Liz Cheney to abandon Senate bid

Biden quit as well, pole-smoker.

To become Vice President, not to go on a reality show, retard.

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Never watched the show did you? It was about the state and how her family loves it.

How does saying it is a reality show translate to me never watching the show? You are a special kind of stupid.
Oh! And yes I did watch the show. Of course I did. Watching the train wreck that is Sarah Palin is entertaining.

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Liz Chaney was part of a democrat party dirty trick to use the name of a prominent republican to unseat a popular republican. It didn't work and now the low information left thinks it's a victory.

She is republican. Democrats aren't dumb enough to try and unseat Enzi.

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You might want to rethink that statement because they really are. They will now use a democrat supporter to run only he will call himself a libertarian and try to split the vote....My prediction.

They can do whatever they want. It's Wyoming and Enzi has the support of coal and oil. Plus he has the support of the workers. And it's Wyoming... Did I say it was Wyoming?

You are a retard, just stop.

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Funny how the left seems disappointed that (republican) Liz Chaney dropped out of a primary fight against a conservative republican. I rest my case about democrat dirty tricks.
Funny how the left seems disappointed that (republican) Liz Chaney dropped out of a primary fight against a conservative republican. I rest my case about democrat dirty tricks.

We do?
Or are you just making stuff up?

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No we don't.

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Bluster away but we all know the truth.

The truth is Lizard Cheney is a cold blooded political animal and that was her undoing. It had nothing to do with liberals, and everything to do with her character.

Or it could just be that she found out the polls were against her so she dropped out either way Republican gets a seat in either way it'll be conservative

tapatalk post
Liz may not want the hassle, may want to spend more time with her father, and she knows she could get a cabinet position in a few years anyway.
The fact that the original post is based on a CNN (editorial) that uses words like "upstart bid" and "warfare in the republican party" is evidence enough of the dirty tricks attempt by democrats and CNN to try to split the republican party. Somehow with the cooperation of the mainstream media, the radical left has managed to pretend it had nothing to do with the bid.
Gawker's Classless Coverage of Liz Cheney's Withdrawal

"Liz Cheney Bails on Senate Bid Like Her Pa's First Heart Bailed on Him."

1.7.2014 |Jeff Dunetz


Under a picture of Liz Cheney with the word quitter written in bold to her left, Adam Weinstein posted a report about Ms. Cheney's withdrawal from the Wyoming Senate race on Gawker Monday called "Liz Cheney Bails on Senate Bid Like Her Pa's First Heart Bailed on Him."

The post was nothing more than a vicious attack on the former candidate. In four paragraphs Weinstein accused her of "pissing off voters," being a carpetbagger, throwing her lesbian sister under the bus and, along with her father, having "single-mindedly bullshitted and blundered their way into a costly losing battle."

Proving he had totally abandoned any pretense of class, Weinstein made it clear he wrote the post after Cheney's announcement on Monday morning where she blamed her withdrawal on serious heath issues in the family, suggesting that it may involve the health of her kids:


Gawker's Classless Coverage of Liz Cheney's Withdrawal | Truth Revolt

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