Living with fleas vs suicide

I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

That could well be shingles. Have you actually seen any bugs?

No I've never seen them, but I can feel them crawling around and if I slather on enough petrolium jelly I can occationally catch one. They feel like a little grain of sand that's too small to see

Today was the worst. The only relief was being in a tub of water and that was only temporary as there's only just enough heat in the shop to keep things from freezing so its excruciatingly cold to take a bath in a sink. I use a plastic tub that I don't really fit in to try and soak.

I live in my RV and have for several years till I moved out to my buddies farm, which is apparently infested with something straight out of hell
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

my doctor has ignored my calls and the ER I went to refused to see me. If I can make the night I'll try the ER in Denver tomorrow. I can already feel a dozen or so waking up and crawling around
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

That could well be shingles. Have you actually seen any bugs?

Shingles, SCABIES, and depending on where he lives -- Chiggers. NONE of those involve the dog. Here's the rash everyone gets from Scabies.

Tell you what. I'm going to the ER in Denver right now. I can't take this anymore

I'm going to try and contact my budy to take the dog.

This is just torture
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

That could well be shingles. Have you actually seen any bugs?

No I've never seen them, but I can feel them crawling around and if I slather on enough petrolium jelly I can occationally catch one. They feel like a little grain of sand that's too small to see

If you catch one, have you actually eyeballed it, little legs and all? It does not sound like fleas or bugs at all. It sounds like formication. The sensation that bugs are crawling and biting. That is, assuming that you don't use meth. You should see a dermatologist. There are several skin conditions with symptoms you describe, including shingles, including Morgollon's disease.

How is your dog? It does not appear to be his fault at all.

Are you male or female? Your age? Formication sometimes appears in women as a consequence of menopause.
It's too cold for chiggers anyhow. He would see blisters if he had shingles, and they itch really bad. So do chiggers. *shudder*

I don't know what Scabies are. That image does not show flacaltenn
Tell you what. I'm going to the ER in Denver right now. I can't take this anymore

I'm going to try and contact my budy to take the dog.

This is just torture

GO!!! Keep us posted as you can. You're making ME itch!
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

You're gonna spend more time and money guessing than getting a med exam. At this point -- you could be flirting with going into shock with that many bites. IF they are bites.

Could be shingles. Could be a lot of things. Find out. Never SEEN an allergic reaction to a flea bite. It's kinda rare.

That could well be shingles. Have you actually seen any bugs?

No I've never seen them, but I can feel them crawling around and if I slather on enough petrolium jelly I can occationally catch one. They feel like a little grain of sand that's too small to see

If you catch one, have you actually eyeballed it, little legs and all? It does not sound like fleas or bugs at all. It sounds like formication. The sensation that bugs are crawling and biting. That is, assuming that you don't use meth. You should see a dermatologist. There are several skin conditions with symptoms you describe, including shingles, including Morgollon's disease.

How is your dog? It does not appear to be his fault at all.

Are you male or female? Your age? Formication sometimes appears in women as a consequence of menopause.

Formication does not leave red welts all over you nor cause an alergic reaction
It's too cold for chiggers anyhow. He would see blisters if he had shingles, and they itch really bad. So do chiggers. *shudder*

I don't know what Scabies are. That image does not show flacaltenn

Scabies is a mite -- just like chiggers. And actually the dog can be a carrier for them. Not so much chiggers.
Chiggers have to go SOMEWHERE when it's cold. I assume you can still contact them or have them invade a living space.
Yuck they are all gross. Seems if he had fleas, he would see them. Just like you can see them on a dog.

I just feel sorry for him.

I don't want ANY of that stuff!
Do you have breakouts with blisters??
bed bugs.and they come out at night usually, if I am correct


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