Log of Liberal Lies

Only the idiot liberal would actually try to make the case that their own rights are not set in stone and that they can and should be taken away from them on the whim of another human being :lol:. Is it any wonder these people can't function in life and generally end up living off of the government? They are so self-destructive, they even try to argue away their own rights :lol:
Only an idiot would broadstroke an entire group of people and act like that was really the case.

I'm a liberal and I don't want any of my rights taken away for any reason. I've also worked my entire life and have not taken a penny from the government. So let's just say, your statement isn't as accurate as you would like it to be.

BTW, we no longer have Constitutional rights.

There is an exception to every rule. If what you say is true, then I salute you my friend. But conservaderp is truly a moron who is advocating against his own rights just to fall in line with the party slogan that the Constitution is a "living" document that can be altered by 9 people any time they want.
Only the idiot liberal would actually try to make the case that their own rights are not set in stone and that they can and should be taken away from them on the whim of another human being :lol:. Is it any wonder these people can't function in life and generally end up living off of the government? They are so self-destructive, they even try to argue away their own rights :lol:
Only an idiot would broadstroke an entire group of people and act like that was really the case.

I'm a liberal and I don't want any of my rights taken away for any reason. I've also worked my entire life and have not taken a penny from the government. So let's just say, your statement isn't as accurate as you would like it to be.

BTW, we no longer have Constitutional rights.

There is an exception to every rule. If what you say is true, then I salute you my friend. But conservaderp is truly a moron who is advocating against his own rights just to fall in line with the party slogan that the Constitution is a "living" document that can be altered by 9 people any time they want.

It's not the party line. It's the truth. You've been told and shown actual educational text that confirms and INSTRUCTS children of this very clearly. You're dumb. Very dumb.
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It's not the party line. It's the truth. You've been told and shown actual educational text that confirms and INSTRUCTS children of this very clearly. You're dumb. Very dumb.

It's not the truth and I've proven it here, which is why you won't answer the question. Because you've been thoroughly owned in this debate. If it's the "truth", then answer the question:

If the Supreme Court has full say over the Constitution, and they decide that all liberals are a danger to this nation and should be immediately executed, you'll respect that decision and won't hide behind any rights in the Constitution?

Come on bitch, answer the question. No? Didn't think so, stupid...
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It's not the party line. It's the truth. You've been told and shown actual educational text that confirms and INSTRUCTS children of this very clearly. You're dumb. Very dumb.

It's not the truth and I've proven it here, which is why you won't answer the question. Because you've been thoroughly owned in this debate. If it's the "truth", then answer the question:

If the Supreme Court has full say over the Constitution, and they decide that all liberals are a danger to this nation and should be immediately executed, you'll respect that decision and won't hide behind any rights in the Constitution?

Come on bitch, answer the question. No? Didn't think so, stupid...

Morning Shaman.
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

how are those WMD's going?

and the one about this president outspending the repub presidents?

or the one about reagan not raising taxes?

or the one about corporations being people.

shall i go on, winger?

and why is garbage like this thread in politics and not in 'flame;?

oh right...

never mind.

:lol: funny but Rot crushed it there homering I'm guessing partisan first then racist maybe spewed after today's proceedings in DC. By noon its racism and partisan court against libs I'm hoping lol
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

how are those WMD's going?

and the one about this president outspending the repub presidents?

or the one about reagan not raising taxes?

or the one about corporations being people.

shall i go on, winger?

and why is garbage like this thread in politics and not in 'flame;?

oh right...

never mind.

:lol: funny but Rot crushed it there homerun I'm guessing partisan first then racist maybe spewed after today's proceedings in DC. By noon its racism and partisan court against libs I'm hoping lol
It's not the party line. It's the truth. You've been told and shown actual educational text that confirms and INSTRUCTS children of this very clearly. You're dumb. Very dumb.

It's not the truth and I've proven it here, which is why you won't answer the question. Because you've been thoroughly owned in this debate. If it's the "truth", then answer the question:

If the Supreme Court has full say over the Constitution, and they decide that all liberals are a danger to this nation and should be immediately executed, you'll respect that decision and won't hide behind any rights in the Constitution?

Come on bitch, answer the question. No? Didn't think so, stupid...

Your understanding of "prove" is wrong.
It's not the party line. It's the truth. You've been told and shown actual educational text that confirms and INSTRUCTS children of this very clearly. You're dumb. Very dumb.

It's not the truth and I've proven it here, which is why you won't answer the question. Because you've been thoroughly owned in this debate. If it's the "truth", then answer the question:
If the Supreme Court has full say over the Constitution, and they decide that all liberals are a danger to this nation and should be immediately executed, you'll respect that decision and won't hide behind any rights in the Constitution?

Come on bitch, answer the question. No? Didn't think so, stupid...

Your understanding of "prove" is wrong.

:lol: Still avoiding the question that once and for all proves you are WRONG :lol:

If the Supreme Court has full say over the Constitution, and they decide that all liberals are a danger to this nation and should be immediately executed, you'll respect that decision and won't hide behind any rights in the Constitution?
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Liberal Lie:

Dubbing the individual mandate a tax saved the President's health care law, but it's a concept that President Obama himself has strongly denied. In a 2009 interview, President Obama argued that his individual mandate was not a tax increase, stating, "I absolutely reject that notion."

But after last week, President Obama must now admit it's a tax or admit the mandate is unconstitutional. It's can only be one or the other.
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Liberal Lie:

New reports reveal that former Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) referred others to a secret VIP mortgage program from subprime lender Countrywide that he repeatedly denied knowledge of.
or we could tell lies about the teatards in the house not intentionally sabotaging our recovery.

or the wingers in the senate not filibustering everything.

but if enough rightwingnuts say it, it must be true, right?


How many republican bills have been shelved by Reid in the Senate, Jillian?
I see a politics for what it is...devisive these days.

you mean the ones that cut taxes more for the wealthy?

Of Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama... Guess who taxed the rich most??? ... ah yeah... BUSH JR ! U Dumas!

or the ones that create a system of "vouchers" for health insurance for old people?

those bills?

or the ones that attack my constitutional right to control my own body?

those bills?

or "personhood" laws?


or anti-gay, anti-female bills?


unfortunately, rightwing ideas about compromise mean that everyone else do what you want.

not gonna happen.

and you all voted against your OWN plans...

but thanks for illustrating my point.

Of Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama... Guess who taxed the rich most??? ... ah yeah... BUSH JR ! U Dumas!
Liberal Lie:

Obama lying (as usual) in front the microphone - claiming he was outspent in the 2008 election.

The truth? The Washington Post reported that Obama raised an astonishing $771 million while McCain brought in $239 million. Obama has been caught lying about his fund raising, his opponents (Romney and Bain Capital), his mentors (Frank Marshall Davis - card carrying member of the Communist Party USA), his bills (Obamacare), his ex girlfriends ("composite"), his friends (terrorist Bill Ayers), his philosophy (Marxism), and his decisions (Fast & Furious). This guy is more a pathological liar than even Bill Clinton.

Obama’s lie of the day: Was he outspent in his 2008 presidential campaign? – Glenn Beck
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Liberal Lie:

Obama lying (as usual) in front the microphone - claiming he was outspent in the 2008 election.

The truth? The Washington Post reported that Obama raised an astonishing $771 million while McCain brought in $239 million. Obama has been caught lying about his fund raising, his opponents (Romney and Bain Capital), his mentors (Frank Marshall Davis - card carrying member of the Communist Party USA), his bills (Obamacare), his ex girlfriends ("composite"), his friends (terrorist Bill Ayers), his philosophy (Marxism), and his decisions (Fast & Furious). This guy is more a pathological liar than even Bill Clinton.

Obama’s lie of the day: Was he outspent in his 2008 presidential campaign? – Glenn Beck

The only communists in America are republican Koch suckers and fox tabloid mental cases.
Your jealousy over the fact that Obama pays his taxes and has a good solid family life leaves you wanting for a real agenda. Koch suckers are known for their support of communism with our jobs and tax evasion. :clap2:
Liberal Lie:

Obama lying (as usual) in front the microphone - claiming he was outspent in the 2008 election.

The truth? The Washington Post reported that Obama raised an astonishing $771 million while McCain brought in $239 million. Obama has been caught lying about his fund raising, his opponents (Romney and Bain Capital), his mentors (Frank Marshall Davis - card carrying member of the Communist Party USA), his bills (Obamacare), his ex girlfriends ("composite"), his friends (terrorist Bill Ayers), his philosophy (Marxism), and his decisions (Fast & Furious). This guy is more a pathological liar than even Bill Clinton.

Obama’s lie of the day: Was he outspent in his 2008 presidential campaign? – Glenn Beck

The only communists in America are republican Koch suckers and fox tabloid mental cases.
Your jealousy over the fact that Obama pays his taxes and has a good solid family life leaves you wanting for a real agenda. Koch suckers are known for their support of communism with our jobs and tax evasion. :clap2:

I notice you didn't even attempt to dispute the lies by Obama that I listed. Clearly you are one of the Communists who wants to take from those who do and give it to those who do nothing (such as yourself).
Liberal Lie:

Obama lying (as usual) in front the microphone - claiming he was outspent in the 2008 election.

The truth? The Washington Post reported that Obama raised an astonishing $771 million while McCain brought in $239 million. Obama has been caught lying about his fund raising, his opponents (Romney and Bain Capital), his mentors (Frank Marshall Davis - card carrying member of the Communist Party USA), his bills (Obamacare), his ex girlfriends ("composite"), his friends (terrorist Bill Ayers), his philosophy (Marxism), and his decisions (Fast & Furious). This guy is more a pathological liar than even Bill Clinton.

Obama’s lie of the day: Was he outspent in his 2008 presidential campaign? – Glenn Beck

The only communists in America are republican Koch suckers and fox tabloid mental cases.
Your jealousy over the fact that Obama pays his taxes and has a good solid family life leaves you wanting for a real agenda. Koch suckers are known for their support of communism with our jobs and tax evasion. :clap2:

I notice you didn't even attempt to dispute the lies by Obama that I listed. Clearly you are one of the Communists who wants to take from those who do and give it to those who do nothing (such as yourself).

You sack of shit anti American racists are the only communists seen in this country now get down on your knees Koch sucker Romney is on his way in and don't look for his tax returns that are hidden in the Mexican town he was born in.
You sack of shit anti American racists are the only communists seen in this country now get down on your knees Koch sucker Romney is on his way in and don't look for his tax returns that are hidden in the Mexican town he was born in.

Looks like the rich side is indeed the best option for economic recovery this go around.

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