Log of Liberal Lies

Social Security's not going bankrupt, nor will it ever. Continue with your bullshit.

:lol: How many unicorns do you see a day? This is the problem with the stoned liberal who lives in the magical land of fairy worlds and unicorns :lol:

Tell me, stupid, why Social Security is "immune from going bankrupt"? However, because I feel sorry for you how you keep embarassing yourself by commenting on everything you know nothing about, why don't you learn something first:

Social Security Fund Is Fast Going Bankrupt, So Why Are We Sticking With A Broken Model? - Investors.com
As long as production increases, and there's no reason to believe it won't, Social Security will be fine. The Right Wing paranoia machine loves to say it'll go bankrupt, but there's at least enough in the fund to get us to 2037, and by then we should have productivity back to where it needs to be.

And of course the Constitution is interpreted by the SCOTUS, Dummy. Why are you so fucking dumb, Dummy?
and what's yer deficit out there in shtty california?

You do realize how the two aren't really related right? The road work being done is being paid for in large part by the Federal funds from the stimulus. Maybe if it had been bigger, more states could benefit from it too. Oh well, WE WIN AGAIN!

Why is it exactly that the interest on borrowed money does not concern you?

The only money wasted was Bush turning a free country into a state of fascist terrorism.

Infrastructure spending benefits everyone Bush terrorism wars for Exxon supports nothing but the pigs feeding at the trough. :mad:
As long as production increases, and there's no reason to believe it won't, Social Security will be fine. The Right Wing paranoia machine loves to say it'll go bankrupt, but there's at least enough in the fund to get us to 2037, and by then we should have productivity back to where it needs to be.

And of course the Constitution is interpreted by the SCOTUS, Dummy. Why are you so fucking dumb, Dummy?

Um, dude, production doesn't matter when the baby boomer generation - which far outnumbers the X generation - retires and lives off of Social Security.

Less people putting into the system + More people taking out of the system = bankruptcy.

It's basic math, stupid. Social Security is no more immune to bankruptcy than anything else you liberals touch...
Hmm. Still not seeing thousands of examples...weird.

To date, Bill & Melinda Gates have given $60 billion to charity. That's so astounding, lets repeat that - $60 billion of their own free will. Not forced by government.

Uh-oh, looks like someone is getting owned again. You seriously never feel humiliated for you dumb comments that are proven to be absurd?
Counting on private charity is a Fool's game. It's like cutting taxes on wealthy people and corporations and expecting that they'll feel compelled to put that discount back into the system, trickling down wealth on the poor. It's proof that Conservatives also can live in a a complete ideological vacuum where real life doesn't enter into the equation.

"Paul Allen gives $300 million to expand brain research.*
(Reuters) - Microsoft Corp co-founder Paul Allen has donated an additional $300 million to a foundation aimed at expanding research into how the brain works and how best to treat brain-related disorders.

The Allen Institute for Brain Science, based in Seattle, was established with a 2003 contribution of $100 million from the former Microsoft executive, who then donated another $100 million.

The latest contribution of $300 million will support the first four years of a 10-year plan to address critical questions about how the brain works.

Why, by golly gee willickers - you mean to tell me that Paul Allen has given $500 million DONATION for medical research of his own free will and not by the force of the federal government?!?! But....but... how could this possibly be? I mean, according to liberals, rich people are evil and 'counting on private charity is a FOOLS GAME". This just doesn't seem to add up.

(It never does when liberals are involved). Schooled again my friend... Schooled again.

Paul Allen gives $300 million to expand brain research | Reuters
You do realize how the two aren't really related right? The road work being done is being paid for in large part by the Federal funds from the stimulus. Maybe if it had been bigger, more states could benefit from it too. Oh well, WE WIN AGAIN!

Why is it exactly that the interest on borrowed money does not concern you?

The only money wasted was Bush turning a free country into a state of fascist terrorism.

Infrastructure spending benefits everyone Bush terrorism wars for Exxon supports nothing but the pigs feeding at the trough. :mad:

Actually, you have that completely backwards. Was that just a mistake, or are you really that big of an idiot? Protecting your ungrateful ass from Al Qaeda killing you in heinous ways benefits all of us, while spending on "infrastructure" benefits almost no one. I don't know anybody who has ever driven on a street in Oregon, so it really does none of us any good.
You show me a time when there was no government assistance program on the books and we did NOT have homeless and starving citizens, and I'll concede this point.

You are truly the dumbest S.O.B. I have ever seen :lol:. You defeat yourself in your own arguments!

You show me a time when we had government assistance programs on the books and we did not have homeless and starving citizens :lol:

You stupid stoned tool of a liberal.... :lol:

Government assistance programs have been a monumental failure, and you know it. It's collapsing the US, it suffocates the economy with taxes, it punishes those who do right and rewards those who do wrong, and at the end of the day, we still have "homeless and starving citizens" to quote your stupid stoned tool of a liberal ass... Man you are so fucking dumb defeating yourself in your own arguments.
Yeah, you're still about 996 or 997 examples. I'll check back later, sugar tits.

Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?
Talk about anything other than Obama's record. That is the left's code for this election cycle.

or we could tell lies about the teatards in the house not intentionally sabotaging our recovery.

or the wingers in the senate not filibustering everything.

but if enough rightwingnuts say it, it must be true, right?


:lol: 'deliberately sabotaging our recovery'? Are you serious?


Right? That is a new one. :cuckoo:
You show me a time when there was no government assistance program on the books and we did NOT have homeless and starving citizens, and I'll concede this point.

You are truly the dumbest S.O.B. I have ever seen :lol:. You defeat yourself in your own arguments!

You show me a time when we had government assistance programs on the books and we did not have homeless and starving citizens :lol:

You stupid stoned tool of a liberal.... :lol:

Government assistance programs have been a monumental failure, and you know it. It's collapsing the US, it suffocates the economy with taxes, it punishes those who do right and rewards those who do wrong, and at the end of the day, we still have "homeless and starving citizens" to quote your stupid stoned tool of a liberal ass... Man you are so fucking dumb defeating yourself in your own arguments.

Dem's need to wake up.
We have 28 programs for starving children.
All of the money is going for the people who work for the programs and it is being divvied up between so many of them.
If we had one program with less government employees being paid to run them, there would be more money going to the children.
We have more starving children now than ever before so how are these programs helping?
They aren't !
Yeah, you're still about 996 or 997 examples. I'll check back later, sugar tits.

Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?

Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.
Yeah, you're still about 996 or 997 examples. I'll check back later, sugar tits.

Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?

Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.

That's about the level of most of your posts, so that sounds fitting. You are definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.
Yeah, you're still about 996 or 997 examples. I'll check back later, sugar tits.

Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?

Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.

You've been owned, and you know it.... :lol:
Yeah, you're still about 996 or 997 examples. I'll check back later, sugar tits.

Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?

Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.

No comment about the astronomical $60 billion donated by Bill & Melinda Gates to date? That could feed every hungry person in America for many years. Of course, the government has more than that to spend every year, but since they waste it, abuse it, embezzle it, and generally spend it on over bloated liberal ideology, the people continue to be "homeless and hungry". Which just proves you don't care about them anyway - it's all about filtering the money from hard working conservatives into your pockets so you can continue to stay at home doing your marijuana and your LSD.
Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?

Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.

That's about the level of most of your posts, so that sounds fitting. You are definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.

Oh, so you're one of the idiots that doesn't get that the Constitution is a living document too huh? Were you born in 1935 or earlier, or are you, just like Rottweiler, just plan fucking stupid?
Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.

That's about the level of most of your posts, so that sounds fitting. You are definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.

Oh, so you're one of the idiots that doesn't get that the Constitution is a living document too huh? Were you born in 1935 or earlier, or are you, just like Rottweiler, just plan fucking stupid?

I made no comment on the nature of the Constitution. In fact, I am quite certain I understand it's nature and importance infinitely more than you do. I was simply commenting on the average reading level most of your posts seem to fall into... that of a 5th grader or below.
Looks like someone can't even do basic math - no wonder you're so confused about the Constitution :lol:

Do you realize what a tool you look like to everyone right now? You keep denying what you know to be true, just because your ego is too big to admit you were wrong :lol:

Millions of buildings all across the US built with trillions of dollars by charity - not by the force of government.

Although, I guess I really shouldn't be too hard on you. Being a stupid stoned liberal high school drop out, you've never stepped foot on a campus. So why would you know that almost every single building is named after the person who donated millions to build it. But I bet you can tell us all about marijuana and LSD, uh stupid?

Why are you wasting your time posting all that? You have a bunch more examples to find Oldy McSwingingballs.

And have you finished reading that 5th grade text book I linked you to, so you could understand how the Constitution actually works? Let me know if you need that link again.

No comment about the astronomical $60 billion donated by Bill & Melinda Gates to date? That could feed every hungry person in America for many years. Of course, the government has more than that to spend every year, but since they waste it, abuse it, embezzle it, and generally spend it on over bloated liberal ideology, the people continue to be "homeless and hungry". Which just proves you don't care about them anyway - it's all about filtering the money from hard working conservatives into your pockets so you can continue to stay at home doing your marijuana and your LSD.

I told you, Dumbfuck, it's not that private charity is BAD. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's unreliable and it doesn't completely solve the problem. For that, I believe, as do the Progressives, that Government has a duty to fill in the gaps that the private citizens invariably leave.

Look, I know you think that you're "owning" me, but you're not. You're bringing up very specific examples of wonderfully gracious gifts and donations. So you know, Gates probably puts himself far more in the Progressive camp than you would think.

Your side's idiotic fear of Government is nothing new, dummy. We've seen it since our Country's birth. It's funny that you guys hate Government interference unless it's a) telling people who can or can't be married b) giving corporate welfare to the "job creators" or c) killing little brown people.

You're the short-sighted idiots that would kill the Department of Education. You're the fucking fools who would kill the Post Office. You're the idiots who time and again want to cut off our nose to spite our face.

Starve the beast, right Fucko?

When has that ever worked? When in history has a country implemented extreme austerity measures and had it work? You want to live in that country? Go to Ireland, you dumbfuck. In case you're as stupid as I presume you to be, based on your elementary grasp of Constitutional law, Ireland is a neighbor of England. You may want to get yourself a map, though I'm sure you can't find your home state, let alone the UK on it.

Ireland has a 14% unemployment rate. Move there. Enjoy the fuck out of Austerity.


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