Local Country Store Pulling Products Promoting the NFL

Yeah, just look at the NBA. White racism abounds.

So because you're a cowardly piece of shit, you cannot seem to stay on topic. So you have to invoke the NBA (?) which has nothing to do with this. BTW - NBA players have to abide by a strict code of conduct. David Stern doesn't mess around. And Lebron James, a much more popular and well-like public figure than any of the goons the right can trot out there, thinks you're shitty too.
That's not anti-gay, it's pro-traditional marriage.
There are people who oppose traditional marriages? :rofl:
That’s a stupid weak dumbass response even for you.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
May 5, 2016
Don't Go to Chick-Fil-A, Mayor De Blasio Tells New Yorkers
Don't Go to Chick-Fil-A, Mayor De Blasio Tells New Yorkers

Chick-Fil-A is the most profitable fast food chain in America. Thanks to the left.
That's not anti-gay, it's pro-traditional marriage.
There are people who oppose traditional marriages? :rofl:
That’s a stupid weak dumbass response even for you.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.

Um, you speak of what you not know......... typical


Chick-fil-A is still bankrolling anti-LGBTQ causes
The company’s tax-exempt foundation continues to bankroll anti-LGBTQ organizations with more than $1.4 million in donations.

It has been nearly five years since Chick-fil-A chairman and CEO Dan Cathy’s comment that the company was “guilty as charged” of opposing same-sex marriage brought the company’s long history of anti-LGBTQ activism to the nation’s attention.

It has been nearly five years since Cathy, facing national backlash, vowed to stay out of the debate and focus on chicken. At that time, the company launched a very small charm offensive, issuing a statement that the company will “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect-regardless of their beliefs, race, creed, sexual orientation and gender.” (Chick-fil-A did not back this up with any LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination policy. )

But has anything changed? It sure doesn’t look that way. While the company’s non-profit arms scaled back support for some of the groups that actively push an anti-gay agenda, the Chick-fil-A Foundation’s most recent IRS filings show it gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to anti-LGBTQ organizations in 2015. Though its website’s FAQ claims the foundation “is focused on helping every child become all they were created to be,” its donations went to groups that do not believe this includes LGBTQ youth.

Chick-fil-A is still bankrolling anti-LGBTQ causes
Yeah, just look at the NBA. White racism abounds.

So because you're a cowardly piece of shit, you cannot seem to stay on topic. So you have to invoke the NBA (?) which has nothing to do with this. BTW - NBA players have to abide by a strict code of conduct. David Stern doesn't mess around. And Lebron James, a much more popular and well-like public figure than any of the goons the right can trot out there, thinks you're shitty too.
OK, NFL has a disproportionate ratio of blacks. Obvious display of racial profiling.
I think the 11% decline in viewers and empty seats in stadiums contradict your assertion

Well, you don't do much thinking because the reason viewership is down for the NFL - and all TV - is because of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Not because of your imagined political power.
I think the 11% decline in viewers and empty seats in stadiums contradict your assertion

Well, you don't do much thinking because the reason viewership is down for the NFL - and all TV - is because of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Not because of your imagined political power.
What are you all worried about? Lefties will give up their video game time now and become big spending NFL Fans now.
I think the 11% decline in viewers and empty seats in stadiums contradict your assertio

And I just want to keep coming back to this because it's such a great example of Conservatives not knowing what the fuck they're talking about.

You think that the decline in the NFL's viewership has anything to do with you, and that's just adorable. Outside delusion-land, the reality is that TV viewership, overall, has been in decline since 2012:


Because you have an inflated ego and sense of yourself, you think the recent declines have everything to do with your posturing bullshit. But, the thing is, decline in TV viewership is a trend that's been happening for 5 years.

"Flat is the new up".

So you're here, spouting off about taking credit for the NFL's ratings decline, when the reality is that TV's decline year over year is even with that of the NFL's. Just more of that unearned sense of entitlement you have.
I think the 11% decline in viewers and empty seats in stadiums contradict your assertio

And I just want to keep coming back to this because it's such a great example of Conservatives not knowing what the fuck they're talking about.

You think that the decline in the NFL's viewership has anything to do with you, and that's just adorable. Outside delusion-land, the reality is that TV viewership, overall, has been in decline since 2012:


Because you have an inflated ego and sense of yourself, you think the recent declines have everything to do with your posturing bullshit. But, the thing is, decline in TV viewership is a trend that's been happening for 5 years.

"Flat is the new up".

So you're here, spouting off about taking credit for the NFL's ratings decline, when the reality is that TV's decline year over year is even with that of the NFL's. Just more of that unearned sense of entitlement you have.

While the NFL attributes the decline in ratings to the presidential race, a study conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows otherwise. Approximately 1,000 American adults participated in a telephonequestionnaire on Oct. 2-3 that revealed nearly one-third (32 percent) are “less likely to watch an NFL game” due to players taking a stand and protesting the national anthem. Thirteen percent want to watch a game because of the protests. Fifty-two percent do not base their viewing choice on the protests at all. But the league executives disagree.

NFL viewership down and study suggests it’s over protests
What are you all worried about? Lefties will give up their video game time now and become big spending NFL Fans now.

I am, have been, and will continue to be an NFL fan because I love the game.

You all are trying to take credit for something that you have no part in. Because you have such a fragile ego, you have to convince yourselves you're more important and significant than you actually are. That's why you get so mad when a rich guy like Kaepernick protests social injustice. You take that as a slap across the face because you have an unearned sense of entitlement. Completely unearned.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.

I doubt very much that Chick-Fil-A said that they made a mistake. Got a link?
NFL is a brand, this merchant relies on that brand to sell merchandise. When the brand is tarnished, sales slump.

The NFL should have nipped this Kaepernick bs in the bud early.
Now they are fucked. They will either piss off one side or the other...and in the end, the NFL will be diminished by it.

You want to protest...do it on your own time.

You want to protest...don't disrepect the national anthem, the flag and the country while doing so.

Football is not bigger than patriotism. Patriotism has crushed the NFL this week. It's a lesson they have learned before, but somehow forgot.

From Time magazine...

"Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses."

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

So this isn't news to them...they understand...there were no surpises.
Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions,and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations ofthe above, including first offenses."

With the exception of the Pittsburgh Steelers last week, kneeling players were on the field.

Also note, disciplinary action(s) for not being on the field may be imposed. The NFL has [so far] chosen not to impose any.
While the NFL attributes the decline in ratings to the presidential race, a study conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows otherwise. Approximately 1,000 American adults participated in a telephonequestionnaire on Oct. 2-3 that revealed nearly one-third (32 percent) are “less likely to watch an NFL game” due to players taking a stand and protesting the national anthem. Thirteen percent want to watch a game because of the protests. Fifty-two percent do not base their viewing choice on the protests at all. But the league executives disagree.

Year-over-year TV viewership decline overall is even with that of the NFL.

You can play pretend that other factors are involved, but the decline of the NFL's ratings is in line with that of Broadcast and Cable TV.

That's what the facts say.

Your post seems to propose theories, but it's also 1 year old and doesn't take into account TV viewership overall declining. It's just confirmation bias on your part.
There are people who oppose traditional marriages? :rofl:
That’s a stupid weak dumbass response even for you.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:


Good Morning Patriots!
I'm sure you all know at this point how we feel about the NFL and the over privileged whiney asses who have decided to disrespect our flag and what it stands for.
This morning we have pulled all product promoting the NFL.
This means Pepsi products.
Until Pepsi can bring us product that doesn't promote the NFL we will be out of that product.
God Bless Alejandro Villanueva and God Bless the USA!

So we have more products to add to our list...
Miller and Budweiser 12packs and 18 packs that had the Titans logo have also been pulled. Our venders are currently trying to get us product with no NFL promotions or advertising.
We will let you know if and when they do.
Thank you all for your support and understanding!
Dog fighting... rape... murder... domestic violence...dwi....

But peaceful protests is where the right draws the line. Got it.
That’s a stupid weak dumbass response even for you.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:
Poor butt hurt baby.
What are you all worried about? Lefties will give up their video game time now and become big spending NFL Fans now.

I am, have been, and will continue to be an NFL fan because I love the game.

You all are trying to take credit for something that you have no part in. Because you have such a fragile ego, you have to convince yourselves you're more important and significant than you actually are. That's why you get so mad when a rich guy like Kaepernick protests social injustice. You take that as a slap across the face because you have an unearned sense of entitlement. Completely unearned.
Because you’re a cheerleader for the 1%
That’s a stupid weak dumbass response even for you.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

The all-woman league formerly known as the Lingerie Football League announced this week its belief that America's flag and national anthem are "far too sacred" to protest.

The league, recently rebranded as the Legends Football League, said in a Tuesday statement that its players would not be taking a knee during the national anthem as many of their male counterparts in the NFL have done.

"The LFL recognizes everyone's First Amendment right to protest, but our nation's flag and anthem are far too sacred," the league said. "Too many fellow Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice, so that our flag and anthem continue in all its majesty."
Yeah, well they play in their underwear, so

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