Living Wage Bernie Pays His Employees $12/hr

We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

Why can't Liberals exercise their Left Brain? Why wouldn't Bernie pay a higer wage? It's other people's money.
So typical of every leftist who rants about wages and taxing the rich. They pay their employees low wages and take every tax cut they can get.

Five Feet of Fury – Kathy Shaidle – Bernie “living wage” Sanders pays his interns only $12 an hour

Compared to how much trump or Cruz or any of the trickle down 1% candidates pay their interns?

Please post a link.

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Don't remember anyone else running on the hilarious "fair wage" crap. Care to enlighten us and tell us which Republicans have that as a main theme, clown maggot?
We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

The idiot is going to complain about Bernie's interns getting paid $12 more an hour than Ted Cruz's. LOL!

. Ummmm was Ted Cruz the one going around complaining about the minimum wage being raised to 15.00 dollars an hour ? Uh I thought not... You want to try some other angle, because that one FAILED.
. Wow this post landed in the wrong place when posted..Scratching my head thinking. Huh?

Yes, apparently you're on the wrong thread.
What does hiring family members have to do with "wage equality"? why did he pay his wife more than his interns?

You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?

I have no idea what her job on his campaign was, let alone if she was "qualified" for it.

Fact is she was paid 90k over a two year period.
If she actually has a skill set that warrants that kind of pay I would be somewhat okay with it.
But an honest man would hire outside his own family to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
But then again I wouldnt expect a progressive to understand or concern themselves with ethical behavior...

Actually, the "fact" is that she was paid $30,000 over two years - the rest was "pass through" money that she paid out to a vendor, which you'd have known with a few seconds of internet research.
So what?

Why can't he hire whomever he wants for his campaign?

He didnt have a problem paying his wife 21 bucks an hour...why not his interns?

Where are you getting "$21 an hour" from?

Are you math impaired?

Are you?

As they used to say in Elementary school, show your work.

So let me get this straight....
You cant take 90k and break it down over a two year period and come to a dollar per hour number?
You appear to be a's your chance to prove me wrong.

Campaign jobs aren't 9-5, 40-hour week jobs. Your math is meaningless. why did he pay his wife more than his interns?

You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?

I have no idea what her job on his campaign was, let alone if she was "qualified" for it.

Fact is she was paid 90k over a two year period.
If she actually has a skill set that warrants that kind of pay I would be somewhat okay with it.
But an honest man would hire outside his own family to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
But then again I wouldnt expect a progressive to understand or concern themselves with ethical behavior...

Actually, the "fact" is that she was paid $30,000 over two years - the rest was "pass through" money that she paid out to a vendor, which you'd have known with a few seconds of internet research.

You sound confident ....lets see the links.
He didnt have a problem paying his wife 21 bucks an hour...why not his interns?

Where are you getting "$21 an hour" from?

Are you math impaired?

Are you?

As they used to say in Elementary school, show your work.

So let me get this straight....
You cant take 90k and break it down over a two year period and come to a dollar per hour number?
You appear to be a's your chance to prove me wrong.

Campaign jobs aren't 9-5, 40-hour week jobs. Your math is meaningless.

Yeah you're right.....she most likely didnt work more than ten.
You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?

I have no idea what her job on his campaign was, let alone if she was "qualified" for it.

Fact is she was paid 90k over a two year period.
If she actually has a skill set that warrants that kind of pay I would be somewhat okay with it.
But an honest man would hire outside his own family to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
But then again I wouldnt expect a progressive to understand or concern themselves with ethical behavior...

Actually, the "fact" is that she was paid $30,000 over two years - the rest was "pass through" money that she paid out to a vendor, which you'd have known with a few seconds of internet research.

You sound confident ....lets see the links.

It's in the damn FreeBeacon article that started all this bullshit. Why am I not surprised that you didn't bother reading any more than just the headline?

According to Jane O’Meara Sanders, the senator’s wife, Sanders’ House campaigns paid her more than $90,000 for consulting and ad placement services from 2002 to 2004. She pocketed about $30,000 of that money.

Sanders and Wife Steered Campaign, Nonprofit Money to Family and Friends
Where are you getting "$21 an hour" from?

Are you math impaired?

Are you?

As they used to say in Elementary school, show your work.

So let me get this straight....
You cant take 90k and break it down over a two year period and come to a dollar per hour number?
You appear to be a's your chance to prove me wrong.

Campaign jobs aren't 9-5, 40-hour week jobs. Your math is meaningless.

Yeah you're right.....she most likely didnt work more than ten.


Whatever you say, chief.
What's wrong with $12? That should be our Minimum Wage starting point. It's pretty reasonable. I don't think Sanders is being unreasonable on this.
Ummmm was Ted Cruz the one going around complaining about the minimum wage being raised to 15.00 dollars an hour ? Uh I thought not... You want to try some other angle, because that one FAILED.

As a matter of fact, Cruz was bitching about its being raised from $7.25 an hour:

Sen. Cruz: Minimum Wage Hike Would Cost Jobs for Young People, Hispanics, African Americans

“If you raise the minimum wage, the inevitable effect will be, number one, young people will lose their jobs or not be able to get their first jobs,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told

And he pays his interns -0-.

You were saying?
I was saying that he wasn't the one bringing up this wanting to raise the MINIMUM WAGE to become some kind of living wage, when it is supposed to be an entry level wage only....
He's paying interns more than Walmart and many others pay their workers. I think he's got it right. $12 would be a reasonable Minimum Wage starting point. Of course it would have to increase over time. I don't think paying interns $12 is unreasonable. That's my opinion anyway.
Considering Bernie won't be elected to any kind of office in the near future, he would be better off donating that 12 dollars/hr to my local McDonald's. At least that way I'll get a burger and fries out of it.
That's $12 more an hour than what Ted Cruz pays his interns, and your title is misleading. You need to change the word "employees" to "interns."
If they draw a salary they are employees.

Some interns get paid, doofus.

Here's the real title to the article in the idiots OP.

Bernie “living wage” Sanders pays his interns only $12 an hour
Which gives him a head start over some on the way to the $15 goal.
That's $12 more an hour than what Ted Cruz pays his interns, and your title is misleading. You need to change the word "employees" to "interns."
If they draw a salary they are employees.

Some interns get paid, doofus.

Here's the real title to the article in the idiots OP.

Bernie “living wage” Sanders pays his interns only $12 an hour
Which gives him a head start over some on the way to the $15 goal.

Yeah, $12 is a good Minimum Wage starting point. I'd like to see it higher, but it's a start. Incremental increases will get it to $15 over time.
No billionaires shoveling money into his campaign like any other republican or "democrat" out there,
but yet he pays 12$ an hour to "interns".

What is this, "Feel the Bern" propaganda topic?
So typical of every leftist who rants about wages and taxing the rich. They pay their employees low wages and take every tax cut they can get.

Five Feet of Fury – Kathy Shaidle – Bernie “living wage” Sanders pays his interns only $12 an hour

You mean to tell me he's not paying for their University tuition--LOL Yeah it's typical. I really can't believe that there are young people out there, that actually believe that they would get a free college education. I mean that's laughable, even the most liberal democrat on the hill would never vote for that. He's a socialist, and if Democrats are stupid enough to nominate this crazy old fart, Republican aren't going to have any problems at all running the table on election night.

No billionaires shoveling money into his campaign like any other republican or "democrat" out there,
but yet he pays 12$ an hour to "interns".

What is this, "Feel the Bern" propaganda topic?

Yeah, i'm not sure where greedy white Republican dudes are going with this one. I mean, you're talkin about people who would pay Americans $1 an hr if they felt they could get away with it. And the Corporations they worship like Walmart, pay their workers less than Sanders does. $12 an hr for a part time intern, isn't too bad. I'm sure they're not complaining.

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