Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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The pattern I see is that Lernier should lose her cushy taxpayer payed for retirement.

Let her hit the employment trail.
If the snide bitch deliberately destroyed evidence of government corruption, she should be in jail and lose all her pension.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

She spent most of her government carreer under a GOP administration.
Well, this question must cause cognitive dissonance for obvious reasons. I was hoping we would see the artful double talk and instead we experienced avoidance.

I mean was the question unfair? Was it poignant?

I just love to kick liberals in their little mental balls. I just basically ended this thread and this debate..with this question. Their avoidance of answering it with a simple yes or no to a simple question is all we need to know.

Now, lets laugh at their hyperbole attacks on me as they continue to not answer the question with a simple yes or no.

Hopefully i bothered them enough now to see that artful double talk.
missed your post.

the hard drive crashes either happened or they didn't. my guess is the popular, conspiracy minded theory out there that they all crashed at once is bullshit, but that they instead, being roughly the same age and used in roughly the same way, died at roughly the same time.

it is, of course, possible that someone 'helped' that happen. i would just ask for evidence.

Let us look at that. You see him answering yes or no? Neither do I. He couldn't. How could he.

He had no choice but to give us the hippy left wing two step. He thinks the crashes are a lie.

That is all. Nothing else needs to be said. All of these pages is simply the myth of Sisyphus. The thread is over.

jesus, you do a guy a one up -

i went beyond answering yes or no - i told you why i believe what i believe.

yes, i believe that it's possible that 7 hard drives of approximately the same age and use would fail at approximately the same time.

i also think it's possible that they could have been made to fail. i don't really know. i don't even know the names of the six other people that had malfunctions or when they happened - do you?
missed your post.

the hard drive crashes either happened or they didn't. my guess is the popular, conspiracy minded theory out there that they all crashed at once is bullshit, but that they instead, being roughly the same age and used in roughly the same way, died at roughly the same time.

it is, of course, possible that someone 'helped' that happen. i would just ask for evidence.

Let us look at that. You see him answering yes or no? Neither do I. He couldn't. How could he.

He had no choice but to give us the hippy left wing two step. He thinks the crashes are a lie.

That is all. Nothing else needs to be said. All of these pages is simply the myth of Sisyphus. The thread is over.

jesus, you do a guy a one up -

i went beyond answering yes or no - i told you why i believe what i believe.

yes, i believe that it's possible that 7 hard drives of approximately the same age and use would fail at approximately the same time.

i also think it's possible that they could have been made to fail. i don't really know. i don't even know the names of the six other people that had malfunctions or when they happened - do you?

I'm sure the odds of all the questionable computers crashing at nearly the same time are astronomical......seriously. Over a year or two.....maybe, but.....that's not what happened.

I mean.....like every one that had those emails were all crashing? Unicorns and fairies destroyed them no doubt.
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So do you personally believe the story that there were at least 7 computer crashes?

Can you answer yes or no to that and spare us with the hippy shit?

Do you buy that story? Yes or no?

Behold.....the liberal art of double talk.

Well, this question must cause cognitive dissonance for obvious reasons. I was hoping we would see the artful double talk and instead we experienced avoidance.

I mean was the question unfair? Was it poignant?

I just love to kick liberals in their little mental balls. I just basically ended this thread and this debate..with this question. Their avoidance of answering it with a simple yes or no to a simple question is all we need to know.

Now, lets laugh at their hyperbole attacks on me as they continue to not answer the question with a simple yes or no.

Hopefully i bothered them enough now to see that artful double talk.

Like I have posted once before....

1) All we need to do is have Lois Lerner to testify to find out what happened.
Nope. She legally exerted her fifth amendment right

2) No problem. We can review her emails to see what she was up to.
Nope. Those emails have been lost due to a hard drive crash

3) No problem. We can review the back up.
Nope. She backed up everything but her archived emails

4) No problem. We can get her hard drive and do our best to recover some data.
Nope. That hard drive has been recycled.

5) No problem. The IRS directs all IRS employees to save hard copies of all business related emails to conform to the Federal Records Act.
Nope. Lerner did not follow the directive and therefore did not conform to the law

6) No problem. We can go to the NARA for they have reviewed the crashed hard drive as, by law, they are to be informed of a crashed ard drive immediately.
Nope. They did not inform the NARA so they cant help us.

7) That's OK. We can look at the emails of her closest co workers.
Nope. Their hard drives crashed as well and they, too, did not conform to the Federal Records Act.

8) OK. Then all we have left to do is show that she had no motive to be politically biased in her daily activities is to determine if she has a strong personal bias
Nope. That wont help. She hated the right wing....scared of them. Believed them to be worse than terrorists.

So you don't see a pattern here.

Sure you don't.

That is called synchronicity. Again....astronomical odds if by chance.

By design? Odds on
missed your post.

the hard drive crashes either happened or they didn't. my guess is the popular, conspiracy minded theory out there that they all crashed at once is bullshit, but that they instead, being roughly the same age and used in roughly the same way, died at roughly the same time.

it is, of course, possible that someone 'helped' that happen. i would just ask for evidence.

Let us look at that. You see him answering yes or no? Neither do I. He couldn't. How could he.

He had no choice but to give us the hippy left wing two step. He thinks the crashes are a lie.

That is all. Nothing else needs to be said. All of these pages is simply the myth of Sisyphus. The thread is over.

jesus, you do a guy a one up -

i went beyond answering yes or no - i told you why i believe what i believe.

yes, i believe that it's possible that 7 hard drives of approximately the same age and use would fail at approximately the same time.

i also think it's possible that they could have been made to fail. i don't really know. i don't even know the names of the six other people that had malfunctions or when they happened - do you?


Now he thinks it is entirely possible that they all crashed. He already said he thought it is bullshit.

He also thinks they could have been "made to fail."

So....in review. He cannot answer yes or no for obvious reasons, he takes on both sides of the issue by admitting he thinks it is bullshit, all while saying it is entirely possible that they could all crash and then he added the final layer of hippy liberal double talk by saying he does not even know who the 6 people are.

Lol at liberals and me knowing them so well.
What if Lois Lerner was a Republican, and we had a white Republican president: Would NaziCons still be foaming at the mouth about Lerner? I think not...

NaziCons usually only complain about the Constitution when things don't go their way. Why is that?
What if Lois Lerner was a Republican, and we had a white Republican president: Would NaziCons still be foaming at the mouth about Lerner? I think not...

NaziCons usually only complain about the Constitution when things don't go their way. Why is that?

Actually I would go against a republican president, if he was illegally harassing liberal groups. Just for the very reason what Obama is doing now. The thing about it is if the republican president in 2016 does the same thing. You have the right to be silent, cause you are now. Obama has opened up a great number of powers a president shouldn't have. Thanks to people like yourself.
What if Lois Lerner was a Republican, and we had a white Republican president: Would NaziCons still be foaming at the mouth about Lerner? I think not...

NaziCons usually only complain about the Constitution when things don't go their way. Why is that?

No idea since these Nazicons are a figment of your imagination with no basis in reality.
What if Lois Lerner was a Republican, and we had a white Republican president: Would NaziCons still be foaming at the mouth about Lerner? I think not...

NaziCons usually only complain about the Constitution when things don't go their way. Why is that?

What if the moon was really a balloon?
Let us look at that. You see him answering yes or no? Neither do I. He couldn't. How could he.

He had no choice but to give us the hippy left wing two step. He thinks the crashes are a lie.

That is all. Nothing else needs to be said. All of these pages is simply the myth of Sisyphus. The thread is over.

jesus, you do a guy a one up -

i went beyond answering yes or no - i told you why i believe what i believe.

yes, i believe that it's possible that 7 hard drives of approximately the same age and use would fail at approximately the same time.

i also think it's possible that they could have been made to fail. i don't really know. i don't even know the names of the six other people that had malfunctions or when they happened - do you?

I'm sure the odds of all the questionable computers crashing at nearly the same time are astronomical......seriously. Over a year or two.....maybe, but.....that's not what happened.

I mean.....like every one that had those emails were all crashing? Unicorns and fairies destroyed them no doubt.

that's one thing i haven't been able to find. perhaps you can help me since you seem to have the answers.

when did the each hard drive crash?
actually, we don't know that she targeted anybody. she did allow it to happen by not giving proper guidance, but there has still been no evidence that says she ordered, or suggested, or promoted the targeting of any group.

So let me see if I understand your reasoning here...

Although Lois Lerner is in charge of the Exempt Organizations Division and you stipulate that she did allow the targeting to happen...you maintain that she isn't guilty of any wrongdoing because she didn't order or suggest the targeting of conservatives? So according to you...it's OK if you're a manager of a group of people that you KNOW are doing bad things and you do nothing about it...just as long as YOU didn't suggest doing the bad thing in the first place? Is that the way it works? :eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::doubt::doubt::doubt:
hasn't it been shown that she put an end to the practice?
Lois Lerner called Republicans "crazies" in email - CBS News
A May 2013 report by the agency's inspector general blamed mismanagement by IRS officials for the way tea party applications were handled. But the report did not provide any proof of political bias on the part of agents.

In fact, the report noted that Lerner tried to stop the targeting once she learned that tea party and other conservative groups were being improperly singled out.
so no, that's not what i said. what i said was she didn't tell them to do it. when she found out about it, she stopped it. what she is guilty of is not providing the proper guidance and guidelines that would have prevented the groups from being unfairly singled out.

Where are you coming up with the concept that Lerner stopped it when she found out about it? That's laughable. Lois Lerner was the driving force behind the targeting of conservatives. Lois Lerner did her best to HIDE what they had done when Dave Camp's letter arrived at the IRS. Or have you forgotten her admonition to her "troops" to be careful about what they said in emails and her questions to the IT guy about whether other forms of communication were archived? Are those the actions of someone who's worried about stopping something from happening...or are those the actions of someone who's worried about getting CAUGHT doing what she's been doing? She knows that she's in trouble even before the IG's report came out...that's why she plants the question about the targeting of conservatives at the obscure seminar she was attending. Then there is the absurdity of 7 hard drives allegedly crashing among the people involved in the targeting of conservatives and NONE of them getting the lost data back from the tape system that was in place to guard against crashes! Please don't tell you that you're buying that line of bullshit, Ogi! Are you really that far gone?
So do you personally believe the story that there were at least 7 computer crashes?

Can you answer yes or no to that and spare us with the hippy shit?

Do you buy that story? Yes or no?

Behold.....the liberal art of double talk.

Well, this question must cause cognitive dissonance for obvious reasons. I was hoping we would see the artful double talk and instead we experienced avoidance.

I mean was the question unfair? Was it poignant?

I just love to kick liberals in their little mental balls. I just basically ended this thread and this debate..with this question. Their avoidance of answering it with a simple yes or no to a simple question is all we need to know.

Now, lets laugh at their hyperbole attacks on me as they continue to not answer the question with a simple yes or no.

Hopefully i bothered them enough now to see that artful double talk.
missed your post.

the hard drive crashes either happened or they didn't. my guess is the popular, conspiracy minded theory out there that they all crashed at once is bullshit, but that they instead, being roughly the same age and used in roughly the same way, died at roughly the same time.

it is, of course, possible that someone 'helped' that happen. i would just ask for evidence.

I'm curious, Ogi...

You seem like a rational person...so I'll let you take a crack at explaining the scenario that the IRS has given us to why 7 hard drives crashed and all the communications in emails between the parties involved in targeting conservatives at the IRS was lost.

You're a hard working IRS employee tasked with overseeing the tax status of groups applying for tax free status and your computer (one would assume) is chock full of all kinds of important data. Wouldn't you think that would be the case?

So explain why NONE of the 7 people whose hard drives did crash bothered to have the missing data recovered from the tape back up system specifically designed to do just that? How can THAT be? All 7 of them had nothing of importance on their computers? REALLY? You're REALLY going to buy that?

So explain to me why these important figures involved in something that is about to erupt into a major scandal...simply allowed all that data on their computers to be scrubbed months later? Does that make even the slightest bit of sense to you?
When was the last time that Democrats embarked on partisan witch hunts like Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS?
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