Living Wage Bernie Pays His Employees $12/hr

Hilarious watching them do gymnastics spinning for Bernie "do as I say not as I do" Sanders.

I must have missed when Bernie Sanders said "Don't hire your family to work on campaigns". Do you have a link?

But I thought he was all for wage equality? Guess not.....

What does hiring family members have to do with "wage equality"? why did he pay his wife more than his interns?

You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?
I must have missed when Bernie Sanders said "Don't hire your family to work on campaigns". Do you have a link?

But I thought he was all for wage equality? Guess not.....

What does hiring family members have to do with "wage equality"? why did he pay his wife more than his interns?

You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?

Prove she wasn't.
He obviously didnt mind paying his family members....he paid his wife 45k a year and his step daughter 32k a year.
All paid for out of his congressional campaign money of course.

So what?

Why can't he hire whomever he wants for his campaign?

He didnt have a problem paying his wife 21 bucks an hour...why not his interns?

Where are you getting "$21 an hour" from?

Are you math impaired?
I must have missed when Bernie Sanders said "Don't hire your family to work on campaigns". Do you have a link?

But I thought he was all for wage equality? Guess not.....

What does hiring family members have to do with "wage equality"? why did he pay his wife more than his interns?

You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?

I have no idea what her job on his campaign was, let alone if she was "qualified" for it.
He obviously didnt mind paying his family members....he paid his wife 45k a year and his step daughter 32k a year.
All paid for out of his congressional campaign money of course.

So what?

Why can't he hire whomever he wants for his campaign?

He didnt have a problem paying his wife 21 bucks an hour...why not his interns?

Where are you getting "$21 an hour" from?

Are you math impaired?

Are you?

As they used to say in Elementary school, show your work.

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Well it's self contradiction when he panders to the sheeple about his fake utopia.

Well no, it's not. The only people who think this is a "scandal" are people who were never going to vote for him in the first place.

Watching you guys desperately trying to gin up outrage over the fact that Bernie pays his interns better than any other candidate or sitting Congressman is fun, though.

It's really amazing how desperate you guys are to find a "scandal" to pin on Sanders.

Well it's self contradiction when he panders to the sheeple about his fake utopia.

Well no, it's not. The only people who think this is a "scandal" are people who were never going to vote for him in the first place.

Watching you guys desperately trying to gin up outrage over the fact that Bernie pays his interns better than any other candidate or sitting Congressman is fun, though.

Well he did lose to hillary monday. So we aren't the only ones who think he's senile.
We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

This is what really trips me out about liberal positions on wage politics. You want a "living" wage, but $15/hr is barely a "living" wage as it is. And yet, in advocating for it, you want to delay its implementation to the point where by the time it takes effect it's thoroughly obsolete to create the effect you claim you want. So why bother at all?
We've had this thread before. The $15-an-hour wage is to occur gradually over several years.

Why can't RWs pay attention?

This is what really trips me out about liberal positions on wage politics. You want a "living" wage, but $15/hr is barely a "living" wage as it is. And yet, in advocating for it, you want to delay its implementation to the point where by the time it takes effect it's thoroughly obsolete to create the effect you claim you want. So why bother at all?

I'm not stating my opinion one way or the other. I'm pointing out what the proposed legislation states, that's all.
$12 would be a good start to a reasonable Minimum Wage. And then it should be progressively increased over time. I think Bernie's being reasonable.
Some internships don't even pay. $12 is reasonable. Won't make anyone rich, but it's not too bad.
But I thought he was all for wage equality? Guess not.....

What does hiring family members have to do with "wage equality"? why did he pay his wife more than his interns?

You mean why did he pay a full-time high-ranking staff member on his campaign more than part-time college kids?

You guys are starting to lose touch with reality.

So you think she was qualified?

I have no idea what her job on his campaign was, let alone if she was "qualified" for it.

Fact is she was paid 90k over a two year period.
If she actually has a skill set that warrants that kind of pay I would be somewhat okay with it.
But an honest man would hire outside his own family to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
But then again I wouldnt expect a progressive to understand or concern themselves with ethical behavior...
He obviously didnt mind paying his family members....he paid his wife 45k a year and his step daughter 32k a year.
All paid for out of his congressional campaign money of course.

So what?

Why can't he hire whomever he wants for his campaign?

He didnt have a problem paying his wife 21 bucks an hour...why not his interns?

Where are you getting "$21 an hour" from?

Are you math impaired?

Are you?

As they used to say in Elementary school, show your work.

So let me get this straight....
You cant take 90k and break it down over a two year period and come to a dollar per hour number?
You appear to be a's your chance to prove me wrong.

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