Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Shouting doesn't make your weak argument any stronger..

But here's a case where it was done.

The Raw Story | Treasury Department investigating US Attorney for leaking state Supreme Court Justice's tax returns
The Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility and the US Treasury Department are investigating allegations that a Bush-appointed US Attorney inappropriately shared private income tax information on one of his targets with a state judicial commission that included one of his relatives, according to court documents and a source close to the investigation.

Dunnica Lampton, the US Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, is already under investigation for allegations of political prosecutions in his state. According to new documents viewed by Raw Story, Lampton allegedly shared the private income tax records of then-Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Oliver E. Diaz Jr. with the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance and with one of its then-commissioners, his distant cousin Leslie B. Lampton.

The US Attorney also shared the tax records of Diaz's wife, Jennifer, and those were also allegedly shared without authorization, said a source close to the DOJ investigation. Documents shown to Raw Story relating to the case confirm that a criminal investigation is underway. These documents did not include the Diaz's tax returns themselves.

Lampton was allowed to retire in 2009 and he passed away in 2011.
"I was trying to be nice to you, but fuck it. Lerner is going free, and I hope we use the IRS, OSHA and every other agency to stomp your movement out of existence."

That, ladies and gentlemen...was JoeB's message along with the neg rep he just gave me. As I've said all along...he doesn't CARE if Lois Lerner broke the law because to people like Joe...the end justifies the means! He want's the Obama White House to use the power of the IRS to "stomp conservatives out of existence".

Way to expose yourself for who you REALLY are, Joe!

Guy, I'm made it pretty clear all along that I'm an End Justifies the Means kind of guy.

I mean, seriously, I'm not sure how you miss that.

Yes, we all know you support dictatorships, which is why we love to mock you.

Yes, we all know you support dictatorships, which is why we love to mock you.

I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Dictatorships are subjective?

Damn, that was stupid.

If you asked a German in 1938 if he thought Hitler was a dictator, most of them would have said no.

Here's the secret about "dictators". No government can survive without the tacit support of it's people.

It's why Castro is still in power and Batista ran away in a leaky boat.
I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Dictatorships are subjective?

Damn, that was stupid.

If you asked a German in 1938 if he thought Hitler was a dictator, most of them would have said no.

Here's the secret about "dictators". No government can survive without the tacit support of it's people.

It's why Castro is still in power and Batista ran away in a leaky boat.

Does that mean they weren't dictators, or does it just mean you are an idiot?
Dictatorships are subjective?

Damn, that was stupid.

If you asked a German in 1938 if he thought Hitler was a dictator, most of them would have said no.

Here's the secret about "dictators". No government can survive without the tacit support of it's people.

It's why Castro is still in power and Batista ran away in a leaky boat.

Does that mean they weren't dictators, or does it just mean you are an idiot?

No, it means exactly what I said. "Dictator" is a pejorative, kind of like terrorist, which is generally subjective in meaning.
What's become obvious over the last few years is that the progressive mantra about Government being the answer to the country's problems has morphed into a Chicago Machine Politics attitude of let's use the power that we have to crush the opposition.

When Barack Obama uses the Federal Government as a weapon against his opponents, people like JoeB, Deanie, Sallow and Franco all stand up and cheer. The sad thing is that they're ALL too stupid to realize that abuse of power is a double edged sword...great when you're wielding it and awful when the other side is.

People like Lois Lerner need to be held accountable for their actions because if they aren't then we might as well close Washington and send everyone home because the system can't work when it becomes that corrupt.


What's become obvious over the last few years is that conservatives have fabricated and sought to propagate all manner of ridiculous lies, such as the president using the Federal government as a 'weapon' against his opponents, clearly oblivious to the fact that there is no 'evidence' in support of this whatsoever.

Frustrated and angry at their continued failed efforts to 'get rid of Obama' and disregard the will of the voters, the partisan right seeks to scapegoat low-level administrators such as Lois Lerner in a pathetic attempt to 'justify' their political witch hunt that is the phoney IRS 'scandal.'
If you asked a German in 1938 if he thought Hitler was a dictator, most of them would have said no.

Here's the secret about "dictators". No government can survive without the tacit support of it's people.

It's why Castro is still in power and Batista ran away in a leaky boat.

Does that mean they weren't dictators, or does it just mean you are an idiot?

No, it means exactly what I said. "Dictator" is a pejorative, kind of like terrorist, which is generally subjective in meaning.

Dictator is subjective, nor is it a pejorative, it is a word that has a very clear definition in political science.

Wait, I just mentioned science, which means your brain shut down because it cannot handle facts. My apologies..
What's become obvious over the last few years is that the progressive mantra about Government being the answer to the country's problems has morphed into a Chicago Machine Politics attitude of let's use the power that we have to crush the opposition.

When Barack Obama uses the Federal Government as a weapon against his opponents, people like JoeB, Deanie, Sallow and Franco all stand up and cheer. The sad thing is that they're ALL too stupid to realize that abuse of power is a double edged sword...great when you're wielding it and awful when the other side is.

People like Lois Lerner need to be held accountable for their actions because if they aren't then we might as well close Washington and send everyone home because the system can't work when it becomes that corrupt.


What's become obvious over the last few years is that conservatives have fabricated and sought to propagate all manner of ridiculous lies, such as the president using the Federal government as a 'weapon' against his opponents, clearly oblivious to the fact that there is no 'evidence' in support of this whatsoever.

Frustrated and angry at their continued failed efforts to 'get rid of Obama' and disregard the will of the voters, the partisan right seeks to scapegoat low-level administrators such as Lois Lerner in a pathetic attempt to 'justify' their political witch hunt that is the phoney IRS 'scandal.'

Wow...it must be hard for you to move around when you're wearing blinders like that, Clayton! At least Joe has admitted that he's fine with the Obama folks using the Federal Government's power against conservatives...you on the other hand are still going with the lie that they haven't been!

Why don't you come on out and admit it like Joe, Clayton...you know as well as he does that the Obama Administration has been using governmental agencies like the DOJ, the IRS and the EPA to go after what it sees as the "bad guys"...non unionized private sector companies and the religious for their entire six years in office. It's what they DO! They're progressives with Chicago Political Machine sensitivities.
And Lois Lerner isn't being "scapegoated". She is however being held responsible for breaking the law. Is she in the cross hairs of the Republicans investigating this? Without question!!! How could she NOT be? She was the person in charge at an IRS agency that deliberately leaked confidential taxpayer information of conservatives to their liberal opponents...a person that then took the 5th after denying she'd done ANYTHING wrong!

Yes, we all know you support dictatorships, which is why we love to mock you.

I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Actually, Joe...what you support are people who "get the job done" by breaking the rule of law! You're EXACTLY the sort of nearsighted person that allows dictators to do away with the laws that constrain them in the name of "progress".

Yes, we all know you support dictatorships, which is why we love to mock you.

I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Actually, Joe...what you support are people who "get the job done" by breaking the rule of law! You're EXACTLY the sort of nearsighted person that allows dictators to do away with the laws that constrain them in the name of "progress".

Agreed...but it should be noted, that Little Joe would never stand for the politicization of the IRS, if it were done by an R POTUS....further proof, not that further proof is necessary, that he is a D Party hack.
Lerner tells her colleague that she overheard some women say America was bankrupt and "going down the tubes."

"Well, you should hear the whacko wing of the GOP," replied her colleague, whose name is blacked out. "The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to."

Lerner replies: "Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes."

Her colleague replies: "And I'm talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid."

Lerner: "So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists. It's our own crazies that will take us down."

I guess that's enough to impeach Obama!

That and a host of other law violations

And Lois Lerner isn't being "scapegoated". She is however being held responsible for breaking the law. Is she in the cross hairs of the Republicans investigating this? Without question!!! How could she NOT be? She was the person in charge at an IRS agency that deliberately leaked confidential taxpayer information of conservatives to their liberal opponents...a person that then took the 5th after denying she'd done ANYTHING wrong!

IOW- Voter suppression

And Lois Lerner isn't being "scapegoated". She is however being held responsible for breaking the law. Is she in the cross hairs of the Republicans investigating this? Without question!!! How could she NOT be? She was the person in charge at an IRS agency that deliberately leaked confidential taxpayer information of conservatives to their liberal opponents...a person that then took the 5th after denying she'd done ANYTHING wrong!

Hey, guy, yesterday a GOP Panel just quietly admitted that all their crazy mewling about Benghazi was just that.

And sorry, last time I checked, taking the fifth was a right.

Or are you one of those wingnuts who stopped reading after the Second Amendment.

Yes, we all know you support dictatorships, which is why we love to mock you.

I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Actually, Joe...what you support are people who "get the job done" by breaking the rule of law! You're EXACTLY the sort of nearsighted person that allows dictators to do away with the laws that constrain them in the name of "progress".

You know what. Lincoln imprisoned pro-Confederate people, suspended Habeus Corpus and won the Civil War.

Greatest. President. Ever.

You see, the problem is, the Teabagger groups were breaking the law by applying for fraudulent tax exemptions. Which you apparently don't have a problem with.

It's doubtful that Lerner broke the law by using extra scrutiny to catch them, and I really don't care that she outed them by passing along their info to others.
I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Actually, Joe...what you support are people who "get the job done" by breaking the rule of law! You're EXACTLY the sort of nearsighted person that allows dictators to do away with the laws that constrain them in the name of "progress".

You know what. Lincoln imprisoned pro-Confederate people, suspended Habeus Corpus and won the Civil War.

Greatest. President. Ever.

You see, the problem is, the Teabagger groups were breaking the law by applying for fraudulent tax exemptions. Which you apparently don't have a problem with.

It's doubtful that Lerner broke the law by using extra scrutiny to catch them, and I really don't care that she outed them by passing along their info to others.

Thank goodness you are such a minority that your down in the noise for which we don't care. But knock yourself out and keep screaming from the mountain tops

Actually, Joe...what you support are people who "get the job done" by breaking the rule of law! You're EXACTLY the sort of nearsighted person that allows dictators to do away with the laws that constrain them in the name of "progress".

You know what. Lincoln imprisoned pro-Confederate people, suspended Habeus Corpus and won the Civil War.

Greatest. President. Ever.

You see, the problem is, the Teabagger groups were breaking the law by applying for fraudulent tax exemptions. Which you apparently don't have a problem with.

It's doubtful that Lerner broke the law by using extra scrutiny to catch them, and I really don't care that she outed them by passing along their info to others.

Thank goodness you are such a minority that your down in the noise for which we don't care. But knock yourself out and keep screaming from the mountain tops


Yet oddly you keep losing presidential elections!

Hey, nobody's been talking about Lerner after we found out this conversation was with her husband. Ooooops.
You know what. Lincoln imprisoned pro-Confederate people, suspended Habeus Corpus and won the Civil War.

Greatest. President. Ever.

You see, the problem is, the Teabagger groups were breaking the law by applying for fraudulent tax exemptions. Which you apparently don't have a problem with.

It's doubtful that Lerner broke the law by using extra scrutiny to catch them, and I really don't care that she outed them by passing along their info to others.

Thank goodness you are such a minority that your down in the noise for which we don't care. But knock yourself out and keep screaming from the mountain tops


Yet oddly you keep losing presidential elections!

Hey, nobody's been talking about Lerner after we found out this conversation was with her husband. Ooooops.

And you think the pubs lost elections because 51% support Lois Lerner and government tyranny?

No Joe. The pubs lost because Obama convinced the village idiots of the US that the 1% was evil not to mention, we'll give you free stuff.

Nothing more, nothing less

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