Log of Liberal Lies

That's about the level of most of your posts, so that sounds fitting. You are definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.

Oh, so you're one of the idiots that doesn't get that the Constitution is a living document too huh? Were you born in 1935 or earlier, or are you, just like Rottweiler, just plan fucking stupid?

I made no comment on the nature of the Constitution. In fact, I am quite certain I understand it's nature and importance infinitely more than you do. I was simply commenting on the average reading level most of your posts seem to fall into... that of a 5th grader or below.

Oh, really FuckNuts? Why don't you dazzle me, then. I assert that the Constitution is a living document and is what is the SCOTUS tells us it is. DumbFuck McGee doesn't get that concept. Do you?
or we could tell lies about the teatards in the house not intentionally sabotaging our recovery.

or the wingers in the senate not filibustering everything.

but if enough rightwingnuts say it, it must be true, right?


:lol: 'deliberately sabotaging our recovery'? Are you serious?


Right? That is a new one. :cuckoo:

No it's not.

Mitch McConnell Vowed To Make Obama A "one-term President," Now Shocked That Obama Portrays Him As Villain | The New Republic
Mitch McConnell Fox News | Obama One Term President | Video | Mediaite

You say shit like that, you are admitting to being an obstructionist. Obstructionists stop progress. No progress means the economy doesn't get the help it needs. Which means they sabotaged it.

I know it's hard for you dummies to understand this, but it's not like your strategy was even thinly veiled.
Oh, so you're one of the idiots that doesn't get that the Constitution is a living document too huh? Were you born in 1935 or earlier, or are you, just like Rottweiler, just plan fucking stupid?

I made no comment on the nature of the Constitution. In fact, I am quite certain I understand it's nature and importance infinitely more than you do. I was simply commenting on the average reading level most of your posts seem to fall into... that of a 5th grader or below.

Oh, really FuckNuts? Why don't you dazzle me, then. I assert that the Constitution is a living document and is what is the SCOTUS tells us it is. DumbFuck McGee doesn't get that concept. Do you?

If you have a problem with 'Dumb fuck McGee's' interpretation of what the Constitution is, I suggest you stick to discussing that with him, and not try dragging others into it.
I made no comment on the nature of the Constitution. In fact, I am quite certain I understand it's nature and importance infinitely more than you do. I was simply commenting on the average reading level most of your posts seem to fall into... that of a 5th grader or below.

Oh, really FuckNuts? Why don't you dazzle me, then. I assert that the Constitution is a living document and is what is the SCOTUS tells us it is. DumbFuck McGee doesn't get that concept. Do you?

If you have a problem with 'Dumb fuck McGee's' interpretation of what the Constitution is, I suggest you stick to discussing that with him, and not try dragging others into it.

Oh, silly me. I thought when someone makes a claim to be more an expert on a subject than someone else they insult, that they are dragging themselves into the fight. I mean, otherwise you'd have kept your hack mouth shut, right, Fuckstick? Hmm. Weird. It's like you're TRYING to be bad at the Internet.
Oh, really FuckNuts? Why don't you dazzle me, then. I assert that the Constitution is a living document and is what is the SCOTUS tells us it is. DumbFuck McGee doesn't get that concept. Do you?

If you have a problem with 'Dumb fuck McGee's' interpretation of what the Constitution is, I suggest you stick to discussing that with him, and not try dragging others into it.

Oh, silly me. I thought when someone makes a claim to be more an expert on a subject than someone else they insult, that they are dragging themselves into the fight. I mean, otherwise you'd have kept your hack mouth shut, right, Fuckstick? Hmm. Weird. It's like you're TRYING to be bad at the Internet.

I find it rather comical that you want to argue against my interpretation of the Constitution, to the point of childish name calling, when you apparently have no clue what my interpretation actually is. All because I commented that you post like a 5th grader.

You know, I take it back. You post like a 4th grader.
If you have a problem with 'Dumb fuck McGee's' interpretation of what the Constitution is, I suggest you stick to discussing that with him, and not try dragging others into it.

Oh, silly me. I thought when someone makes a claim to be more an expert on a subject than someone else they insult, that they are dragging themselves into the fight. I mean, otherwise you'd have kept your hack mouth shut, right, Fuckstick? Hmm. Weird. It's like you're TRYING to be bad at the Internet.

I find it rather comical that you want to argue against my interpretation of the Constitution, to the point of childish name calling, when you apparently have no clue what my interpretation actually is. All because I commented that you post like a 5th grader.

You know, I take it back. You post like a 4th grader.

Oh, cool. So I win. Again.
Oh, silly me. I thought when someone makes a claim to be more an expert on a subject than someone else they insult, that they are dragging themselves into the fight. I mean, otherwise you'd have kept your hack mouth shut, right, Fuckstick? Hmm. Weird. It's like you're TRYING to be bad at the Internet.

I find it rather comical that you want to argue against my interpretation of the Constitution, to the point of childish name calling, when you apparently have no clue what my interpretation actually is. All because I commented that you post like a 5th grader.

You know, I take it back. You post like a 4th grader.

Oh, cool. So I win. Again.

Get your ass handed to you...and YOU WON? Say what?:lmao:

Seek help son...seriously. :eusa_hand:
Oh, silly me. I thought when someone makes a claim to be more an expert on a subject than someone else they insult, that they are dragging themselves into the fight. I mean, otherwise you'd have kept your hack mouth shut, right, Fuckstick? Hmm. Weird. It's like you're TRYING to be bad at the Internet.

I find it rather comical that you want to argue against my interpretation of the Constitution, to the point of childish name calling, when you apparently have no clue what my interpretation actually is. All because I commented that you post like a 5th grader.

You know, I take it back. You post like a 4th grader.

Oh, cool. So I win. Again.

A legend in your own mind.
I find it rather comical that you want to argue against my interpretation of the Constitution, to the point of childish name calling, when you apparently have no clue what my interpretation actually is. All because I commented that you post like a 5th grader.

You know, I take it back. You post like a 4th grader.

Oh, cool. So I win. Again.

Get your ass handed to you...and YOU WON? Say what?:lmao:

Seek help son...seriously. :eusa_hand:

Oh, Mel Gibson, you're the AntiSemitiest!
I find it rather comical that you want to argue against my interpretation of the Constitution, to the point of childish name calling, when you apparently have no clue what my interpretation actually is. All because I commented that you post like a 5th grader.

You know, I take it back. You post like a 4th grader.

Oh, cool. So I win. Again.

A legend in your own mind.

I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and I WIN!!
The constitution is not a living entity any more than corporations are. The constitution is a set of laws that define the government and what it stands for agreed on by the individual states and their citizens and nothing more. The supreme court has no right or authority to try and rewrite the constitution for their own political corporate interest. Government of the people, by the people, for the people is not fascist support for corporations bleeding the world to death.

While America continues to crash and burn the citizens sit back and keep lighting the matches.
Oh, cool. So I win. Again.

Get your ass handed to you...and YOU WON? Say what?:lmao:

Seek help son...seriously. :eusa_hand:

Oh, Mel Gibson, you're the AntiSemitiest!

*I* Unlike you am not a victim to the 'Cult Of personality'

But am interested in the Story portrayed in that movie in Early American Life regardless of the actor(s).

Son? Admit you're a failure...a victim of your own stupidity and lack of depth.:eusa_hand:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0&ob=av3e]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]
Just so Conservadipshit will shut the fuck up...

Some believe that the Constitution is a whole document in and of itself, and that any further interpretation of its text is not only unnecessary but undesirable. I disagree. I believe the Constitution can and should be interpreted, to at least some extent. This, allows it to grow, expand, and adapt if necessary. To me, that makes the Constitution a living thing. It can change to suit the times. Some decisions of the Supreme Court show this quite nicely.

The SCOTUS once ruled that separate institutions for black and white citizens were perfectly legal and constitutional, as long as the institutions were equal... the "separate but equal" doctrine.

However, SCOTUS eventually turned this doctrine over, saying that separate cannot mean equal, thus making segregation unconstitutional.

The Constitution, for all intents and purposes, changed. Static things do not change, dynamic ones do.

Also, the process set down by the founding fathers for amending the Constitution, makes it a living thing. If they did not want it to ever change or grow, why put in place a process to allow it to change and grow?

Now, Conservadipshit, if you'd like to tell me how my interpretation of the Constitution is wrong, have at it.
Just so Conservadipshit will shut the fuck up...

Some believe that the Constitution is a whole document in and of itself, and that any further interpretation of its text is not only unnecessary but undesirable. I disagree. I believe the Constitution can and should be interpreted, to at least some extent. This, allows it to grow, expand, and adapt if necessary. To me, that makes the Constitution a living thing. It can change to suit the times. Some decisions of the Supreme Court show this quite nicely.

The SCOTUS once ruled that separate institutions for black and white citizens were perfectly legal and constitutional, as long as the institutions were equal... the "separate but equal" doctrine.

However, SCOTUS eventually turned this doctrine over, saying that separate cannot mean equal, thus making segregation unconstitutional.

The Constitution, for all intents and purposes, changed. Static things do not change, dynamic ones do.

Also, the process set down by the founding fathers for amending the Constitution, makes it a living thing. If they did not want it to ever change or grow, why put in place a process to allow it to change and grow?

Now, Conservadipshit, if you'd like to tell me how my interpretation of the Constitution is wrong, have at it.

It's not wrong. It's spot-on. But you're still a douche. You're just a douche that understands the Constitution better than Rottweiler. Then again, I just dumped a Liberal Log of Poo that fits that same description so...
I told you, Dumbfuck, it's not that private charity is BAD. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's unreliable and it doesn't completely solve the problem.

But government is reliable and has completely solved the problem? :lol: I've never seen anyone defeat their own arguments like you do. You're your own worst enemy :lol:

For that, I believe, as do the Progressives, that Government has a duty to fill in the gaps that the private citizens invariably leave.

As ignorant as it gets. You don't get to "believe" anything about how the government should operate. The legal authority and duties of the government is spelled out in the US Constitution and it is the law.

You're the short-sighted idiots that would kill the Department of Education. You're the fucking fools who would kill the Post Office. You're the idiots who time and again want to cut off our nose to spite our face.

You're the idiots who have bankrupted America with shit like the Department of Education (which is not a duty of the federal government outlined in the Constitution). You're the idiots who have run up $16 trillion in debt thinking the federal government should play mommy & daddy to everyone - providing food, housing, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, child care, expense accounts, and more SOCIALISM bullshit.

When has that ever worked? When in history has a country implemented extreme austerity measures and had it work? You want to live in that country? Go to Ireland, you dumbfuck.

When has Communism/Marxism/Socialism ever worked, stupid? Your "beliefs" collapsed a former super power that used to be known as the U.S.S.R. (go read about it, stupid). Your "beliefs" collapsed Greece. Your "beliefs" are currently collapsing Spain and England. And your "beliefs" have kept Cuba in perpetual poverty, stupid.

Ireland has a 14% unemployment rate. Move there. Enjoy the fuck out of Austerity.

And Cuba has a 1% unemployment rate. Move there, stupid. Enjoy the fuck out of Communism, stupid. Go experience your liberal/progressive utopia first hand. Every stupid thing you have said you wanted from goverment, they do! So go fucking enjoy it stupid...
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