Liz Cheney Future

You are naive. This whole clown show is about doing whatever the hell they can to gain votes in the midterm elections and to make sure Trump can't run in 2024 or to damage him enough that he would lose the primaries.
Hahaha. This is just season one. Look for season two soon, and don't forget to watch for a new spin-off series hosted by the Justice Department. Details will be sketchy on that until they're ready for the big release at one time, kind of like Netflix.
I read an article today (not really necessary to post the link) about Liz Cheney who has, more or less, accepted the fact that she will be soundly defeated in the soon to be Wyoming primaries, even with help from democrats. The article suggested that she has been actually looking past the 2022 primaries and working on building some kind of a framework to run for president in 2024, either on the Republican ticket, or running as an independent. I seriously doubt she would run for the Republican nomination because both leading pollers right now are Trump and Desantis, so, I don't see her with a lick of chance of winning the Republican nomination. The article implied that she would not change parties and run for the Democratic nomination. So, that leaves her with a possible option of running in 2024 as an independent. My question is this:

If she were to run as an independent in 2024, which side would she draw votes from? In other words, would she hurt the Republican nominee more or the Democratic nominee more? She probably thinks this would be paybacks against the Republican party for what they did to her, taking votes away from the Republican nominee and helping the Democratic nominee win the election. But, I'm not so sure it would come down like that. I think she would actually draw more votes from democratic voters than Republican voters, helping the Republican nominee win the election. What say you?
I would vote for her. Definitely.

She's one of the most conservative members of Congress.
Hahaha. This is just season one. Look for season two soon, and don't forget to watch for a new spin-off series hosted by the Justice Department. Details will be sketchy on that until they're ready for the big release at one time, kind of like Netflix.
Don't forget the season where Republicans take back control of the House where they can abuse their power any way they see fit with a simple vote of 218-217. They may also make Trump speaker of the House. Wouldn't that be great?
If it was between Cheney, Drumpf, and Biden, I would surely vote Cheney.

Right, but if it was between Sleepy Joe and President Trump, Joe would get your vote. Ditto if it was between Cheney and Biden.

And if it looked like the Cheney vote would push the election to Trump by splitting the Hate-Trump vote, you'd vote for Biden.
Her poll numbers would be so small she'd just be a protest candidate and not have any major impact on the outcome.
Well, all candidates who are not Republicans and Democrats are protest candidates and some do effect the results of the election. The best third party candidate in recent times was Ross Perot, who got a whopping 20% of the vote and zero electoral votes.
I read an article today (not really necessary to post the link) about Liz Cheney who has, more or less, accepted the fact that she will be soundly defeated in the soon to be Wyoming primaries, even with help from democrats. The article suggested that she has been actually looking past the 2022 primaries and working on building some kind of a framework to run for president in 2024, either on the Republican ticket, or running as an independent. I seriously doubt she would run for the Republican nomination because both leading pollers right now are Trump and Desantis, so, I don't see her with a lick of chance of winning the Republican nomination. The article implied that she would not change parties and run for the Democratic nomination. So, that leaves her with a possible option of running in 2024 as an independent. My question is this:

If she were to run as an independent in 2024, which side would she draw votes from? In other words, would she hurt the Republican nominee more or the Democratic nominee more? She probably thinks this would be paybacks against the Republican party for what they did to her, taking votes away from the Republican nominee and helping the Democratic nominee win the election. But, I'm not so sure it would come down like that. I think she would actually draw more votes from democratic voters than Republican voters, helping the Republican nominee win the election. What say you?
Liz Cheney is only popular with some Democrats.
She is one of the most hated Republicans in US history.
I read an article today (not really necessary to post the link) about Liz Cheney who has, more or less, accepted the fact that she will be soundly defeated in the soon to be Wyoming primaries, even with help from democrats. The article suggested that she has been actually looking past the 2022 primaries and working on building some kind of a framework to run for president in 2024, either on the Republican ticket, or running as an independent. I seriously doubt she would run for the Republican nomination because both leading pollers right now are Trump and Desantis, so, I don't see her with a lick of chance of winning the Republican nomination. The article implied that she would not change parties and run for the Democratic nomination. So, that leaves her with a possible option of running in 2024 as an independent. My question is this:

If she were to run as an independent in 2024, which side would she draw votes from? In other words, would she hurt the Republican nominee more or the Democratic nominee more? She probably thinks this would be paybacks against the Republican party for what they did to her, taking votes away from the Republican nominee and helping the Democratic nominee win the election. But, I'm not so sure it would come down like that. I think she would actually draw more votes from democratic voters than Republican voters, helping the Republican nominee win the election. What say you?

She's a closet transgender deserving of a makeover!
P.S. - Remove the facial wart!!
I read an article today (not really necessary to post the link) about Liz Cheney who has, more or less, accepted the fact that she will be soundly defeated in the soon to be Wyoming primaries, even with help from democrats. The article suggested that she has been actually looking past the 2022 primaries and working on building some kind of a framework to run for president in 2024, either on the Republican ticket, or running as an independent. I seriously doubt she would run for the Republican nomination because both leading pollers right now are Trump and Desantis, so, I don't see her with a lick of chance of winning the Republican nomination. The article implied that she would not change parties and run for the Democratic nomination. So, that leaves her with a possible option of running in 2024 as an independent. My question is this:

If she were to run as an independent in 2024, which side would she draw votes from? In other words, would she hurt the Republican nominee more or the Democratic nominee more? She probably thinks this would be paybacks against the Republican party for what they did to her, taking votes away from the Republican nominee and helping the Democratic nominee win the election. But, I'm not so sure it would come down like that. I think she would actually draw more votes from democratic voters than Republican voters, helping the Republican nominee win the election. What say you?
I suspect she would hurt the democrats not trump

RINOs who support cheney were never going to vote for trump anyway

But like the Tweeners here in 2020 who voted for biden out of spite, some of them might vote cheney in 2024
Liz Cheney is only popular with some Democrats.
She is one of the most hated Republicans in US history.
I wonder why that is? Certainly not her conservative voting record:

Head to Head: Compare Voting Records​

Compare the voting records of Liz Cheney and Kevin McCarthy in 2017-18.


Liz Cheney

Republican ∙ View profile
Represented Wyoming's 1st Congressional District. This was her 1st term in the House.

Kevin McCarthy

Republican ∙ View profile
Represented California's 23rd Congressional District. This was his 6th term in the House.
Liz Cheney and Kevin McCarthy are from the same party and agreed on 96 percent of votes in the 115th Congress (2017-18).
Compare in other Congresses

Agree: 96%
Disagree: 4%
I wonder why that is? Certainly not her conservative voting record:

Head to Head: Compare Voting Records​

Compare the voting records of Liz Cheney and Kevin McCarthy in 2017-18.


Liz Cheney

Republican ∙ View profile
Represented Wyoming's 1st Congressional District. This was her 1st term in the House.

Kevin McCarthy

Republican ∙ View profile
Represented California's 23rd Congressional District. This was his 6th term in the House.
Liz Cheney and Kevin McCarthy are from the same party and agreed on 96 percent of votes in the 115th Congress (2017-18).
Compare in other Congresses

Agree: 96%
Disagree: 4%
The difference you fail to realize is that McCarthy has managed to be reelected in blue CA five times and Cheney is about to get her ass handed to her in solid red WY.
I think that if Cheney thought her candidacy for president in 2024 would hurt Trump's chances, she would do it in a heartbeat. As a republican or as an independent, she doesn't care about winning, she only cares about denying Trump winning in 2024. Even if the presidency went to a democrat, she'd rather have that than Trump in the White House again. Which is what you'd expect from a democrat or even an independent , but not another republican. Nobody hates Trump more than she does. And that's saying something.

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