that doesn't work

whinging and whining that --'The US has done the same---other countries throughout history have done the same'----Yes, wars have been fought----at least I understand that much.

Fight to the death. What is left of the world can pick up the pieces as best it can.

I can change the station not view images of children and innocent people in agony. I can say --'Too bad'.

It seems like now is the time for a stronger response.
A heartless thug has no feelings. He will watch people morn and weep over their fallen babies and feel nothing. He is without a soul.....heartless....void of empathy.

Yes --of course. It makes sense to him and to others.

I don't know what sort of answer might ever be found. Two World Wars---then years of rebuilding from that---the more rational nations don't support that approach but what can be done with the irrational?

I don't see much that would work. Hopefully there are those with some better ideas.

So if you "don't see much that would work", then why the heck are you here on an online forum talking about it?

Get back to playing Guitar Hero™, and leave us adults alone.

if only we could all be just like you.

Tell us---just tell us--what should be done? Shouldn't be a problem for you.

'The adults'---very revealing remark.

All I need to know.
Yes --of course. It makes sense to him and to others.

I don't know what sort of answer might ever be found. Two World Wars---then years of rebuilding from that---the more rational nations don't support that approach but what can be done with the irrational?

I don't see much that would work. Hopefully there are those with some better ideas.

So if you "don't see much that would work", then why the heck are you here on an online forum talking about it?

Get back to playing Guitar Hero™, and leave us adults alone.

if only we could all be just like you.

Tell us---just tell us--what should be done? Shouldn't be a problem for you.

'The adults'---very revealing remark.

All I need to know.

Children are dying, thus the "adults" need to happen upon new hobbies, one might conclude.

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