Liz Cheney & Other Reps Come Out For Impeachment

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Wait...I thought they wanted him prosecuted for war crimes?
Isn't it something else. Impeaching him will unite us. They can't hold a trial for a citizen.....LOL. First he gets a trial. 5 days left after tomorrow. My God.

they are afraid of him declassifying and other midnight hour actions...................lolol

let them
Why didn't he declassify anything a long time ago??

Dont you trumpers get tired of the cosplay??
He just declassified quite a bit recently on the Russian scam. No one wants to read it. It is a lie. a conspiracy.
He didn't declassify shit....

And when the Durham report yields nothing, you folks will as usual claim Durham is deep state..

Trump is the weakest cuck of a president in US history
So it is taking this long for nothing. One person already indicted. LOLOL

and you believed a Russian hoax.

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Wait...I thought they wanted him prosecuted for war crimes?
Both impeaching and then prosecuting for crimes may be a better idea, and lets not forget the civil suits that will probably come. The evis traitorous impeached president will be hounded to the end of his days.
and you believed a Russian hoax.
"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
Rep. Liz Cheney, House Republican Conference Chair, the third-highest position in the House Republican leadership.
The fucktard who bought us the Iraq war. she's a phony.

Do you crush beer cans and walnuts with that forehead?
Thought Biden won?
No Biden didn't win...

Trump will arrest Biden Thursday and then announce he has dissolved congress
Have heard all the Q crap, and it is crap. Q and the people that still back trump in word or dead are just traiters, waiting to get caught in a traitorous act.
Looks like that raid on the capitol brought out all the turncoats, just like they planned!
Wait, I thought it was a peaceful demonstration, and nobody planned or incited it?
Megan McCain is a RINO. Joy Behar wants her killed. Deplorables make sure you are ready. It does not matter what your politics are if you must be a progressive Socialist. Create Cell groups. People you can trust. Information to each other in secure ways. No comedy in this. Remember...tribalism is survival. Town to town communications and protection for residents must be part of the resistance for freedom. The enemy smells blood.

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Trump-hating RINO cuck slut. She should go duck hunting with her daddy.

And use buckshot....

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
RINO/NeoCon traitors who have never put America First and Despise doing so. She is JUST like her piece of shit father. There has got to be someone better in Wyoming to run against this bitch.
Sounds like the Bastard-in-Chief is heading towards Impeachment City tomorrow.

And it's really pi$$ing off the RWNJs. Ain't it great?!

Doesn't bother me in the least. You and them can focus on this stupid circus. Its all posturing and means nothing. Be it today or next week he is out.

You people are beyond ridiculous

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Can’t imagine why you don’t love Liz Cheney. She is a fierce opponent of China, probably actually far more anti-China and pro-MIC than Trump. That is what Neo-cons do — defend and try to extend the American empire!

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Wait...I thought they wanted him prosecuted for war crimes?
Isn't it something else. Impeaching him will unite us. They can't hold a trial for a citizen.....LOL. First he gets a trial. 5 days left after tomorrow. My God.

they are afraid of him declassifying and other midnight hour actions...................lolol

let them
Why didn't he declassify anything a long time ago??

Dont you trumpers get tired of the cosplay??
He just declassified quite a bit recently on the Russian scam. No one wants to read it. It is a lie. a conspiracy.
He didn't declassify shit....

And when the Durham report yields nothing, you folks will as usual claim Durham is deep state..

Trump is the weakest cuck of a president in US history
So it is taking this long for nothing. One person already indicted. LOLOL

and you believed a Russian hoax.
70 arrested...160+ case files...with more to come...
Shame on Liz Cheney! what a POS......but we know that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Wait...I thought they wanted him prosecuted for war crimes?
Isn't it something else. Impeaching him will unite us. They can't hold a trial for a citizen.....LOL. First he gets a trial. 5 days left after tomorrow. My God.

they are afraid of him declassifying and other midnight hour actions...................lolol

let them
Why didn't he declassify anything a long time ago??

Dont you trumpers get tired of the cosplay??
He just declassified quite a bit recently on the Russian scam. No one wants to read it. It is a lie. a conspiracy.
He didn't declassify shit....

And when the Durham report yields nothing, you folks will as usual claim Durham is deep state..

Trump is the weakest cuck of a president in US history
So it is taking this long for nothing. One person already indicted. LOLOL

and you believed a Russian hoax.
70 arrested...160+ case files...with more to come...
WOW!!. They sure planned the Capitol police well. 230 people.

Where were you this Summmer? You let this happen. You cheated an election

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