Living Wage Bernie Pays His Employees $12/hr

We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

The idiot is going to complain about Bernie's interns getting paid $12 more an hour than Ted Cruz's. LOL!

. Ummmm was Ted Cruz the one going around complaining about the minimum wage being raised to 15.00 dollars an hour ? Uh I thought not... You want to try some other angle, because that one FAILED.
We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

The idiot is going to complain about Bernie's interns getting paid $12 more an hour than Ted Cruz's. LOL!

. Ummmm was Ted Cruz the one going around complaining about the minimum wage being raised to 15.00 dollars an hour ? Uh I thought not... You want to try some other angle, because that one FAILED.
. Wow this post landed in the wrong place when posted..Scratching my head thinking. Huh?
Ummmm was Ted Cruz the one going around complaining about the minimum wage being raised to 15.00 dollars an hour ? Uh I thought not... You want to try some other angle, because that one FAILED.

As a matter of fact, Cruz was bitching about its being raised from $7.25 an hour:

Sen. Cruz: Minimum Wage Hike Would Cost Jobs for Young People, Hispanics, African Americans

“If you raise the minimum wage, the inevitable effect will be, number one, young people will lose their jobs or not be able to get their first jobs,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told

And he pays his interns -0-.

You were saying?
Cruz doesn't pay his interns. Rubio doesn't pay his interns. Clinton doesn't pay her interns. Trump doesn't pay his interns

And yet, we're supposed to be scandalized because Bernie only pays his 150% of minimum wage.

You'd have a great point if Rubio, Cruz,, et. al. were advocating a "living wage" as a major feature of their campaigns.

Bernie Sanders is one of the only Congressmen in Washington who pay their interns at all.

$12 an hour is a lot more of a "living wage" than "free coffee, and we'll validate your parking"

I agree that it is better than nothing. But he's the Social Democrat. He had a chance to take the moral high ground, "walk the walk", and pay his interns a "living wage". He didn't.

According to the link in the OP he apparently had no problem paying his wife and another family member a very a nice consulting fee.....DOH!

So you don't think $12 is a living wage?
Suddenly the left scream $12 is a living wage. Hilarious.
Cruz doesn't pay his interns. Rubio doesn't pay his interns. Clinton doesn't pay her interns. Trump doesn't pay his interns

And yet, we're supposed to be scandalized because Bernie only pays his 150% of minimum wage.

You'd have a great point if Rubio, Cruz,, et. al. were advocating a "living wage" as a major feature of their campaigns.

Bernie Sanders is one of the only Congressmen in Washington who pay their interns at all.

$12 an hour is a lot more of a "living wage" than "free coffee, and we'll validate your parking"

I agree that it is better than nothing. But he's the Social Democrat. He had a chance to take the moral high ground, "walk the walk", and pay his interns a "living wage". He didn't.

According to the link in the OP he apparently had no problem paying his wife and another family member a very a nice consulting fee.....DOH!

So you don't think $12 is a living wage?
Suddenly the left scream $12 is a living wage. Hilarious.

I never said that. I was asking a question, you moron. I do, however, think $12 an hour is much better than our current minimum wage, and think we need to gradually raise minimum wage to at least $12 an hour.
Cruz doesn't pay his interns. Rubio doesn't pay his interns. Clinton doesn't pay her interns. Trump doesn't pay his interns

And yet, we're supposed to be scandalized because Bernie only pays his 150% of minimum wage.

You'd have a great point if Rubio, Cruz,, et. al. were advocating a "living wage" as a major feature of their campaigns.

Bernie Sanders is one of the only Congressmen in Washington who pay their interns at all.

$12 an hour is a lot more of a "living wage" than "free coffee, and we'll validate your parking"

I agree that it is better than nothing. But he's the Social Democrat. He had a chance to take the moral high ground, "walk the walk", and pay his interns a "living wage". He didn't.

According to the link in the OP he apparently had no problem paying his wife and another family member a very a nice consulting fee.....DOH!

So you don't think $12 is a living wage?
Suddenly the left scream $12 is a living wage. Hilarious.

What's hilarious is that you either don't know what a question is or are unable to answer this one.
You'd have a great point if Rubio, Cruz,, et. al. were advocating a "living wage" as a major feature of their campaigns.

Bernie Sanders is one of the only Congressmen in Washington who pay their interns at all.

$12 an hour is a lot more of a "living wage" than "free coffee, and we'll validate your parking"

I agree that it is better than nothing. But he's the Social Democrat. He had a chance to take the moral high ground, "walk the walk", and pay his interns a "living wage". He didn't.

According to the link in the OP he apparently had no problem paying his wife and another family member a very a nice consulting fee.....DOH!

So you don't think $12 is a living wage?
Suddenly the left scream $12 is a living wage. Hilarious.

I never said that. I was asking a question, you moron. I do, however, think $12 an hour is much better than our current minimum wage, and think we need to gradually raise minimum wage to at least $12 an hour.

Why? So the mexicans that wait on you at McDonalds can "retire"? You need to understand what the hell the "minimum" wage was intended for.

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Bernie Sanders Demands $15 Minimum Wage But Pays Interns $12 PER HOUR

You mean THAT scandal? Jesus...wake the hell up.


That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Bernie Sanders Demands $15 Minimum Wage But Pays Interns $12 PER HOUR

You mean THAT scandal? Jesus...wake the hell up.


That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

What wage has Sanders advocated be paid to interns?

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Bernie Sanders Demands $15 Minimum Wage But Pays Interns $12 PER HOUR

You mean THAT scandal? Jesus...wake the hell up.


That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

What wage has Sanders advocated be paid to interns?

Well, obviously if Sanders wants $15.00 per hour minimum - don't you think he is cheating his employees out of $3.00 per hour?

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Bernie Sanders Demands $15 Minimum Wage But Pays Interns $12 PER HOUR

You mean THAT scandal? Jesus...wake the hell up.


That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

What wage has Sanders advocated be paid to interns?

Well, obviously if Sanders wants $15.00 per hour minimum - don't you think he is cheating his employees out of $3.00 per hour?

No. They are interns and he's going way, way above what he has to pay them by 12 fucking dollars an hour.

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Bernie Sanders Demands $15 Minimum Wage But Pays Interns $12 PER HOUR

You mean THAT scandal? Jesus...wake the hell up.


That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.


Whatever you say, chief. We're all so impressed by how "valid" you are, after all.


That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

What wage has Sanders advocated be paid to interns?

Well, obviously if Sanders wants $15.00 per hour minimum - don't you think he is cheating his employees out of $3.00 per hour?

No. They are interns and he's going way, way above what he has to pay them by 12 fucking dollars an hour.

I we'll all keep that in mind when we find out that, say, Ted Cruz is paying his folks $10.00 per hour, right? You guys amaze's always "Do as I say - Not as I do".

That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

What wage has Sanders advocated be paid to interns?

Well, obviously if Sanders wants $15.00 per hour minimum - don't you think he is cheating his employees out of $3.00 per hour?

No. They are interns and he's going way, way above what he has to pay them by 12 fucking dollars an hour.

I we'll all keep that in mind when we find out that, say, Ted Cruz is paying his folks $10.00 per hour, right? You guys amaze's always "Do as I say - Not as I do".

Ted Cruz doesn't pay his interns anything at all, clown.

That's my point.

The fact that Bernie Sanders pays his interns more than any other Presidential candidate or Congressman is not a "scandal".

Your point is an invalid as you are. If you are a Presidential candidate that espouses a $15.00 minimum wage and yet you pay your staff $12.00 - you are, by definition, a hypocrite.

What wage has Sanders advocated be paid to interns?

Well, obviously if Sanders wants $15.00 per hour minimum - don't you think he is cheating his employees out of $3.00 per hour?

No. They are interns and he's going way, way above what he has to pay them by 12 fucking dollars an hour.

I we'll all keep that in mind when we find out that, say, Ted Cruz is paying his folks $10.00 per hour, right? You guys amaze's always "Do as I say - Not as I do".

Some wingnuts are attacking Sanders because he is paying his interns $12 an hour and now you are attacking liberals for preemptively complaining about a made up wage Cruz is paying his interns? That's unique.

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