Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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If releasing this conversation was on the up and up, why did they initially redact her husband's name as the person she was talking to?

The fact it was her husband puts the conversation in a completely different context, and you know it.

Maybe because, unlike you, they understand the fucking law makes it illegal to mention the name of the recipient of an email if the recipient is not in the government. Everyone knew the email was to a a private person, so the fact that it is her husband that received it only matters to fucking idiots. The emails show her personal bias, which is the entire fucking point here. All you are doing is attempting to make yourself look even dumber than you are.

Trust me, you can't look any dumber than you already have.

ONly people who look kind of dumb here are the ones trying to take some electronic pillow talk and make it a felony.

Electronic pillow talk? Felony?

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

If you really want to get outraged why aren't you demanding the names of the people who violated the law by exposing the husband?

Oh, right. still looks kind of desperate on your part. You know, like you know nobody cares anymore and you are throwing red meat to the few who do.

I am not the idiot that brought out it was her husband, was I? Yet, somehow, you still blame me for it.

Tells everyone a lot about you.

Uh, guy, you guys keep claiming you found the "smoking gun" on Lerner, and it never pans out.

either offer the nice lady immunity or move on.
Maybe because, unlike you, they understand the fucking law makes it illegal to mention the name of the recipient of an email if the recipient is not in the government. Everyone knew the email was to a a private person, so the fact that it is her husband that received it only matters to fucking idiots. The emails show her personal bias, which is the entire fucking point here. All you are doing is attempting to make yourself look even dumber than you are.

Trust me, you can't look any dumber than you already have.

ONly people who look kind of dumb here are the ones trying to take some electronic pillow talk and make it a felony.

Electronic pillow talk? Felony?

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

Sorry, you don't comprehend simple English? Maybe you need to take your pills.
Oh, right. still looks kind of desperate on your part. You know, like you know nobody cares anymore and you are throwing red meat to the few who do.

I am not the idiot that brought out it was her husband, was I? Yet, somehow, you still blame me for it.

Tells everyone a lot about you.

Uh, guy, you guys keep claiming you found the "smoking gun" on Lerner, and it never pans out.

either offer the nice lady immunity or move on.

I keep claiming that?

I suggest you stop pretending you know what you are talking about, I never made that claim.
Okay, Crazy dude, you are only talking to the lamppost now.

Meanwhile, let's review what happened here.

The House trying to get someone to actually care about Lois Lerner again, (because no one really does) leaked e-mails between her and her husband that were neither illegal nor really indicative of anything other than they think the people who call in to talk radio.

Which by the way, is close to what most people outside the Right Wing bubble think of folks who listen to talk radio.
Quite frankly, I don't see why WHO Lois Lerner was emailing when she called conservatives "assholes" makes any difference at all! What's telling is what her AND HER HUSBAND'S attitude is towards conservatives! Why? Because it's one more piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to her attitude towards those groups that were targeted.

Note that neither Lerner nor her husband are saying disparaging things about liberal groups applying for tax free status...nor are they saying disparaging things about MSNBC or Think Progress. You won't find comments like THAT made by Lerner, Joe (and trust me...if they WERE out there they would have been trotted out long ago!) because Mr. and Mrs. Lerner like them!

Well, no, guy. There's a reason why spousal communications are protected and spouses can't be compelled to give testimony against their spouses in criminal matters.

If her husband was called as a witness to her attitudes towards conservatives, it would be dismissed on the basis of said privilage.

And frankly, a lot of you guys were acting like assholes after Obama won, so I'm still not seeing what the problem here is, exactly?

Why would prosecutors need to call Lois Lerner's husband to testify? They have Lois Lerner's emails to him...emails that originated on an IRS Blackberry used for official business. Employees of the IRS know that their emails are not confidential and can be examined as part of the Federal Records Act. Calling her husband to testify wouldn't work but submitting those emails as evidence certainly would!

You can call the opposition anything you want, Joe. That's the great thing about living in America. What you CAN'T do is use the power of the IRS to target the opposition! You can't work for the IRS and have a blatant double standard for conservatives and liberals. You can't work for the IRS and leak confidential tax payer information to harm the opposition. That's a violation of the law. This law...

" (03-07-2008)
Unauthorized Access and Disclosures of Returns or Return Information

An unauthorized access or disclosure is willful when it is done voluntarily and intentionally with full knowledge that it is wrong. (03-07-2008)
Criminal Penalties Under IRC § 7213

IRC § 7213 makes the willful unauthorized disclosure of a return or return information a felony punishable by a fine of up to $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

Upon conviction, officers or employees of the United States will also be dismissed from office or discharged from employment."

That's from the IRS handbook.

The following deals with the law that political entities outside of the IRS break when they seek confidential taxpayer information or try to influence who is being investigated...

" (03-29-2011)
Criminal Penalties Under IRC § 7217

IRC § 7217 prohibits Executive Branch influence over taxpayer audits and other investigations.

IRC § 7217 applies to:

the President,

any employee of the Executive Office of the President,

the Vice President,

any employee of the Executive Office of the Vice President, and

any person (other than the Attorney General of the United States) serving in a position specified in 5 U.S.C. § 5312 (generally, cabinet positions).

It is unlawful for any person described in (2) above to directly or indirectly request any officer or employee of the IRS to conduct or terminate any audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.

Requests for information accompanied with a consent pursuant to IRC § 6103(c), by the Secretary of Treasury as a result of a change in tax policy, or by an applicable person (see (2) above), if such a request is in accordance with the requirements of IRC § 6103, do not fall under IRC § 7217.

Willful violation of IRC § 7217 is punishable, upon conviction, by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

IRC § 7217 requires that any officer or employee of the IRS receiving any request prohibited by IRC § 7217 shall report the receipt of such request to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). Failure to do so is a felony subject to the sanctions in (4) above."

When Lois Lerner was getting requests from folks over at the Justice Department for information about conservative groups...did she notify the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration about this breach of professional ethics as she was required to by law? Did she do so when the Federal Election Commission requested information on conservative groups? That would be a BIG FAT NO!!! Joe!

Why would prosecutors need to call Lois Lerner's husband to testify? They have Lois Lerner's emails to him...emails that originated on an IRS Blackberry used for official business. Employees of the IRS know that their emails are not confidential and can be examined as part of the Federal Records Act. Calling her husband to testify wouldn't work but submitting those emails as evidence certainly would!

You can stomp your little feet all day, but you got nothing on Lerner and you know it.

You can call the opposition anything you want, Joe. That's the great thing about living in America. What you CAN'T do is use the power of the IRS to target the opposition! You can't work for the IRS and have a blatant double standard for conservatives and liberals. You can't work for the IRS and leak confidential tax payer information to harm the opposition. That's a violation of the law. This law...

Doesn't matter. Don't fucking care and neither does anyone else. You see, what you don't seem to get is that the GOP hates the teababbers even more than the democrats do.

When Lois Lerner was getting requests from folks over at the Justice Department for information about conservative groups...did she notify the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration about this breach of professional ethics as she was required to by law? Did she do so when the Federal Election Commission requested information on conservative groups? That would be a BIG FAT NO!!! Joe!

And again, no one but you gives a fuck.

YOu know you guys are being played, right? That they are just raising money by getting you guys upset, but at the end of the day, Old Lois is going to ride off into the sunset with her pension.
Oh, right. still looks kind of desperate on your part. You know, like you know nobody cares anymore and you are throwing red meat to the few who do.

I am not the idiot that brought out it was her husband, was I? Yet, somehow, you still blame me for it.

Tells everyone a lot about you.

Uh, guy, you guys keep claiming you found the "smoking gun" on Lerner, and it never pans out.

either offer the nice lady immunity or move on.

And that's the problem.

With immunity Lerner will confirm the fact that the Administration was in no way involved.

Lerner goes free, the hated Obama stays in office, and republicans come-off as the partisan hacks they actually are, with nothing to show for all the time and taxpayers' money wasted.
Okay, Crazy dude, you are only talking to the lamppost now.

Meanwhile, let's review what happened here.

The House trying to get someone to actually care about Lois Lerner again, (because no one really does) leaked e-mails between her and her husband that were neither illegal nor really indicative of anything other than they think the people who call in to talk radio.

Which by the way, is close to what most people outside the Right Wing bubble think of folks who listen to talk radio.

Stop whinging, it makes you look pathetic.
Okay, Crazy dude, you are only talking to the lamppost now.

Meanwhile, let's review what happened here.

The House trying to get someone to actually care about Lois Lerner again, (because no one really does) leaked e-mails between her and her husband that were neither illegal nor really indicative of anything other than they think the people who call in to talk radio.

Which by the way, is close to what most people outside the Right Wing bubble think of folks who listen to talk radio.

Stop whinging, it makes you look pathetic.

Only thing I see as pathetic is watching you guys get all upset that this woman can't be punished.
Okay, Crazy dude, you are only talking to the lamppost now.

Meanwhile, let's review what happened here.

The House trying to get someone to actually care about Lois Lerner again, (because no one really does) leaked e-mails between her and her husband that were neither illegal nor really indicative of anything other than they think the people who call in to talk radio.

Which by the way, is close to what most people outside the Right Wing bubble think of folks who listen to talk radio.

Stop whinging, it makes you look pathetic.

Only thing I see as pathetic is watching you guys get all upset that this woman can't be punished.

Look at that, the lamppost keeps talking.

Why would prosecutors need to call Lois Lerner's husband to testify? They have Lois Lerner's emails to him...emails that originated on an IRS Blackberry used for official business. Employees of the IRS know that their emails are not confidential and can be examined as part of the Federal Records Act. Calling her husband to testify wouldn't work but submitting those emails as evidence certainly would!

You can stomp your little feet all day, but you got nothing on Lerner and you know it.

You can call the opposition anything you want, Joe. That's the great thing about living in America. What you CAN'T do is use the power of the IRS to target the opposition! You can't work for the IRS and have a blatant double standard for conservatives and liberals. You can't work for the IRS and leak confidential tax payer information to harm the opposition. That's a violation of the law. This law...

Doesn't matter. Don't fucking care and neither does anyone else. You see, what you don't seem to get is that the GOP hates the teababbers even more than the democrats do.

When Lois Lerner was getting requests from folks over at the Justice Department for information about conservative groups...did she notify the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration about this breach of professional ethics as she was required to by law? Did she do so when the Federal Election Commission requested information on conservative groups? That would be a BIG FAT NO!!! Joe!

And again, no one but you gives a fuck.

YOu know you guys are being played, right? That they are just raising money by getting you guys upset, but at the end of the day, Old Lois is going to ride off into the sunset with her pension.

You board progressives are so predictable...you first declare that NOTHING happened...then you declare that it can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that anything happened...and then you declare that nobody cares!

You don't care, Joe. Why don't you come right out and admit it? You don't care if Lois Lerner broke the law because YOU think the end justifies the means! You know it's true...'fess up!
I am not the idiot that brought out it was her husband, was I? Yet, somehow, you still blame me for it.

Tells everyone a lot about you.

Uh, guy, you guys keep claiming you found the "smoking gun" on Lerner, and it never pans out.

either offer the nice lady immunity or move on.

And that's the problem.

With immunity Lerner will confirm the fact that the Administration was in no way involved.

Lerner goes free, the hated Obama stays in office, and republicans come-off as the partisan hacks they actually are, with nothing to show for all the time and taxpayers' money wasted.

I'm realistic enough to know that this scandal will never be allowed to reach the level of Barack Obama even if he knew about it and looked the other way and then approved the cover-up. Someone will dutifully fall on their sword for him and swear that the President knew nothing. It's not like there is a shortage of people in the Obama Administration that are willing to lie for Barry!

I want to see Lerner go to prison. I don't know who, if anyone was involved in this from the Obama White House but Lois was up to her skinny little neck in it and she needs to do time for breaking the law.

You board progressives are so predictable...you first declare that NOTHING happened...then you declare that it can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that anything happened...and then you declare that nobody cares!

You don't care, Joe. Why don't you come right out and admit it? You don't care if Lois Lerner broke the law because YOU think the end justifies the means! You know it's true...'fess up!

Guy, your side was perfectly okay with starting a war over lies about weapons that didn't exist. So I think I will take your moral preaching with a grain of salt.

If you could prove Lois broke the law, you'd have filed charges by now. Instead, all you have is a lot of innuendo because she thinks what half the country pretty much thinks about your side.
I'm realistic enough to know that this scandal will never be allowed to reach the level of Barack Obama even if he knew about it and looked the other way and then approved the cover-up. Someone will dutifully fall on their sword for him and swear that the President knew nothing. It's not like there is a shortage of people in the Obama Administration that are willing to lie for Barry!

I want to see Lerner go to prison. I don't know who, if anyone was involved in this from the Obama White House but Lois was up to her skinny little neck in it and she needs to do time for breaking the law.

So essentially, you want to see her go to prison because she won't give up Barry...

I think I want prison used to lock up people who are actually a physical danger to us, not someone who made you fill out extra paperwork when you were trying to pull a fast one.

So this is about your vindictiveness. Just admit it.
I'm realistic enough to know that this scandal will never be allowed to reach the level of Barack Obama even if he knew about it and looked the other way and then approved the cover-up. Someone will dutifully fall on their sword for him and swear that the President knew nothing. It's not like there is a shortage of people in the Obama Administration that are willing to lie for Barry!

I want to see Lerner go to prison. I don't know who, if anyone was involved in this from the Obama White House but Lois was up to her skinny little neck in it and she needs to do time for breaking the law.

So essentially, you want to see her go to prison because she won't give up Barry...

I think I want prison used to lock up people who are actually a physical danger to us, not someone who made you fill out extra paperwork when you were trying to pull a fast one.

So this is about your vindictiveness. Just admit it.

Wrong again Little Joe...

It is about the rule of law...something you likely know little about, well at least when it comes to applying it to D pols and bureaucrats.

It is about limiting the power of an unlimited federal government...but then we know you LOVE an unlimited huge omnipresent central government (but only lead by Ds), which means you have learned nothing from history.
I'm realistic enough to know that this scandal will never be allowed to reach the level of Barack Obama even if he knew about it and looked the other way and then approved the cover-up. Someone will dutifully fall on their sword for him and swear that the President knew nothing. It's not like there is a shortage of people in the Obama Administration that are willing to lie for Barry!

I want to see Lerner go to prison. I don't know who, if anyone was involved in this from the Obama White House but Lois was up to her skinny little neck in it and she needs to do time for breaking the law.

So essentially, you want to see her go to prison because she won't give up Barry...

I think I want prison used to lock up people who are actually a physical danger to us, not someone who made you fill out extra paperwork when you were trying to pull a fast one.

So this is about your vindictiveness. Just admit it.

Wrong again Little Joe...

It is about the rule of law...something you likely know little about, well at least when it comes to applying it to D pols and bureaucrats.

It is about limiting the power of an unlimited federal government...but then we know you LOVE an unlimited huge omnipresent central government (but only lead by Ds), which means you have learned nothing from history.

I have no idea why you would waste your time communicating with that ass wagon.

Wrong again Little Joe...

It is about the rule of law...something you likely know little about, well at least when it comes to applying it to D pols and bureaucrats.

It is about limiting the power of an unlimited federal government...but then we know you LOVE an unlimited huge omnipresent central government (but only lead by Ds), which means you have learned nothing from history.

The Rule of Law says you have to be able to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury of Ms. Lerner's peers.

Which obviously, you guys are nowhere near. Yeah, try to get a conviction of this woman for screwing with teabaggers from a mostly black DC jury. That should be amusing.

Frankly, the federal government is supposed to be making a distinction between legitimate charity groups and political groups. So I'm still not seeing what your problem is here beyond, "We didn't get away with our scam."

You board progressives are so predictable...you first declare that NOTHING happened...then you declare that it can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that anything happened...and then you declare that nobody cares!

You don't care, Joe. Why don't you come right out and admit it? You don't care if Lois Lerner broke the law because YOU think the end justifies the means! You know it's true...'fess up!

Guy, your side was perfectly okay with starting a war over lies about weapons that didn't exist. So I think I will take your moral preaching with a grain of salt.

If you could prove Lois broke the law, you'd have filed charges by now. Instead, all you have is a lot of innuendo because she thinks what half the country pretty much thinks about your side.

"American voters say 76 - 17 percent, including 63 - 30 percent among Democrats, that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate charges the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today."

That's what the "country pretty much thinks" about this issue, Joe. Most Democrats are intelligent enough to see the dangers of having partisans running wild in the IRS. You... obviously...are not!
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