Log of Liberal Lies

I told you, Dumbfuck, it's not that private charity is BAD. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's unreliable and it doesn't completely solve the problem.

But government is reliable and has completely solved the problem? :lol: I've never seen anyone defeat their own arguments like you do. You're your own worst enemy :lol:

For that, I believe, as do the Progressives, that Government has a duty to fill in the gaps that the private citizens invariably leave.

As ignorant as it gets. You don't get to "believe" anything about how the government should operate. The legal authority and duties of the government is spelled out in the US Constitution and it is the law.

You're the idiots who have bankrupted America with shit like the Department of Education (which is not a duty of the federal government outlined in the Constitution). You're the idiots who have run up $16 trillion in debt thinking the federal government should play mommy & daddy to everyone - providing food, housing, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, child care, expense accounts, and more SOCIALISM bullshit.

When has that ever worked? When in history has a country implemented extreme austerity measures and had it work? You want to live in that country? Go to Ireland, you dumbfuck.

When has Communism/Marxism/Socialism ever worked, stupid? Your "beliefs" collapsed a former super power that used to be known as the U.S.S.R. (go read about it, stupid). Your "beliefs" collapsed Greece. Your "beliefs" are currently collapsing Spain and England. And your "beliefs" have kept Cuba in perpetual poverty, stupid.

Ireland has a 14% unemployment rate. Move there. Enjoy the fuck out of Austerity.

And Cuba has a 1% unemployment rate. Move there, stupid. Enjoy the fuck out of Communism, stupid. Go experience your liberal/progressive utopia first hand. Every stupid thing you have said you wanted from goverment, they do! So go fucking enjoy it stupid...

Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.

I told you, Dumbfuck, it's not that private charity is BAD. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's unreliable and it doesn't completely solve the problem.

But government is reliable and has completely solved the problem? :lol: I've never seen anyone defeat their own arguments like you do. You're your own worst enemy :lol:

As ignorant as it gets. You don't get to "believe" anything about how the government should operate. The legal authority and duties of the government is spelled out in the US Constitution and it is the law.

You're the idiots who have bankrupted America with shit like the Department of Education (which is not a duty of the federal government outlined in the Constitution). You're the idiots who have run up $16 trillion in debt thinking the federal government should play mommy & daddy to everyone - providing food, housing, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, child care, expense accounts, and more SOCIALISM bullshit.

When has Communism/Marxism/Socialism ever worked, stupid? Your "beliefs" collapsed a former super power that used to be known as the U.S.S.R. (go read about it, stupid). Your "beliefs" collapsed Greece. Your "beliefs" are currently collapsing Spain and England. And your "beliefs" have kept Cuba in perpetual poverty, stupid.

Ireland has a 14% unemployment rate. Move there. Enjoy the fuck out of Austerity.

And Cuba has a 1% unemployment rate. Move there, stupid. Enjoy the fuck out of Communism, stupid. Go experience your liberal/progressive utopia first hand. Every stupid thing you have said you wanted from goverment, they do! So go fucking enjoy it stupid...

Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.
I told you, Dumbfuck, it's not that private charity is BAD. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's unreliable and it doesn't completely solve the problem.

But government is reliable and has completely solved the problem? :lol: I've never seen anyone defeat their own arguments like you do. You're your own worst enemy :lol:

As ignorant as it gets. You don't get to "believe" anything about how the government should operate. The legal authority and duties of the government is spelled out in the US Constitution and it is the law.

You're the idiots who have bankrupted America with shit like the Department of Education (which is not a duty of the federal government outlined in the Constitution). You're the idiots who have run up $16 trillion in debt thinking the federal government should play mommy & daddy to everyone - providing food, housing, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, child care, expense accounts, and more SOCIALISM bullshit.

When has Communism/Marxism/Socialism ever worked, stupid? Your "beliefs" collapsed a former super power that used to be known as the U.S.S.R. (go read about it, stupid). Your "beliefs" collapsed Greece. Your "beliefs" are currently collapsing Spain and England. And your "beliefs" have kept Cuba in perpetual poverty, stupid.

Ireland has a 14% unemployment rate. Move there. Enjoy the fuck out of Austerity.

And Cuba has a 1% unemployment rate. Move there, stupid. Enjoy the fuck out of Communism, stupid. Go experience your liberal/progressive utopia first hand. Every stupid thing you have said you wanted from goverment, they do! So go fucking enjoy it stupid...

Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


As usual, you're wrong. Everything should be considered. But nothing should be enacted unless the proper amendment process takes place. It's called being a lawful citizen, something you stupid stoned liberals know nothing about. The fact that you can't even comprehend the difference between consider and enact shows just how intellectually inferior you are (the primary trait of the idiot liberal). The fact that you think anything you want can be done with the Constitution without going through the proper amendment process is a glaring illustration of your lack of respect for rules, laws, and America.

By the way, you are a Communist. If you were a "Capitalist with compassion and humility" then YOU would take care of people through charitable actions and contributions instead of unconstitutionally demanding that other people be forced to do it through government. I've got news for you stoner - there is nothing "compassionate" about sitting on your stoned ass all day demanding that others are forced to take care of those who you are unwilling to help. You proved yourself a Communist in this very thread when you cried that charity was a "fools game" because people can decide how much to give, when to give, or if to give at all. You're all about forcing others to do your very immature & naive idealistic beliefs. You don't believe in freedom or choice unless it comes to drugs. With everything else you are a Communist and you're either far too stupid to realize it or far too dishonest to admit it. Either way, you have zero credibility and you have been thoroughly defeated in this debate.
But government is reliable and has completely solved the problem? :lol: I've never seen anyone defeat their own arguments like you do. You're your own worst enemy :lol:

As ignorant as it gets. You don't get to "believe" anything about how the government should operate. The legal authority and duties of the government is spelled out in the US Constitution and it is the law.

You're the idiots who have bankrupted America with shit like the Department of Education (which is not a duty of the federal government outlined in the Constitution). You're the idiots who have run up $16 trillion in debt thinking the federal government should play mommy & daddy to everyone - providing food, housing, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, child care, expense accounts, and more SOCIALISM bullshit.

When has Communism/Marxism/Socialism ever worked, stupid? Your "beliefs" collapsed a former super power that used to be known as the U.S.S.R. (go read about it, stupid). Your "beliefs" collapsed Greece. Your "beliefs" are currently collapsing Spain and England. And your "beliefs" have kept Cuba in perpetual poverty, stupid.

And Cuba has a 1% unemployment rate. Move there, stupid. Enjoy the fuck out of Communism, stupid. Go experience your liberal/progressive utopia first hand. Every stupid thing you have said you wanted from goverment, they do! So go fucking enjoy it stupid...

Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Are you telling me that Conservative Supreme Courts haven't ever changed the Constitution by judicial decision? Is that your claim right now? That no Conservative court has ever changed the game, so to speak, by using judicial review?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.
Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Are you telling me that Conservative Supreme Courts haven't ever changed the Constitution by judicial decision? Is that your claim right now? That no Conservative court has ever changed the game, so to speak, by using judicial review?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.

This oughtta be good.

As usual, you're wrong. Everything should be considered. But nothing should be enacted unless the proper amendment process takes place. It's called being a lawful citizen, something you stupid stoned liberals know nothing about. The fact that you can't even comprehend the difference between consider and enact shows just how intellectually inferior you are (the primary trait of the idiot liberal). The fact that you think anything you want can be done with the Constitution without going through the proper amendment process is a glaring illustration of your lack of respect for rules, laws, and America.

Hey DumbFuck, you told me I'm not entitled to my feelings. I told you that you're wrong and now you're parroting Buckeye's (Flawed) argument about how amendment argument. You're all 31 flavors of wrong here, muchacho. Of course the Constitution is a living document; of course the Supreme Court interprets it. All you're doing now is proving what a dumb, dumb fuck you are.

By the way, you are a Communist.

Listen Twatty McBullshitFace, you don't get to tell me what I am, okay? See, I know I'm not a Communist, because I went to school, I took classes that actually taught me all about the different forms of government and the different economic systems of many nations. So, armed with that knowledge, I know exactly what I am.

I also know exactly what you are. A stereotypical Conservative windbag who thinks he can get the same level of understanding and knowledge out of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh than he can get at a college.

And you're wrong.
But government is reliable and has completely solved the problem? :lol: I've never seen anyone defeat their own arguments like you do. You're your own worst enemy :lol:

As ignorant as it gets. You don't get to "believe" anything about how the government should operate. The legal authority and duties of the government is spelled out in the US Constitution and it is the law.

You're the idiots who have bankrupted America with shit like the Department of Education (which is not a duty of the federal government outlined in the Constitution). You're the idiots who have run up $16 trillion in debt thinking the federal government should play mommy & daddy to everyone - providing food, housing, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, child care, expense accounts, and more SOCIALISM bullshit.

When has Communism/Marxism/Socialism ever worked, stupid? Your "beliefs" collapsed a former super power that used to be known as the U.S.S.R. (go read about it, stupid). Your "beliefs" collapsed Greece. Your "beliefs" are currently collapsing Spain and England. And your "beliefs" have kept Cuba in perpetual poverty, stupid.

And Cuba has a 1% unemployment rate. Move there, stupid. Enjoy the fuck out of Communism, stupid. Go experience your liberal/progressive utopia first hand. Every stupid thing you have said you wanted from goverment, they do! So go fucking enjoy it stupid...

Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Oh, and your hubris is fucking awesome. Of course Liberals have the will of the people behind them; it's the same people you hate so much, the Liberals of the nation. I hate to break it to you, Gramps, but outside this message board, it's an even split between Liberals and Conservatives.

So yeah, you can take that "no one wants Liberal ideals" shit and jam it back in your culo, Senor DummyDumDum.
As usual, you're wrong. Everything should be considered. But nothing should be enacted unless the proper amendment process takes place. It's called being a lawful citizen, something you stupid stoned liberals know nothing about. The fact that you can't even comprehend the difference between consider and enact shows just how intellectually inferior you are (the primary trait of the idiot liberal). The fact that you think anything you want can be done with the Constitution without going through the proper amendment process is a glaring illustration of your lack of respect for rules, laws, and America.

Hey DumbFuck, you told me I'm not entitled to my feelings. I told you that you're wrong and now you're parroting Buckeye's (Flawed) argument about how amendment argument. You're all 31 flavors of wrong here, muchacho. Of course the Constitution is a living document; of course the Supreme Court interprets it. All you're doing now is proving what a dumb, dumb fuck you are.

By the way, you are a Communist.

Listen Twatty McBullshitFace, you don't get to tell me what I am, okay? See, I know I'm not a Communist, because I went to school, I took classes that actually taught me all about the different forms of government and the different economic systems of many nations. So, armed with that knowledge, I know exactly what I am.

I also know exactly what you are. A stereotypical Conservative windbag who thinks he can get the same level of understanding and knowledge out of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh than he can get at a college.

And you're wrong.

You're a high school drop out and you know it. You want to legalize drugs. And I can tell you what you are you, becuase you are what you are. And you're a fucking Communist which is why you couldn't dispute one damn thing I said and instead have to stay stupid stoner stuff like "Twatty McBullshitface". In other words, "I'm getting whipped and I don't have the modesty to admit I'm wrong, nor the intellect to defend what I said, so I'll just go with Twatty McBullshitface".

Are you going to deny saying that your against charity because people get to decide of their own free will when, how much, and if they'll give? Yeah stupid, that = Communism. Have you not said that the Supreme Court can decide at any second what the laws in the Constitution are? Yeah stupid, that = Communism.

Why don't you keep avoiding the real issues? If you're not a Communist, why don't YOU get off your stoned stupid ass and help people, rather than demand that government force other people to help? Uh-oh, looks like someone is getting their ass handed to them and have no answers. So, like a typical liberal, you try to change the conversation.

And only a supremely ignorant liberal like you believes the Constitution is "living". It's set in stone, it is the ultimate law of the land, and it changes only when legally amended through the proper process. This is a fact that cannot be debated, which is why you change the subject and swear like an idiot.

By the way my ignorant stoned friend with down syndrome - the Supreme Court does not interpret the Constitution. They interpret laws brought before them as they apply to the legality within the confines of the Constitution. The Supreme Court was not asked to examine the Constitution by the Obama Administration, they were asked to examine the Arizona Law (SB1070) STUPID!!!

You are the most ignorant fool in the US, even by ignorant liberal standards. Everything you say is dead wrong and I have proved! The Supreme Court was not asked to "interpret" the Constitution - they were asked to interpret whether SB1070 and whether Obamacare are legal within the confines of the Constitution.

Owned bitch - owned!
Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Are you telling me that Conservative Supreme Courts haven't ever changed the Constitution by judicial decision? Is that your claim right now? That no Conservative court has ever changed the game, so to speak, by using judicial review?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.

you mean like deciding that corporations are 'people' for purposes of the first amendment?
Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Oh, and your hubris is fucking awesome. Of course Liberals have the will of the people behind them; it's the same people you hate so much, the Liberals of the nation. I hate to break it to you, Gramps, but outside this message board, it's an even split between Liberals and Conservatives.

So yeah, you can take that "no one wants Liberal ideals" shit and jam it back in your culo, Senor DummyDumDum.

It's an "even" split?!?! God you are the most ignorant fool in the nation. That's why only 21% of the population is a registered Democrat, while 42% of the nation is a registered Republican. :lol:

Yeah, real "split" there, stupid. Where did you learn math, the stoner school for high school drop outs? For those that can do math, that means Republicans DOUBLE the number of idiot liberals.
which requires constitutional interpretation...

no matter how large you make your type.

thanks for your 'expertise'.

Uh, no stupid! They are not interpreting the Constitution. They are interpreting SB1070, or Obamacare, or other issues. No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't change the truth. You can keep claiming the world is flat, but all it's doing is causing the world to laugh at you.

The Constitution says what it says and is written in black & white. There is nothing to "interpret". It is law.
which requires constitutional interpretation...

no matter how large you make your type.

thanks for your 'expertise'.

Uh, no stupid! They are not interpreting the Constitution. They are interpreting SB1070, or Obamacare, or other issues. No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't change the truth. You can keep claiming the world is flat, but all it's doing is causing the world to laugh at you.

The Constitution says what it says and is written in black & white. There is nothing to "interpret". It is law.

Well, I guess you can call an attorney stupid. The shoe won't fit, but what the hell. You can SAY anything, regardless of the truth or logic thereof.

Ass fedora.
No Dem lies, just Pubcrappe. STOOOPID shytte! Beck never says anything that ISN'T a lie. Ditto Breitbar Inc....

The important thing is their POLICY- not what kind of car they drive STUPID GOSSIP. MORON DUPES LOL Change the channel.

this is a bi partisan post im going to offer. The above statement is what happens when u personally become a solider for either party.

Take careful note of the structure, the hate, and the lack of intelligence what so ever. Thank u this is a public message from me to you.
how are those WMD's going?

and the one about this president outspending the repub presidents?

or the one about reagan not raising taxes?

or the one about corporations being people.

shall i go on, winger?

and why is garbage like this thread in politics and not in 'flame;?

oh right...

never mind.

When you flail wildly in hopes of distracting from Obama's abysmal record of failure, your desperation really shows...
No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Are you telling me that Conservative Supreme Courts haven't ever changed the Constitution by judicial decision? Is that your claim right now? That no Conservative court has ever changed the game, so to speak, by using judicial review?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.

you mean like deciding that corporations are 'people' for purposes of the first amendment?

You're right - corporations aren't "people". They are magical entities from the world of Rainbow Unicorn. You can only see/visit this world if you become a committed Scientologist and take lots of narcotics (I know this because that's what Conservaderp has done and he told me all about it in his lunatic ramblings). You know the iPad from the corporation called Apple? Yeah, it wasn't designed by people nor was it assembled by people. The creatures called Libtards from the world of Rainbow Unicorn made them, then beamed them down to you. And you know that corporation called Microsoft? No people have ever worked there either (true story). Windows was also designed by Libtards from the world of Rainbow Unicorns.

Yep, no people have ever created, owned, worked at, or sustained a corporation. They are strictly magical entities from the land of Rainbow Unicorns.
Thomas Jefferson had a belief as to what the government should be. So did Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Taco Bell Dog (I think)...I'm saying everyone has a belief. You BELIEVE, for instance that the Constitution is a concrete document and therefore nothing that isn't in it should be considered.

But here's the think about that. Your line of thinking would have kept slavery permanent and women could not vote because those were not part of the government's definitions at the time it was written. So your logic is fucked, kid.

I'm not a Socialist. I'm a Capitalist with compassion and humility. Oh, and a conscience too. I don't give two dicks that you don't like my way of thinking. Your types never get it. You're the comic relief in this Greek opera we call human existence.

Enjoy that.


No this is where you're wrong. See the Constitution should be taken literally and you know why? Because we wouldnt have slavery thanks to amendments 13, 14, and 15. See they AMENDED the Constitution to change it. We can do that too, but you actually have to have the will of the people for that to happen and since liberals dont, they just change it with judicial rulings and not amendments....like you're supposed to.

Are you telling me that Conservative Supreme Courts haven't ever changed the Constitution by judicial decision? Is that your claim right now? That no Conservative court has ever changed the game, so to speak, by using judicial review?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.

You mean the idiot GOP that caused the great depression and has caused the one we have today? The big government republicans that borrow us into the poor house and then throw it onto the democrats to fix?

You mean the republican golden underwear crowd that created a welfare system for the 1% and supports Wall Street speculation and gambling with taxpayer money to keep gasoline prices high? :eusa_whistle:
which requires constitutional interpretation...

no matter how large you make your type.

thanks for your 'expertise'.

Uh, no stupid! They are not interpreting the Constitution. They are interpreting SB1070, or Obamacare, or other issues. No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't change the truth. You can keep claiming the world is flat, but all it's doing is causing the world to laugh at you.

The Constitution says what it says and is written in black & white. There is nothing to "interpret". It is law.

Well, I guess you can call an attorney stupid. The shoe won't fit, but what the hell. You can SAY anything, regardless of the truth or logic thereof.

Ass fedora.

Um, there are stupid attorney's, and if you were actually one (which clearly you are not based on the fact that you live off taxpayers), you would definitely be one of those stupid attorney's.

But lets dumb this down for you liberals here. According to you, the US Constitution is "living" :)lol: - seriously, that never stops being hilarious) and at the mercy of the "interpretation" of the US Supreme Court, right?

So that means, if tomorrow the Supreme Court "interprets" that all liberals are a threat to national security, and should be executed, and that black people must be enslaved again for the good of the economy, you would 100% support that right? You wouldn't argue or feel that either of those are the slightest bit "unconstitutional"?

Yes or No - answer the question "counselor"...
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