Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

He called their bluff, now they are panicking.
Like what? Not beng able to rant & rave a bunch of lies about people who are on to his criminal ways?

In any case that pile of shit won't show up anyway. I hope he does & within 30 seconds he'll commit perjury because he's the biggest lying sack of shit in history.
It's not the comitte's job to cater to that moron. He's a fat overfed pathalogical liar & if he wants to blow more smoke up the cults ass he can hold more hate rallies. That motherfucker is lucky he's not sitting in jail where he belongs.
It's not the comitte's job to cater to that moron. He's a fat overfed pathalogical liar & if he wants to blow more smoke up the cults ass he can hold more hate rallies. That motherfucker is lucky he's not sitting in jail where he belongs.
If the committee wants his testimony, and there is no classified information at risk, there is no reason to allow the committee to carefully stage the debacle so they can control what gets leaked to the press in order to affect the election, which is the goal, after all.
Yeah, just like we here in America did to Trump.

By theft and ballot box stuffing.. IT was just 80,000 votes that were needed in three states..

They made a mistake. Trump is a dumb, posturing, ostentatious bully. He's crude, ill-mannered and low class. Is that your idea of a US president? He's a criminal, playing mob Boss.. without any ethics or principles.
Lol, but you support a guy that sexually assaulted his own daughter. You say something about someone else's ethics. You cannot make these things up.
How is it election interference? Had justice been already served, Rump would be at least 4 years into his prison sentence with more years being added on. Had Justice been served, his kids would be standing on street corners selling ink pens. Just now, NY is finally getting a trial going. And it difficult as hell to get qualified jurors.
I'm not disputing any of that, with the exception of WHO it is doing the investigating.

I ask you to reverse the roles here, and that will tell you all you need to know. If Biden were the one being investigated by a panel of nearly all republicans, and Biden had aspirations for another presidential run, and those members have stated they think biden should be in prison, and not run for president again, you would clearly see what I am talking about.

I'm not arguing that the investigation is taking place, I'm arguing that it's the opposition party that is doing it, the people who want to make sure trump doesn't run again, the people who want Biden to be re elected.

That is election tampering. Our elected democratic congressmen are trying to disqualify their opposition. You HAVE to be able to see how wrong that is....
I'm not disputing any of that, with the exception of WHO it is doing the investigating.

I ask you to reverse the roles here, and that will tell you all you need to know. If Biden were the one being investigated by a panel of nearly all republicans, and Biden had aspirations for another presidential run, and those members have stated they think biden should be in prison, and not run for president again, you would clearly see what I am talking about.

I'm not arguing that the investigation is taking place, I'm arguing that it's the opposition party that is doing it, the people who want to make sure trump doesn't run again, the people who want Biden to be re elected.

That is election tampering. Our elected democratic congressmen are trying to disqualify their opposition. You HAVE to be able to see how wrong that is....

A pity McCarthy opted to boycott the committee.
its already a circus dipshit. hes being denied the opportunity to show it for what it is.

The Traitor IS NOT BEING DENIED HIS RIGHT TO DEFEND HIMSELF.. Chairman Benie Thompson and Co-Chair Liz Cheney are open, very open to having the Traitor defend himself, but behind closed doors and on the record.

Just because the Traitor wants to his "Testimony" to spew his lies and foist his deeply engrained persecution complex, that does not anyway/shape/form change the fact that he can testify behind closed door. It is the Traitor who is demanding lights and cameras....all to feed his ego.

The Traitor can testify all he wants, but the Chairman and the Co-Chair set the agenda, time, date, place and how testimony is taken. NOT THE FUCKING TRAITOR.
The Traitor IS NOT BEING DENIED HIS RIGHT TO DEFEND HIMSELF.. Chairman Benie Thompson and Co-Chair Liz Cheney are open, very open to having the Traitor defend himself, but behind closed doors and on the record.

Just because the Traitor wants to his "Testimony" to spew his lies and foist his deeply engrained persecution complex, that does not anyway/shape/form change the fact that he can testify behind closed door. It is the Traitor who is demanding lights and cameras....all to feed his ego.

The Traitor can testify all he wants, but the Chairman and the Co-Chair set the agenda, time, date, place and how testimony is taken. NOT THE FUCKING TRAITOR.
Why does your Cult want to do everything in secret, then selectively leak lies about what was said in secret?


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