Log of Liberal Lies


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist
When is a billion dollars not that big of a deal?

Only the lying liberal could take a BILLION dollars of OUR money, unconstitutionally spend it, and then try to make the case that a billion dollars is not that much money. It's astounding how much lying these people do. I don't think they could tell the truth if you offered them that billion.

When is a billion dollars not that big of a deal? – Glenn Beck
The obvious counter to this is to talk about nothing but Obama's abject failure of a record.
The obvious counter to this is to talk about nothing but Obama's abject failure of a record.

Well that's exactly why he's going to lose in a landslide election in a few months (and he knows it too). He won before because they played the race card and everyone was afraid to look into his background for fear of being labeled "racist". But now he has a glaring record of failure that he cannot hide from.
"When the banks do it, it’s called Wall Street greed at its worst.* When Big Labor does it, it’s simply working the union way."

Seriously - is there anyone more greedy than a LIBERAL? *All they talk about is what can the government give them? *What can they take from others? *What can they steal from the wealthy? *It's a constant barrage of "give me, give me, give me". *They are the greediest people on earth, and yet they are the first to scream "greed" over any one or any organization that is successful.

SEIU and AFL-CIO Unions Offer High-Interest Credit Cards to Members, Despite Position on ‘Predatory’ Bankers | TheBlaze.com
Michelle Obama's Spain trip cost cost taxpayers $467K

It cost taxpayers nearly a half-million dollars for first lady Michelle Obama to travel to Spain in 2010, according to an analysis by Judicial Watch.
Democraps always play the race card, the homo card, the age card, the illegals card, etc.
Looks like Maya Wiley removed some information from her site. Too bad, it would put this whole thing into context.

But come on, you don't think Pub's don't also get training from people to call Obama a "socialist" or a "marxist" and makes comparisons to Soviet Russia? Dem's pander to poor minorities, Repubs pander to poor white christians.
Looks like Maya Wiley removed some information from her site. Too bad, it would put this whole thing into context.

But come on, you don't think Pub's don't also get training from people to call Obama a "socialist" or a "marxist" and makes comparisons to Soviet Russia? Dem's pander to poor minorities, Repubs pander to poor white christians.

I don't think you need "training" to call a spade a spade. The left has to lie in order to obtain, and then retain, power because their entire ideology is counter to everything America was built on (small government, maximum freedoms, personal responsibility, idependence, etc.).

Their hypocrisy is endless and repulsive. Two quick examples: after wailing endlessly about higher taxes so the wealthy would "pay their fair share", John Kerry went out and purchased a $7 million yacht and then hid it in Rhode Island so he could avoid paying taxes on it. And lets not forget about the ugliest person in the world (both inside and outside) - Debbie Wasserman Schultz. After screaming (like the psycho she is) about American jobs, American auto's, American manufacturing, and claiming the Republicans would cause all of us to drive foreign cars, it turns out Mrs. Psychopath drives a Japanese car - a 2010 Infiniti FX35.

DNC chairwoman supports U.S. auto industry so much she owns a Japanese car - latimes.com

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Bashed Republicans for Being Against Bailing Out US Automakers but Drives a Foreign Car | The Lonely Conservative
No Dem lies, just Pubcrappe. STOOOPID shytte! Beck never says anything that ISN'T a lie. Ditto Breitbar Inc....

The important thing is their POLICY- not what kind of car they drive STUPID GOSSIP. MORON DUPES LOL Change the channel.
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No Dem lies, just Pubcrappe. STOOOPID shytte! Beck never says anything that ISN'T a lie. Ditto Breitbar Inc....

The important thing is their POLICY- not what kind of car they drive STUPID GOSSIP. MORON DUPES LOL Change the channel.

"not what kind of car they drive STUPID GOSSIP"

Can anyone figure out this "franko speak" It never was taught when I was going to school.
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

how are those WMD's going?

and the one about this president outspending the repub presidents?

or the one about reagan not raising taxes?

or the one about corporations being people.

shall i go on, winger?

and why is garbage like this thread in politics and not in 'flame;?

oh right...

never mind.
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Talk about anything other than Obama's record. That is the left's code for this election cycle.

or we could tell lies about the teatards in the house not intentionally sabotaging our recovery.

or the wingers in the senate not filibustering everything.

but if enough rightwingnuts say it, it must be true, right?

Talk about anything other than Obama's record. That is the left's code for this election cycle.

How can you possibly be on this board every day and then turn around and claim that liberals won't talk about Obama's record?

From where I'm sitting I see the attacks on Romney from the left. I see attacks on Obama from the right, But I don't see the left talking about Obama's record.
I guess you could call it an observation.
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

how are those WMD's going?

and the one about this president outspending the repub presidents?

or the one about reagan not raising taxes?

or the one about corporations being people.

shall i go on, winger?

Iraq had WOMNDs.
This president has outspent every other president.
Congress controls taxes
Corporations are people.

Yes, go on. Prove to everyone how fucking clueless you are, counselor.
Talk about anything other than Obama's record. That is the left's code for this election cycle.

or we could tell lies about the teatards in the house not intentionally sabotaging our recovery.

or the wingers in the senate not filibustering everything.

but if enough rightwingnuts say it, it must be true, right?


:lol: 'deliberately sabotaging our recovery'? Are you serious?
Talk about anything other than Obama's record. That is the left's code for this election cycle.

or we could tell lies about the teatards in the house not intentionally sabotaging our recovery.

or the wingers in the senate not filibustering everything.

but if enough rightwingnuts say it, it must be true, right?


How many republican bills have been shelved by Reid in the Senate, Jillian?
I see a politics for what it is...devisive these days.

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