LMBO! Clint Eastwood "the pussy generation" takes a shot at progressives!!

Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.
What's really bizarre is how the niches each read into Eastwood's statement what they want to be there.

This is a pussy generation.

To blacks this is racist.

To gays this is homophobic.

Has it been called sexist yet or are we still waiting?

This is a pussy generation of gutless people who need safe spaces.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
when you don't have any valuable input, just pull out the ole same old same old.
Brynmr, can you at least see that until gays got in-your-face you never noticed the stigma they have lived under in our society? You never noticed the 'bullyism' against gays until they reacted in kind? Amazing!

Of course I noticed. I had a gay friend growing up. We all noticed. But getting in our faces isn't a message to wake up. It's a message of intolerance.

What's amazing to me is how people think that because minority groups have been oppressed, these groups are exempt from becoming oppressors. Gays and blacks are now the oppressors and Liberals are supporting them.
Every German had a jewish friend too. bryn, if gays hadn't become obnoxious (which I don't like either), would you have spoken in their favor? You may have silently noticed the bullying they got, but now you are not silent about the bullying they display in return. Because that's what it is..not an action but a reaction, after years of trying to be themselves and appease straight sensibilities at the same time. So even though you noticed and did not act to stop the disenfranchisement, what does it matter that you don't like their current abhorrent behavior. It's not like they're losing a friend in need.

Bryn, like Clint, I mourn the days of my youth. Life was sweeter when we didn't have to face these anomalies to peaceful existence. But sooner or later we have to separate the sheep from the goats, so to speak. Both Clint and I have been thru turbulent times before and came thru a little steelier. You will too.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nobody who was ever a contemporary of Nazi Germany compares a political debate to the Nazis. They know better.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nice moral equivocation there. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was not similar to Nazis. We did it to make the world a safer place by rid the world of a terrorist organization and a tyrant of of his nukes and the region of the tyrant. Adolf needed Poland's oil for his tanks, we didn't need Iraq's and didn't take it.

The Patriot act isn't remotely close to Nazis incarcerating dissidents, gays, Jews or undesirables. Give us a break.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nice moral equivocation there. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was not similar to Nazis. We did it to make the world a safer place by rid the world of a terrorist organization and a tyrant of of his nukes and the region of the tyrant. Adolf needed Poland's oil for his tanks, we didn't need Iraq's and didn't take it.

The Patriot act isn't remotely close to Nazis incarcerating dissidents, gays, Jews or undesirables. Give us a break.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nice moral equivocation there. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was not similar to Nazis. We did it to make the world a safer place by rid the world of a terrorist organization and a tyrant of of his nukes and the region of the tyrant. Adolf needed Poland's oil for his tanks, we didn't need Iraq's and didn't take it.

The Patriot act isn't remotely close to Nazis incarcerating dissidents, gays, Jews or undesirables. Give us a break.
Iceweasel, you aren't that dense. Somehow I find it impossible to see how you can possibly make that comparison. Germany's fall didn't happen overnight, but step by step...made easy by having a scapegoat. As for the Patriot Act, look up 4A and then look at where our privacy is now.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nobody who was ever a contemporary of Nazi Germany compares a political debate to the Nazis. They know better.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Say what?
A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nice moral equivocation there. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was not similar to Nazis. We did it to make the world a safer place by rid the world of a terrorist organization and a tyrant of of his nukes and the region of the tyrant. Adolf needed Poland's oil for his tanks, we didn't need Iraq's and didn't take it.

The Patriot act isn't remotely close to Nazis incarcerating dissidents, gays, Jews or undesirables. Give us a break.
A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nice moral equivocation there. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was not similar to Nazis. We did it to make the world a safer place by rid the world of a terrorist organization and a tyrant of of his nukes and the region of the tyrant. Adolf needed Poland's oil for his tanks, we didn't need Iraq's and didn't take it.

The Patriot act isn't remotely close to Nazis incarcerating dissidents, gays, Jews or undesirables. Give us a break.
Iceweasel, you aren't that dense. Somehow I find it impossible to see how you can possibly make that comparison. Germany's fall didn't happen overnight, but step by step...made easy by having a scapegoat. As for the Patriot Act, look up 4A and then look at where our privacy is now.
Uhm, I said your comparison was wrong, I didn't offer one.
A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nobody who was ever a contemporary of Nazi Germany compares a political debate to the Nazis. They know better.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Say what?
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nobody who was ever a contemporary of Nazi Germany compares a political debate to the Nazis. They know better.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Say what?
A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.
Yes. Anyone you disagree with is a Nazi. That doesn't make you sound crazy AT ALL.

That isn't true, not 'anyone' I disagree with. Actually the Nazis ARE the major bad guys of my lifetime. I was 3 when they invaded Poland and 9 when their malevolence was exposed to the world, scarred forever I guess by the terrors I learned of over the next couple of years. As I grew, I wondered what made this beautiful, intellectual country of great universities and gemutlicheit and a stunning work ethic turn into the heinous horror of the century (right next to Stalin, but that's another story). Read up on how the German people were led to that awful place. And just like, on a smaller scale, today's Americans who cheered a ME invasion with great fervor and now distance themselves from that disastrous mistake, so civilian Germans denied any knowledge of the effects of their support of scapegoating.

It doesn't matter that you think my reference to Nazis is an epithet to cover ignorance. But read up. Read up on the Nuremberg judgements and then take a look at the Patriot Act, at the scrapping of the Geneva accords, at holding indefinitely without trials on the excuse the perps are not Americans even though subject to American justice and judgement. I am not out to convert you, but at least do not accuse me of ignorance of the issues because I try to explain my political position and why.
Nobody who was ever a contemporary of Nazi Germany compares a political debate to the Nazis. They know better.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Say what?
Dumb down translation:

You're lying.
Lets all say it together......WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS!!

But if it makes you racist good for nothing white maggots feel better blaming OBama, because you suddenly had to cancel your back yard BBQ with your nigga friends...than by all means, have at it!!

It's pretty pethetic (but very Liberal) when an ugly racist like triggered59 accuses others of racism.
Why thank you, sir......from one racist to another, I take that as a compliment!!
Lets all say it together......WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS!!

But if it makes you racist good for nothing white maggots feel better blaming OBama, because you suddenly had to cancel your back yard BBQ with your nigga friends...than by all means, have at it!!

It's pretty pethetic (but very Liberal) when an ugly racist like triggered59 accuses others of racism.
Why thank you, sir......from one racist to another, I take that as a compliment!!
You're the only racist here. Just you.

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