liz cheney threatens to leave the republican party if TRUMP wins.

True. He's a highly successful businessman. He looks for solutions, regardless of where they come from. That really drives the elite politicians nuts.

He is not a highly successful businessman.

Inheriting $400 million, plus a name and a city full of contacts from Daddy and then living off of billions in bank loans does not make one a successful businessman.

Only in the eyes of his "followers". New Yorkers know better.
Yeah? What have you accomplished in your lifetime?
Biden doesn’t have anything to do with Trump’s character flaws. He owns them all on his own.
I'll take a few character flaws any day of the week--I'm sure you are of impeccable character, morals and ethics despite the way you post--to get personal liberty, options, choices, opportunity for all demographics, sustainable economic policy, a strong respected America that promotes peace, not war, and restoration of common sense and values that make for strong families, communities, societies. Trump promoted all that. Biden hasn't and never has despite a few character flaws.
I'll take a few character flaws any day of the week--I'm sure you are of impeccable character, morals and ethics despite the way you post--to get personal liberty, options, choices, opportunity for all demographics, sustainable economic policy, a strong respected America that promotes peace, not war, and restoration of common sense and values that make for strong families, communities, societies. Trump promoted all that. Biden hasn't and never has despite a few character flaws.
I know when I think of strong families I think of a three times married man who sleeps around and pays for sex like Trump. Any parent who had a kid like Trump is a failure
I know when I think of strong families I think of a three times married man who sleeps around and pays for sex like Trump. Any parent who had a kid like Trump is a failure
Some people focus on what is good for America and Americans. Some of you focus on politics of personal destruction however stupid or malicious or dishonest and could care less about America and Americans. Do have a lovely day.

It’s funny that she thinks she matters enough to sway someone’s opinion.

More proof that the world is made for those who aren't under the curse of SELF AWARENESS.

LOL. The Republican party left her in her last election. She's too late. Don't let the door hit you ..................................................

Shame, I used to like her before she got terminal TDS.
Some people focus on what is good for America and Americans. Some of you focus on politics of personal destruction however stupid or malicious or dishonest and could care less about America and Americans. Do have a lovely day.
You’re right those of us who love America and Americans will not for either piece of shit the two major parties have offered up. Glad to see you will not vote for either of them also.
You’re right those of us who love America and Americans will not for either piece of shit the two major parties have offered up. Glad to see you will not vote for either of them also.
Those who love America and Americans will vote Trump not because they like Trump but because of the measurable good he did and will do for America and Americans. ANY other vote is to continue the destructive regime we are now enduring.
Trump isn't a Republican.
Neither is Liz and her father. Progs abused W. and Dick Cheney in entertainment viciously. The Patriot Act and Homeland Security with the TSA was a massive loss of unalienable rights. And Garland is just like Dick Cheney. Trump is more of a populist and that tells you where we are at in this nation.
Those who love America and Americans will vote Trump not because they like Trump but because of the measurable good he did and will do for America and Americans. ANY other vote is to continue the destructive regime we are now enduring.
Trump is a mistake and his supporters are a cancer on the country
Neither is Liz and her father. Progs abused W. and Dick Cheney in entertainment viciously. The Patriot Act and Homeland Security with the TSA was a massive loss of unalienable rights. And Garland is just like Dick Cheney. Trump is more of a populist and that tells you where we are at in this nation.
Trump is an opportunist. He sees a mark and takes advantage.

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