Living Wage Bernie Pays His Employees $12/hr

No billionaires shoveling money into his campaign like any other republican or "democrat" out there,
but yet he pays 12$ an hour to "interns".

What is this, "Feel the Bern" propaganda topic?

Yeah, i'm not sure where greedy white Republican dudes are going with this one. I mean, you're talkin about people who would pay Americans $1 an hr if they felt they could get away with it. And the Corporations they worship like Walmart, pay their workers less than Sanders does. $12 an hr for a part time intern, isn't too bad. I'm sure they're not complaining.

"Yeah, i'm not sure where greedy white Republican dudes are going with this one. "

They are going to get him elected :lmao:
So typical of every leftist who rants about wages and taxing the rich. They pay their employees low wages and take every tax cut they can get.

Five Feet of Fury – Kathy Shaidle – Bernie “living wage” Sanders pays his interns only $12 an hour

You mean to tell me he's not paying for their University tuition--LOL Yeah it's typical. I really can't believe that there are young people out there, that actually believe that they would get a free college education. I mean that's laughable, even the most liberal democrat on the hill would never vote for that. He's a socialist, and if Democrats are stupid enough to nominate this crazy old fart, Republican aren't going to have any problems at all running the table on election night.


Actually, a Republican Governor of Tennessee has done it. There will now be free college education available to all Tennessee students. But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself.
No billionaires shoveling money into his campaign like any other republican or "democrat" out there,
but yet he pays 12$ an hour to "interns".

What is this, "Feel the Bern" propaganda topic?

Yeah, i'm not sure where greedy white Republican dudes are going with this one. I mean, you're talkin about people who would pay Americans $1 an hr if they felt they could get away with it. And the Corporations they worship like Walmart, pay their workers less than Sanders does. $12 an hr for a part time intern, isn't too bad. I'm sure they're not complaining.

"Yeah, i'm not sure where greedy white Republican dudes are going with this one. "

They are going to get him elected :lmao:

If they continue hating and abusing struggling American Workers, they just might.
So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
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So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.
So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.

Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.

Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders
So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.

Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.

Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.
So the Billionaire Waltons pay their workers $8/9, and they're good? But Bernie Sanders pays his workers $12, and he's bad? Uh yeah, i think greedy white Republican dudes are very confused. Sanders is taking care of his employees much better than most of the businesses greedy white Republican dudes worship.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.

Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.

It's in line with his views on Minimum Wage. $15 is a goal, but it's not set in stone. There will have to be compromise. Sanders understands that. But regardless, $12 for a part-time intern isn't bad. None of his interns are complaining.

The only ones complaining about this, are you greedy white Republican dudes. I'm sure his interns thank the lord they're not working for folks like you. Cheap greedy Republicans like you ain't payin em $12 an hr. That's for sure.
Walmart owners are running for President upon a platform of living wages for all Americans?

Leftists are so desperate to defend their own hypocrisy.

Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.

It's in line with his views on Minimum Wage. $15 is a goal, but it's not set in stone. There will have to be compromise. Sanders understands that. But regardless, $12 for a part-time intern isn't bad. None of his interns are complaining.

The only ones complaining about this, are you greedy white Republican dudes. I'm sure his interns thank the lord they're not working for folks like you. Cheap greedy Republicans like you ain't payin em $12 an hr. That's for sure.
So not even Bernie can obtain his own requirement of $15/hr.
Your spinning is getting more entertaining with each response. Do please continue.
Sanders has called for a $12-15 Minimum Wage. Starting part time interns at $12 is reasonable and is consistent with his stance. His interns are fine with it. They're not complaining
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.

It's in line with his views on Minimum Wage. $15 is a goal, but it's not set in stone. There will have to be compromise. Sanders understands that. But regardless, $12 for a part-time intern isn't bad. None of his interns are complaining.

The only ones complaining about this, are you greedy white Republican dudes. I'm sure his interns thank the lord they're not working for folks like you. Cheap greedy Republicans like you ain't payin em $12 an hr. That's for sure.
So not even Bernie can obtain his own requirement of $15/hr.
Your spinning is getting more entertaining with each response. Do please continue.

$15 is a worthy goal. But Sanders understands there's gonna be some compromise. And he's paying his interns more than greedy Republicans like you would. His interns are happy. Nuff said.
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.

It's in line with his views on Minimum Wage. $15 is a goal, but it's not set in stone. There will have to be compromise. Sanders understands that. But regardless, $12 for a part-time intern isn't bad. None of his interns are complaining.

The only ones complaining about this, are you greedy white Republican dudes. I'm sure his interns thank the lord they're not working for folks like you. Cheap greedy Republicans like you ain't payin em $12 an hr. That's for sure.
So not even Bernie can obtain his own requirement of $15/hr.
Your spinning is getting more entertaining with each response. Do please continue.

$15 is a worthy goal. But Sanders understands there's gonna be some compromise. And he's paying his interns more than greedy Republicans like you would. His interns are happy. Nuff said.
Hilarious. You need to learn the first rule of holes. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

So Bernie capitulated to himself with his $15 minimum wage requirement.
Please, keep going.
Hundreds of thousands of Wal Mart employees are not complaining either.

And stop with the lies for Bernie. He says $15, not $12.

A Living Wage - Bernie Sanders

$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.

It's in line with his views on Minimum Wage. $15 is a goal, but it's not set in stone. There will have to be compromise. Sanders understands that. But regardless, $12 for a part-time intern isn't bad. None of his interns are complaining.

The only ones complaining about this, are you greedy white Republican dudes. I'm sure his interns thank the lord they're not working for folks like you. Cheap greedy Republicans like you ain't payin em $12 an hr. That's for sure.
So not even Bernie can obtain his own requirement of $15/hr.
Your spinning is getting more entertaining with each response. Do please continue.

$15 is a worthy goal. But Sanders understands there's gonna be some compromise. And he's paying his interns more than greedy Republicans like you would. His interns are happy. Nuff said.

Nope....not enough said........12 is not 15,and if he bitched about a living wage he needs to pay a living wage to anyone who works for him.........
We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

No...that is for people who don't support the government mandating wages.....sanders is all in for making companies pay that wage and he is an actual employer....he can pay whatever he wants.......and when it is time for him to actually pay an employee......he pays him less than 15...what a f*****g hypocrite.............typical leftist....
$15 is a goal. But $12 will be a decent compromise. And what he's paying his part time interns, is reasonable and in line with his beliefs on Minimum Wage. He's still taking care of his employees better than most of the businesses you greedy Republicans worship.
You lied again. Bernie says $15. Period.

Watching you leftists lie for your hypocrisy is hysterical.

It's in line with his views on Minimum Wage. $15 is a goal, but it's not set in stone. There will have to be compromise. Sanders understands that. But regardless, $12 for a part-time intern isn't bad. None of his interns are complaining.

The only ones complaining about this, are you greedy white Republican dudes. I'm sure his interns thank the lord they're not working for folks like you. Cheap greedy Republicans like you ain't payin em $12 an hr. That's for sure.
So not even Bernie can obtain his own requirement of $15/hr.
Your spinning is getting more entertaining with each response. Do please continue.

$15 is a worthy goal. But Sanders understands there's gonna be some compromise. And he's paying his interns more than greedy Republicans like you would. His interns are happy. Nuff said.

Nope....not enough said........12 is not 15,and if he bitched about a living wage he needs to pay a living wage to anyone who works for him.........

His interns are fine with their pay. No complaints whatsover. And let's be real, he's paying them more than you greedy bastids ever would.

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

It's really amazing how desperate you are to avoid the subject matter.


What "subject matter" - that Bernie Sanders pays his interns? Good for him.

No...that sanders exploits his employees by paying them less than a living wage...does he pay for their healthcare? How about that??

They are not employees, idiot, they are interns. Jezus Khrist.

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