Log of Liberal Lies

Anything a Koch sucker can do to change the title lol. You are on the Koch list to get a new pair of knee pads for Christmans and a chunk of coal in your stocking. :eusa_boohoo:

Aww... is the 'lil illiterate parasite upset because he's too stupid to earn wealth like the Koch brothers have? :lol:

Awe the little Koch sucker broke out of the cave again but his handlers will take him back and get rid of the smell. :eusa_boohoo:

JackAss, I think you sniff to much crack...

Liberal Lies:

The idiot liberal dumbocrat would have you believe that that our founders were filthy rich, fiercely racist, and athiests (when nothing could be further from the truth). Found some interesting facts about Lincoln here which adds a little known fact about Thomas Jefferson:

"His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably."

5 Things You May Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation
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"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

Attempt? Republicans are 90% white. Look at all the "I'm better than black people" threads on this very site. You don't that's Democrats starting those? Not really.
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

Attempt? Republicans are 90% white. Look at all the "I'm better than black people" threads on this very site. You don't that's Democrats starting those? Not really.

First of all, Republican's are not "90% white".

Second, lets play your propaganda game for a moment and pretend that is true. How would that make them racists if people of other demographics chose to have different political views??? Even by RDean standards, your comment is insanely stupid. If black people chose communism, how is that an indictment in any capacity on the racial viewpoints of the Republican Party?!?!?
If this was a list of the obama administrations lies. It would be the longest thread in all of the intenet message board history
I thought that considering the title I might over load my hard drive by down loading the list of liberal lies.
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

Attempt? Republicans are 90% white. Look at all the "I'm better than black people" threads on this very site. You don't that's Democrats starting those? Not really.

First of all, Republican's are not "90% white".

Second, lets play your propaganda game for a moment and pretend that is true. How would that make them racists if people of other demographics chose to have different political views??? Even by RDean standards, your comment is insanely stupid. If black people chose communism, how is that an indictment in any capacity on the racial viewpoints of the Republican Party?!?!?

Considering that Romney is getting 0% of the black vote, Republicans are probably MORE than 90% white. I'm guessing closer now to 95%. So we are both right. Republicans aren't 90% white. At least, not anymore.
Liberal Lies:

The idiot liberal dumbocrat would have you believe that that our founders were filthy rich, fiercely racist, and athiests (when nothing could be further from the truth). Found some interesting facts about Lincoln here which adds a little known fact about Thomas Jefferson:

"His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably."

5 Things You May Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation

You anti American sludge would have us believe these hypocrites like Jefferson was great and the only great thing about Jefferson was his hypocrisy. Washington claimed he didn't believe in owning slaves yet he owned many himself. Want to support slavery move to a communist country that still uses slave labor to do the work republican pigs sent to them. :eusa_boohoo:
Liberal Lies:

The idiot liberal dumbocrat would have you believe that that our founders were filthy rich, fiercely racist, and athiests (when nothing could be further from the truth). Found some interesting facts about Lincoln here which adds a little known fact about Thomas Jefferson:

"His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably."

5 Things You May Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation

You anti American sludge would have us believe these hypocrites like Jefferson was great and the only great thing about Jefferson was his hypocrisy. Washington claimed he didn't believe in owning slaves yet he owned many himself. Want to support slavery move to a communist country that still uses slave labor to do the work republican pigs sent to them. :eusa_boohoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzh7af0Vb6E]Liberal Lies about America; they're Twisting our History, 48 Liberal Lies.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
Take a look at some of the promises Obama made back in 2009 during his first State of the Union.

“I pledged to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.”

During his first State of the Union, newly inaugurated President Obama vowed to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Instead, Obama has averaged deficits nearly three times that of his predecessor.

For those who were concerned with President George W. Bush’s $4 trillion national debt, this pledge may have seemed like the “hope and change” the American people voted for in 2008. However, the reality of America’s additional debt over the past four years under the Obama Administration is staggering—almost $6 trillion in four years, on track to triple the amount Bush accumulated over his eight years as President. Now that Obama is heading into his second term, we’ve seen quite a change from the Barack Obama who thought $4 trillion in debt was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic.”

Obama's Bogus State of the Union Promises from Four Years Ago
“…we must have quality, affordable health care for every American. It’s a commitment that’s paid for in part by efficiencies in our system that are long overdue.”

President Obama’s promise that Obamacare would provide health insurance for every American has been proven false. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 30 million Americans are projected to remain uninsured even after Obamacare is fully implemented.

The idea that Obamacare would improve the “efficiencies” of the health care system is laughable. Obama’s plan for “efficiencies” in the system was just slashing Medicare provider reimbursement rates to the tune of $716 billion to help pay for Obamacare. The mammoth law is going to take 127 million hours of paperwork per year for Americans to comply with it. And Members of Congress are already walking back their support for the law—they are grumbling about several parts of it and even repealed one part in the fiscal cliff deal.

Obama's Bogus State of the Union Promises from Four Years Ago
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

Pretty good post but you forgot to mention George Soros or Solyndra.

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