Living the good life off of government benefits

So you're admitting you really can't refute what I said, then?

So when are you going to starve to death to be too proud to take a government assistance?

But here's the thing about middle class entitlement... you think you are "entitled" to Social Security and Unemployment, but "Those people" getting food stamps and WIC, those "moochers" and "Takers".

And the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

what the hell are you babbling about, and what does your opinion on why thing are the way they are have to do with the article posted?
we get it you think you know all and we here need to be informed of it

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Do you want me to read it to you slowly.

Frankly, I agree, we have too many people on the dole and not enough people pulling the wagon.

but that's the problem. The goal of business has been to reduce the labor force to the smallest number of people possible making the least amount of money.

And what you complain about is the inevitable result.

No one proudly watches his child starve for the greater glory of capitalism.

They demand food stamps, section 8 housing and government assistance, and teh government is happy to give it to them.

oh gawd, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
"Living the good life on government benefits".....this idea has been around for as long as I can remember, more than 40 years at least. So, why is it considered a 'current event'? Nothing new here.

Anyway, from what I've seen, it doesn't look like a very good life to me: they live like trailer trash and most of the people I've ever met or seen who were living on benefits were white 'cracker' trailer trash types. What's so good about such a life? :eusa_hand:

and you call other people racists?

No, the charge that probably describe the above post is CLASSIST, more than racist.

Yes he did mention their race, but note how the insult was directed to POOR whites?

That's classism, not racism.

Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'
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and you call other people racists?

No, the charge that probably describe the above post is CLASSIST, more than racist.

Yes he did mention their race, but note how the insult was directed to POOR whites?

That's classism, not racism.

Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.
Our family would be eligible for $14,976 in free day care, another $13,400 for Head Start and Early Head Start, $7,148 in housing vouchers, $6,500 for weatherization projects, $400 to pay heating bills, $480 a year for a cell phone, with an extra $230 for a land line, and $182 in free legal advice.

The family would get more than $6,028 in food assistance and another $6,045 in medical assistance. The mother is eligible for $5,500 in Pell Grants for school with an additional $12,000 for the Education Opportunity Grant; SMART Grant; and TEACH Grant.

Our family would also get $6,800 in tax credits, and $1,900 in withholding would be returned.

Add it up and this family can get $81,589 in free assistance.

Staph, you still don't get it, do you?

Once upon a time, Americans had good union jobs and they got all these things themselves. Wives could stay home with the kids because their Husbands earned good paychecks.

And the Plutocrats decided this was just horrible, because they didn't have enough money for Dressage Horsies. So they busted up the unions, they m oved those good manufacturing jobs to third world shitholes, they got "right to work" and "At Will" employment so they could fire people easily whenever there was a recession and hire people who'd work for less.

But here was the thing... working folks and poor folks didn't just obediently starve so their Plutocratic Masters could have more Dressage Ponies.

They voted for programs so they could keep eating. They became Democrats.

And this is the tragedy of the whole thing. You did this to yourselves.

So the answer is the Unions... Got it. :cuckoo:
No, the charge that probably describe the above post is CLASSIST, more than racist.

Yes he did mention their race, but note how the insult was directed to POOR whites?

That's classism, not racism.

Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.

LOL And they do keep voting against their own interests. Patsies. That's all they are to the Republicans at the top.
oh gawd, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, I know you can't rationally answer it, telling us all why we should be happy working for starvation wages so Mitt can have a Dressage Pony.

still hung up on Mitt huh?
you just sound insane now, nothing new

You were the ones dumb enough to nominate him. I pretty much warned you that Obama was going to take him down the way he took him down... and none of you listened.

Listening isn't your strong suit, is it? Or comprehending and argument.

Okay, one more time.

Are you willing to let your family starve so rich people can have more toys?

It's a simple enough question.
and you call other people racists?

No, the charge that probably describe the above post is CLASSIST, more than racist.

Yes he did mention their race, but note how the insult was directed to POOR whites?

That's classism, not racism.

Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

^ Can you tell me whose fault that is?

So the answer is the Unions... Got it. :cuckoo:

My dad was in a union. He brought home a good salary, he raised five kids, his medical was covered even when he died at 56 from Lung cancer (brought about by that asbestos a corporate douchebag told him was perfectly safe). He even had enough money to buy land to put a fishing cabin on.

Today, despite having a college degree, I need to work two jobs to make ends meet. I'm still trying to pay down medical debt because my last job fired me when I ran up too many medical bills.

And, yeah, I'm not happy there are people abusing the system, but let's be honest, the real abuse is by the 1% against the rest of us.

So, yeah, I think it would be wonderful if we all had unions and our government looked out for working people instead of the wealthy.
No, the charge that probably describe the above post is CLASSIST, more than racist.

Yes he did mention their race, but note how the insult was directed to POOR whites?

That's classism, not racism.

Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

^ Can you tell me whose fault that is?

There will always be people who are poor and uneducated. There will always be people who need our help. I've lived in a country where there are little to no social services for the poor. It is a sorry sight to see. All the rich living well at the top, a small middle class, the rest living in poverty or near poverty. The rich living amonst them and ignoring them except for charity. It mostly has to do with the working poor. If you don't have social services, what you have is a third world country. That seems to be what Republicans want for America. And those here, who are not at the top of the heep financially, and I imagine that applies to most here, will be relegated to the bottom and definitely not living 'the good life.'
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No, the charge that probably describe the above post is CLASSIST, more than racist.

Yes he did mention their race, but note how the insult was directed to POOR whites?

That's classism, not racism.

Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.

no according to the reporter who investigated it says they are living stop with your whining about me AND MITT..,.
Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.

no according to the reporter who investigated it says they are living stop with your whining about me AND MITT..,.

Since when does responding, commenting, expressing an opinion equate to whining? Only when it is something you don't want to hear, apparently. It seems to me that someone who is COMPLAINING ABOUT OTHERS, which is what your post is doing, best fits the definition of 'whining.' Pout, whine, complain, bitch...yep. Dragging up an old story as if it is something new just so you can bitch about it again and again.
Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.

no according to the reporter who investigated it says they are living stop with your whining about me AND MITT..,.

Oh, so you believe a reporter now?

Or only when they say things that confirm your biases?

Fact is, the article was intentionally misleading, and had a lot of weasel words like "could qualify for", not that people were actually getting these things. Flopper covered this point much better than I could.
The first one is always free.

The money masters have been looking for a replacement for slavery since the Civil War. The Welfare State makes it all possible.
The first one is always free.

The money masters have been looking for a replacement for slavery since the Civil War. The Welfare State makes it all possible.

Ummm.... not really.

That isn't even logical.

Slavery had a distinct purpose. To harness a lot of cheap labor so that a privilaged class can live well.

Today, we have new versions of that, mostly taking jobs that could be done by Americans and moving them to third world sweatshops.

Nothing to do with a welfare state, which is just people voting themselves money they should be earning.
Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.

no according to the reporter who investigated it says they are living stop with your whining about me AND MITT..,.

Since when does responding, commenting, expressing an opinion equate to whining? Only when it is something you don't want to hear, apparently. It seems to me that someone who is COMPLAINING ABOUT OTHERS, which is what your post is doing, best fits the definition of 'whining.' Pout, whine, complain, bitch...yep. Dragging up an old story as if it is something new just so you can bitch about it again and again.

shut up, you two make a great pair
The first one is always free.

The money masters have been looking for a replacement for slavery since the Civil War. The Welfare State makes it all possible.

Ummm.... not really.

That isn't even logical.

Slavery had a distinct purpose. To harness a lot of cheap labor so that a privilaged class can live well.

Today, we have new versions of that, mostly taking jobs that could be done by Americans and moving them to third world sweatshops.

Nothing to do with a welfare state, which is just people voting themselves money they should be earning.

That's delusion. Just like the debt game, welfare is designed to keep us in chains. Bread and circuses....
That's delusion. Just like the debt game, welfare is designed to keep us in chains. Bread and circuses....

I really don't waste time with libertarian whacks who think government is bad on principle.

I don't mind talking to sensible people who want to discuss ways to do things better- and there is a lot of room for improvement on how we do welfare/entitlement spending in this country - but the notion that "let them starve, at least they'll still be free" is so utterly retarded it doesn't merit discussion.
That's delusion. Just like the debt game, welfare is designed to keep us in chains. Bread and circuses....

I really don't waste time with libertarian whacks who think government is bad on principle.

I don't mind talking to sensible people who want to discuss ways to do things better- and there is a lot of room for improvement on how we do welfare/entitlement spending in this country - but the notion that "let them starve, at least they'll still be free" is so utterly retarded it doesn't merit discussion.

who the hell is calling for letting them starve?

doesn't matter really, we are heading for a fall..enjoy

Brouillette admits in our hyper-politicized culture, meaningful reform is unlikely until there’s a financial crisis, which he says is coming.

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