Local Country Store Pulling Products Promoting the NFL

Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

Ratings last weekend for the NFL were up. We'll see how it does this weekend.

I also find it odd that you're only now boycotting the NFL and not back when all the shit about covering up CTE was exposed, not when player after player is convicted for spousal abuse, not when they torture dogs, not when they rape women.

No, it's kneeling that has you in a tizzy.

Shows where your priorities lie, and what a tone-deaf hypocrite you are.
It is sad to hurt the "little" people but if they are all like this whiny woman then so be it.

This lady should concentrate on increasing the sale of Penguins related merchandise in order to make up for the loss suffered as the result of phony indignation running rampant in the NFL

Demographic make up virtually guarantees that the insanity of the NFL will not be repeated and mimicked in the NHL.

Ironic and sad that white non-American hockey players have more respect for the anthem and the flag than the malcontent yahoos of the NFL.


Good Morning Patriots!
I'm sure you all know at this point how we feel about the NFL and the over privileged whiney asses who have decided to disrespect our flag and what it stands for.
This morning we have pulled all product promoting the NFL.
This means Pepsi products.
Until Pepsi can bring us product that doesn't promote the NFL we will be out of that product.
God Bless Alejandro Villanueva and God Bless the USA!

So we have more products to add to our list...
Miller and Budweiser 12packs and 18 packs that had the Titans logo have also been pulled. Our venders are currently trying to get us product with no NFL promotions or advertising.
We will let you know if and when they do.
Thank you all for your support and understanding!
Yeah.....:lol: That's gonna last.
Stores that push traitorous branded products ought not be surprised when they are trashed by patriots.

Remember The War for Independence and what happened to Loyalists....those who didn't flee to Canada.
My goodness! Tell us! What happened?
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

Ratings last weekend for the NFL were up. We'll see how it does this weekend.

I also find it odd that you're only now boycotting the NFL and not back when all the shit about covering up CTE was exposed, not when player after player is convicted for spousal abuse, not when they torture dogs, not when they rape women.

No, it's kneeling that has you in a tizzy.

Shows where your priorities lie, and what a tone-deaf hypocrite you are.
I don't want to see this bullshit every time I turn on a game. I don't watch football to see babies protest. I watched it, to watch football.
It is sad to hurt the "little" people but if they are all like this whiny woman then so be it.

This lady should concentrate on increasing the sale of Penguins related merchandise in order to make up for the loss suffered as the result of phony indignation running rampant in the NFL

Demographic make up virtually guarantees that the insanity of the NFL will not be repeated and mimicked in the NHL.

Ironic and sad that white non-American hockey players have more respect for the anthem and the flag than the malcontent yahoos of the NFL.
I found it interesting that the woman accused those who think that a little respect is not a bad thing and didn't have a bad word to say about the rich owners who started the whole thing.
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

Ratings last weekend for the NFL were up. We'll see how it does this weekend.

I also find it odd that you're only now boycotting the NFL and not back when all the shit about covering up CTE was exposed, not when player after player is convicted for spousal abuse, not when they torture dogs, not when they rape women.

No, it's kneeling that has you in a tizzy.

Shows where your priorities lie, and what a tone-deaf hypocrite you are.
I don't want to see this bullshit every time I turn on a game. I don't watch football to see babies protest. I watched it, to watch football.
Well, do what you always do...go get a beer or go to the bathroom during the Anthem.
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

Ratings last weekend for the NFL were up. We'll see how it does this weekend.

I also find it odd that you're only now boycotting the NFL and not back when all the shit about covering up CTE was exposed, not when player after player is convicted for spousal abuse, not when they torture dogs, not when they rape women.

No, it's kneeling that has you in a tizzy.

Shows where your priorities lie, and what a tone-deaf hypocrite you are.
I don't want to see this bullshit every time I turn on a game. I don't watch football to see babies protest. I watched it, to watch football.
As can be witnessed by the response of the rabid left they don't care one bit what you or I feel or think. I thought they were all about "feelings." I guess they are until it doesn't include showing respect for the USA.
There was no political controversy for decades of standing for the anthem.

You just refuted your own argument idiot. If there was no political controversy for decades of standing for the anthem, kneeling to protest during it is the start of being political no matter the race of the protesters. You appear to be the racist since you couldn't help yourself but enter race into the discussion to try and bolster your losing argument. Try thinking for yourself instead of just following the herd and parroting the party line.
And who is following the herd? Lol, Most of these jocks seldom have a valid thought on their own. They remind me of a line of ants just following the one in front of them.
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

Ratings last weekend for the NFL were up. We'll see how it does this weekend.

I also find it odd that you're only now boycotting the NFL and not back when all the shit about covering up CTE was exposed, not when player after player is convicted for spousal abuse, not when they torture dogs, not when they rape women.

No, it's kneeling that has you in a tizzy.

Shows where your priorities lie, and what a tone-deaf hypocrite you are.
Ratings were up according to those who most profit from the ratings.
Sir, what is the function of entertainment? Or is entertainment on that which makes you happy?

Again, your comfort level is no one's concern. No one's. You do not matter enough for anyone to be concerned with your comfort level. If kneeling during the anthem discomforts you, the quesiton you must ask yourself is why? It's not about patriotism or veterans, because, let's face it...you don't really give a shit about those things. You just don't want to be challenged. Which I get. Some people spend all their time obsessing about things out of their control, they want a break from it. Well, unfortunately, black people can't take a break from being black, so this kneeling is their protest of that. Hard to see how it offends you so much unless you have a personal stake in oppressing black people. And I doubt you do. So why does it matter to you what these guys do before the game? If you don't want to have a conversation about why they're doing this, fine. But you can't go around and tell them not to do something just because it makes you feel bad. Grow up.
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

Ratings last weekend for the NFL were up. We'll see how it does this weekend.

I also find it odd that you're only now boycotting the NFL and not back when all the shit about covering up CTE was exposed, not when player after player is convicted for spousal abuse, not when they torture dogs, not when they rape women.

No, it's kneeling that has you in a tizzy.

Shows where your priorities lie, and what a tone-deaf hypocrite you are.
I don't want to see this bullshit every time I turn on a game. I don't watch football to see babies protest. I watched it, to watch football.
Well, do what you always do...go get a beer or go to the bathroom during the Anthem.
So you support them kneeling?
Local country store. Where? Greenbow Alabama? Is Forest going to go running by? Is that Jen-nay?
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

You feel a need to tell other people what you watch on tv. Feel better?
Local country store. Where? Greenbow Alabama? Is Forest going to go running by? Is that Jen-nay?
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

You feel a need to tell other people what you watch on tv. Feel better?
You feel a need to tell other people what you watch on tv. Feel better?
When was the last time you ate at Chick Fil A?
Local country store. Where? Greenbow Alabama? Is Forest going to go running by? Is that Jen-nay?
Palmetto ale house in greenville, sc. Will not show any NFL football games. The NFL should've nip this thing in the bud. Now they will be screwed either way. I'm done with them. Hopefully college ball won't be next.

You feel a need to tell other people what you watch on tv. Feel better?[/QUOTE
Local bar around here.
Sir, what is the function of entertainment? Or is entertainment on that which makes you happy?

Again, your comfort level is no one's concern. No one's. You do not matter enough for anyone to be concerned with your comfort level. If kneeling during the anthem discomforts you, the quesiton you must ask yourself is why? It's not about patriotism or veterans, because, let's face it...you don't really give a shit about those things. You just don't want to be challenged. Which I get. Some people spend all their time obsessing about things out of their control, they want a break from it. Well, unfortunately, black people can't take a break from being black, so this kneeling is their protest of that. Hard to see how it offends you so much unless you have a personal stake in oppressing black people. And I doubt you do. So why does it matter to you what these guys do before the game? If you don't want to have a conversation about why they're doing this, fine. But you can't go around and tell them not to do something just because it makes you feel bad. Grow up.
I realize you don't give a fuk about anyone. Somehow you think that if they piss off people that is good for ratings because no on cares. What is wrong with you? Enjoy supporting the 1 percent and all the millionaires too ungrateful to respect the country. I assume you have never did anything for anyone so you fit right in.

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