Living with fleas vs suicide

Oh I still have them. Tried all kinds of things. Doctor didn't care to call me back. I'm on to spraying Deep Woods Off on me every few hours. If you want a whole new experience in pain, spray that stuff on your junk and get ready to scream.

At this point my place is encased in plastic as is all my clothing and bedding.

They're crawling all over me, nothing so far has worked to do much other then stun them for an hour or so, then they all start running around on me. Bathing only seems to make it worse. Oh looked it up, takes ten days to drown them, and they tend to run to your head, anything that's up out of the water.

They also like to crawl into your butt. No joke, its the most heinous thing that's ever happened to me. Rumor has it Ivermectin for horses kills them. Might try it next if the doc doesn't hurry up and call me back

Maybe it's scabies. Don't seem like fleas.
Over-using deep woods or any other chemical may well be a death sentence. Same as mis-using them.
When I was eight or nine I tried to help my aunt clean her toilet. I poured a plethora of cleaners in there and ran off cuz it stank. The whole kit and kaboodle blew up pretty quick and that was effectively the end of my housekeeping favors.
Weren't any fleas though.
Time to call a professional exterminator and it would be a good idea to see a doctor in case you are allergic.
My own house has a cycle of super-fleas that refuse to die, no matter how many flea-killing potions I put on my cat, no matter how many flea potions I dump on my carpet and vacuum up after a little while - it solves the worst of the problem for a few days, but always comes back. My cat is such a flea-magnet, maybe she has some blood type or blood chemistry that attracts fleas. I just heavily treated my floors with more flea-powder and flea-spray and a bunch of Raid insecticide spray, so I shoudn't have real flea problems for a few days.

Fleas spend most of their life in carpets and mainly start jumping up and sucking blood when there's a warm-blooded mammal nearby and they're hungry. That's why fleas usually bite the lower third of a person's body.

Wrap the cat in plastic wrap! Anti flea force field
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

That could well be shingles. Have you actually seen any bugs?

No I've never seen them, but I can feel them crawling around and if I slather on enough petrolium jelly I can occationally catch one. They feel like a little grain of sand that's too small to see

If you catch one, have you actually eyeballed it, little legs and all? It does not sound like fleas or bugs at all. It sounds like formication. The sensation that bugs are crawling and biting. That is, assuming that you don't use meth. You should see a dermatologist. There are several skin conditions with symptoms you describe, including shingles, including Morgollon's disease.

How is your dog? It does not appear to be his fault at all.

Are you male or female? Your age? Formication sometimes appears in women as a consequence of menopause.

Well, I sure read that wrong. That is a M not N. I was like..''huh''???
bed bugs.and they come out at night usually, if I am correct


They look like lady bugs when they are full of blood.

:ack-1: I have never seen one. Sheesh I have the creeps now. :lol:

Well I had to stay somewhere for awhile back when I was having a hard time, and they were infested with them. They LOVED me and it was absolutely horrible.
Oh I still have them. Tried all kinds of things. Doctor didn't care to call me back. I'm on to spraying Deep Woods Off on me every few hours. If you want a whole new experience in pain, spray that stuff on your junk and get ready to scream.

At this point my place is encased in plastic as is all my clothing and bedding.

They're crawling all over me, nothing so far has worked to do much other then stun them for an hour or so, then they all start running around on me. Bathing only seems to make it worse. Oh looked it up, takes ten days to drown them, and they tend to run to your head, anything that's up out of the water.

They also like to crawl into your butt. No joke, its the most heinous thing that's ever happened to me. Rumor has it Ivermectin for horses kills them. Might try it next if the doc doesn't hurry up and call me back

You said you had someone to watch your dog and you were going to get help Monday. You could have gone to er.

This reminds me of that movie "Bug" with Ashley Judd in it.
Just looking at this is making me sick. I hope he went to the ER.
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find
Sounds like you've got scabies.
Have you tried Diatomaceous Earth?

Kill Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat!

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat!

I've been head to toe in DE for over a week to no avail

I've boraxed my cloths, I've flea bombed the house, I've soaked in Dawn Blue for hours at a time multiple times a day, I've sprayed powdered and poisoned myself with every chemical known to man for over a week till I've chemical burns all over me and NOTHING will get rid of these fucking fleas
I think you have a mental problem, that you are hallucinating. Try going drug and alcohol free, or better yet, go to a rehab center. I'm serious. If drugs are not the problem see a psychiatrist. There is no possible way for a human to be infested with fleas as you describe.
I don't have a hammock and I've spent the last of my savings on the NIX I used tonight in conjunction with the dawn blue. I have enough of the stuff for maybe 4 more applications but it says to only do it once every ten days.

After the burns I got last time I ignored a product warning I'm cured of over applying anything.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I could just sleep in the car but I'm afraid I'd freeze or throw my back out. I can't sleep in the shop anymore and I won't impose these little nightmares on anyone I'd call a friend.

Make a hammock easy peasy. Use an old flat sheet. Gather the top and bottom and wrap both with rope. Tie it up and snooze.
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find
Sounds like you've got scabies.
This is possible. He needs to go to a doctor, pronto.
It's too cold for chiggers anyhow. He would see blisters if he had shingles, and they itch really bad. So do chiggers. *shudder*

I don't know what Scabies are. That image does not show flacaltenn

When I was a kidlin, I dealt with chiggers for the first time on my grannies property. The treatment was worse than the chiggers. Gads! Granny rubbed kerosene all over them and after my PTSD faded some, I figured she was gonna light me up next, so I screeched off into the wilderness.
It's too cold for chiggers anyhow. He would see blisters if he had shingles, and they itch really bad. So do chiggers. *shudder*

I don't know what Scabies are. That image does not show flacaltenn

When I was a kidlin, I dealt with chiggers for the first time on my grannies property. The treatment was worse than the chiggers. Gads! Granny rubbed kerosene all over them and after my PTSD faded some, I figured she was gonna light me up next, so I screeched off into the wilderness.

Funny some of these home remedies huh?

I had a blood blister under a callous (played a lot of basketball) on my foot that broke, but the blood couldn't come out because of the callous so it got infected. It was so bad I couldn't walk and the doctor lanced it. When I got home my grandmother oddly had a pouch of chewing tobacco in the freezer and she put it on the infection. The tobacco sucked out all the infection into the wrapping.

I also used to have really bad cracked skin on my knees and elbows... she used to put horse hoof salve on it, and it would clear up. She was like a damn bush doctor.
It's too cold for chiggers anyhow. He would see blisters if he had shingles, and they itch really bad. So do chiggers. *shudder*

I don't know what Scabies are. That image does not show flacaltenn

When I was a kidlin, I dealt with chiggers for the first time on my grannies property. The treatment was worse than the chiggers. Gads! Granny rubbed kerosene all over them and after my PTSD faded some, I figured she was gonna light me up next, so I screeched off into the wilderness.

Funny some of these home remedies huh?

I had a blood blister under a callous (played a lot of basketball) on my foot that broke, but the blood couldn't come out because of the callous so it got infected. It was so bad I couldn't walk and the doctor lanced it. When I got home my grandmother oddly had a pouch of chewing tobacco in the freezer and she put it on the infection. The tobacco sucked out all the infection into the wrapping.

I also used to have really bad cracked skin on my knees and elbows... she used to put horse hoof salve on it, and it would clear up. She was like a damn bush doctor.

LOL! My granny lived in really really rural Arkansas. She was a bush doctor too. I know for a fact people were less likely to get sick around her. No one wanted to have to swallow some of her evil conncoctions
I absolutely cannot see these things

Then it is likely not bugs or any living thing at all.

I have some friends with restless legs who take Nyquil at night it helps them. They have complained of itching and it helps with that too.
I was going to tell Boston1 that to make sure he is seen at the ER, he should tell them that he is having trouble breathing, and that he might be allergic to the bites... then they HAVE to see him.

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