Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

She got her ass whooped... WE here in Wyoming, gave her the railroad ride right out of Wyoming... TO bad they made tar a feathers illegal.
I have spent time in WY.. It's a very nice state for the most part. I've lived in both blue and red and boy, there is a HUGE difference to me and I'm sure I speak for many many others.

And one state that was blue had some good features also but .. just knowing who was in control.. what kind of people.. gave me the heebie jeebies and I just got tired of being around so many liberals (in the city but not in the outer areas so much). On the other hand, I tend to think a lot of liberals there are turning conservative... LONG story what I mean but for one: NOT one person flipped me off or even scowled at me when seeing my bumper sticker for Trump.. and I really expected there to be at least one or 2. And there are other reasons I think people besides me were getting fed up with the liberal bs..
Basically, that just means the committee doesn't know how to control its own hearings. There is no good reason to insist TRUMP! testify behind closed doors so the democrats can pick and choose tidbits to feed to the media, and yes, that's exactly what they'd do.
It's not the comitte's job to cater to that moron. He's a fat overfed pathalogical liar & if he wants to blow more smoke up the cults ass he can hold more hate rallies. That motherfucker is lucky he's not sitting in jail where he belongs.
It's not the comitte's job to cater to that moron. He's a fat overfed pathalogical liar &
now, you know you don't care about either sin/crime/mental disorder or...

We know you liberals do not care about -being fat (Michael Moore, Whoopie...) or a pathological liar (insert name of any elite democrat)
It's not the comitte's job to cater to that moron. He's a fat overfed pathalogical liar & if he wants to blow more smoke up the cults ass he can hold more hate rallies. That motherfucker is lucky he's not sitting in jail where he belongs.
Awwwwwwwww. I'll bet you feel so much better after your silly little vomit spasm, don't you?

PS -- The words you struggled to spell were committee and pathological. If you cannot communicate clearly, perhaps you should find a forum more suitable to your level of intellectual acuity.
Total SHAM. He totally called their bluff.

Enjoying the sensation of Trumpster blowing smoke up your ass, halfwit?
You enjoy parroting his bullshit? He's not showing up to that committee & you know it so fuck off.
what about Post #264?

You don't want to respond to that one, do you?

It's like this: liberals have NO morals (unless you call fake concern for "climate change" a moral value but it's a fake issue.)

so yeh, they have no moral or ethical values, certainly none that are set in stone, certainly none most normal people can fathom..

But Republicans.. different story!

Again, they are supposed 2, according to you libs, walk and talk like Jesus Christ himself or else!

If Rs don't, YOU... the ones who as mentioned lack a moral compass entirely and even advocate murdering children.. YOU are going to judge them and accuse them of.. ha ha.. too comical.. not living up to moral standards

That's rich
Awwwwwwwww. I'll bet you feel so much better after your silly little vomit spasm, don't you?

PS -- The words you struggled to spell were committee and pathological. If you cannot communicate clearly, perhaps you should find a forum more suitable to your level of intellectual acuity.

Wow, being a SpellinkNazi is the best you got?
Awwwwwwwww. I'll bet you feel so much better after your silly little vomit spasm, don't you?

PS -- The words you struggled to spell were committee and pathological. If you cannot communicate clearly, perhaps you should find a forum more suitable to your level of intellectual acuity.
I'll take my mispelling over your pathalogical defense of Trump who's a criminal traitor any day, cultist.

here's another pussy that will be melting down in 2 weeks. gonna be fun to watch them all lose their shit.

The 01-06 Committe is the Convening Authority. They set the agenda, they set the time and they decide who is and is not going to testify in public, NOT THE FUCK FACED ORANGE SHIT GIBBON.

His right to defend himself remain in tact. He does NOT have the right to make the hearing a 3-Circus. He does NOT make rules, he abides by the rules.
Afraid of what, a Russian Loving 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward? Of his mindless drones? ain't that scary. Now back up stairs and your Mom for milk and graham crackers.
Of Trump. Better than the pussies you idiots put in office.
It's every citizens duty to report criminal activities to the authorities. If you can't stand the time, don't do the crime.
If he did the crime, then he should do the tike, but, as you have just ignored my whole point, what thus committee is doing is tantamount to election interference, surely you can see this.
If he did the crime, then he should do the tike, but, as you have just ignored my whole point, what thus committee is doing is tantamount to election interference, surely you can see this.

How is it election interference? Had justice been already served, Rump would be at least 4 years into his prison sentence with more years being added on. Had Justice been served, his kids would be standing on street corners selling ink pens. Just now, NY is finally getting a trial going. And it difficult as hell to get qualified jurors.

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