Lizzie Warren's 1/32 Cherokee And Harvard Law's Diversity

Wanna be heap big chieftess shitting bull

Scott Brown Calls on Warren Camp to ‘Come Clean’[/CENTER]
5/3/12 Chris Cassidy

Liz listed self as minority in professional directories

The campaign for GOP U.S. Sen. Scott Brown last night called for Warren to “come clean.”

“This story raises serious questions about Elizabeth Warren’s credibility. The record now shows Prof. Warren did claim to be a ‘minority,’ and that she attempted to mislead the public about these facts when she was first asked about the issue last week,” said Brown spokesman Jim Barnett. “Prof. Warren needs to come clean about her motivations for making these claims and explain the contradictions between her rhetoric and the record.”

Her goose is cooked. Brown will win this election.
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Shoot I have more American Indian in me . Can my kids get into Harvard because of it. Probably not LOL.. My dads father (grandfather) was full blooded Indian and my grandmother on my mothers side was 1/4 Indian /. I have no idea how much that makes I have in me but a lot more then this lady:lol:
I just turned on the cable news and this was being talked about.

Someone made the point that this may hurt how people view her integrity. I personally find her to be as distasteful as I do the majority of politicians just because all the things they do and say publicly appear self serving instead of to serve those they do or wish to represent.

That being said I understand how her doing so, consdiering she has the whole blond/blue thing going on, will have some independants turn away from her due to a perception of dishonesty. It wont hurt her with the far left or the far right as they already love/hate her and nothing will change that but it does hurt her with someone like me who did vote for Scott Brown last time but isn't motivated to vote for him again.

I do not plan on voting for Warrenn instead of brown but I might not give brown my vote either. And before someone says whatever they will to disparage what I am saying, I have and do vote for both parties in local, state, and federal level politics. One of my favorite state senators is Therese Murray, she rules and she is a Dem.

therese murray? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah I've voted for her already and will again, she actually responded to a letter I wrote her and even fought for the side I was on with 2 seperate pieces of legislation related to the automotive industry.

Therese Murray | President of the Senate

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Does anyone see how she can really beat brown now?

Oh wait this is massachussettes and we re-elected a murderer to the senate for decades, who cares about someone who abused Harvard's want for minorities in their staff.
Law school records? This isn't about law school, this is about being hired, which has already been stated by the school to be an untruth, i.e., her 'heritage' did not play into her getting the job.

This is exactly why quotas are stupid.

You should only get the job if and ONLY if you qualify for it.

This would be a non issue if quotas were not in place.

Yeah, like Harvard and Yale are going to ignore legacy points in admissions. Imagine if Bush had to compete on merit to get into Yale and Harvard.

Imagine that, and Bush got into Yale and got better grades than John Kerry.
While the general impression during the 2004 presidential campaign was that Democrat John Kerry was the intellectual superior to President Bush, it turns out that their grades while undergraduate students at Yale were remarkably similar.

In fact, Bush's were a tad higher. His four-year average was 77; Kerry's 76. Both were C students. Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966; Bush in 1968.
Dems pretend they're American, Warren pretended she's American-Indian. No Biggie

How exactly did Bush get into Yale and Harvard? Here's a clue. He could be dumber than a doorknob, and get in because of his legacy points. How many extra points did Harvard give to a minority applicant? Are you wingnuts stupid enough to believe that part of our legacy that made that Trail of Tears march get even close to the green money that the Bush family gave?

So why are you so fucking dumb to think that Ivy league schools are using merit as a means of admission?

Speaking of dumb!
While the general impression during the 2004 presidential campaign was that Democrat John Kerry was the intellectual superior to President Bush, it turns out that their grades while undergraduate students at Yale were remarkably similar.

In fact, Bush's were a tad higher. His four-year average was 77; Kerry's 76. Both were C students. Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966; Bush in 1968.
Dems pretend they're American, Warren pretended she's American-Indian. No Biggie

How exactly did Bush get into Yale and Harvard? Here's a clue. He could be dumber than a doorknob, and get in because of his legacy points. How many extra points did Harvard give to a minority applicant? Are you wingnuts stupid enough to believe that part of our legacy that made that Trail of Tears march get even close to the green money that the Bush family gave?

So why are you so fucking dumb to think that Ivy league schools are using merit as a means of admission?

Speaking of dumb!
While the general impression during the 2004 presidential campaign was that Democrat John Kerry was the intellectual superior to President Bush, it turns out that their grades while undergraduate students at Yale were remarkably similar.

In fact, Bush's were a tad higher. His four-year average was 77; Kerry's 76. Both were C students. Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966; Bush in 1968.

And our current President claims to have graduated Magna cum Laude from Harvard Law. But we have to take his word for it because his transcript and dissertation is sealed.

Boy, this ain't pretty. Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.

That's the way it goes.

Try for free


It really goes to show the left's identity politics
to be a farce

George Zimmerman, the Florida accused murderer, had a black grandmother.
That makes him a quarter black, more black than Warren is Indian, though the New York Times describes him as a “white Hispanic.”

How Progressive of them
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god knows how warren is able to show her face in public anymore, can you just picture her in a wal-mart cashier line? you can just imagine a cashier asking her, cash, credit or beaver tail?

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