Log of Liberal Lies

how are those WMD's going?

Cables released by WikiLeaks in July 2010 corroborates the facts which shows Saddam Husseins cache of chemical weapons contained varieties of the vesicant HD, mustard gas, VX, sarin, tabun, cyclosarin, including advanced binary weapons, chemical aircraft bombs, mortar projectiles, sprayers, and bulk-produced agents.

Facts - they are a bitch, eh jillian?
how are those WMD's going?

Cables released by WikiLeaks in July 2010 corroborates the facts which shows Saddam Husseins cache of chemical weapons contained varieties of the vesicant HD, mustard gas, VX, sarin, tabun, cyclosarin, including advanced binary weapons, chemical aircraft bombs, mortar projectiles, sprayers, and bulk-produced agents.

Facts - they are a bitch, eh jillian?

They do not let you Neanderthal out of the cave much do they and it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero to bad you do not have the guts to be one. :eusa_boohoo:
how are those WMD's going?

Cables released by WikiLeaks in July 2010 corroborates the facts which shows Saddam Husseins cache of chemical weapons contained varieties of the vesicant HD, mustard gas, VX, sarin, tabun, cyclosarin, including advanced binary weapons, chemical aircraft bombs, mortar projectiles, sprayers, and bulk-produced agents.

Facts - they are a bitch, eh jillian?

They do not let you Neanderthal out of the cave much do they and it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero to bad you do not have the guts to be one. :eusa_boohoo:

Wow - you have the grammar of someone from a foreign nation who never attended school anywhere. I had to read this 3x's just to figure out what I think you are trying to say (please see below for proper punctuation and grammar).

That aside, you claim "Assange is a hero" as if I were somehow attacking him? Assange was never brought up. I neither attacked him nor supported him. The post (if you would learn how to read) was about WMD's in Iraq in response to Jillian's uneducated and misinformed insinuation that WMD's had never been found. The fact is, many news outlets (including radical left-wing MSBNC) have acknowledge that WMD's had been foundn, and Wikileaks only corraborated that fact.

Now, as for your lesson in grammar and punctuation (corrections made in red to help you):

They do not let you out of the cave much, do they Neanderthal? And it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero, too bad you do not have the guts to be one.
Cables released by WikiLeaks in July 2010 corroborates the facts which shows Saddam Husseins cache of chemical weapons contained varieties of the vesicant HD, mustard gas, VX, sarin, tabun, cyclosarin, including advanced binary weapons, chemical aircraft bombs, mortar projectiles, sprayers, and bulk-produced agents.

Facts - they are a bitch, eh jillian?

They do not let you Neanderthal out of the cave much do they and it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero to bad you do not have the guts to be one. :eusa_boohoo:

Wow - you have the grammar of someone from a foreign nation who never attended school anywhere. I had to read this 3x's just to figure out what I think you are trying to say (please see below for proper punctuation and grammar).

That aside, you claim "Assange is a hero" as if I were somehow attacking him? Assange was never brought up. I neither attacked him nor supported him. The post (if you would learn how to read) was about WMD's in Iraq in response to Jillian's uneducated and misinformed insinuation that WMD's had never been found. The fact is, many news outlets (including radical left-wing MSBNC) have acknowledge that WMD's had been foundn, and Wikileaks only corraborated that fact.

Now, as for your lesson in grammar and punctuation (corrections made in red to help you):

They do not let you out of the cave much, do they Neanderthal? And it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero, too bad you do not have the guts to be one.

It's nice to see thet tea twits rolling out of the clown car and supplying the comedy for this election. :eusa_boohoo:
They do not let you Neanderthal out of the cave much do they and it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero to bad you do not have the guts to be one. :eusa_boohoo:

Wow - you have the grammar of someone from a foreign nation who never attended school anywhere. I had to read this 3x's just to figure out what I think you are trying to say (please see below for proper punctuation and grammar).

That aside, you claim "Assange is a hero" as if I were somehow attacking him? Assange was never brought up. I neither attacked him nor supported him. The post (if you would learn how to read) was about WMD's in Iraq in response to Jillian's uneducated and misinformed insinuation that WMD's had never been found. The fact is, many news outlets (including radical left-wing MSBNC) have acknowledge that WMD's had been foundn, and Wikileaks only corraborated that fact.

Now, as for your lesson in grammar and punctuation (corrections made in red to help you):

They do not let you out of the cave much, do they Neanderthal? And it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero, too bad you do not have the guts to be one.

It's nice to see thet tea twits rolling out of the clown car and supplying the comedy for this election. :eusa_boohoo:

You are so stupid, you don't know the difference between Julian (Assange) and Jillian (USMB user). LMAO!!! Way to fly off the handle like an ignorant fucktard. Perhaps you should slow down and read before commenting?!? :lol:
Liberal Lies:

“To hear Bill Clinton tell it, there’s no truth to the charges that President Obama gutted welfare reform,” Heritage Foundation scholar Robert Rector writes in the Washington Post.

But Clinton is wrong. “The law has indeed been gutted,” Rector says.

So why is Rector such an authority on welfare reform that the Post would publish his article? Because he helped write the 1996 welfare law in the first place: "Working closely with members of Congress, I helped draft the work requirements in the 1996 law, and I raised the alarm on July 12, when the Obama administration issued a bureaucratic order allowing states to waive those requirements."

Rector explains what President Obama really did:

The Obama administration is waiving the federal requirement that ensures a portion of able-bodied TANF recipients must engage in work activities. It is replacing that requirement with a standard that shows that the pre-reform welfare program was successful and the post-reform program a failure. If that is not gutting welfare reform, it is difficult to imagine what would be.

Yes, Obama Gutted Welfare Reform, Rector Says in the Washington Post | myHeritage
Wow - you have the grammar of someone from a foreign nation who never attended school anywhere. I had to read this 3x's just to figure out what I think you are trying to say (please see below for proper punctuation and grammar).

That aside, you claim "Assange is a hero" as if I were somehow attacking him? Assange was never brought up. I neither attacked him nor supported him. The post (if you would learn how to read) was about WMD's in Iraq in response to Jillian's uneducated and misinformed insinuation that WMD's had never been found. The fact is, many news outlets (including radical left-wing MSBNC) have acknowledge that WMD's had been foundn, and Wikileaks only corraborated that fact.

Now, as for your lesson in grammar and punctuation (corrections made in red to help you):

They do not let you out of the cave much, do they Neanderthal? And it's easy to see why. Assange is a hero, too bad you do not have the guts to be one.

It's nice to see thet tea twits rolling out of the clown car and supplying the comedy for this election. :eusa_boohoo:

You are so stupid, you don't know the difference between Julian (Assange) and Jillian (USMB user). LMAO!!! Way to fly off the handle like an ignorant fucktard. Perhaps you should slow down and read before commenting?!? :lol:

Still playing the Koch sucker I see. You should leave mom and find a job she is tired of supporting your lazy butt.
It's nice to see thet tea twits rolling out of the clown car and supplying the comedy for this election. :eusa_boohoo:

You are so stupid, you don't know the difference between Julian (Assange) and Jillian (USMB user). LMAO!!! Way to fly off the handle like an ignorant fucktard. Perhaps you should slow down and read before commenting?!? :lol:

Still playing the Koch sucker I see. You should leave mom and find a job she is tired of supporting your lazy butt.

If I were too stupid to read and understand the difference between JULIAN and JILLIAN, I would just go away quietly. Shows how dumb and how egotistical you are to keep coming back. Fucking retard can't even read... :lol:. No wonder you are part of the parasite class trying to mooch off of the rest of us....
You know Obama is in trouble when even CNN (who worships him) is acknowleding he is LYING about jobs...

"The number Castro cites is an accurate description of the growth of private-sector jobs since January 2010, when the long, steep slide in employment finally hit bottom. But while a total of 4.5 million jobs sounds great, it's not the whole picture."

So Rotty's fact checker says the number is indeed correct. Yet Rotty lists it as a lie, even though it's clearly a difference of opinion in how to look at the numbers. Here, as is the case with most of his posts, Rotty is lying about liberals lying. And since he thinks the ends always justify the means for his side, Rotty feels no guilt over such lying. After all, God has given him a free pass to lie.

If you check Rotty's claims, you find he always lies like this. The so-called "liberal lies" are differences of opinion, broken campaign promises, or a little hyperbole, all stuff no which honest person calls "lies". That's not including the many cases where Rotty uses sources that just flat out fabricate big whoppers about Obama.

The kooks here do have a problem. Given that Obama has run the cleanest admin since Carter, the kooks are enraged about how they can't find any actual dirt on him. That's why they engage in such a brazen lying campaign.
Given that Obama has run the cleanest admin since Carter...

LMAO!!! :lol:

Obama has run the dirtiest administration in history - including Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

  • He has leaked volumes of National Security information

  • He filtered tax payer money to an organization (Solyndra) he KNEW would FAIL before even sending the money (proven in e-mails)

  • He hired a self-professed Communist (Van Jones) to work in the White House

  • He KNEW Obamacare would cost $1 trillion MORE than he told the American people it would cost when he pitched them the bill (once again proven in e-mails)

  • According to visitor logs kept by the Secret Service, the #1 "visitor' to the White House during the first two years of his term was a terrorist (Bill Ayers)

I could go on all day, but this is just getting boring now re-iterating what everyone already knows. Unlike you and your side of the aisle, I find lying to be despicable and completely unacceptable. Nearly everything I post has a link and 100% of what I post includes so much detail (names, dates, sources, etc.) that it can easily be independently verified. If anyone can proivde PROOF (not left-wing nut propaganda, but PROOF) that something I posted was a "lie", I will gladly retract it myself.

Furthermore, it's amazing to me that you're using "depends on how you look at the numbers" as "proof" that Obama is the honest one and I'm the one lying.

If you have to look at the numbers in a "special way" - then you are LYING. And that's exactly what Obama is doing and has been doing since the day he took office. You can go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (run by the federal government that is run by Obama himself) and see for yourself that under Barack Obama, we have lost 5 million jobs. Under Barack Obama, we have also gained 4.5 million jobs. Leaving a net total of 500,000 jobs LOST since Obama took office, and that is with 3 different rounds of "stimulus" packages that came to a total of well over $1 trillion. Let's do the math for you liars (who are too lazy to do your own homework as I have):

4 (years) + $1 trillion (stimulus - actually a lot more) = 500,000 lost jobs.

The numbers don't lie, even if you and Barack do. The man has been an epic failure and has crushed our economy with marxism, redistribution of wealth, and anti-capitalist rhetoric and polices.
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You are so stupid, you don't know the difference between Julian (Assange) and Jillian (USMB user). LMAO!!! Way to fly off the handle like an ignorant fucktard. Perhaps you should slow down and read before commenting?!? :lol:

Still playing the Koch sucker I see. You should leave mom and find a job she is tired of supporting your lazy butt.

If I were too stupid to read and understand the difference between JULIAN and JILLIAN, I would just go away quietly. Shows how dumb and how egotistical you are to keep coming back. Fucking retard can't even read... :lol:. No wonder you are part of the parasite class trying to mooch off of the rest of us....

Anything a Koch sucker can do to change the title lol. You are on the Koch list to get a new pair of knee pads for Christmans and a chunk of coal in your stocking. :eusa_boohoo:
Still playing the Koch sucker I see. You should leave mom and find a job she is tired of supporting your lazy butt.

If I were too stupid to read and understand the difference between JULIAN and JILLIAN, I would just go away quietly. Shows how dumb and how egotistical you are to keep coming back. Fucking retard can't even read... :lol:. No wonder you are part of the parasite class trying to mooch off of the rest of us....

Anything a Koch sucker can do to change the title lol. You are on the Koch list to get a new pair of knee pads for Christmans and a chunk of coal in your stocking. :eusa_boohoo:

Aww... is the 'lil illiterate parasite upset because he's too stupid to earn wealth like the Koch brothers have? :lol:
If I were too stupid to read and understand the difference between JULIAN and JILLIAN, I would just go away quietly. Shows how dumb and how egotistical you are to keep coming back. Fucking retard can't even read... :lol:. No wonder you are part of the parasite class trying to mooch off of the rest of us....

Anything a Koch sucker can do to change the title lol. You are on the Koch list to get a new pair of knee pads for Christmans and a chunk of coal in your stocking. :eusa_boohoo:

Aww... is the 'lil illiterate parasite upset because he's too stupid to earn wealth like the Koch brothers have? :lol:

Awe the little Koch sucker broke out of the cave again but his handlers will take him back and get rid of the smell. :eusa_boohoo:
Liberal Lies:

Exactly what we've come to expect from the despicable dumbocrats and their lies & false accusations:

Charlie Rogers -- a former basketball player for the University of Nebraska who identifies herself as lesbian -- told police that three masked men entered her home on July 22, stripped her, tied her down, and carved homophobic slurs into her body before attempting to set her and the house on fire.

But the Lincoln Police Department said Tuesday that "the physical evidence conflicted with Charlie Rogers' version of events" and that "extensive investigation revealed numerous inconsistencies."

Rogers was arrested Tuesday, police said.

Lesbian who reported 'hate crime' attack staged incident, Nebraska police say - CNN
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You show why Obama will be reelected :eusa_boohoo: so easy. You Koch sucking anti Amercans have no agenda except the hate for the world and yourself you display everyday.

You're the angry, anti-American homosexual! We're the party that not only has read the Constitution (not that you uneducated parasites can read), but also the only party that actually upholds the Constitution.

We love America and its history. You are the assholes that try to demonize America and its history so that you can "fundamentally transform" it to a communist nanny-state.

It's so funny to see how angry you are and your subsequent meltdowns from the realization that Obama is going home and the American people have unilaterally rejected the marxist platform of the Dumbocrat Party... :rofl:

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