LMBO! Clint Eastwood "the pussy generation" takes a shot at progressives!!

How spot on accurate is this statement.........clearly directed at progressives and particularly progressive men..........

"That's the kiss-ass generation we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist. And then when I did Gran Torino, even my associate said, "This is a really good script, but it's politically incorrect." And I said, "Good. Let me read it tonight." The next morning, I came in and I threw it on his desk and I said, "We're starting this immediately."

Clint Eastwood Is Not Impressed by America's 'Kiss-Ass Generation'

Nobody has the balls to say it but Eastwood........guy is ashamed we live in a society where the males particularly are becoming alarmingly ghey..........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Wow an old dude thinks that his generation was better than the newest one? Never heard that before. This is original stuff :D
CLitt like most of Trump supporters are just sadly refusing to embrace the future and for their efforts, they're clinging to past that will never come back and a leader who will never show them a way to a better future...I wish I had a magic wand and I could grant all these nostalgic losers their wishes and send them all back to the past....where they could sniff out a opening in a cave in the year 200 B.C (before Clint!!)
"This is a really good script, but it's politically incorrect." And I said, "Good. Let me read it tonight." The next morning, I came in and I threw it on his desk and I said, "We're starting this immediately."

Wow, what bravery. That was the first movie that tackled such a subject.
There is no institutionalized racism against whites like to was back in Clint's day.

Tell that to the wives and children of dead white cops.

Well back in his day no one was called racist because discrimination against minorities was acceptable.

This man is 86 years old. Back in his day segregation was in full swing. Back in his day women were treated like objects and sexual harassment was acceptable and women just has to "deal with it." A black woman like myself wouldn't have the education and the experiences I've had if things were like they were back in his day.

This man is the same age as my grandmother. Except she is a black woman and unfortunately doesn't have the same fondness of the past like Clint Eastwood does. She had to deal with racist mofos, limited job opportunities and whole a lot of other crappy things.

I'm glad things aren't like the way they were back in his day.
I don't think he was looking fondly on segregation, he was talking about how quickly and conveniently the word racism is thrown around today. And he's right. Feelings have become the prominent concern for many these days. Hurt their feelings and they get apoplectic, like a child.

And what I'm saying is that racism wasn't thrown around because it was acceptable to be a bigot back then. In fact you weren't a racist people were called things like ****** lovers.
LOLOL...when I think of all that segregation, Klan rallies, laws, hangin niggas, terrorizing black communities, segregating schools and neighborhoods, excluding blacks from everything.....all to keep the white man and the white woman free of in-breeding and getting together and here we all are in the year 2016......and all a nigga gotta do today is smile at white bitch for a booty bounce and most white people have turned out to be the most pathetic ignorant mf's God ever made.....who knew?
Make no mistake..........race relations are on a steady decline in 2016. We know who to thank for that.........:spinner:
Lets all say it together......WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS!!

But if it makes you racist good for nothing white maggots feel better blaming OBama, because you suddenly had to cancel your back yard BBQ with your nigga friends...than by all means, have at it!!
And what I'm saying is that racism wasn't thrown around because it was acceptable to be a bigot back then. In fact you weren't a racist people were called things like ****** lovers.

So according to you, being called a n***** lover by whites is worse than blacks shooting white cops in the streets of our cities.

You're the tail the Liberal ideology is wagging.

Please tell me where in any if my post did I say this? Being called a ****** love isn't the problem. It is the thinking that goes along with that statement. If you were white and treated a black person as your equal you were called a ****** lover. Does that not seemed messed up to you?

And killing cops is wrong. But like I said those were heartless psychopaths who killed those cops. Our government doesn't encourage individuals to murder cops.

But governments back in the day not only supported discrimination but it was the law.
In some states. You forget about the civil war where slavery was a key issue.
How spot on accurate is this statement.........clearly directed at progressives and particularly progressive men..........

"That's the kiss-ass generation we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist. And then when I did Gran Torino, even my associate said, "This is a really good script, but it's politically incorrect." And I said, "Good. Let me read it tonight." The next morning, I came in and I threw it on his desk and I said, "We're starting this immediately."

Clint Eastwood Is Not Impressed by America's 'Kiss-Ass Generation'

Nobody has the balls to say it but Eastwood........guy is ashamed we live in a society where the males particularly are becoming alarmingly ghey..........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I use to like this guy as an actor, but after watching him talk to a fuckin chair last time around, I'm convinced like most washed up actors in Hollywierd, he just need some attention and sadly the chair, couldn't talk back!! In other words, fuck off Clitt Eat wood and find a couch..maybe it has something to say!!
So the charade went over your head. Color me surprised.
Well back in his day no one was called racist because discrimination against minorities was acceptable.

I was around back in his day and that's bull shit. What we have now is black on white racism due to the pussy-man racist in the White House.

Do tell us what rights have been taken away from you or any other white people since Obama became president?

There is no institutionalized racism against whites like to was back in Clint's day.

A total PC ruse......only the deep matrix dwellers buy into that sentiment. Maybe in the deep south that was so late into the 60's but its long, long gone now.

You have to have a plate in your head not to understand why the DUMS must perpetuate this narrative of a racist white society....its give them a chance in these presidential elections. The matrix dwellers cant connect the dots.

The fact is, in 2016, we have men not acting like men, thus, the "pussy" reference. Thankfully, there are still way many more man's man men still out there........and to a person, they cant stomach the pussies. Imagine though if we ever get to the point of choosing up sides!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I'm not saying racism is ripe today. But Clinton Eastwood is talking about his day which would have been in the 50's, 60's and 70's. And racism and discrimination was ripe during that time.

Institutionalized racism didn't stop in the 60's and the South wasn't the only place in America that had issues with racism. Even though segregation wasn't the law up north, black and whites were still very much separate and blacks and other minorities didn't have the opportunities that whites had.

But ummm....duh...........why then did blacks do faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better economically between 1940 and 1970?

The Progress of American Blacks

Must have been all that discrimination and racism!!:rock::rock:


I'm not surprised you posted an article from a conservative bias website.

But I read the article. If you do research the country as a whole did better after the war. But just because you are not living at the poverty line, doesn't mean you aren't struggling or poor.

The article also fails to mention the massive wave of blacks who left the South to go up north (which my grandparents and their families were a part of because life was shit down south). But life was only slightly better up north. They may have not lived above the poverty line but they still struggled.

Blacks were still limited to blue collar jobs and restricted from white collar jobs.

I honestly cant believe we're having a conversation about how bad things were for blacks during that time period.
CLitt like most of Trump supporters are just sadly refusing to embrace the future and for their efforts, they're clinging to past that will never come back and a leader who will never show them a way to a better future...I wish I had a magic wand and I could grant all these nostalgic losers their wishes and send them all back to the past....where they could sniff out a opening in a cave in the year 200 B.C (before Clint!!)
Neither Eastwood or Trump are racists. And political correctness is doomed to failure, it's going too far and people can't stop being people. Oddly enough you are one of the most politically incorrect people here.
CLitt like most of Trump supporters are just sadly refusing to embrace the future and for their efforts, they're clinging to past that will never come back and a leader who will never show them a way to a better future...I wish I had a magic wand and I could grant all these nostalgic losers their wishes and send them all back to the past....where they could sniff out a opening in a cave in the year 200 B.C (before Clint!!)
Neither Eastwood or Trump are racists. And political correctness is doomed to failure, it's going too far and people can't stop being people. Oddly enough you are one of the most politically incorrect people here.
And on that note, chow!!
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?
If you have to ask, it's too late for you.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?
Every time a man needs a safe space where he can color pictures and play with puppies. Every time a man gets triggered and has to run away. Every time a man snuggles into his onesies and wants mom to bring him a hot chocolate. Everytime a man puts on lace panties, adjusts his eye shadow or cries over a broken fingernail.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?
Every time a man needs a safe space where he can color pictures and play with puppies. Every time a man gets triggered and has to run away. Every time a man snuggles into his onesies and wants mom to bring him a hot chocolate. Everytime a man puts on lace panties, adjusts his eye shadow or cries over a broken fingernail.
so IOW "Trust me".
These limpwristers step right up and take a bow these days.....that's where we are at now. These people even take a thread like this and find a way to turn it into a racism thing!!:coffee: Weenies.........easily identified on this thread by the way!:bye1:

We knew these people were going to grow up pussies going way back!! They got their lunchboxes kicked all over the schoolyard all the time and gladly turned over their $. In gym class, the last picked for the squad. Sat and watched from the curb when the neighborhood street hockey game was going on. Responsible for the game of Dogdeball being non-existent in American schools. All in on the all trophies all the time shit. We know who they are......Eastwood knows who they are. First on line to buy a Prius!! At home later in life, get a Things To Do list from the wife and happily march off to complete their duties. First to call the principle of the school if their kid gets a little roughed up on the bus. We know who they are........part of the Snowflake generation. Throw yourself off a 4 story building before you dare offend somebody.............

Lets all say it together......WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS!!

But if it makes you racist good for nothing white maggots feel better blaming OBama, because you suddenly had to cancel your back yard BBQ with your nigga friends...than by all means, have at it!!

It's pretty pethetic (but very Liberal) when an ugly racist like triggered59 accuses others of racism.
Guno stands for nothing but the destruction of our values, our freedom and our Constitution. He's one of those pussy-men.
your days are over cracka goy boi

s0n.....if we ever get to choose up sides in this thing, you'll be one of the first to lose all your stuff.:popcorn: Wiffle ball bats are ghey. Because people are just gonna come and take your shit s0n!! Neighbors know who their neighbors are......if I ever need shit, I know exactly where Im going to waltz in and just take any shit I want!! Some members on this thread know exactly what Im talking about too. The anti-Eastwood pussies will capitulate...........and very quickly.:spinner:We actually get giddy thinking about it.......

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