LMAO!! The globe has been "COOLING" since the 1930's!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
OK.....I'm laughing. Turns out, they indeed have been rigging the data and the world has been cooling since the 1930's........top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

The scandal of fiddled global warming data - Telegraph

This is a direct kick to the nutsacks of the AGW religion!!! Skeptics.....including tens of thousands of scientists.......have been saying these people are screwing with the data forever. And the have!!!:D:D

This is great stuff.......:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:
Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models.

Liberals have this unreasonable fear of climate change.
Even if humans are 100% responsible for the planet warming, our species first of all, won't be around forever anyway, and future humans will adapt to their environment as they always have.
Other species will also adapt, or die out, and new species will replace those are unable to compete. This is how life on this planet has always evolved, and trying to force these natural changes from occurring is like trying to use a shovel to dismantle Mt Everest.
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Liberals have this unreasonable fear of climate change.
Even if humans are 100% responsible for the planet warming, our species first of all, won't be around forever anyway, and future humans will adapt to their environment as they always have.
Other species will also adapt, or die out, and new species will replace those are unable to compete. This is how life on this planet has always evolved, and trying to force these natural changes from occurring is like trying to use a shovel to dismantle Mt Everest.

Indeed.....these people navigate life worrying about a house falling out of the sky and onto their head. We all know these people.......they get hysterical about anything and everything. Life is not normal unless there is something to get hysterical about.

Who the fuck couldn't see that this was a hoax from the word "go"? Been saying it for 20 years.....been pissing on these mental cases for year and now get to take an enormous dump on them!! And Im laughing.......everything they are about is a fraud.......invariably based solely upon emotion!!

Pathetic.......in the pecking order, they fall just below groups like AlQueda for magnitude of fuckedupedness. They've been given the chance for the past 6 years and the entire planet is devolving into a Jonestown.

Spread the world........the data is fake.:D:D:up::up::gay:
A hoax that is rapidly eroding. History will laugh at the idiots who believed in this crap. :lol:
A hoax that is rapidly eroding. History will laugh at the idiots who believed in this crap. :lol:

Spot on......history will view this as a fad.:fu:

Have to laugh too.....the neighbors behind me just had a gigantic solar roof put in this past weekend at a cost of close to 60K. Big time lefty k00ks immersed in the matrix. Almost pissed my pants thinking of them this am........:D
The truth does not matter to the warmists. They are crazed zealots. No amount of scientific data or proof of lies committed in the name of AGW, will change them.

Statism is the goal and...so, the ends justify the means.
Oh, but you are denying the liberal nutjobs from 'feeling' good about themselves skook. It's to early in the day for them to get all teary eyed over kids in Africa with flies in their eyes, or worried about all the cats down at the shelter looking at the gas chamber.....

This is a outrage. GW.........I'm shouting from a mountain top here......

A hoax that is rapidly eroding. History will laugh at the idiots who believed in this crap. :lol:

Spot on......history will view this as a fad.:fu:

Have to laugh too.....the neighbors behind me just had a gigantic solar roof put in this past weekend at a cost of close to 60K. Big time lefty k00ks immersed in the matrix. Almost pissed my pants thinking of them this am........:D
:lol::lol::lol: Dumbasses. Even if it saves them $150 a month it'll take 33 years to pay for itself. :lol::lol::lol:
A hoax that is rapidly eroding. History will laugh at the idiots who believed in this crap. :lol:

Spot on......history will view this as a fad.:fu:

Have to laugh too.....the neighbors behind me just had a gigantic solar roof put in this past weekend at a cost of close to 60K. Big time lefty k00ks immersed in the matrix. Almost pissed my pants thinking of them this am........:D
:lol::lol::lol: Dumbasses. Even if it saves them $150 a month it'll take 33 years to pay for itself. :lol::lol::lol:

Don't laugh at the government way...

Spend 9K to save 4K

See what I did there?

That's why East Angelia had to Hide the Decline

And our Moron President is making Fake Science a priority of his last 2 Hitler in the Bunker Years
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A hoax that is rapidly eroding. History will laugh at the idiots who believed in this crap. :lol:

Spot on......history will view this as a fad.:fu:

Have to laugh too.....the neighbors behind me just had a gigantic solar roof put in this past weekend at a cost of close to 60K. Big time lefty k00ks immersed in the matrix. Almost pissed my pants thinking of them this am........:D
:lol::lol::lol: Dumbasses. Even if it saves them $150 a month it'll take 33 years to pay for itself. :lol::lol::lol:

Exactly.......they'll have one foot in the ground!! They are like those idiots who smugly drive around in those 2 door Speck little faggy death trap cars.....just to make a point.:D:D:D I pull up next to them in my 'Stang and laugh my ass off at them every chance I get!! Mostly get the finger.......what a surprise.......they are all miserable!!:badgrin:
w0w..........amazing how the furtunes have changed for those on the left. The world is melting down..........the economy is hanging by a thread............illegals pour across the border........the IRS is being used to bludgeon political opponents..........VA patients are starving and not getting medical care.......the middle class continues to shrink and the poor class is booming..........and global warming is proven to be a gigantic hoax............

all you can say is.................fAiL.
The computer models aren't even reliable to begin with.

Here is my position in a nutshell--AGW isn't happening, but pollution is not a good thing, so we should not stop trying to fight pollution in a reasonable, sustainable, systematic fashion just because of the hockey stick hoax. These AGW cultist have really been making it harder for common sense conservation and environmentalism.
People need to share as much as possible this information........the reality manufacturing company, the msm, continues to push this scam. Gotta parrot the mantra....."the data is fake......the world has been cooling since the 1930's!!"
OK.....I'm laughing. Turns out, they indeed have been rigging the data and the world has been cooling since the 1930's........top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

The scandal of fiddled global warming data - Telegraph

This is a direct kick to the nutsacks of the AGW religion!!! Skeptics.....including tens of thousands of scientists.......have been saying these people are screwing with the data forever. And the have!!!:D:D

This is great stuff.......:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:

Turns out
1, no fiddling the source is a liar who is too stupid to know
2, the data is for the US not the globe.

From your own link:

The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties

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