Loggers support Trump's claim that wildfires caused by 'poor forest management'


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Support for President Trumps claim that forest management is to blame for the fires in California. When The Dims respond, we can shame them for attacking those hardworking loggers.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Council, a coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”
Seems logical

A logger wants more money spent on logging
Nah....Al Gore, Barry, & Hillary say it's Global Warming / Climate Change...'nuf said. :p

Of course, Gore also said New Orleans and miles of coastline would be under water by now due to the melting glaciers...

Seems logical

A logger wants more money spent on logging
And it's not "loggers" as in the guys that cut trees...it's a bunch of companies that want the right to cut trees on public land to make money
If someone would have just paid Al Gore for more CARBON CREDITS the fire would never have started...

Nah....Al Gore, Barry, & Hillary say it's Global Warming / Climate Change...'nuf said. :p

Of course, Gore also said New Orleans and miles of coastline would be under water by now due to the melting glaciers...

Newsflash genius...without levies...New Orleans IS underwater
Seems logical

A logger wants more money spent on logging

Loggers want an excuse to lower stumpage fees. That's the price they pay for the right to cut timber, which is based on the number of stumps they leave behind. American loggers have long complained that the lower stumpage fees paid by Canadian loggers result in Canada producing cheaper lumber and they can't compete. That's the basis of the softwood lumber dispute and why the US keeps levying tariffs against Canadian timber.

Canada has filed numerous complaints with the NAFTA Dispute Resolution Tribunal over this matter numerous times. The US has lost every case file and been ordered to return every dollar ever paid to the US government in tariffs.

I'm willing to bet American loggers will try to claim that they are saving the forests from fires and should be compensated for this work but not having to pay stumpage.
Nah....Al Gore, Barry, & Hillary say it's Global Warming / Climate Change...'nuf said. :p

Of course, Gore also said New Orleans and miles of coastline would be under water by now due to the melting glaciers...

Newsflash genius...without levies...New Orleans IS underwater
News flash, dumbass - Gore said it WITH levies and miles of all other US coastline would be under water by now.
When 4,000,000 acres of Texas burned on Rick Perry’s watch…exactly 0 people seriously (or jokingly) suggested raking the floor of the forests. Nor is anyone seriously suggesting it in California.

The common thread is the drought conditions in both places. Dry timberland burns.
Nah....Al Gore, Barry, & Hillary say it's Global Warming / Climate Change...'nuf said. :p

Of course, Gore also said New Orleans and miles of coastline would be under water by now due to the melting glaciers...


Newsflash Rusky! New Orleans WAS underwater, when Katrina destroyed the levys. When they rebuilt them, they built them higher and strong in antipation of bigger storms and continued melting of the polar caps. Louisiana may be a red state the City of New Orleans had been warned for years by the Army Corps of Engineers that the levys would not hold if New Orleans sustained a direct hit by a Category 3 Hurricane or above. When they rebuilt the levys, that took into consideration the stronger storms and higher tides cause by the melting of the polar caps. The government may officially deny climate change but the Army takes it very seriously and have contingency plans for climate catastrophes.

Republican governments have basically abandoned making infrastructure repairs to keep taxes as low as possible so the rebuilding of the levys gave the army the opportunity to act on their previously ignored reports.

Houston was also under water and one of the things they're considering is not allowing rebuilding in many coastal areas which are at risk as oceans rise. Houston is a Democratic stronghold.
Support for President Trumps claim that forest management is to blame for the fires in California. When The Dims respond, we can shame them for attacking those hardworking loggers.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Council, a coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”
Not all loggers said it, and loggers aren't scientists.
Newsflash Rusky!
F* You, you brainwashed triggered nut job.

News flash for YOU...even Mueller has abandoned the 'illegal collusion with Russia' BS - long ago - because even he knows the only illegal collusion was Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in the form of a Russian-authored document obtained through the foreign spy working for the FBI and Oher from the DOJ, both who - according to Oher - were communicating with Mueller BEFORE Mueller was ever appointed Special Counsel.

Since you are stuck on 'STUPID', continuing to recite the old 'Russian' false narative, anything you say isn't worth wasting time reading....
And it's not "loggers" as in the guys that cut trees...it's a bunch of companies that want the right to cut trees on public land to make money

How is that a problem?

How is the program California has in place working out for them?
Nah....Al Gore, Barry, & Hillary say it's Global Warming / Climate Change...'nuf said. :p

Of course, Gore also said New Orleans and miles of coastline would be under water by now due to the melting glaciers...

Newsflash genius...without levies...New Orleans IS underwater

Specifically, when was New Orlean's elevation NOT below water level?

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