Local Country Store Pulling Products Promoting the NFL

Because you’re a cheerleader for the 1%

I mean, look, if you're at the point now where all you can do is vomit out non-sequitur after non-sequitur then we can assume you have no thoughtful position on this issue, and you're just trying to incite people because of whatever bullshit insecurity you personally have.

Get over yourself. No one cares about you. No one recognizes your bullshit entitlement. Your opinion and voice don't carry any significant weight.

You do not matter.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:
Poor butt hurt baby.
Lol about what?
Gotta pretend it's about patriotism so you don't have to talk about institutional racism.
Why? Chick Fil A was boycotted for their fight against gay marriage. They ceased donations, and besides, the gay marriage fight is now long over. So who cares what they're doing now?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

At least now they can choose. Just like a straight couple. Equality.
Lol, you state that like its a bad thing....

So your signature talks about how the national anthem at NFL games is an "honored tradition"...but did you know that "tradition" is only recent to 2009 and only because the National Guard paid the owners to do it?
So, how did that boycott workout for the gay enablers? I know it worked out great for Chick-Fil-A.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

At least now they can choose. Just like a straight couple. Equality.
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.

You should be able to, in my view. As long as it's between consenting adults, you should be able to marry whoever you want, as many people as you want, whenever you want. So long as it's consensual and the folks getting married are adults, be a polygamist...though I don't know why in the world anyone would want more than one spouse...
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.

You should be able to, in my view. As long as it's between consenting adults, you should be able to marry whoever you want, as many people as you want, whenever you want. So long as it's consensual and the folks getting married are adults, be a polygamist...though I don't know why in the world anyone would want more than one spouse...
Father marrying his daughters is OK in Leftardia.
Father marrying his daughters is OK in Leftardia.

So I'm confused, were you just spamming/trolling the board with your polygamy post? Do you have nothing better to do with yourself than try to get a rise out of people on the internet? Get a fucking life, dude.


Good Morning Patriots!
I'm sure you all know at this point how we feel about the NFL and the over privileged whiney asses who have decided to disrespect our flag and what it stands for.
This morning we have pulled all product promoting the NFL.
This means Pepsi products.
Until Pepsi can bring us product that doesn't promote the NFL we will be out of that product.
God Bless Alejandro Villanueva and God Bless the USA!

So we have more products to add to our list...
Miller and Budweiser 12packs and 18 packs that had the Titans logo have also been pulled. Our venders are currently trying to get us product with no NFL promotions or advertising.
We will let you know if and when they do.
Thank you all for your support and understanding!

Good for them.
Good for them.

So if a Conservative drinks from a can that has an NFL team's logo on it, do they just dissolve like at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Father marrying his daughters is OK in Leftardia.

So I'm confused, were you just spamming/trolling the board with your polygamy post? Do you have nothing better to do with yourself than try to get a rise out of people on the internet? Get a fucking life, dude.
DOnt get mad at me because you lefties support a father marrying his daughters.
So, you seem to be adept at reading people's minds and thoughts. Does your 'voodoo' encompass lottery tickets? Can you give us all the next lotto numbers too?

You're simple people, so it's not very hard to devine what goes on in your simple minds.
No, we are far to complicated for you. See, to you, you have two settings.

Agree with Me.

Or I call you names.

Now, who is the simpleton here? I'm thinking the votes will be for you.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

At least now they can choose. Just like a straight couple. Equality.
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.

What the hell is wrong with the left? When did this craziness all start?
It is sad to hurt the "little" people but if they are all like this whiny woman then so be it.

I didn't find her to be whiny at all.

Whiny, was a bit of hyperbole but she was complaining about lost of sales and the calls she was getting. Saying that it wouldn't be Nike and the NFL that gets hurt, too big, it would be people like her.

This is her problem, not ours. Does a store only sell tshirts and nothing else? No. They sell pants, dresses, accessories, etc. If this woman ONLY sold NFL items..then she put all her eggs in one basket. Bad business move. I feel for her, but only slightly.
Chick Fil A stopped donating to anti-gay groups and said it had been a mistake. So the boycott was lifted. And then later, of course, gay people won the right to marry.

So it all worked out pretty fucking great for gay people.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

At least now they can choose. Just like a straight couple. Equality.
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.
Because no one can. Equality.
Hilarious how you need to lie to cover your failed agenda.
What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

At least now they can choose. Just like a straight couple. Equality.
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.
Because no one can. Equality.
So no Homos could marry.


NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

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