Living with fleas vs suicide

Try sleeping in a hammock with a net over you. Maybe you aren't dealing with fleas.
I slept in the shop for a couple nights while I bombed the place, changed linen every night and bathed for a couple hours before I went to sleep. By night 3 I was flea free, so I plastic'd everything in the place, and I mean I completely covered everything including the rug, the furniture all of it. Then I used fresh linen again a fresh pillow and pillow case and sprayed vinigar on myself and everything else before I drank myself senseless and then went to bed. By midnight I was completely reinfested worse than ever, today I have bites all over my body
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

Bed Bugs only come out in the dark to feed, but their bites itch all day long. Bed Bugs also don't bite everyone or everything. They prefer human blood, and for some reason even prefer certain blood types.
Well these things are out 24/7, all I have to do is sit still for a few moments and they start biting
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find
Try sleeping in a hammock with a net over you. Maybe you aren't dealing with fleas.
I slept in the shop for a couple nights while I bombed the place, changed linen every night and bathed for a couple hours before I went to sleep. By night 3 I was flea free, so I plastic'd everything in the place, and I mean I completely covered everything including the rug, the furniture all of it. Then I used fresh linen again a fresh pillow and pillow case and sprayed vinigar on myself and everything else before I drank myself senseless and then went to bed. By midnight I was completely reinfested worse than ever, today I have bites all over my body
The only way to isolate yourself is get off the ground and use a mosquito net like they do in the Tropics. Then whether it's a crawler or a flier it can't reach you.
I don't have a hammock and I've spent the last of my savings on the NIX I used tonight in conjunction with the dawn blue. I have enough of the stuff for maybe 4 more applications but it says to only do it once every ten days.

After the burns I got last time I ignored a product warning I'm cured of over applying anything.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I could just sleep in the car but I'm afraid I'd freeze or throw my back out. I can't sleep in the shop anymore and I won't impose these little nightmares on anyone I'd call a friend.
I could try and wrap myself in plastic and they put a blanket over that but I'd be swimming in a pool of my own sweat by morning, and still probably have bugs..

It has been an hour or so bug free tho so that's a plus
There has to be a solution here. How about taking your mattress into your bathroom and blocking off the door cracks? I freaking hate bugs I would take a night sleeping in the bathtub over getting bit by critters.
Oddly enough my dog appears to be flea free.

I on the other hand am infested with the most gruesome pestilence I could never have imagined

I tried all the crap I use on my dog to get rid of them to no avail. I can feel them crawling all over me.

I have one in my left year, one in my left eye brow. There's one in my butt and the rest are eating my balls

I've never been so close to suicide in my entire life

I've treid every single thing imaginable and I've chemical burns over most of my body

feels like fire.

Arms legs thies particularly as swolen and bright red, on fire

I can feel them crawling all over me.

I've made arangements for the dog starting tomorrow, he appears to be flea free.

I'm going to the emergency room and if that doesn't work a cap to the head will end this nightmare.

I've tried it all, if they don't keep me I'm just going to jump and be done with this

Say what?

You try seeing a shrink?
I could try and wrap myself in plastic and they put a blanket over that but I'd be swimming in a pool of my own sweat by morning, and still probably have bugs..

It has been an hour or so bug free tho so that's a plus




Don't do that

I worked with a guy that didn't have A/C at his house took a huge (what we call in the plastic industry a Gaylord bag) he slept in it with a fan cooling him off..

He kicked over the fan in his sleep ..

Instead of pushing air in , it sucked it out.

He died..
There has to be a solution here. How about taking your mattress into your bathroom and blocking off the door cracks? I freaking hate bugs I would take a night sleeping in the bathtub over getting bit by critters.

I'd live in the tub if I had one. I'm pretty well resigned to sleeping or at least trying to in the car tonight.

Oh and 513, I'm head to toe in horrendous bites of some kind. This isn't some kinda figment of my imagination.
There has to be a solution here. How about taking your mattress into your bathroom and blocking off the door cracks? I freaking hate bugs I would take a night sleeping in the bathtub over getting bit by critters.

I'd live in the tub if I had one. I'm pretty well resigned to sleeping or at least trying to in the car tonight.

Oh and 513, I'm head to toe in horrendous bites of some kind. This isn't some kinda figment of my imagination.

You must have some messed up blood or genes sure their fleas?

Listen i am not picking on you just don't use plastic bags ok?

I don't want to see you die in your sleep.

Maybe the place you live in is so bad you have to move?
There has to be a solution here. How about taking your mattress into your bathroom and blocking off the door cracks? I freaking hate bugs I would take a night sleeping in the bathtub over getting bit by critters.

I'd live in the tub if I had one. I'm pretty well resigned to sleeping or at least trying to in the car tonight.

Oh and 513, I'm head to toe in horrendous bites of some kind. This isn't some kinda figment of my imagination.


Don't you have any friends or family?

To cold to sleep in your car
I don't think I have $20 left. I've spent a lot on products, every day I try two or three new ones.

I don't really know what it is but it's bad whatever it is.

I'm thinking I'd rather freeze in the car tonight than try and sleep another night in the place. I can't imagine how this got so out of hand in just a week. It went from three or four bites to thousands
There has to be a solution here. How about taking your mattress into your bathroom and blocking off the door cracks? I freaking hate bugs I would take a night sleeping in the bathtub over getting bit by critters.

I'd live in the tub if I had one. I'm pretty well resigned to sleeping or at least trying to in the car tonight.

Oh and 513, I'm head to toe in horrendous bites of some kind. This isn't some kinda figment of my imagination.


Don't you have any friends or family?

To cold to sleep in your car

I have friends but I wouldn't want to give this to anyone.

And yes it's going to be about 15° tonight. Going to be cold

Oh and no, no family. Just little ole me ;-)
There has to be a solution here. How about taking your mattress into your bathroom and blocking off the door cracks? I freaking hate bugs I would take a night sleeping in the bathtub over getting bit by critters.

I'd live in the tub if I had one. I'm pretty well resigned to sleeping or at least trying to in the car tonight.

Oh and 513, I'm head to toe in horrendous bites of some kind. This isn't some kinda figment of my imagination.


Don't you have any friends or family?

To cold to sleep in your car

I have friends but I wouldn't want to give this to anyone.

And yes it's going to be about 15° tonight. Going to be cold

Oh and no, no family. Just little ole me ;-)

But what about your dog?
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

That could well be shingles. Have you actually seen any bugs?
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

Yeah, this is out of hand, I'm in trouble. I can't figure out what it is, everything I try only stuns them for a few and then they come back with a vengence. I can feel them starting to crawl around on me again.

I've tried the diatomaceous earth but it didn't stop them. Then I got chemical burns from one of the other products I tried and the DE really agravated it so I held off for a few days. I think I"ll slather it on tonight so maybe I can get through the night.

I was going to see human services tomorrow and see if there was anything they could do for me. Otherwise I'm going to try and admit myself at this point and see if they take me down at the city hospital.

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