Liz Cheney delivers another gut punch to Donald

She is not pro Biden she is anti-Trump.
Then she is a war monger and a cushion when it comes to it for Prog advancements. Every Repub candidate for President since 1988 were neo cons except Trump. With W. Bush after 9/11, the reduction of our rights was a disgrace. Penalize the citizens for foreigners and the cluster phuk federal unelected spy/security people we spend bookoo dollars on who failed us all. She is part of that for not denying anything.
That was the fault of bad media.
The media sold the people on the illegal war with lies, so the voters thought it would have been treason to not keep Bush in.
But it was Bush who was the liar and traitor.
It was Bush who also caused a world wide recession.
Trump is at least 10 times better than Bush.
It is unlikely any president is nearly as bad as Bush was.
Both shit Presidents

Both got good economies and left them back in shit

Both increased borrowing

Bush had least the decency to leave in grace, Trump is a spoilt child...

Biden will hopefully boring and normal... He understands that the enemy isn't just some brown people from the ME. He understands Viruses, Cyber Attacks, Climate Change are also real dangers to the American way of life...

Muslims loose far more in life to muslim terrorists that US... Understand that and you will have a lot better understanding how to defeat it...
Best way to solve illegal immigration is not a stupid wall but a focus getting workers US needs on possibly temporary basis and make the places they come from safer and better....
Then she is a war monger and a cushion when it comes to it for Prog advancements. Every Repub candidate for President since 1988 were neo cons except Trump. With W. Bush after 9/11, the reduction of our rights was a disgrace. Penalize the citizens for foreigners and the cluster phuk federal unelected spy/security people we spend bookoo dollars on who failed us all. She is part of that for not denying anything.

She was an Angel from Wyoming until she said one thing against Trump...

She broke the golden rule, she didn't have total devotion to Trump...

By the way, one of the main reasons she opposes Trump is because he can't win... Without massive voter suppression Trump has a very low chance of winning..

You can say he won in 2016 but the main reason for that is Hillary Supporters didn't turn out... Trump only marginally better vote than Romney (2m)... Cheney knows that Trump awakes the Democrat masses, they show up to reject Trump.

There was a massive uplift in voter participation in 2020 and lets be clear that was Trump... He drove the opposition(not all Democrats) to vote against him while increasing hi own vote...

The GOP best chance is to turn down the volume and run a pretty competent GOP candidate like Niki Haley...

This is odds based... Biden approvals are higher that Trump and he gets higher when GOP oppose simple Infrastructure spending... Mess with Debt Ceiling...

Biden biggest wins when GOP and Trump show how bad they are..
She was an Angel from Wyoming until she said one thing against Trump...

She broke the golden rule, she didn't have total devotion to Trump...

By the way, one of the main reasons she opposes Trump is because he can't win... Without massive voter suppression Trump has a very low chance of winning..

You can say he won in 2016 but the main reason for that is Hillary Supporters didn't turn out... Trump only marginally better vote than Romney (2m)... Cheney knows that Trump awakes the Democrat masses, they show up to reject Trump.

There was a massive uplift in voter participation in 2020 and lets be clear that was Trump... He drove the opposition(not all Democrats) to vote against him while increasing hi own vote...

The GOP best chance is to turn down the volume and run a pretty competent GOP candidate like Niki Haley...

This is odds based... Biden approvals are higher that Trump and he gets higher when GOP oppose simple Infrastructure spending... Mess with Debt Ceiling...

Biden biggest wins when GOP and Trump show how bad they are..
Progs know their ways and agendas. Repubs are at the mercy of the elites of their party. You guys are the precipice of allowing humans to ph uk animals. And you believe nothing is wrong!!
She was an Angel from Wyoming until she said one thing against Trump...

She broke the golden rule, she didn't have total devotion to Trump...

By the way, one of the main reasons she opposes Trump is because he can't win... Without massive voter suppression Trump has a very low chance of winning..

You can say he won in 2016 but the main reason for that is Hillary Supporters didn't turn out... Trump only marginally better vote than Romney (2m)... Cheney knows that Trump awakes the Democrat masses, they show up to reject Trump.

There was a massive uplift in voter participation in 2020 and lets be clear that was Trump... He drove the opposition(not all Democrats) to vote against him while increasing hi own vote...

The GOP best chance is to turn down the volume and run a pretty competent GOP candidate like Niki Haley...

This is odds based... Biden approvals are higher that Trump and he gets higher when GOP oppose simple Infrastructure spending... Mess with Debt Ceiling...

Biden biggest wins when GOP and Trump show how bad they are..

Nicky Haley isn't going to primary Donald Trump. But it really doesn't matter. If the GOP nominates someone whose name isn't Trump they will still be tarred by the libs and called out as literally Hitler or literally Eva Braun. Further, they would have no realistic path to victory in November.

With millions of Never- nevertrumpers out there that will never support any Republican that hates the 75 million little Trumpsters, they would stand a less than zero chance of winning.

If the Republicans nominate General Powell or Cheney or Romney, they will be wasting their money and might as well just take the federal Presidential Campaign Fund cash and dispense with the solicitation of contributions. People don't give to sure losers.
The only valid ones are 1,2,and 3.

4. The trade war with China was and still is absolutely necessary. The US is dying, and China is shoving in the knife.
5. Trump was entirely right about covid. It was the CDC and WHO that screwed it all up. Flattening the curve is RIDICULOUS.
6. I did not see Trump change much of anything.
7. No one can talk about nepotism with Hunter getting paid bribes. Nepotism is fine as long as they can get anything done.
8. Makes a whole lot more sense to cozy up to dictators than to increase the violence.
9. Right groups have valid points as much as any group. You are just being bigoted if you do not understand them.
I think they are ignorant in general, but they are not evil by any means. Democrats who sell out to banks and wars like Hillary did, are far worse.
And I say that as the most progressive, leftist, liberal on this whole board.

4. Know why China is kicking our asses? They're sinking trillions into infrastructure and green energy. We are so far behind on affordable solar panels that catching up is gonna be tough.
5. No Dr Rigby - flattening the curve is actually a thing. Vaccines are a thing. Trump took his in a backroom instead of in front of the cameras, which could have made all the difference. His refusal to mask and disrespect of expert virologists like Fauci and Birx cost untold lives. Minimally in the 6 figure range. He botched COVID completely.
6. You're kidding? Literally everything Obama accomplished was trashed. The Iran nuke deal was working and he threw it all away. He reversed the Obama policy of reporting drone strike deaths. He killed TPP. He tried ENDLESSLY to kill Obamacare. He killed DACA. He pulled out of Paris. All lame brained and stupid moves.
7. Hunter Biden is another subject. Overriding the recommendation that Baby Jared and Ivanka not be granted top secret clearance was dumb as fuck. Neither of them had the necessary experience to tackle what they were asked to tackle. And the hiring unqualified loyalists as "acting" this that and the other thing hurt our country. And we still can't seem to get rid of Louis DeJoy who has done irreparable harm to USPS.
8. No, cozying up to murderous dictators and the never-ending trashing of our allies was a horrible idea. You deal with adversaries from a position of strength. Not by telling Putin that he believed him over his own damn intelligence. That was WEAK
9. Sorry, but the Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, militias Q-Kooks and alt-righties he courted are evil. We saw that evil first hand on 1/6.
10. Finally no, you are NOT a progressive leftist liberal. :rolleyes-41:
That was the fault of bad media.
The media sold the people on the illegal war with lies, so the voters thought it would have been treason to not keep Bush in.
But it was Bush who was the liar and traitor.
It was Bush who also caused a world wide recession.
Trump is at least 10 times better than Bush.
It is unlikely any president is nearly as bad as Bush was.

I hated Bush, but would have taken him back in a heartbeat somewhere around late 2017. 142 presidential historians disagree with your assessment. They rank Bushie at 29 and Donnie at 41 (fourth worst).
Seeing how you're not convinced, here's a good read for you.

“It’s not because we’re Trump fanatics,” Correnti insists. “My problem with my representative is she’s continuing to focus my voice as my representative on somebody who’s not president and may never be president again, and not focusing on fixing election concerns and the problems facing Wyoming.” Correnti lit one cigarette after another and drank diet soda as he continued. “If [Trump] chooses to never come back to running for office or politics again, he has still left us with … a reawakening of the grass-roots voice. It’s our responsibility to pick up that ball and run with it.”

Yes, they are Trumpers, but there IS more. It ain't over, but you can stick a fork in it, because it's done.

The ONLY reason there are "election concerns" Donald's repetition of the. Big Lie. There was no widespread voter fraud. Every state ran recounts and certified their election. Stick a fork in the election. It's over - Trump lost.

I'm not quite ready to stick a fork in Liz Cheney. Her chances may only be 15 or 20% but the fat lady ain't sung yet.
Please stop with your TDS....I get it, you despise Trump. Its fine.

What we have now with QPJ is a disaster. And it is about to get substantially worse.

Sometimes things like this happen when someone hands you a shit sandwich. It'll get better - guaranteed. Just a lot of piles to pick up. ;)
Sometimes things like this happen when someone hands you a shit sandwich. It'll get better - guaranteed. Just a lot of piles to pick up. ;)
Better? You do know what I do for work, right? It is about to make 2009 look like a great year.
No, you work with hospitals in some manner I believe. Beyond that? :confused-84:
I work in financial advisory and my clients are in many industries. Those with inventory have to bulk up, those with debt have to get ready as rates will rise and LIBOR is going away. Those with labor shortages have to pay more but cannot pass on the costs to their clients immediately. Have to do so in steps. In all a major recession will hit by Q2'22 in my opinion. Will make 2009 look like it was 2019.
I work in financial advisory and my clients are in many industries. Those with inventory have to bulk up, those with debt have to get ready as rates will rise and LIBOR is going away. Those with labor shortages have to pay more but cannot pass on the costs to their clients immediately. Have to do so in steps. In all a major recession will hit by Q2'22 in my opinion. Will make 2009 look like it was 2019.

My financial advisor doesn't share your concerns. But yes, if Republicans prevent an increase in the debt limit, the markets and our economy will go right straight to hell.
My financial advisor doesn't share your concerns. But yes, if Republicans prevent an increase in the debt limit, the markets and our economy will go right straight to hell.

The GOP can't block it.

They are in the minority.

If the debt limit isn't raised, its due to Chuck and Nancy and Slobbering Joe.
The GOP can't block it.

They are in the minority.

If the debt limit isn't raised, its due to Chuck and Nancy and Slobbering Joe.

Nonsense - They need 60 votes and Moscow Mitch McTurtle won't give them even one. So unless Manchin and Sinema are willing to go nuclear, it probably won't happen.
My financial advisor doesn't share your concerns. But yes, if Republicans prevent an increase in the debt limit, the markets and our economy will go right straight to hell.
Your financial advisor is looking at the stock market only. And he is wrong. You may tell him I told you that.

Imagine you're running a company and you sell say pizza.

Your price of flour, labor, machine cost maintenance have all increased. And tremendously. You have to pay more for labor to make sure they don't leave. You call your suppliers and sauce and flour now cost twice as much not only that you have to buy more inventory at once as deliveries aren't as frequent due to fewer drivers. So now you borrow under your line of credit to buy and store more necessary materials. You're paying your employees more but you cannot just hit your clients with a giant price increase at once. So your profits shrink but debt is cheap. Once the Fed starts raising rates to combat inflation, now your debt costs increase and voila you're in a shit storm. How as a CEO would you navigate this?
Your financial advisor is looking at the stock market only. And he is wrong. You may tell him I told you that.

Imagine you're running a company and you sell say pizza.

Your price of flour, labor, machine cost maintenance have all increased. And tremendously. You have to pay more for labor to make sure they don't leave. You call your suppliers and sauce and flour now cost twice as much not only that you have to buy more inventory at once as deliveries aren't as frequent due to fewer drivers. So now you borrow under your line of credit to buy and store more necessary materials. You're paying your employees more but you cannot just hit your clients with a giant price increase at once. So your profits shrink but debt is cheap. Once the Fed starts raising rates to combat inflation, now your debt costs increase and voila you're in a shit storm. How as a CEO would you navigate this?

People understand price increases. They go to the grocery store and they know what's going on. Chicken and pork is still relatively cheap. When it comes to beef, I look for coupons and 50% markdowns as a product nears expiration. Flour and pizza sauce costs twice as much? Please.
People understand price increases. They go to the grocery store and they know what's going on. Chicken and pork is still relatively cheap. When it comes to beef, I look for coupons and 50% markdowns as a product nears expiration. Flour and pizza sauce costs twice as much? Please.
Its not people. You're not selling to people. You're selling to a supermarket or a restaurant, who then too has to increase prices and no not all people understand price increases. Flour and sauce cost twice as much for those buying in bulk not the consumer. Used to cost 19 cents per pound for flour and now my client is paying 37 cents. Do you not have any finance acumen? Didn't you say you were in finance?

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