Living with fleas vs suicide

Oddly enough my dog appears to be flea free.

I on the other hand am infested with the most gruesome pestilence I could never have imagined

I tried all the crap I use on my dog to get rid of them to no avail. I can feel them crawling all over me.

I have one in my left year, one in my left eye brow. There's one in my butt and the rest are eating my balls

I've never been so close to suicide in my entire life

I've treid every single thing imaginable and I've chemical burns over most of my body

feels like fire.

Arms legs thies particularly as swolen and bright red, on fire

I can feel them crawling all over me.

I've made arangements for the dog starting tomorrow, he appears to be flea free.

I'm going to the emergency room and if that doesn't work a cap to the head will end this nightmare.

I've tried it all, if they don't keep me I'm just going to jump and be done with this
Sounds like the creepy-crawlies.

I think this is all in your head.

This is most likely a prelude to total insanity.
I'm just at the end of my rope

I've had a lot of friends off themselves and I'm never really considered it a bad thing other than they leave some disapointed people behind.

I guess its an accumulation of things that leads people to believe it's better on the other side.

l feel our pain, I lost my folks when I was vry young
Well you'll either go to Heaven or to Hell.

And if you go to Heaven you have nothing to worry about.

And if you go to Hell you will be so busy shaking hands with all your friends that you won't have time to worry.
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could just wait till you die, and make yourself his last meal.

There's an asshole in every pile just waiting to yell jump at the guy on the ledge

Actually, people have been giving you good advice.

I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could just wait till you die, and make yourself his last meal.

There's an asshole in every pile just waiting to yell jump at the guy on the ledge

Actually, people have been giving you good advice.

Obviously you don't own a dog.
I was going to get a Chihuahua and I even bought a book and read up on them.

But a kitten adopted me, grew up, and had 30 kittens of her own.

I found them all homes, and kept the most beautiful all white one for myself.

Got the momma cat fixed finally too so no more kittens !!
BUT ...

To continue the story that I was going to tell, all these little kittens and the momma cat had fleas all over them.

So I gave the kittens bubble baths in warm water with hypoallergic dish detergent and then combed the rest of the fleas off them.

For momma I got this stuff and it works:
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could leave your dog at home with plenty of food & water, you go to the ER and will probably be home before noon tomorrow.
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could leave your dog at home with plenty of food & water, you go to the ER and will probably be home before noon tomorrow.

Better 911 NOW.

With the redness, swelling, itches (rash) you could be having anaphylactic shock.......possibly fatal allergic reaction, especially if your throat and tongue are swollen and difficulty breathing.
Have you tried Diatomaceous Earth?

Kill Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat!

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat!

I've been head to toe in DE for over a week to no avail

I've boraxed my cloths, I've flea bombed the house, I've soaked in Dawn Blue for hours at a time multiple times a day, I've sprayed powdered and poisoned myself with every chemical known to man for over a week till I've chemical burns all over me and NOTHING will get rid of these fucking fleas

Go to ER then. Seems strange.

I made arangements for the dog for tomorrow and I'll try the ER then.

I honesty never thought the end would be by pestilence

everything is on fire, I can't move without being in pain,

That's not right. Flea infestations don't have a LOT of histamine or inflammation. Just itchy. Unless you're allergic. If there's ANY swelling around these spots -- you need a walk-in clinic at least on NYears Eve.

Tried Benadryl?

Benedryl isn't touching this. I've a pocket full right now and it's hopeless.

I put baby oil on some of the burn areas and it seems to help a little.

Nauseous today, pretty sure I'm allergic to these things either that or its chemical poisoning from all the products I've tried so far.

I picked up a couple bug bombs, I'll light one off in the car and one in the house. Each are supposed to be good up to 3000 sq/ft so I'm thinking it's bound to work.

doing all the laundry in Borax again. then stuffing it all in individual plastic bags so the clothing doesn't get recontaminated

Trying to hold out till monday when I can see my own doctor about how to get these things off me. I've pretty much tried every product out there and nothing seems to actually kill them in all stages.

Pyrethrum TR is what I got for the car and the place. I guess I'll have to abandon both for 48 hrs
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could leave your dog at home with plenty of food & water, you go to the ER and will probably be home before noon tomorrow.

Better 911 NOW.

With the redness, swelling, itches (rash) you could be having anaphylactic shock.......possibly fatal allergic reaction, especially if your throat and tongue are swollen and difficulty breathing.

I have a horrendous rash that dose not respond to antihistamines. I feel sick and shaky, and have red welts with broken skin on top. It's gotta be some kinda chemical poisoning
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could leave your dog at home with plenty of food & water, you go to the ER and will probably be home before noon tomorrow.

Better 911 NOW.

With the redness, swelling, itches (rash) you could be having anaphylactic shock.......possibly fatal allergic reaction, especially if your throat and tongue are swollen and difficulty breathing.

I have a horrendous rash that dose not respond to antihistamines. I feel sick and shaky, and have red welts with broken skin on top. It's gotta be some kinda chemical poisoning

I still think you should just go straight to the ER or an urgent care clinic. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to treat it and the more damage it causes.
And Monday is New Years Day. I doubt his Dr. will be open.
I am also wondering how real this is, or if it’s as bad a he depicts, as he stated he had someone to care for the dog today so he could go. He wouldn’t even call the er to find out if they follow the law for service animals.
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could leave your dog at home with plenty of food & water, you go to the ER and will probably be home before noon tomorrow.

Better 911 NOW.

With the redness, swelling, itches (rash) you could be having anaphylactic shock.......possibly fatal allergic reaction, especially if your throat and tongue are swollen and difficulty breathing.

I have a horrendous rash that dose not respond to antihistamines. I feel sick and shaky, and have red welts with broken skin on top. It's gotta be some kinda chemical poisoning

I still think you should just go straight to the ER or an urgent care clinic. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to treat it and the more damage it causes.
And Monday is New Years Day. I doubt his Dr. will be open.
I am also wondering how real this is, or if it’s as bad a he depicts, as he stated he had someone to care for the dog today so he could go. He wouldn’t even call the er to find out if they follow the law for service animals.
I won't leave him on a wing or a prayer

I have to find him a place where he's safe before I can go admit myself

You could leave your dog at home with plenty of food & water, you go to the ER and will probably be home before noon tomorrow.

Better 911 NOW.

With the redness, swelling, itches (rash) you could be having anaphylactic shock.......possibly fatal allergic reaction, especially if your throat and tongue are swollen and difficulty breathing.

I have a horrendous rash that dose not respond to antihistamines. I feel sick and shaky, and have red welts with broken skin on top. It's gotta be some kinda chemical poisoning

I still think you should just go straight to the ER or an urgent care clinic. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to treat it and the more damage it causes.

true enough and he could also have called to talk with a nurse about the problems and I have NO doubt they too would have told him to go to the ER as well.

Problem is........I don't think it's fleas at all and the OP has said as there is NO need to bomb for what isn't there. There are enough products and home treatments the OP has mentioned using, that will kill live fleas.......but nothing will kill the fleas in the larvae stage because of the hard cocoon shell that protects it........only as soft eggs or after hatch. So it ends up being a continual daily battle until you can get them all.

BUT I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, just on the off chance it is real
Have you tried Diatomaceous Earth?

Kill Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat!

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat!

I've been head to toe in DE for over a week to no avail

I've boraxed my cloths, I've flea bombed the house, I've soaked in Dawn Blue for hours at a time multiple times a day, I've sprayed powdered and poisoned myself with every chemical known to man for over a week till I've chemical burns all over me and NOTHING will get rid of these fucking fleas

Go to ER then. Seems strange.

I made arangements for the dog for tomorrow and I'll try the ER then.

I honesty never thought the end would be by pestilence

everything is on fire, I can't move without being in pain,

That's not right. Flea infestations don't have a LOT of histamine or inflammation. Just itchy. Unless you're allergic. If there's ANY swelling around these spots -- you need a walk-in clinic at least on NYears Eve.

Tried Benadryl?

Benedryl isn't touching this. I've a pocket full right now and it's hopeless.

I put baby oil on some of the burn areas and it seems to help a little.

Nauseous today, pretty sure I'm allergic to these things either that or its chemical poisoning from all the products I've tried so far.

I picked up a couple bug bombs, I'll light one off in the car and one in the house. Each are supposed to be good up to 3000 sq/ft so I'm thinking it's bound to work.

doing all the laundry in Borax again. then stuffing it all in individual plastic bags so the clothing doesn't get recontaminated

Trying to hold out till monday when I can see my own doctor about how to get these things off me. I've pretty much tried every product out there and nothing seems to actually kill them in all stages.

Pyrethrum TR is what I got for the car and the place. I guess I'll have to abandon both for 48 hrs

This is serious. No that you've poisoned everything in your enviroment, there are many things that could be happening. Flea bites NORMALLY don't cause allergic reactions in humans. Don't even produce a noticeable reaction at the bite. BUT some folks can go in anaphylaxis and get systemic infections.

Stop fumigating yourself and go to a 24/7 clinic NOW. It will cost less than what you've spent on insecticides. The instant relief comes from topical steroid creams.

READ THIS.. Relief is just a clinic visit away.

Flea Bites on Humans - Flea Bite Symptoms
Is it possible the dog got into poison ivy/oak? Stuff stays on their coat for a long time. There are MANY other possibilities from other skin irritants and critters.

Is it possible the dog got into poison ivy/oak? Stuff stays on their coat for a long time. There are MANY other possibilities from other skin irritants and critters.


Actually it could be anything. It may have been something the OP touched or eaten or whatever else that he came in contact with that has been giving him the allergic reaction and is only blaming it on fleas because of the initial itching.

Even the OP said it was probably chemical burns from the different treatments used. Although that could be in addition to whatever started the problem.
Well. We said a prayer for the dork the other day. He's either at the clinic, dead,waiting on the Guiness book, or watching dancing with the stars eating a bean burrito( cuz he spent enough on pesticides to go to Hawaii).
Either that or he don't love us any more.
Well. We said a prayer for the dork the other day. He's either at the clinic, dead,waiting on the Guiness book, or watching dancing with the stars eating a bean burrito( cuz he spent enough on pesticides to go to Hawaii).
Either that or he don't love us any more.
He was on the forum yesterday at 3:39.
Oh I still have them. Tried all kinds of things. Doctor didn't care to call me back. I'm on to spraying Deep Woods Off on me every few hours. If you want a whole new experience in pain, spray that stuff on your junk and get ready to scream.

At this point my place is encased in plastic as is all my clothing and bedding.

They're crawling all over me, nothing so far has worked to do much other then stun them for an hour or so, then they all start running around on me. Bathing only seems to make it worse. Oh looked it up, takes ten days to drown them, and they tend to run to your head, anything that's up out of the water.

They also like to crawl into your butt. No joke, its the most heinous thing that's ever happened to me. Rumor has it Ivermectin for horses kills them. Might try it next if the doc doesn't hurry up and call me back

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