Local Country Store Pulling Products Promoting the NFL

As can be witnessed by the response of the rabid left they don't care one bit what you or I feel or think.

Why the fuck should your feelings or thoughts be taken into account when you're refusing to acknowledge the feelings and thoughts of the players kneeling? Seriously, it sounds like you need coddling. If you want your feelings validated, you must validate the feelings of others. That's not something you seem willing to do. So you just act like a brat instead and expect the word to accommodate you like it owes you something. What do you think you're owed?

thought they were all about "feelings." I guess they are until it doesn't include showing respect for the USA.

Is standing for the National Anthem the only way to show respect for the US? Or just one way to do that?
Stores that push traitorous branded products ought not be surprised when they are trashed by patriots.

Remember The War for Independence and what happened to Loyalists....those who didn't flee to Canada.
"Traitorous branded products"!?! Hyperbole much?

Do you do that because you actually believe it?

Or do you do that because you somehow think it's clever?

Or do you do that because it makes it easier to make an argument when you demonize and trivialize language?
As can be witnessed by the response of the rabid left they don't care one bit what you or I feel or think.

Why the fuck should your feelings or thoughts be taken into account when you're refusing to acknowledge the feelings and thoughts of the players kneeling? Seriously, it sounds like you need coddling. If you want your feelings validated, you must validate the feelings of others. That's not something you seem willing to do. So you just act like a brat instead and expect the word to accommodate you like it owes you something. What do you think you're owed?

thought they were all about "feelings." I guess they are until it doesn't include showing respect for the USA.

Is standing for the National Anthem the only way to show respect for the US? Or just one way to do that?
And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

I realize you don't give a fuk about anyone.

I don't owe you anything. The country doesn't owe you anything. You have this sense of entitlement that is completely unearned, as far as I can see. So for you to have such a personal stake in this seems to indicate that something else is at the heart of this matter for you...and it's not about patriotism, the country, or veterans. It seems to be that you have discomfort that black people are using their platforms to express their displeasure and disgust with how they're treated in this country by law enforcement and the justice system. I think that's a legitimate grievance...and I'm interested to hear how and why you think it's not.

Somehow you think that if they piss off people that is good for ratings because no on cares. What is wrong with you? Enjoy supporting the 1 percent and all the millionaires too ungrateful to respect the country. I assume you have never did anything for anyone so you fit right in.

It's not about pissing people off, and if you are getting pissed off it's because you either A) don't understand why they're doing it or B) you have a personal stake in the systemic Jim Crow racism they are protesting. So which is it? A or B? Because it can only be one of those two things (or both).
As can be witnessed by the response of the rabid left they don't care one bit what you or I feel or think.

Why the fuck should your feelings or thoughts be taken into account when you're refusing to acknowledge the feelings and thoughts of the players kneeling? Seriously, it sounds like you need coddling. If you want your feelings validated, you must validate the feelings of others. That's not something you seem willing to do. So you just act like a brat instead and expect the word to accommodate you like it owes you something. What do you think you're owed?

thought they were all about "feelings." I guess they are until it doesn't include showing respect for the USA.

Is standing for the National Anthem the only way to show respect for the US? Or just one way to do that?
Go listen to the video I posted by Shannon Sharpe. Two weeks ago players were swearing they would NEVER knee for the anthem. Jerry Jones thereaten his entire team if they kneeled. NONE of them cared about social injustice, or very few did. So what changed? Only one thing, Trump told them what they should do and there ain't nothing millionaires and the rich owners like less then being told what to do.

So the whole protest does nothing but point out the hypocrisy of those now joining in.

For once in our lives can the left and right come together and respect the country and NOT be dupes of the rich team owners? Just once?

And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

If you can't tell the difference, then you're a fucking idiot, or a racist, or both.

Regardless, your comfort level and sense of entitlement is completely unearned and anyone who has a problem with what these players are doing is either A) ignorant as to why and/or B) has a personal stake in preserving or denying Jim Crow racism's continued existence.

So which is it? Are you an ignoramus or a racist? Because it can only be one of those two...or both.
And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

If you can't tell the difference, then you're a fucking idiot, or a racist, or both.

Regardless, your comfort level and sense of entitlement is completely unearned and anyone who has a problem with what these players are doing is either A) ignorant as to why and/or B) has a personal stake in preserving or denying Jim Crow racism's continued existence.

So which is it? Are you an ignoramus or a racist? Because it can only be one of those two...or both.
And what happened in the last two weeks that caused so many to join in? What social justice travesty? What Jim Crow laws were passed? (BTW JC laws were all democrats)
And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

If you can't tell the difference, then you're a fucking idiot, or a racist, or both.

Regardless, your comfort level and sense of entitlement is completely unearned and anyone who has a problem with what these players are doing is either A) ignorant as to why and/or B) has a personal stake in preserving or denying Jim Crow racism's continued existence.

So which is it? Are you an ignoramus or a racist? Because it can only be one of those two...or both.
A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

Democrat Party wants minority races and handicapped murdered by infantcide. Just like the Nazis.

And a league filled with blacks making 6-9 figures a year to play a game telling me Jim Crow exists, what a hoot!
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And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

If you can't tell the difference, then you're a fucking idiot, or a racist, or both.

Regardless, your comfort level and sense of entitlement is completely unearned and anyone who has a problem with what these players are doing is either A) ignorant as to why and/or B) has a personal stake in preserving or denying Jim Crow racism's continued existence.

So which is it? Are you an ignoramus or a racist? Because it can only be one of those two...or both.
Colbert gave the Nazi salute on national TV, I am glad you understand he is truly a Nazi.
And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

If you can't tell the difference, then you're a fucking idiot, or a racist, or both.

Regardless, your comfort level and sense of entitlement is completely unearned and anyone who has a problem with what these players are doing is either A) ignorant as to why and/or B) has a personal stake in preserving or denying Jim Crow racism's continued existence.

So which is it? Are you an ignoramus or a racist? Because it can only be one of those two...or both.
Colbert gave the Nazi salute on national TV, I am glad you understand he is truly a Nazi.
^^ Desperation :rolleyes:
Go listen to the video I posted by Shannon Sharpe. Two weeks ago players were swearing they would NEVER knee for the anthem. Jerry Jones thereaten his entire team if they kneeled. NONE of them cared about social injustice, or very few did. So what changed? Only one thing, Trump told them what they should do and there ain't nothing millionaires and the rich owners like less then being told what to do.

Or what's more likely is they became enlightened and sympathetic to the cause because Trump and you Conservatives have been such assholes about it. So it's forced them to think of it in different terms. Yes, Jerry Jones had said he wasn't going to do it or allow his players to do it, but after two days of screeching from racists, know-nothings, and white trash, he changed his mind because who would want to be associated with that crowd of troglodytes? Certainly not an elitist like Jerry Jones.

So it doesn't matter how they came around, what matters is that they did. So when are you going to come around? Or is that asking too much? Like it's so fucking hard to empathize or sympathize with someone. Only sociopaths have that problem. So I guess that means you're a sociopath.

So the whole protest does nothing but point out the hypocrisy of those now joining in.

Well, when the counter-point to the protests is feigned patriotism and outrage, Jim Crow "pipe down, BOY" racism, and plain ignorance, it doesn't take much to see reasonable people joining the side of awareness, enlightenment, and consciousness. I think that's what really upsets you most; you expected people to have your authoritarian views validated and they're not. So you throw a temper tantrum instead, pretending like you're going to boycott the NFL (yeah - fucking - right). I'm sure in a couple months, you'll be right back to watching it Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, once everyone forgot about how adamant you were pretending to be.

For once in our lives can the left and right come together and respect the country and NOT be dupes of the rich team owners? Just once?

So long as the country continues to deny the obvious and apparent racism within our Justice system and law enforcement, I doubt it. This issue would go away if you acknowledged their grievances. But you invalidate them. So why the fuck should your feelings be taken into account? You're not playing the game. You're not standing for the anthem on the field. You're not even there!

Get over yourself.
And if players gave a Nazi salute you’d be screaming about their rights and feelings?

A Nazi salute means you support genocide and ethnic cleansing. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest of the systemic Jim Crow racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system.

If you can't tell the difference, then you're a fucking idiot, or a racist, or both.

Regardless, your comfort level and sense of entitlement is completely unearned and anyone who has a problem with what these players are doing is either A) ignorant as to why and/or B) has a personal stake in preserving or denying Jim Crow racism's continued existence.

So which is it? Are you an ignoramus or a racist? Because it can only be one of those two...or both.
Colbert gave the Nazi salute on national TV, I am glad you understand he is truly a Nazi.
^^ Desperation :rolleyes:
You don't like me using your words?
Go listen to the video I posted by Shannon Sharpe. Two weeks ago players were swearing they would NEVER knee for the anthem. Jerry Jones thereaten his entire team if they kneeled. NONE of them cared about social injustice, or very few did. So what changed? Only one thing, Trump told them what they should do and there ain't nothing millionaires and the rich owners like less then being told what to do.

Or what's more likely is they became enlightened and sympathetic to the cause because Trump and you Conservatives have been such assholes about it. So it's forced them to think of it in different terms. Yes, Jerry Jones had said he wasn't going to do it or allow his players to do it, but after two days of screeching from racists, know-nothings, and white trash, he changed his mind because who would want to be associated with that crowd of troglodytes? Certainly not an elitist like Jerry Jones.

So it doesn't matter how they came around, what matters is that they did. So when are you going to come around? Or is that asking too much? Like it's so fucking hard to empathize or sympathize with someone. Only sociopaths have that problem. So I guess that means you're a sociopath.

So the whole protest does nothing but point out the hypocrisy of those now joining in.

Well, when the counter-point to the protests is feigned patriotism and outrage, Jim Crow "pipe down, BOY" racism, and plain ignorance, it doesn't take much to see reasonable people joining the side of awareness, enlightenment, and consciousness. I think that's what really upsets you most; you expected people to have your authoritarian views validated and they're not. So you throw a temper tantrum instead, pretending like you're going to boycott the NFL (yeah - fucking - right). No one believes that shit. I'm sure in a couple months, you'll be right back to watching it Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, once everyone forgot about how adamant you were pretending to be.

For once in our lives can the left and right come together and respect the country and NOT be dupes of the rich team owners? Just once?

So long as the country continues to deny the obvious and apparent racism within our Justice system and law enforcement, I doubt it. This issue would go away if you acknowledged their grievances. But you invalidate them. So why the fuck should your feelings be taken into account? You're not playing the game. You're not standing for the anthem on the field. You're not even there!

Get over yourself.
Why use part of your $10M salary opening up job training centers when you can just take a knee while wearing silly clothes?
Colbert gave the Nazi salute on national TV, I am glad you understand he is truly a Nazi.

Within what context? Colbert is a satirist, so he was making fun of you. I notice you people tend to ignore context quite a bit. Why is that? Are you simply not capable of complex thought? Or is it an active choice you're making in the hopes no one calls your sophistry out?
Why use part of your $10M salary opening up job training centers when you can just take a knee while wearing silly clothes?

Thing is, many of these players do that. In fact, Kaepernick for example has done far more than any right-winger I've ever seen, and was honored by the NFLPA just 13 days ago for his “commitment to empowering underserved communities through donations and grassroots outreach.”

So it seems like you're just an ignorant nobody who doesn't bother to put in the effort to do the work necessary to be informed. So what we have are a series of posts from you that are easily answered, which forces you to dig deeper and make the parameters broader as you try to jury-rig your argument so that it makes sense.

Fucking. Pathetic.
he's a paying customer it should be!

Where on the ticket does it say the team guarantees you will not have social discomfort? Nowhere. The only thing the ticket guarantees is that they're not liable if a ball flies into the stands or your car gets broken into in the parking lot.

It seems like you think you're owed something. Well guess what, you're not.

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