Liz Cheney & Other Reps Come Out For Impeachment


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Her daddy was a big shot- so he and others feel- that makes her special- we're to believe everything they and their betters tell us to believe-
Yall did too...y'all loved Cheney and his unitary executive bullshit, which Trump took it to the next level...

Yall loved Cheney until it became clear the Bush administration was a disaster....

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Trump-hating RINO cuck slut. She should go duck hunting with her daddy.
Yall did too...y'all loved Cheney and his unitary executive bullshit, which Trump took it to the next level...

Yall loved Cheney until it became clear the Bush administration was a disaster....
Broad brush painting is done by stupid people- you know nothing about me- but, for your edification, I liked Cheney as a Halliburton employee- beyond than, not so much- so stop with your stupid y'all shit until you get your ducks in a row-

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Her daddy was a big shot- so he and others feel- that makes her special- we're to believe everything they and their betters tell us to believe-
Yall did too...y'all loved Cheney and his unitary executive bullshit, which Trump took it to the next level...

Yall loved Cheney until it became clear the Bush administration was a disaster....
Bush is swamp rat and always was-----just less evil than the clinton duo by a small amount. Bush gave us the swamp protector roberts and took us into war which we didn't to be...all for money and the swamp.

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Wait...I thought they wanted him prosecuted for war crimes?

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