Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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I have a feeling that he does not...
He needs all his free time to scour the Interweb for Republican atrocities.

You're blaming the IT department for 7 people involved in this scandal ALL experiencing hard drive crashes...all 7 not asking for their lost data to be retrieved from the tape back up system designed solely in case of computer problems like that...and then everyone at the IRS kind of "forgetting" and scrubbing those 7 hard drives of the very information that Congress was demanding? That's your "go to" explanation of what took place, Joe? :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin: Wow...

Why wouldn't they? I don't keep more than a year's worth of E-mails, and I suspect I get a lot less e-mails than the director of exempt organizations gets. Maybe they thought these e-mails from two years earlier just weren't that important, or maybe they thought they were no longer relevent.

If Lerner was only targeting those conservative organizations because they were all claiming "fraudulent exemptions" then why were the majority of them eventually approved...long AFTER the election had taken place? Duh?

Mostly, because the IRS doesn't stick to its guns. Same reason it doesn't go after all these Churches that are doing politics in violation of the law.

So what's your complaint, if they got their exemptions?

Calling someone an asshole is inflammatory...for a high level IRS official to use that term to describe conservatives in general is totally inappropriate. If you can't be non-partisan then you have no business being in the IRS. You for instance would make a TERRIBLE IRS agent!

Oh, I'd make a wonderful IRS agent. I wouldn't put up with the shit from frauds, fakers and con artists.

The real problem is that the IRS knew this was going to be a problem, and they didn't stick to their guns. This is kind of a problem with the Obama people in general. They don't have the elbow-throwing mentality that Bush and Clinton had.

You're blaming the IT department for 7 people involved in this scandal ALL experiencing hard drive crashes...all 7 not asking for their lost data to be retrieved from the tape back up system designed solely in case of computer problems like that...and then everyone at the IRS kind of "forgetting" and scrubbing those 7 hard drives of the very information that Congress was demanding? That's your "go to" explanation of what took place, Joe? :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin: Wow...

Why wouldn't they? I don't keep more than a year's worth of E-mails, and I suspect I get a lot less e-mails than the director of exempt organizations gets. Maybe they thought these e-mails from two years earlier just weren't that important, or maybe they thought they were no longer relevent.

If Lerner was only targeting those conservative organizations because they were all claiming "fraudulent exemptions" then why were the majority of them eventually approved...long AFTER the election had taken place? Duh?

Mostly, because the IRS doesn't stick to its guns. Same reason it doesn't go after all these Churches that are doing politics in violation of the law.

So what's your complaint, if they got their exemptions?

Calling someone an asshole is inflammatory...for a high level IRS official to use that term to describe conservatives in general is totally inappropriate. If you can't be non-partisan then you have no business being in the IRS. You for instance would make a TERRIBLE IRS agent!

Oh, I'd make a wonderful IRS agent. I wouldn't put up with the shit from frauds, fakers and con artists.

The real problem is that the IRS knew this was going to be a problem, and they didn't stick to their guns. This is kind of a problem with the Obama people in general. They don't have the elbow-throwing mentality that Bush and Clinton had.

Yes, Joe...I'm guessing that the Head of Exempt Organizations for the IRS has LOTS more important emails than you do! I'm also guessing that the Chief of Staff to the Commissioner of the IRS had all kinds of important data on HER computer as would the Head of Media Relations for the IRS not to mention the four agents working in the Cinn. office. Yet when all 7 of these people had their hard drives mysteriously crash following Dave Camp's letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservatives...not a single one of these people had their data recovered even though the IRS had a back up system designed to do JUST THAT! All seven just threw up their hands and said "Oh, gosh...looks like all my data is gone...oh well..." Lois Lerner makes a big production of taking HER hard drive to the IT people to see if they can recover anything from it...she goes to the trouble to do THAT but then she doesn't ask for the data to be recovered from the tape backup designed specifically for data recovery? Then despite the fact that Congress is demanding answers everyone at the IRS just forgets that they're coming up on a scheduled data "scrub" of the back up tapes that will erase everyone's missing data?

And you buy ALL of that, Joe? :dig::dig::dig:

Yes, Joe...I'm guessing that the Head of Exempt Organizations for the IRS has LOTS more important emails than you do! I'm also guessing that the Chief of Staff to the Commissioner of the IRS had all kinds of important data on HER computer as would the Head of Media Relations for the IRS not to mention the four agents working in the Cinn. office. Yet when all 7 of these people had their hard drives mysteriously crash following Dave Camp's letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservatives...not a single one of these people had their data recovered even though the IRS had a back up system designed to do JUST THAT! All seven just threw up their hands and said "Oh, gosh...looks like all my data is gone...oh well..." Lois Lerner makes a big production of taking HER hard drive to the IT people to see if they can recover anything from it...she goes to the trouble to do THAT but then she doesn't ask for the data to be recovered from the tape backup designed specifically for data recovery? Then despite the fact that Congress is demanding answers everyone at the IRS just forgets that they're coming up on a scheduled data "scrub" of the back up tapes that will erase everyone's missing data?

And you buy ALL of that, Joe? :

Pretty much. You can make anything mundane sound conspiratorial if you are enough of a drama queen.

Maybe Lerner figured that after they couldn't get her hard drive fixed, she really didn't need most of what they couldnt' reccover.

But until you present me with evidence this isn't anything more than a paperwork pissing contest, I'm just going to have to :yawn:
And don't sell the Obama people short, Joe! Richard Nixon tried to use the IRS to attack his political enemies but failed...Barry's folks actually pulled that off! They managed to use the IRS to handicap their opponents and then stonewall an investigation into what happened for the better part of two years.

Yes, Joe...I'm guessing that the Head of Exempt Organizations for the IRS has LOTS more important emails than you do! I'm also guessing that the Chief of Staff to the Commissioner of the IRS had all kinds of important data on HER computer as would the Head of Media Relations for the IRS not to mention the four agents working in the Cinn. office. Yet when all 7 of these people had their hard drives mysteriously crash following Dave Camp's letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservatives...not a single one of these people had their data recovered even though the IRS had a back up system designed to do JUST THAT! All seven just threw up their hands and said "Oh, gosh...looks like all my data is gone...oh well..." Lois Lerner makes a big production of taking HER hard drive to the IT people to see if they can recover anything from it...she goes to the trouble to do THAT but then she doesn't ask for the data to be recovered from the tape backup designed specifically for data recovery? Then despite the fact that Congress is demanding answers everyone at the IRS just forgets that they're coming up on a scheduled data "scrub" of the back up tapes that will erase everyone's missing data?

And you buy ALL of that, Joe? :

Pretty much. You can make anything mundane sound conspiratorial if you are enough of a drama queen.

Maybe Lerner figured that after they couldn't get her hard drive fixed, she really didn't need most of what they couldnt' reccover.

But until you present me with evidence this isn't anything more than a paperwork pissing contest, I'm just going to have to :yawn:

That all sounds "mundane" to you, Joe? It sounds like obstruction of justice to me!

Admit it...you can't come up with a plausible reason why things happened that the IRS claims did happen because you know as well as I do that the story they've provided to explain what happened is totally IMPLAUSIBLE!
And don't sell the Obama people short, Joe! Richard Nixon tried to use the IRS to attack his political enemies but failed...Barry's folks actually pulled that off! They managed to use the IRS to handicap their opponents and then stonewall an investigation into what happened for the better part of two years.

Guy, you didn't lose in 2012 because you couldn't get your fraudulent tax exemption.

You lost because you nominated a Mormon Retard who spurted out "I likes to fire people" and wondered why people who've been battered by a decade of recessions wouldn't vote for that.

That all sounds "mundane" to you, Joe? It sounds like obstruction of justice to me!

Admit it...you can't come up with a plausible reason why things happened that the IRS claims did happen because you know as well as I do that the story they've provided to explain what happened is totally IMPLAUSIBLE!

YOu think it's implausible.

I mean, you can drama queen this all day, but you can't prosecute on the basis of evidence you don't have.
And don't sell the Obama people short, Joe! Richard Nixon tried to use the IRS to attack his political enemies but failed...Barry's folks actually pulled that off! They managed to use the IRS to handicap their opponents and then stonewall an investigation into what happened for the better part of two years.

Obviously you're enough of a conspiratorial drama queen.

Yes, Joe...I'm guessing that the Head of Exempt Organizations for the IRS has LOTS more important emails than you do! I'm also guessing that the Chief of Staff to the Commissioner of the IRS had all kinds of important data on HER computer as would the Head of Media Relations for the IRS not to mention the four agents working in the Cinn. office. Yet when all 7 of these people had their hard drives mysteriously crash following Dave Camp's letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservatives...not a single one of these people had their data recovered even though the IRS had a back up system designed to do JUST THAT! All seven just threw up their hands and said "Oh, gosh...looks like all my data is gone...oh well..." Lois Lerner makes a big production of taking HER hard drive to the IT people to see if they can recover anything from it...she goes to the trouble to do THAT but then she doesn't ask for the data to be recovered from the tape backup designed specifically for data recovery? Then despite the fact that Congress is demanding answers everyone at the IRS just forgets that they're coming up on a scheduled data "scrub" of the back up tapes that will erase everyone's missing data?

And you buy ALL of that, Joe? :

Pretty much. You can make anything mundane sound conspiratorial if you are enough of a drama queen.

Maybe Lerner figured that after they couldn't get her hard drive fixed, she really didn't need most of what they couldnt' reccover.

But until you present me with evidence this isn't anything more than a paperwork pissing contest, I'm just going to have to :yawn:

That all sounds "mundane" to you, Joe? It sounds like obstruction of justice to me!

Admit it...you can't come up with a plausible reason why things happened that the IRS claims did happen because you know as well as I do that the story they've provided to explain what happened is totally IMPLAUSIBLE!

You just sound ignorant, desperate, and partisan.

There can't be 'obstruction of justice' absent a crime, in which case there's no 'investigation' to 'obstruct.'

And who are 'they,' what 'story' did 'they' provide?

The only thing implausible is your inane, ridiculous, delusional conspiracy theory that the president himself ordered the IRS to deny tax exempt status to conservative organizations, and when 'discovered' authorized a 'cover up' to conceal the 'crime'.
Pretty much. You can make anything mundane sound conspiratorial if you are enough of a drama queen.

Maybe Lerner figured that after they couldn't get her hard drive fixed, she really didn't need most of what they couldnt' reccover.

But until you present me with evidence this isn't anything more than a paperwork pissing contest, I'm just going to have to :yawn:

That all sounds "mundane" to you, Joe? It sounds like obstruction of justice to me!

Admit it...you can't come up with a plausible reason why things happened that the IRS claims did happen because you know as well as I do that the story they've provided to explain what happened is totally IMPLAUSIBLE!

You just sound ignorant, desperate, and partisan.

There can't be 'obstruction of justice' absent a crime, in which case there's no 'investigation' to 'obstruct.'

And who are 'they,' what 'story' did 'they' provide?

The only thing implausible is your inane, ridiculous, delusional conspiracy theory that the president himself ordered the IRS to deny tax exempt status to conservative organizations, and when 'discovered' authorized a 'cover up' to conceal the 'crime'.

Okay. Tell us who did.
That all sounds "mundane" to you, Joe? It sounds like obstruction of justice to me!

Admit it...you can't come up with a plausible reason why things happened that the IRS claims did happen because you know as well as I do that the story they've provided to explain what happened is totally IMPLAUSIBLE!

You just sound ignorant, desperate, and partisan.

There can't be 'obstruction of justice' absent a crime, in which case there's no 'investigation' to 'obstruct.'

And who are 'they,' what 'story' did 'they' provide?

The only thing implausible is your inane, ridiculous, delusional conspiracy theory that the president himself ordered the IRS to deny tax exempt status to conservative organizations, and when 'discovered' authorized a 'cover up' to conceal the 'crime'.

Okay. Tell us who did.

Try this - there ain't no conspiracy.
With people defending this kind of stuff is it any wonder our government (our employees, WE PAY FOR) is now OPENLY calling us (the people they WORK FOR) assholes and and are just walking all over us?

and you got the op kissing her ass with thanks

this is YOUR fellow country men folks...some piece of work eh
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