Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

Yup, kind of smacks of desperation, hacking into private conversations with a spouse.
Well, according to JoeB...having the word Patriot in the name of your organization means that you intend to defraud the US government! Who knew?

Yup, the arrogance to think you are so patriotic that you have a right to defraud the government, apparently.

How about the arrogance to think that any group that uses the words Tea Party or Patriot in their titles are criminals? Are you kidding me? Patriot has somehow become a "bad word" to American liberals? Seriously?

Do you realize that under Lerner, her department was instructed to target for additional scrutiny any groups that "sought to educate Americans about the Constitution"? Once again...are you freaking kidding me!!! Educating Americans about the Constitution makes you person to be watched? Really?

Who the fuck do these people think they are? The level of arrogance involved for them to sit in a conference room some place and decide that THEY now determined that conservatives were a threat to America and that THEY needed to step up and do something about it is STAGGERING! The reason that I'm opposed to giving Lois Lerner immunity in return for testimony is that her actions were so egregious that she should spend time in prison to send a message to other arrogant civil servants that THEY don't get to make the laws in this country and they had damn well better adhere to them!
Well, according to JoeB...having the word Patriot in the name of your organization means that you intend to defraud the US government! Who knew?

Yup, the arrogance to think you are so patriotic that you have a right to defraud the government, apparently.

How about the arrogance to think that any group that uses the words Tea Party or Patriot in their titles are criminals? Are you kidding me? Patriot has somehow become a "bad word" to American liberals? Seriously?

when it's used by people waving around guns and threatening revolutions because they didnt' win an election, yeah, it really has become a bad word.

Here's the thing about it. Initially, the Tea Party actually had some legitimate points. Unfortunately, it very quickly got taken over by the crazies after fresh infusions of cash from the batshit crazy Koch Brothers.

Do you realize that under Lerner, her department was instructed to target for additional scrutiny any groups that "sought to educate Americans about the Constitution"? Once again...are you freaking kidding me!!! Educating Americans about the Constitution makes you person to be watched? Really?

Educating or misinforming? Because frankly, whenever I hear one of you clowns start talking about the "constitution", it's some sort of shit like, "We should let poor children die of treatable diseases because the Founding Slave Rapists didn't want a national health care program!"

Okay. The founding fathers also thought that bleeding people was the way to treat Strep Throat. (Which is how they managed to kill George Washington.)

Who the fuck do these people think they are? The level of arrogance involved for them to sit in a conference room some place and decide that THEY now determined that conservatives were a threat to America and that THEY needed to step up and do something about it is STAGGERING! The reason that I'm opposed to giving Lois Lerner immunity in return for testimony is that her actions were so egregious that she should spend time in prison to send a message to other arrogant civil servants that THEY don't get to make the laws in this country and they had damn well better adhere to them!

Well, i know you have your fantasies, but i think when people learned Congress just breached spousal confidentiality to tar this woman, there's going to be a lot of sympathy for her.

Who would want private conversations they had with their spouse spread over the internet?
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

Yup, kind of smacks of desperation, hacking into private conversations with a spouse.

Hacking? She was using her IRS email account......nothing is private.
You "bat shit crazies" will spin any truth to achieve a talking point. :eusa_whistle:
Hacking? She was using her IRS email account......nothing is private.
You "bat shit crazies" will spin any truth to achieve a talking point. :eusa_whistle:

If releasing this conversation was on the up and up, why did they initially redact her husband's name as the person she was talking to?

The fact it was her husband puts the conversation in a completely different context, and you know it.
Yup, the arrogance to think you are so patriotic that you have a right to defraud the government, apparently.

How about the arrogance to think that any group that uses the words Tea Party or Patriot in their titles are criminals? Are you kidding me? Patriot has somehow become a "bad word" to American liberals? Seriously?

when it's used by people waving around guns and threatening revolutions because they didnt' win an election, yeah, it really has become a bad word.

Here's the thing about it. Initially, the Tea Party actually had some legitimate points. Unfortunately, it very quickly got taken over by the crazies after fresh infusions of cash from the batshit crazy Koch Brothers.

Do you realize that under Lerner, her department was instructed to target for additional scrutiny any groups that "sought to educate Americans about the Constitution"? Once again...are you freaking kidding me!!! Educating Americans about the Constitution makes you person to be watched? Really?

Educating or misinforming? Because frankly, whenever I hear one of you clowns start talking about the "constitution", it's some sort of shit like, "We should let poor children die of treatable diseases because the Founding Slave Rapists didn't want a national health care program!"

Okay. The founding fathers also thought that bleeding people was the way to treat Strep Throat. (Which is how they managed to kill George Washington.)

Who the fuck do these people think they are? The level of arrogance involved for them to sit in a conference room some place and decide that THEY now determined that conservatives were a threat to America and that THEY needed to step up and do something about it is STAGGERING! The reason that I'm opposed to giving Lois Lerner immunity in return for testimony is that her actions were so egregious that she should spend time in prison to send a message to other arrogant civil servants that THEY don't get to make the laws in this country and they had damn well better adhere to them!

Well, i know you have your fantasies, but i think when people learned Congress just breached spousal confidentiality to tar this woman, there's going to be a lot of sympathy for her.

Who would want private conversations they had with their spouse spread over the internet?

"Spousal confidentiality"? What in god's name are you babbling about! You think that because Lois Lerner was sending her husband an email (from the device provided to her by us taxpayers!) that she has some sort of immunity over what she said in those emails? That's so absurd it borders on farce!

The person that REALLY wouldn't want their conversation with their spouse spread all over the internet is the person who's supposed to be impartial in their profession but obvious ISN'T! This would be akin to a baseball umpire telling his wife in an email that he really thinks the Yankees baseball team are all assholes and it's time he and the rest of the umpires send them a message. Or a divorce court judge sending her husband an email telling him that she thinks all men are scum and it's time for judges to start sending them a message to that effect.

What's pathetic about this whole conversation, Joe...is that you can't seem to grasp what a dangerous precedent this is. Yes, it's liberals that got caught doing something wrong but their political viewpoint shouldn't matter! What should matter is that institutions that are supposed to be non political (like the IRS and the Justice Department) are in grave danger of being turned into "tools" that a sitting Administration can use to attack it's critics. That's so incredibly dangerous it's amazing to me that you board progressives can't see past your hatred of conservatives to recognize how damaging what Lois Lerner did actually is.
Remember when the left nuts really did HACK into Sarah Palin email accounts

Heard not a peep out of those now so worried that Lerners a GOVERMENT employee of ours has been hacked

man they can't find enough excuse for this employee of our to continue to STONEWALL this investigation...that's just sick

"Spousal confidentiality"? What in god's name are you babbling about! You think that because Lois Lerner was sending her husband an email (from the device provided to her by us taxpayers!) that she has some sort of immunity over what she said in those emails? That's so absurd it borders on farce!

Then why did the House redact who she was talking to if it wasn't embarrassing? Kind of backfiring on them now.

The person that REALLY wouldn't want their conversation with their spouse spread all over the internet is the person who's supposed to be impartial in their profession but obvious ISN'T! This would be akin to a baseball umpire telling his wife in an email that he really thinks the Yankees baseball team are all assholes and it's time he and the rest of the umpires send them a message. Or a divorce court judge sending her husband an email telling him that she thinks all men are scum and it's time for judges to start sending them a message to that effect.

SHe never suggested any legal course of action in her e-mails to her husband. Just the opinion that if Hate Radio Crazies are the norm, we are probably in trouble.

What's pathetic about this whole conversation, Joe...is that you can't seem to grasp what a dangerous precedent this is. Yes, it's liberals that got caught doing something wrong but their political viewpoint shouldn't matter! What should matter is that institutions that are supposed to be non political (like the IRS and the Justice Department) are in grave danger of being turned into "tools" that a sitting Administration can use to attack it's critics. That's so incredibly dangerous it's amazing to me that you board progressives can't see past your hatred of conservatives to recognize how damaging what Lois Lerner did actually is.

No, maybe because I'm not a total drama queen like you are.

I don't think Lerner did enough. the Teabaggers were cheating the system. They should have been prosecuted, and if we had a president with a set of balls, they would have been.

look, you can go into hysterics all day. But this is just a silly bureaucratic pissing contest.
Remember when the left nuts really did HACK into Sarah Palin email accounts

Heard not a peep out of those now so worried that Lerners a GOVERMENT employee of ours has been hacked

man they can't find enough excuse for this employee of our to continue to STONEWALL this investigation...that's just sick

The person who hacked into Palin's e-mail account was charged with a crime.

I don't know the legality of releasing transcripts of a personal conversation with a spouse on a blackberry.

But philosophically, it was kind of a low blow and it smacks of desperation on the part of the people going after her.
If those conservative groups were cheating the system then they SHOULD have been prosecuted! Not only were they NOT however...after delays for some of over a year they were given tax free status which tells me that they were NOT in fact cheating the system! So essentially, Lois Lerner decided that even though she couldn't stop those groups on legal grounds...that she would use her position as Head of the Exempt Organizations Division to stop them with a never ending barrage of questions and red tape that were not required of liberal groups. That isn't a "silly bureaucratic pissing contest"...that's a bureaucrat deciding that her opinion carried more weight than the rule of law!
Quite frankly, I don't see why WHO Lois Lerner was emailing when she called conservatives "assholes" makes any difference at all! What's telling is what her AND HER HUSBAND'S attitude is towards conservatives! Why? Because it's one more piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to her attitude towards those groups that were targeted.

Note that neither Lerner nor her husband are saying disparaging things about liberal groups applying for tax free status...nor are they saying disparaging things about MSNBC or Think Progress. You won't find comments like THAT made by Lerner, Joe (and trust me...if they WERE out there they would have been trotted out long ago!) because Mr. and Mrs. Lerner like them!
Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock

Republicans this week released e-mails showing that former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner expressed scorn for conservatives in an e-mail to an unidentified recipient — the name was redacted.

Lerner’s remarks would be troubling if she sent them to another IRS official, but it ends up that she was communicating with her husband, Michael Miles, according to unredacted copies of the exchange that Democrats leaked on Friday.

To review, Lerner used the term “__hole” to describe extreme conservatives after Miles complained about “the whacko wing of the GOP,” adding that “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

This goes back to our point in an earlier article that federal employees are not prohibited from having political views or expressing them in private conversations. They just can’t promote candidates at work or use their positions to influence elections.

It’s worth noting, as MSNBC did in an article on Friday, that Republicans have used some harsh language as well to describe the party’s hardliners. Readers may remember that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) an “__hole” earlier this year, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) referred to critics on the far-right as “crazies.”

More: Ends up Lois Lerner was e-mailing her husband with the conservative knock - The Washington Post

A private email to her husband. Where's the crime in that? Hint: There ain't none.

Yup, kind of smacks of desperation, hacking into private conversations with a spouse.

If they were private emails why was she using government provided resources to send them? Maybe she should have used her own, private, computer.
Hacking? She was using her IRS email account......nothing is private.
You "bat shit crazies" will spin any truth to achieve a talking point. :eusa_whistle:

If releasing this conversation was on the up and up, why did they initially redact her husband's name as the person she was talking to?

The fact it was her husband puts the conversation in a completely different context, and you know it.

Maybe because, unlike you, they understand the fucking law makes it illegal to mention the name of the recipient of an email if the recipient is not in the government. Everyone knew the email was to a a private person, so the fact that it is her husband that received it only matters to fucking idiots. The emails show her personal bias, which is the entire fucking point here. All you are doing is attempting to make yourself look even dumber than you are.

Trust me, you can't look any dumber than you already have.

"Spousal confidentiality"? What in god's name are you babbling about! You think that because Lois Lerner was sending her husband an email (from the device provided to her by us taxpayers!) that she has some sort of immunity over what she said in those emails? That's so absurd it borders on farce!

Then why did the House redact who she was talking to if it wasn't embarrassing? Kind of backfiring on them now.


If you really want to get outraged why aren't you demanding the names of the people who violated the law by exposing the husband?
If those conservative groups were cheating the system then they SHOULD have been prosecuted! Not only were they NOT however...after delays for some of over a year they were given tax free status which tells me that they were NOT in fact cheating the system! So essentially, Lois Lerner decided that even though she couldn't stop those groups on legal grounds...that she would use her position as Head of the Exempt Organizations Division to stop them with a never ending barrage of questions and red tape that were not required of liberal groups. That isn't a "silly bureaucratic pissing contest"...that's a bureaucrat deciding that her opinion carried more weight than the rule of law!

um, yeah, so what's your point?

You see, I'm not sure what your bitch is here. If your complaint is that they didn't get their approvals until AFTER the election, then you admitting the attempt was to defraud, and she was in her rights to challenge that.

Beyond that, bureaucratic pissing contests bore most people.

And the fact you are desperate enough to leak private spousal messages to try to get someone to care at this point is almost sad.

"Spousal confidentiality"? What in god's name are you babbling about! You think that because Lois Lerner was sending her husband an email (from the device provided to her by us taxpayers!) that she has some sort of immunity over what she said in those emails? That's so absurd it borders on farce!

Then why did the House redact who she was talking to if it wasn't embarrassing? Kind of backfiring on them now.


If you really want to get outraged why aren't you demanding the names of the people who violated the law by exposing the husband?

Oh, right. still looks kind of desperate on your part. You know, like you know nobody cares anymore and you are throwing red meat to the few who do.
Quite frankly, I don't see why WHO Lois Lerner was emailing when she called conservatives "assholes" makes any difference at all! What's telling is what her AND HER HUSBAND'S attitude is towards conservatives! Why? Because it's one more piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to her attitude towards those groups that were targeted.

Note that neither Lerner nor her husband are saying disparaging things about liberal groups applying for tax free status...nor are they saying disparaging things about MSNBC or Think Progress. You won't find comments like THAT made by Lerner, Joe (and trust me...if they WERE out there they would have been trotted out long ago!) because Mr. and Mrs. Lerner like them!

Well, no, guy. There's a reason why spousal communications are protected and spouses can't be compelled to give testimony against their spouses in criminal matters.

If her husband was called as a witness to her attitudes towards conservatives, it would be dismissed on the basis of said privilage.

And frankly, a lot of you guys were acting like assholes after Obama won, so I'm still not seeing what the problem here is, exactly?
Hacking? She was using her IRS email account......nothing is private.
You "bat shit crazies" will spin any truth to achieve a talking point. :eusa_whistle:

If releasing this conversation was on the up and up, why did they initially redact her husband's name as the person she was talking to?

The fact it was her husband puts the conversation in a completely different context, and you know it.

Maybe because, unlike you, they understand the fucking law makes it illegal to mention the name of the recipient of an email if the recipient is not in the government. Everyone knew the email was to a a private person, so the fact that it is her husband that received it only matters to fucking idiots. The emails show her personal bias, which is the entire fucking point here. All you are doing is attempting to make yourself look even dumber than you are.

Trust me, you can't look any dumber than you already have.

ONly people who look kind of dumb here are the ones trying to take some electronic pillow talk and make it a felony.
Then why did the House redact who she was talking to if it wasn't embarrassing? Kind of backfiring on them now.


If you really want to get outraged why aren't you demanding the names of the people who violated the law by exposing the husband?

Oh, right. still looks kind of desperate on your part. You know, like you know nobody cares anymore and you are throwing red meat to the few who do.

I am not the idiot that brought out it was her husband, was I? Yet, somehow, you still blame me for it.

Tells everyone a lot about you.
Quite frankly, I don't see why WHO Lois Lerner was emailing when she called conservatives "assholes" makes any difference at all! What's telling is what her AND HER HUSBAND'S attitude is towards conservatives! Why? Because it's one more piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to her attitude towards those groups that were targeted.

Note that neither Lerner nor her husband are saying disparaging things about liberal groups applying for tax free status...nor are they saying disparaging things about MSNBC or Think Progress. You won't find comments like THAT made by Lerner, Joe (and trust me...if they WERE out there they would have been trotted out long ago!) because Mr. and Mrs. Lerner like them!

Well, no, guy. There's a reason why spousal communications are protected and spouses can't be compelled to give testimony against their spouses in criminal matters.

If her husband was called as a witness to her attitudes towards conservatives, it would be dismissed on the basis of said privilage.

And frankly, a lot of you guys were acting like assholes after Obama won, so I'm still not seeing what the problem here is, exactly?

You really are an idiot.

Spousal privilege allows a married person to prevent their spouse from disclosing private communications, it doesn't apply to emails sent over a government system because that communication is not private, which is why the IRS turned over those emails.

Want to expose the rest of your vast ignorance about everything?
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