Living with fleas vs suicide

Bed bugs?
Oh I still have them. Tried all kinds of things. Doctor didn't care to call me back. I'm on to spraying Deep Woods Off on me every few hours. If you want a whole new experience in pain, spray that stuff on your junk and get ready to scream.

At this point my place is encased in plastic as is all my clothing and bedding.

They're crawling all over me, nothing so far has worked to do much other then stun them for an hour or so, then they all start running around on me. Bathing only seems to make it worse. Oh looked it up, takes ten days to drown them, and they tend to run to your head, anything that's up out of the water.

They also like to crawl into your butt. No joke, its the most heinous thing that's ever happened to me. Rumor has it Ivermectin for horses kills them. Might try it next if the doc doesn't hurry up and call me back
My own house has a cycle of super-fleas that refuse to die, no matter how many flea-killing potions I put on my cat, no matter how many flea potions I dump on my carpet and vacuum up after a little while - it solves the worst of the problem for a few days, but always comes back. My cat is such a flea-magnet, maybe she has some blood type or blood chemistry that attracts fleas. I just heavily treated my floors with more flea-powder and flea-spray and a bunch of Raid insecticide spray, so I shoudn't have real flea problems for a few days.

Fleas spend most of their life in carpets and mainly start jumping up and sucking blood when there's a warm-blooded mammal nearby and they're hungry. That's why fleas usually bite the lower third of a person's body.
Oh I still have them. Tried all kinds of things. Doctor didn't care to call me back. I'm on to spraying Deep Woods Off on me every few hours. If you want a whole new experience in pain, spray that stuff on your junk and get ready to scream.

At this point my place is encased in plastic as is all my clothing and bedding.

They're crawling all over me, nothing so far has worked to do much other then stun them for an hour or so, then they all start running around on me. Bathing only seems to make it worse. Oh looked it up, takes ten days to drown them, and they tend to run to your head, anything that's up out of the water.

They also like to crawl into your butt. No joke, its the most heinous thing that's ever happened to me. Rumor has it Ivermectin for horses kills them. Might try it next if the doc doesn't hurry up and call me back

You said you had someone to watch your dog and you were going to get help Monday. You could have gone to er.
You have to keep the cat treated and you have to treat the house at least weekly for at the least 3 weeks to get the new ones that hatch, then you can get rid of them. Try cap star first on the cat, it’s a pill, then frontline plus monthly on it.
My own house has a cycle of super-fleas that refuse to die, no matter how many flea-killing potions I put on my cat, no matter how many flea potions I dump on my carpet and vacuum up after a little while - it solves the worst of the problem for a few days, but always comes back. My cat is such a flea-magnet, maybe she has some blood type or blood chemistry that attracts fleas. I just heavily treated my floors with more flea-powder and flea-spray and a bunch of Raid insecticide spray, so I shoudn't have real flea problems for a few days.

Fleas spend most of their life in carpets and mainly start jumping up and sucking blood when there's a warm-blooded mammal nearby and they're hungry. That's why fleas usually bite the lower third of a person's body.
You have to keep the cat treated and you have to treat the house at least weekly for at the least 3 weeks to get the new ones that hatch, then you can get rid of them. Try cap star first on the cat, it’s a pill, then frontline plus monthly on it.
My own house has a cycle of super-fleas that refuse to die, no matter how many flea-killing potions I put on my cat, no matter how many flea potions I dump on my carpet and vacuum up after a little while - it solves the worst of the problem for a few days, but always comes back. My cat is such a flea-magnet, maybe she has some blood type or blood chemistry that attracts fleas. I just heavily treated my floors with more flea-powder and flea-spray and a bunch of Raid insecticide spray, so I shoudn't have real flea problems for a few days.

Fleas spend most of their life in carpets and mainly start jumping up and sucking blood when there's a warm-blooded mammal nearby and they're hungry. That's why fleas usually bite the lower third of a person's body.

Thanks, I'm somewhat familiar with the Frontline brand in flea treatment, I'll give it a shot. I'm considering a bug bomb (whenever "Space Warp" and I can feasibly be out of my cabin for a number of hours), or maybe coating my carpets with incesticides and then following it with a good carpet shampoo.
Make sure it’s the plus for cats. The cap star kills all hatched fleas on the cat within 24 hours. You can sometimes buy a single pill at the vet. Or you can buy a pack at It is cheapest there. Or used to be. You can also get the frontline from them.
You have to keep the cat treated and you have to treat the house at least weekly for at the least 3 weeks to get the new ones that hatch, then you can get rid of them. Try cap star first on the cat, it’s a pill, then frontline plus monthly on it.
My own house has a cycle of super-fleas that refuse to die, no matter how many flea-killing potions I put on my cat, no matter how many flea potions I dump on my carpet and vacuum up after a little while - it solves the worst of the problem for a few days, but always comes back. My cat is such a flea-magnet, maybe she has some blood type or blood chemistry that attracts fleas. I just heavily treated my floors with more flea-powder and flea-spray and a bunch of Raid insecticide spray, so I shoudn't have real flea problems for a few days.

Fleas spend most of their life in carpets and mainly start jumping up and sucking blood when there's a warm-blooded mammal nearby and they're hungry. That's why fleas usually bite the lower third of a person's body.

Thanks, I'm somewhat familiar with the Frontline brand in flea treatment, I'll give it a shot.
I was going to move into a house once, and the place was full of fleas. A week before I moved in I put two flea bombs in each room, then two days later brought a carpet shampoo machine and after a couple days of it drying all the fleas were gone.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
That's why you were told to call 911. Then, by law, they have to check you out !
Just 911, go lay in the driveway and tell them you think its a stroke.Numb on one side. They'll have you straight in and checked out asshole to appetite in hours.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
That's why you were told to call 911. Then, by law, they have to check you out !
Just 911, go lay in the driveway and tell them you think its a stroke.Numb on one side. They'll have you straight in and checked out asshole to appetite in hours.

The burns are subsiding but the bites are not. Hell I'm head to toe at this point.

I tried some new stuff but I think that maybe the Borax isn't killing whatever kinda bug this is.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive

I don't know where you live, but most areas have clinics that work on a sliding scale pay, where the amount you have to pay to be seen depends on your income. Most clinics would be A LOT cheaper than the ER anyway.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
That's why you were told to call 911. Then, by law, they have to check you out !
Just 911, go lay in the driveway and tell them you think its a stroke.Numb on one side. They'll have you straight in and checked out asshole to appetite in hours.

The burns are subsiding but the bites are not. Hell I'm head to toe at this point.

I tried some new stuff but I think that maybe the Borax isn't killing whatever kinda bug this is.

Are they leaving raised spots that look like welts?

I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
That's why you were told to call 911. Then, by law, they have to check you out !
Just 911, go lay in the driveway and tell them you think its a stroke.Numb on one side. They'll have you straight in and checked out asshole to appetite in hours.

The burns are subsiding but the bites are not. Hell I'm head to toe at this point.

I tried some new stuff but I think that maybe the Borax isn't killing whatever kinda bug this is.

Are they leaving raised spots that look like welts?


That does look like it. Except mine are so bad in some places they're just one big mass of welted angry red sores
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
That's why you were told to call 911. Then, by law, they have to check you out !
Just 911, go lay in the driveway and tell them you think its a stroke.Numb on one side. They'll have you straight in and checked out asshole to appetite in hours.

The burns are subsiding but the bites are not. Hell I'm head to toe at this point.

I tried some new stuff but I think that maybe the Borax isn't killing whatever kinda bug this is.

Are they leaving raised spots that look like welts?


That does look like it. Except mine are so bad in some places they're just one big mass of welted angry red sores

That's bed bugs not fleas.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive

I don't know where you live, but most areas have clinics that work on a sliding scale pay, where the amount you have to pay to be seen depends on your income. Most clinics would be A LOT cheaper than the ER anyway.

I avoid doctors whenever I can, so I don't know the system at all. I went to an emergency care center and they turned me away. No option of sliding scale.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive

I don't know where you live, but most areas have clinics that work on a sliding scale pay, where the amount you have to pay to be seen depends on your income. Most clinics would be A LOT cheaper than the ER anyway.

I avoid doctors whenever I can, so I don't know the system at all. I went to an emergency care center and they turned me away. No option of sliding scale.

If it is bed bugs the doctor can't do anything for you. You are going to need a professional exterminator.
I just got back from an ER and they turned me away. No insurance. I tried to sign up but it was way too expensive
That's why you were told to call 911. Then, by law, they have to check you out !
Just 911, go lay in the driveway and tell them you think its a stroke.Numb on one side. They'll have you straight in and checked out asshole to appetite in hours.

The burns are subsiding but the bites are not. Hell I'm head to toe at this point.

I tried some new stuff but I think that maybe the Borax isn't killing whatever kinda bug this is.

Are they leaving raised spots that look like welts?


That does look like it. Except mine are so bad in some places they're just one big mass of welted angry red sores

That's bed bugs not fleas.

bed Bugs are visible to the naked eye and whatever these things are they're super small. I've never actually seen whatever it is.

But just for fun I'll start treating for bed bugs as well.

My two cents is it's flees but who knows, All I know is they're on me, they crawl around so you can feel them. They climb into your butt. Eat your balls, and occasionally bite with a ferocity I'd have never imagined
I just looked up bed bugs and I'm pretty sure that's not it. Beg bugs don't run on the host when you apply insecticide. And they can be seen with the naked eye. They also don't live on the host, these things, whatever they are, seem to prefer me to the dog. The dog doesn't have so much as ONE bite that I can find

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