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Liz Warren Claimed To Have Plenty Of Pictures Highlighting Native American Heritage

Liz Warren was born in Oklahoma to a poor family. There is a much higher percentage chance that she carries Indian Blood in her than not being born there. My Mother and Grand Mother were born there as well and I carry some Cherokee Blood. Not enough to cash in for the big bucks a 1/8th blood can but it's closer to a 1/64th. It doesn't take many generations to get it down that far. This is where MOST of us in our 60s and older are that have roots back to Oklahoma.

I am treated like a Brother by the Sioux, Navajo and Utes with as little indian blood as I have. I am called Brother and always have been. The only tribe or nation that won't do that is the Cherokee since it's a financial deal for them to claim that I am not of their heritage. They claim my heritage is probably Choctaw. What's funny is, I can't follow my Cherokee heritage back very far because it stops quickly. But if I follow my white side, it leads back to an Indian Agent in the Cherokee Strip who was married to a Cherokee Squaw who is in the chain. He was brought in because he was married to her. The old Indian Agent was ripping off the Tribe, causing them to starve and worse and the Tribe killed him. So they brought in someone that the Tribe accepted. Today's Businessmen in the Cherokee Nation do not accept them and claim she was Choctaw. (actually they hint at it). My Great Grand Mother was born in that Trading Post.

So the Indians and Native Americans don't have a problem with this. But you rightwing nutjob whiteys do. What's the matter, you don't think a half breed should ever be President?

Actually, many Natives DO have a problem with Lizzy Cheekbones fake narrative, the media just wont give them coverage.

Not that I have found. The negatives have all come from you pale faces with orange on your faces that are skeered of her suceeding. Damn it must be sceery lying awake at nights sweating about things like that.

Well, that doesn't say much. I've been posting this for years

Thoughts from Polly's Granddaughter

"Elizabeth Warren is not a friend to Indian Country[/paste:font]

I have serious concern over Elizabeth Warren's claim that she is a non-enrolled Native American, "proved" by DNA. My concern is best explained with the words of anthropologist Michael Lambert, a citizen of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. He described Cherokee identity politics as a "battle over sovereignty":

The Cherokee consider anyone that they are not carrying in their Role as non Native American. If you really do have less than 1/8th Cherokee and are not in the "Book" they will claim you are not Cherokee. It is a financial thing, not a blood thing. Imagine if they were to recognize everyone with real Cherokee blood and have to pony up the funds that are made available just how much it would cost them. So they play this stupid game. And make billions doing it. My Great Grandmother was born on the Cherokee Strip to a Cherokee Squaw married to the Indian Agent in the Trading Post. Yet the Cherokee Powers that Be claim that she wasn't Cherokee. But they hint that she might be Choctaw. Saves them a bundle since my great grandmother was not entered into the records when the birth happened.

You can try to claim otherwise but the percentages are against you. Almost ALL people born from 1860 to 1960 to poor families in Oklahoma will have some Cherokee blood in them. But only those born on the Reservation will have the chance to be recorded in the Official Rolls of the Cherokee Records and those are the only ones recognized as Cherokee by the Cherokee Powers that Be. I would be more surprised if Warren didn't have some Cherokee blood in her than if she did.

Well except Lizzy Cheekbones has NO Cherokee blood in her lineage. None

One of the things that the Cherokee does to ensure that they don't have to pay out is that they discount any and all DNA tests that disagrees with their Official Rolls. Even though I know I have Cherokee DNA, the test would show that I would have Native American DNA but it wouldn't show specifically it was Cherokee because the Cherokee powers that be would not recognize it. So your argument is just silly.

Now, how about tossing this stupidity out and talk about her issues like Medicare for all. Here, let me help you.

Medicare that I am under is NOT free for all. It costs me 135 bucks a month for Medicare Part B every month and I do use it. The reason it costs me 135 bucks a month is that I have alternative income above and beyond SSI. Even some with just SSI will have to pay a minimal amount per month. There are some that draw the minimum 677 bucks a month won't pay the monthly premium but those people will get Medicaid from the State to pay for the 20% difference. I have my own alternative that covers most of the 20%.

Medicare for all wouldn't be free. And the more you make the more you would pay for the premium for Medicare Part B. But you have the option to have your own Medical Program and opt out of Medicare part B. Medicare Part A costs zero. Even if they did have a Medicare for all, the only thing that would change is that everyone would be covered if they choose to be. But this BS that it's free is untrue. It's not and never has been. The better financially off people have always picked up the tab for the financially destitute for people age 65 and older. Like many, I have an alternative that picks up the other 80%. So it's not free.

The Government doesn't tell someone on Medicare which doctor they need to use or which medicines they are allowed to take. That is strictly between Doctor and Patient now under Medicare.

So why not go ahead and expand the system to cover every tax payer and be done with it. The only difference will be that the HMOs will be out of the picture and the Doctors and Patients will have the main control. Plus, the really big Health Plans will be gone and plans like AFLAC will become the norm at a much lower cost. People will stop using the Emergency Rooms for preventive Medicine and start using normal Doctors Offices and Clinics.

Let's take it one step further. Set up more clinics that go by your income for billing. You would be surprised at how many Hospitals will pony up to financially help support something like that. We have one here that St. Mary's and a number of Churches financially support along with many other Charities. Now, put some Federal and State Funds in there as well and make more of them. The Doctors are giving their free time to work the clinics so maybe you might have one Doctor on staff per Clinic but you will have more than that at any given time. This system works but requires funding. And yes, the better off people do pay for the poor and the poor do get the same service as the better off. Notice I didn't say the Rich since the Rich would NEVER set foot in such a place.

We can have Medicare for All without costing us a leg and an arm. Overall, the cost would be less than we are paying now and the service would be better. So don't give me that crap about we can't afford it. We can't afford to not do it unless you have a lot of ownership in the HMOs and Medical Insurance Companies.
It was jst discovered that her fairy tale of being fired after she gave birth was a lie, so now she brings this
shit back up again.

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