Living with fleas vs suicide

Are you sure it’s fleas? And if so, take a Benadryl. You must be allergic to them. That will calm the reaction down.
I've been head to toe in DE for over a week to no avail

I've boraxed my cloths, I've flea bombed the house, I've soaked in Dawn Blue for hours at a time multiple times a day, I've sprayed powdered and poisoned myself with every chemical known to man for over a week till I've chemical burns all over me and NOTHING will get rid of these fucking fleas

Go to ER then. Seems strange.

I made arangements for the dog for tomorrow and I'll try the ER then.

I honesty never thought the end would be by pestilence

everything is on fire, I can't move without being in pain,

LOL I'm on benadryl and it's not even remotely putting a dent into these chemical burns

My skin is on fire. swollen bright red, I walk like a man with twenty pound balls

My hands look like balloons

I need to get the dog to shelter and then I can go turn myself into the CDC or whatever. No kidding.

I've made arangements for the dog and I'm going to the ER tomorrow, this is outragious

On the bright side I've lived a long and healthy life. If this is the end, so be it. But I just can't handle this level of pain much longer

Can you upload a pic of arms so we can see how bad it is?

It's worse on my legs, looks like a sun burn. My arms are pock marked with redish scabbed over leasions and my legs are just glowing red
Have you tried Diatomaceous Earth?

Kill Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat!

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat!

I've been head to toe in DE for over a week to no avail

I've boraxed my cloths, I've flea bombed the house, I've soaked in Dawn Blue for hours at a time multiple times a day, I've sprayed powdered and poisoned myself with every chemical known to man for over a week till I've chemical burns all over me and NOTHING will get rid of these fucking fleas
Okay, if this is real, then you drop the dog off with someone you can trust and head to the ER right now.
You should just go scuba diving for about an hour.
The fleas can't hold their breath that long.
BTW you should also de-flea your house.
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet. But I think I'm out of time. I'm going to drink it down tonight and then b
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet, but the adverse histamine reactions are so bad I'm afraid to try anything new. I tried the raid stuff and I literally wrapped a flea collar around my junk as well as all the usual apple cider vinager solutions, DE and whatever. It just gets worse and worse till finally I'm at the bar doped up on benedril and shots till I can drop the dog off somewhere and go the the ER
The dog is at the bar with you? Lol
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet. But I think I'm out of time. I'm going to drink it down tonight and then b
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet, but the adverse histamine reactions are so bad I'm afraid to try anything new. I tried the raid stuff and I literally wrapped a flea collar around my junk as well as all the usual apple cider vinager solutions, DE and whatever. It just gets worse and worse till finally I'm at the bar doped up on benedril and shots till I can drop the dog off somewhere and go the the ER
The dog is at the bar with you? Lol
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet. But I think I'm out of time. I'm going to drink it down tonight and then b
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet, but the adverse histamine reactions are so bad I'm afraid to try anything new. I tried the raid stuff and I literally wrapped a flea collar around my junk as well as all the usual apple cider vinager solutions, DE and whatever. It just gets worse and worse till finally I'm at the bar doped up on benedril and shots till I can drop the dog off somewhere and go the the ER

He's a service dog.

I'm teriffied of him ending up in a shelter. Dogs been so cool, least I owe him is a safe home while I'm laid up

You wrapped a flea collar around your junk?

That's what the problem is. You're poisoning yourself that way.
If he’s a service dog, he can go to the er with you.
The dog is at the bar with you? Lol
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet. But I think I'm out of time. I'm going to drink it down tonight and then b
The back of neck stuff works on dogs.
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet, but the adverse histamine reactions are so bad I'm afraid to try anything new. I tried the raid stuff and I literally wrapped a flea collar around my junk as well as all the usual apple cider vinager solutions, DE and whatever. It just gets worse and worse till finally I'm at the bar doped up on benedril and shots till I can drop the dog off somewhere and go the the ER

He's a service dog.

I'm teriffied of him ending up in a shelter. Dogs been so cool, least I owe him is a safe home while I'm laid up

You wrapped a flea collar around your junk?

That's what the problem is. You're poisoning yourself that way.

I did a lot more that just that.

Every day all day I tried three or four different treatents not matter what they were trying to get out of this

Nothing worked and now I'm covered in chemical burns
If he’s a service dog, he can go to the er with you.
The dog is at the bar with you? Lol
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet. But I think I'm out of time. I'm going to drink it down tonight and then b
Dog doesn't seem to be infected

I already posted what you need, I can't be any clearer.
I haven't tried that one yet, but the adverse histamine reactions are so bad I'm afraid to try anything new. I tried the raid stuff and I literally wrapped a flea collar around my junk as well as all the usual apple cider vinager solutions, DE and whatever. It just gets worse and worse till finally I'm at the bar doped up on benedril and shots till I can drop the dog off somewhere and go the the ER

He's a service dog.

I'm teriffied of him ending up in a shelter. Dogs been so cool, least I owe him is a safe home while I'm laid up

Sorta, the MD has the final say and I'm not willing to leave him to the whims of some MD

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