Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Right after Nazi Piglosy told him he couldn't pick who he wanted on the panel, Simp.

It's a clown show, and anyone who doesn't see that is a complete moron. That would be you.

She denied only a couple of his picks because they voted to not certify Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. She also gave him the opportunity to pick 2 others. He opted to pull all 5 seats.
She denied only a couple of his picks because they voted to not certify Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. She also gave him the opportunity to pick 2 others. He opted to pull all 5 seats.
He rightly decided he wanted no part of that shit show. He obviously made the right decision.

America tuned out once they saw what a sham it was.
If the committee wants his testimony, and there is no classified information at risk, there is no reason to allow the committee to carefully stage the debacle so they can control what gets leaked to the press in order to affect the election, which is the goal, after all.
The committee will leak? That's laughable. If Trump appears behind close doors he'll be shooting his big mouth off to Fox News & other right wing media hacks the second he walks out the door & they shove a microphone in front of his ignorant piehole.
Right after Nazi Piglosy told him he couldn't pick who he wanted on the panel, Simp.

It's a clown show, and anyone who doesn't see that is a complete moron. That would be you.
Pelosi wouldn't allow Trump asseaters Jordan & Banks to sit on the committe & spend time playing with themselves playing pocket pool as they disrupt the proceedings which is all those two assclowns are good for.
Pelosi wouldn't allow Trump asseaters Jordan & Banks to sit on the committe & spend time playing with themselves playing pocket pool as they disrupt the proceedings which is all those two assclowns are good for.
She only allowed Dem ass clowns on the committee, and their whores.
I'm not disputing any of that, with the exception of WHO it is doing the investigating.

I ask you to reverse the roles here, and that will tell you all you need to know. If Biden were the one being investigated by a panel of nearly all republicans, and Biden had aspirations for another presidential run, and those members have stated they think biden should be in prison, and not run for president again, you would clearly see what I am talking about.

I'm not arguing that the investigation is taking place, I'm arguing that it's the opposition party that is doing it, the people who want to make sure trump doesn't run again, the people who want Biden to be re elected.

That is election tampering. Our elected democratic congressmen are trying to disqualify their opposition. You HAVE to be able to see how wrong that is....

You deflected. The facts are that Rump is a known "Don" and operates accordingly. He's torn America apart and jeopardized democracy and the United States of America. Like a Mob Boss, they may have to settle with a more minor criminal charge than what Rump is really guilty of. The sad part is, all this could have been prevented had your MAGAs said NO to him a few times instead of blindly supporting his criminal actions.
"Propably" inappropriate. That's not sexual assault, I don't care how conservative you are.
You don't think sexual assault is propably inappropriate? That explains why Harvey and Jeff donated so much to your party over he years.
So how is the latest witch hunt hoax moving along as to Trump being forced to hang himself for them?

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