Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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[C]ongressional investigators have produced no evidence that anyone outside the IRS - including at the White House - directed the targeting or even knew about it.

Lois Lerner called Republicans "crazies" in email - CBS News
What's remarkable about the inane 'investigation' is that it is exactly what the Framers envisioned when they codified the 5th Amendment.

In this case partisan republicans frustrated with their failure to 'get rid of Obama' taking that frustration out on Lerner in a pathetic attempt to 'justify' this waste of time and taxpayers' money, when time and resources could be better spent on matters of actual import.
You know what, Joe? There are people doing time in Federal prison as we speak that were convicted of tax evasion on far less "Evidence" than what has been presented so far against Lois Lerner. What I have is "circumstantial evidence". Put circumstantial evidence together and you have "corroborating evidence". It's circumstantial evidence that 7 people's hard drives crashed after Dave Camp's letter arrived at the IRS. It's additional circumstantial evidence that none of the 7 people who suffered a hard drive crash did the logical thing and have their data recovered from the back up tape designed specifically for that purpose. It's additional circumstantial evidence that the IRS allowed those back up tapes to be scrubbed even though Congress had demanded to see them in a subpoena. It's additional circumstantial evidence that the Head of the IRS failed to tell Congress that those back up tapes had been scrubbed and the data there lost. Put all of the circumstantial evidence together and it becomes corroborating evidence.

You mistakenly believe that because direct evidence (like the missing emails) hasn't been produced that there is no case to bring charges on.

Let me give you an example. A witness sees a man steal a woman's purse and run away. That's direct evidence of a crime taking place. Now let's say that same witness sees a woman walk into an alley carrying a white purse, followed by a man carrying nothing...that same witness then hears a woman's scream and sees the man run out of the alley carrying a white purse. From what he's seen he infers that a crime has taken place and calls the police. Nothing that witness has seen is direct proof that a crime was committed by the man who followed that woman into the alley but the different types of circumstantial evidence combine to make a strong case of corroborating evidence and there is a very good chance that the man accused of mugging the woman and stealing her purse would go to prison JUST on circumstantial evidence.

You have no 'evidence' at all, that's what you fail to understand.

That you hate Obama is not 'evidence.'

I don't "hate" Barack Obama. I find him amusing more than anything else. That a man who is so obviously overwhelmed with the job that he holds to not only win the Presidency once...but to win it again...is one of the most remarkable things I've witnessed in a long...long...time! I remember asking people when he was running back in 2008 "What has this guy done since leaving Harvard Law School that would qualify him to be President?"

The IRS scandal is just one in a litany of examples of an Administration that doesn't have a clue what they are doing...led by a President who's basically been "faking it" for the past six years! Barry's floundering because Barry doesn't know what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with a cabinet of political light weights.
[C]ongressional investigators have produced no evidence that anyone outside the IRS - including at the White House - directed the targeting or even knew about it.

Lois Lerner called Republicans "crazies" in email - CBS News
What's remarkable about the inane 'investigation' is that it is exactly what the Framers envisioned when they codified the 5th Amendment.

In this case partisan republicans frustrated with their failure to 'get rid of Obama' taking that frustration out on Lerner in a pathetic attempt to 'justify' this waste of time and taxpayers' money, when time and resources could be better spent on matters of actual import.

I'm going to guess, Clayton that the Founding Fathers weren't trying to protect Government officials from being held responsible for their illegal actions when they framed the 5th Amendment. They were doing their level best to protect the average citizen from an overzealous government. I would imagine that the FF's would look upon Lois Lerner with a great deal of disgust.
Everything that Lerner did can be explained as due diligence in supporting a bad Supreme Court decision? Really, Joe? That's laughable. Everything that Lerner did was an end run around the Supreme Court decision because she didn't like it. To be quite blunt with you...THAT'S NOT HER CALL!!! If she doesn't like the Citizen's United outcome, that doesn't give her the right to target conservative groups for unfair scrutiny. That doesn't give her the right to treat liberal groups in one fashion and conservatives in another! And that especially doesn't give her the right to release the confidential tax information of conservatives to liberal groups or other Federal agencies!

You see, the key word there is 'unfair scrutiny". SInce Karl Rove is not a social welfare agency, claiming a deduction as one deserves quite a lot of scrutiny.

If Lerner had set up a protocol for questions and scrutiny of organizations applying for exempt status and had followed that protocol for ALL the groups that applied...she'd be fine. She didn't DO that though...Lois Lerner had two standards...two sets of protocols to deal with applicants. One set for liberal groups. One set for conservative groups.

Yeah, well, the Liberal Groups weren't using terms like 'Tea Party' and "Patriot" that indicated their intent to defraud the IRS.

That is the reason that Lois Lerner took the 5th. She knows full well that she DID violate the rights of those conservative groups! That's what this is all about. It's whether a small group of Federal employees at the IRS (or another Federal agency like the EPA or the Justice Department) can use the power of their positions to target political opponents. It's whether we have a rule of law...or have laws that are subject to the whims of unelected officials.

um, no, guy.

Here's the thing. I don't want any groups defrauding the government.

I have no problem with a cop taking drugs to bust a drug cartel, or shooting a crook to free a hostage.

These groups were attempting to defraud the system by funnelling huge amounts of "Dark Money" into the 2012 campaign. That's a lot more serious than anything you claim Lerner did.

Do we have a democracy or a plutocracy?
[C]ongressional investigators have produced no evidence that anyone outside the IRS - including at the White House - directed the targeting or even knew about it.

Lois Lerner called Republicans "crazies" in email - CBS News
What's remarkable about the inane 'investigation' is that it is exactly what the Framers envisioned when they codified the 5th Amendment.

In this case partisan republicans frustrated with their failure to 'get rid of Obama' taking that frustration out on Lerner in a pathetic attempt to 'justify' this waste of time and taxpayers' money, when time and resources could be better spent on matters of actual import.

I'm going to guess, Clayton that the Founding Fathers weren't trying to protect Government officials from being held responsible for their illegal actions when they framed the 5th Amendment. They were doing their level best to protect the average citizen from an overzealous government. I would imagine that the FF's would look upon Lois Lerner with a great deal of disgust.

I'm sure they'd have gotten right on that after they were done raping their slaves.

In any event, the Fifth Amendment is exactly being used the right way. Clearly, Issa has no interest in hearing Lerner's side of it. He's looking for someone to hang.

So he should take his evidence and give it to a prosecutor and then Lerner can have lawyers challenged the validity of it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

Thanks for pointing this out Lakota. It gives us even more ammunition in pointing out that Lerner had it in for Republicans, and especially Tea Party Republicans.

Good work !
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

Thanks for pointing this out Lakota. It gives us even more ammunition in pointing out that Lerner had it in for Republicans, and especially Tea Party Republicans.

Good work !

Having contempt for conservatives isn't a 'crime.'

If that were the case most Americans would be in jail.
Well, according to JoeB...having the word Patriot in the name of your organization means that you intend to defraud the US government! Who knew?
Every Tea Partier Ever said:

And now they blast Lois Lyrnyr for engaging in free speech.

Magneto would have a field day with the sheer amount of irony in this thread.
Well, according to JoeB...having the word Patriot in the name of your organization means that you intend to defraud the US government! Who knew?

Actually, no one really did know - until the teabagger assholes came along. Now, the word "Patriot" is a dirty word. It's enough to gag a maggot.



Well, according to JoeB...having the word Patriot in the name of your organization means that you intend to defraud the US government! Who knew?

Actually, no one really did know - until the teabagger assholes came along. Now, the word "Patriot" is a dirty word. It's enough to gag a maggot.




Thanks again for helping us spread the word that Lerner has a bias against Republicans !!

It would help us further if you would also post this story on some other boards out there as well !! :clap:
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Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

No one ever said that was a crime.

It just showed her partisan bias. :eusa_whistle:
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

No one ever said that was a crime.

It just showed her partisan bias. :eusa_whistle:

What about the bias in the last paragraph?
oh yeah that newspapers that is a lapdog for the Dnc the compost found out she was texting her hubby

aren't they just the dog of investigating the Democrat party...

SURE NUFF...the op got caught cheering for people to be damaged by the IRS and is now doing what's called, the back peddle
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Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

No one ever said that was a crime.

It just showed her partisan bias. :eusa_whistle:

What about the bias in the last paragraph?

Oh, I didn't know they were involved with the applications for tax exempt status.
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

No one ever said that was a crime.

It just showed her partisan bias. :eusa_whistle:

What about the bias in the last paragraph?

You don't "get" this...do you, Lakhota? Sending an email to someone saying that you think conservatives are terrorists or assholes ISN'T illegal! What's illegal is turning over confidential tax payer information to the political opponents of conservatives simply because you think they are assholes! What the emails DO illustrate is how Lois Lerner and her hubby feel about conservatives! They obviously don't like them.
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

No one said it was illegal, oh he who always defends the government.
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

No one ever said that was a crime.

It just showed her partisan bias. :eusa_whistle:

What about the bias in the last paragraph?

What about it?
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