Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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My personal belief is that it is the release of confidential taxpayer information that had Lerner taking the 5th. She can try and bullshit her way out of the illegal targeting part of the scandal by claiming that it was a coincidence that so many of the people whose applications were delayed were conservatives but I don't see how she explains the blatant violation of IRS regulations and Federal law that took place when that taxpayer information was leaked to liberal groups and other Federal agencies.
You are more worried about the Koch brothers using their money for causes they champion then you are about the possibility that a sitting Administration used the IRS to target it's opposition? You don't seem to grasp how inherently dangerous this is, do you Joe? Part of the impeachment proceeding against Richard Nixon that forced him to resign was the allegation that he attempted to use the IRS against political opponents. Not that he succeeded in doing so...but simply because he attempted to do so.

I think the impeachment of Nixon was the worst thing that ever happened to the GOP. It allowed all the Crazies to take over. The Tax cut crazies, the religious crazies, the gun crazies. Nixon kept those fools at bay.

But here's the thing, you guys have yet to prove anything more than some dilberts in Cincinatti just didn't like Teabaggers.

Edit- To complete the thought. Yes, I am very worried about the ability of guys like the Koch Brothers being able to donate and spend unlimited amounts of money trying to influence politics. That was EXACTLY the kind of things the post-Watergate laws were meant to prevent.
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My personal belief is that it is the release of confidential taxpayer information that had Lerner taking the 5th. She can try and bullshit her way out of the illegal targeting part of the scandal by claiming that it was a coincidence that so many of the people whose applications were delayed were conservatives but I don't see how she explains the blatant violation of IRS regulations and Federal law that took place when that taxpayer information was leaked to liberal groups and other Federal agencies.

Information gets leaked in Washington all the time, and people rarely go to jail for it.

Just ask Scooter Libby.
My personal belief is that it is the release of confidential taxpayer information that had Lerner taking the 5th. She can try and bullshit her way out of the illegal targeting part of the scandal by claiming that it was a coincidence that so many of the people whose applications were delayed were conservatives but I don't see how she explains the blatant violation of IRS regulations and Federal law that took place when that taxpayer information was leaked to liberal groups and other Federal agencies.

Information gets leaked in Washington all the time, and people rarely go to jail for it.

Just ask Scooter Libby.

Obama has made a practice of targeting leakers. In fact, he has prosecuted more leakers than every president in history before him. But, for some obscure reason, even though everyone knows a crime was committed, and knows who did it, no one is being prosecuted.

And you claim that proves I am crazy.
My personal belief is that it is the release of confidential taxpayer information that had Lerner taking the 5th. She can try and bullshit her way out of the illegal targeting part of the scandal by claiming that it was a coincidence that so many of the people whose applications were delayed were conservatives but I don't see how she explains the blatant violation of IRS regulations and Federal law that took place when that taxpayer information was leaked to liberal groups and other Federal agencies.

Information gets leaked in Washington all the time, and people rarely go to jail for it.

Just ask Scooter Libby.

Obama has made a practice of targeting leakers. In fact, he has prosecuted more leakers than every president in history before him. But, for some obscure reason, even though everyone knows a crime was committed, and knows who did it, no one is being prosecuted.

And you claim that proves I am crazy.

And how many of the "leakers" Obama has targeted have gone to jail?

Chelsea Manning, but that was only because he was under military law.

And, yes, you are crazy as a shithouse rat.
My personal belief is that it is the release of confidential taxpayer information that had Lerner taking the 5th. She can try and bullshit her way out of the illegal targeting part of the scandal by claiming that it was a coincidence that so many of the people whose applications were delayed were conservatives but I don't see how she explains the blatant violation of IRS regulations and Federal law that took place when that taxpayer information was leaked to liberal groups and other Federal agencies.

Information gets leaked in Washington all the time, and people rarely go to jail for it.

Just ask Scooter Libby.

Please show me another example of where the IRS leaked the confidential tax payer information of one political group to be used by their opponents, Joe! Since this is such a common practice according to you...I assume you'll have lots of examples to show me? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
And Scooter Libby went to jail because he lied to Federal investigators...not because he leaked anything!
My personal belief is that it is the release of confidential taxpayer information that had Lerner taking the 5th. She can try and bullshit her way out of the illegal targeting part of the scandal by claiming that it was a coincidence that so many of the people whose applications were delayed were conservatives but I don't see how she explains the blatant violation of IRS regulations and Federal law that took place when that taxpayer information was leaked to liberal groups and other Federal agencies.

Information gets leaked in Washington all the time, and people rarely go to jail for it.

Just ask Scooter Libby.

Please show me another example of where the IRS leaked the confidential tax payer information of one political group to be used by their opponents, Joe! Since this is such a common practice according to you...I assume you'll have lots of examples to show me?

Why don't you show me a case where someone went to jail for it.


Here's the thing. we live in an information age. Used to be that a president could have a mistress and get bags of money from rich sugar daddies.

Not so much today.

And frankly, guy, I WANT to know who is buying my politicians and why.
And Scooter Libby went to jail because he lied to Federal investigators...not because he leaked anything!

Scooter never went to jail. That's my point.

Neither did Richard Armitage.

and they both outed the name of a spy.
And Scooter Libby went to jail because he lied to Federal investigators...not because he leaked anything!

Scooter never went to jail. That's my point.

Neither did Richard Armitage.

and they both outed the name of a spy.

Oh, for God's sake! We're back rehashing THAT nonsense? Seriously?

Valerie Plame wasn't a "spy" who was outed. She and her hubby wrote an op ed for the New York Times in which they went after George W. Bush right before the elections, accusing him of lying about Iraq trying to obtain uranium in Africa. It turns out the only person who was a liar however, was Joe Wilson himself...a fact that he subsequently admitted. Then the liberal whine became that conservatives had "outed" a covert CIA operative to get back at her and her husband. What conservatives DID was respond to a hatchet job against W. in the New York Times. The person that outed Valerie Plame was Valerie Plame. She and her husband thought that they would be the catalyst for a John Kerry victory. It didn't turn out the way they planned.
And Scooter Libby went to jail because he lied to Federal investigators...not because he leaked anything!

Scooter never went to jail. That's my point.

Neither did Richard Armitage.

and they both outed the name of a spy.

Oh, for God's sake! We're back rehashing THAT nonsense? Seriously?

Valerie Plame wasn't a "spy" who was outed. She and her hubby wrote an op ed for the New York Times in which they went after George W. Bush right before the elections, accusing him of lying about Iraq trying to obtain uranium in Africa. It turns out the only person who was a liar however, was Joe Wilson himself...a fact that he subsequently admitted. Then the liberal whine became that conservatives had "outed" a covert CIA operative to get back at her and her husband. What conservatives DID was respond to a hatchet job against W. in the New York Times. The person that outed Valerie Plame was Valerie Plame. She and her husband thought that they would be the catalyst for a John Kerry victory. It didn't turn out the way they planned.

Valerie Plame was not an author of that report.

And yes, I will freely agree with you that the Wilsons were shameless self-promoters.

But as a clear-letter reading of the law, she was classified as a covert operative, and revealing her name in public is a violation of federal law.

Point was, Rove and Armitage and Libby told reporters that she worked for the CIA in an attempt to discredit Wilson. Novak could have gotten the same info from other means. But they did break the law.

That's right up there with outing tax info on Republican operatives in an attempt to discredit them. Yeah, technically a violation, but probably nothing they couldn't have found though other means.

And here's the point. I really WANT to know who is buying my government officials. I want to know that that "Friendly message" that is full of distortions was paid for by the Koch Brothers.

I'm not sure why you don't.
Information gets leaked in Washington all the time, and people rarely go to jail for it.

Just ask Scooter Libby.

Please show me another example of where the IRS leaked the confidential tax payer information of one political group to be used by their opponents, Joe! Since this is such a common practice according to you...I assume you'll have lots of examples to show me?

Why don't you show me a case where someone went to jail for it.


Here's the thing. we live in an information age. Used to be that a president could have a mistress and get bags of money from rich sugar daddies.

Not so much today.

And frankly, guy, I WANT to know who is buying my politicians and why.

Let me see if I follow your train of thought here, Joe!

You tell me that information gets leaked in Washington all the time...inferring that the IRS leaking tax payer information to liberal groups to use against conservatives was business as usual.

I disagree and ask you for an example of where that's taken place before...

And you ask me to provide examples of people who have gone to jail for this? My point, Joe...was that what Lerner and her little band of liberals DID is not something that's commonplace! I can't give you multiple examples of IRS personnel who have been jailed for leaking tax payer information because it's such a rarity. As a matter of fact the only one that comes up on a Google search is James Lerner (no relation...but ironic as hell!) an IRS auditor who leaked information about an IRS audit and the identity of a whistle blower to a bank in return for a high paying job at said bank.

So I ask once again, Joe...show me all of the IRS leaks that you claim happen all of the time!

Let me see if I follow your train of thought here, Joe!

You tell me that information gets leaked in Washington all the time...inferring that the IRS leaking tax payer information to liberal groups to use against conservatives was business as usual.

I disagree and ask you for an example of where that's taken place before...

And you ask me to provide examples of people who have gone to jail for this? My point, Joe...was that what Lerner and her little band of liberals DID is not something that's commonplace! I can't give you multiple examples of IRS personnel who have been jailed for leaking tax payer information because it's such a rarity. As a matter of fact the only one that comes up on a Google search is James Lerner (no relation...but ironic as hell!) an IRS auditor who leaked information about an IRS audit and the identity of a whistle blower to a bank in return for a high paying job at said bank.

So I ask once again, Joe...show me all of the IRS leaks that you claim happen all of the time!

so in that case, you have a specific case where someone TOOK A BRIBE to reveal confidential information.

Not a case where you really think something happened, but you can't prove it without the testimony of the person you think did it, where that person got no personal gain from the mishandling of information.

So the best you could come up with was a case that wasn't even close. Except they had the same surname, and that's fucking suspicious.

Hey, and Obama sounds a lot like Osama!!!!
Scooter never went to jail. That's my point.

Neither did Richard Armitage.

and they both outed the name of a spy.

Oh, for God's sake! We're back rehashing THAT nonsense? Seriously?

Valerie Plame wasn't a "spy" who was outed. She and her hubby wrote an op ed for the New York Times in which they went after George W. Bush right before the elections, accusing him of lying about Iraq trying to obtain uranium in Africa. It turns out the only person who was a liar however, was Joe Wilson himself...a fact that he subsequently admitted. Then the liberal whine became that conservatives had "outed" a covert CIA operative to get back at her and her husband. What conservatives DID was respond to a hatchet job against W. in the New York Times. The person that outed Valerie Plame was Valerie Plame. She and her husband thought that they would be the catalyst for a John Kerry victory. It didn't turn out the way they planned.

Valerie Plame was not an author of that report.

And yes, I will freely agree with you that the Wilsons were shameless self-promoters.

But as a clear-letter reading of the law, she was classified as a covert operative, and revealing her name in public is a violation of federal law.

Point was, Rove and Armitage and Libby told reporters that she worked for the CIA in an attempt to discredit Wilson. Novak could have gotten the same info from other means. But they did break the law.

That's right up there with outing tax info on Republican operatives in an attempt to discredit them. Yeah, technically a violation, but probably nothing they couldn't have found though other means.

And here's the point. I really WANT to know who is buying my government officials. I want to know that that "Friendly message" that is full of distortions was paid for by the Koch Brothers.

I'm not sure why you don't.

Joe Wilson's name may have been the only one on the byline of that New York Times article, Joe but if you think Valerie Plame didn't take part in it's writing that you once again show yourself to be incredibly naive.

Valerie Plame's name came up because the Bush White House was forced to fight back against the allegations that they had lied about Iraq seeking yellow cake uranium in Africa.

And since Joe Wilson regularly introduced his wife to people at parties by telling them that she worked at the CIA it was laughable when the two of them turned around and whined that her "career" as a covert operator at the CIA had been destroyed by the Bush Administration.

Let me see if I follow your train of thought here, Joe!

You tell me that information gets leaked in Washington all the time...inferring that the IRS leaking tax payer information to liberal groups to use against conservatives was business as usual.

I disagree and ask you for an example of where that's taken place before...

And you ask me to provide examples of people who have gone to jail for this? My point, Joe...was that what Lerner and her little band of liberals DID is not something that's commonplace! I can't give you multiple examples of IRS personnel who have been jailed for leaking tax payer information because it's such a rarity. As a matter of fact the only one that comes up on a Google search is James Lerner (no relation...but ironic as hell!) an IRS auditor who leaked information about an IRS audit and the identity of a whistle blower to a bank in return for a high paying job at said bank.

So I ask once again, Joe...show me all of the IRS leaks that you claim happen all of the time!

so in that case, you have a specific case where someone TOOK A BRIBE to reveal confidential information.

Not a case where you really think something happened, but you can't prove it without the testimony of the person you think did it, where that person got no personal gain from the mishandling of information.

So the best you could come up with was a case that wasn't even close. Except they had the same surname, and that's fucking suspicious.

Hey, and Obama sounds a lot like Osama!!!!

"I was trying to be nice to you, but fuck it. Lerner is going free, and I hope we use the IRS, OSHA and every other agency to stomp your movement out of existence."

That, ladies and gentlemen...was JoeB's message along with the neg rep he just gave me. As I've said all along...he doesn't CARE if Lois Lerner broke the law because to people like Joe...the end justifies the means! He want's the Obama White House to use the power of the IRS to "stomp conservatives out of existence".

Way to expose yourself for who you REALLY are, Joe!
What's become obvious over the last few years is that the progressive mantra about Government being the answer to the country's problems has morphed into a Chicago Machine Politics attitude of let's use the power that we have to crush the opposition.

When Barack Obama uses the Federal Government as a weapon against his opponents, people like JoeB, Deanie, Sallow and Franco all stand up and cheer. The sad thing is that they're ALL too stupid to realize that abuse of power is a double edged sword...great when you're wielding it and awful when the other side is.

People like Lois Lerner need to be held accountable for their actions because if they aren't then we might as well close Washington and send everyone home because the system can't work when it becomes that corrupt.

Joe Wilson's name may have been the only one on the byline of that New York Times article, Joe but if you think Valerie Plame didn't take part in it's writing that you once again show yourself to be incredibly naive.

Again, much like your assertation that Lerner kidnapped the Lindbergh baby or whatever it is you think she did, where's the evidence.

Even if it WERE true she wrote it, putting her name out there is still a crime.

Valerie Plame's name came up because the Bush White House was forced to fight back against the allegations that they had lied about Iraq seeking yellow cake uranium in Africa.

Oh, wait, could that be because THEY DID LIE! Here was the thing. The CIA wasn't going to sign off on that report. They didn't think it was credible. And bush threw it into the SOTU anyway!

And since Joe Wilson regularly introduced his wife to people at parties by telling them that she worked at the CIA it was laughable when the two of them turned around and whined that her "career" as a covert operator at the CIA had been destroyed by the Bush Administration.

Was he regularly having dinners with North Korean and Iranian espionage agents? Point is- again - her name was not out there until Scooter, Rove and Armitage put it out there.

Now, all that said, I think this case shows exactly why Special Prosecutors are such a bad idea. Fitzgerald knew Armitage was the guy who talked to Novak, but he kept shaking the tree trying to get Rove or Libby.

And then when he convicted LIbby of something totally unrelated, Bush commuted his sentence before a night in prison with THIS guy jogged his memory about anything else.


"Break me off a piece of that ass, bitch!"

"Hey, wait, my memory about the war is suddenly becoming a lot clearer! Bush did it!"
"I was trying to be nice to you, but fuck it. Lerner is going free, and I hope we use the IRS, OSHA and every other agency to stomp your movement out of existence."

That, ladies and gentlemen...was JoeB's message along with the neg rep he just gave me. As I've said all along...he doesn't CARE if Lois Lerner broke the law because to people like Joe...the end justifies the means! He want's the Obama White House to use the power of the IRS to "stomp conservatives out of existence".

Way to expose yourself for who you REALLY are, Joe!

Guy, I'm made it pretty clear all along that I'm an End Justifies the Means kind of guy.

I mean, seriously, I'm not sure how you miss that.
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