Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?

What's obvious however is that this WASN'T some "rogue agents" in Cinn. operating on their own. This was something that was done with the knowledge and approval of higher ups in Washington and what they did were a violation of the law. Someone should be going to jail for this so that nobody (from either side of the political spectrum) tries it again!
By investing potential fraudulent organizations she was doing her job OldStyle. By going on about jail you're aligning yourself with said whackadoodles.

Cut it out.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

So leaking confidential taxpayer information to liberal groups to use against conservatives is Lerner "doing her job"? Interesting concept...
The reason that Lerner is taking the 5th isn't because she was "doing her job"...Lois is taking the 5th because she knows that what she did violated IRS regulations and US law.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

No one blames her for what she thinks or said! What is despicable is that she used her power to attack innocent Americans and make their lives miserable because of those thoughts she had.

You are aware that one of the reason stated for impeaching Nixon was that he used the IRS to harass 3 extremely wealthy Democrats. Obama and Lerner went after countless middle class Americans.

It is a crime and whether you are on the left or right you should be disgusted by this!

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

No one blames her for what she thinks or said! What is despicable is that she used her power to ahem innocent Americans because do those thoughts.

You are aware that one of the reason stated for impeaching Nixon was that he used the IRS to harass 3 extremely wealthy Democrats. Obama and Lerner went after countless middle class Americans

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

To the best of my knowledge, Hook...Nixon simply "attempted" to use the IRS against political enemies but was rebuffed by the Commissioner of the IRS (who was a Republican). This latest incident was a successful use of the power of the IRS against political opponents...a much more serious matter!
And what Lerner did at the IRS had nothing to do with identifying anyone...she didn't like one sides politics and used her authority to counter what took place with the Citizen's ruling at the Supreme Court.

So tell me, Joe...who made Lois Lerner a higher authority than the US Supreme Court?

What made the Supreme Court a higher authority than the People?

The People voted to limit campaign corruption with dark money.

CItizen's United is such an awful decision it goes beyond words. It's the end of democracy in America if it is allowed to stand.

I never voted on that, and would have pointed out that it violates the Constitution if anyone had put it on a ballet.

put it on the ballet?


It doesn't matter what you voted for. Both political parties answered the popular demand that we fix campaign finance, both after Watergate (when Nixon was getting suitcases full of money from God knows who) to McCain-Feingold, which President Bush signed.

And Five assholes on the Supreme Court said, "Nope, money equals speech, the Koch Brothers can buy elections if they want to. And the IRS has to work it out!"
The reason that Lerner is taking the 5th isn't because she was "doing her job"...Lois is taking the 5th because she knows that what she did violated IRS regulations and US law.

No, she's taking the fifth because she knows she's not going to get a fair hearing out of people who take private conversations with her husband and selectively edit them to make her look bad.

Which is kind of what the Fifth Amendment is for, actually.
Do you really think we thought it was deliberate? How foolish you are. It was extremely, y negligent, though, resulting in their deaths along with others injured.

The way you guys have been running around screaming, you'd have think that Obama personally ordered the hit on Stevens. Beyond that, I'm really not trying to keep track of all your crazy.
I can't tell you IRS officials that have been brought to trial, Joe because up until Lois Lerner and her merry band...this kind of behavior wasn't something that HAPPENED at the IRS! As I said before...when Nixon tried it years ago the Republican head of the IRS refused to go along with it.

What you don't want to admit to is how dangerous a precedent this is...using the IRS to target political opponents. If you had any common sense at all you'd know that what Lerner did cannot be tolerated. What was used against conservatives now was attempted to be used against liberals back then. But you're willing to overlook that aren't you Joe? You're willing to turn a blind eye to what took place simply because you like that it hurt conservatives.

If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

The ends justify the means, AKA government abusing its power, and even tyranny.

You are beneath contempt.

Guy, you fools scream "tyranny" whenever the Democrats suggest you eat your vegetables.

And then sit around with your thumbs up your asses when the Republicans start wars based on lies, torture prisoners of war, spy on average Americans, let their rich cronies loot the country, and so on.

So "ANYTHING" that keeps the GOP out of power is acceptable, Joe? Really? So if the GOP wins control of the White House in 2016 you'd be in favor of Barack Obama declaring Marshal Law and refusing to vacate the Oval Office? Would shooting Republicans in the streets work for you? Perhaps we should do away with that danged inconvenient Supreme Court all together? We can do EVERYTHING by Executive Order! Heck we can even do away with those pesky elections all together! You can have Barry name his "successor"! As long as it's "for the good of the country"...right, Joe?

First, it's "Martial" Law.

Second, if the GOP ever gets back in the White House, we are going to be so supremely fucked as a country it will not be funny. You people have clearly lost your fucking minds, and what you'd do if you got back into power would be truly scary.

But I'm not that worried about it. After alienating women, minorities, working folks, the young, anyone who actually understands science, all you have left are angry old white people, and every year, more of you take dirt naps.

Which really will be for the good of the country.

You see, whenever I see you guys go batshit insane over Obama, what I see is the angry old white man being upset he doesn't run everything anymore.

She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?

Not all of them were.

and frankly, all of them should have been.

Here's the ugly little secret. The Republican Party wants you Teabaggers to go away even worse than the Democrats do. That's why they sabotaged every Teabagger who ran for Senate this year.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

No one blames her for what she thinks or said! What is despicable is that she used her power to ahem innocent Americans because do those thoughts.

You are aware that one of the reason stated for impeaching Nixon was that he used the IRS to harass 3 extremely wealthy Democrats. Obama and Lerner went after countless middle class Americans

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

To the best of my knowledge, Hook...Nixon simply "attempted" to use the IRS against political enemies but was rebuffed by the Commissioner of the IRS (who was a Republican). This latest incident was a successful use of the power of the IRS against political opponents...a much more serious matter!

That could well be, however, the incident set a standard - it's an impeachable offense to use the IRS to people with dissenting political views!
If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

The ends justify the means, AKA government abusing its power, and even tyranny.

You are beneath contempt.

Guy, you fools scream "tyranny" whenever the Democrats suggest you eat your vegetables.

And then sit around with your thumbs up your asses when the Republicans start wars based on lies, torture prisoners of war, spy on average Americans, let their rich cronies loot the country, and so on.

^ that
If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

The ends justify the means, AKA government abusing its power, and even tyranny.

You are beneath contempt.

Guy, you fools scream "tyranny" whenever the Democrats suggest you eat your vegetables.

And then sit around with your thumbs up your asses when the Republicans start wars based on lies, torture prisoners of war, spy on average Americans, let their rich cronies loot the country, and so on.

And you do not think Ds start wars based on lies, torture prisoners of war, spy on average Americans, let their rich cronies loot the country, and so on.

If that is not perfect proof of delusional thinking, nothing is.
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If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

The ends justify the means, AKA government abusing its power, and even tyranny.

You are beneath contempt.

Guy, you fools scream "tyranny" whenever the Democrats suggest you eat your vegetables.

And then sit around with your thumbs up your asses when the Republicans start wars based on lies, torture prisoners of war, spy on average Americans, let their rich cronies loot the country, and so on.

So liberals use positions of authority in government to attack political opponents and they are "suggesting we eat our vegetables"? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Reality is...Lois Lerner and her little cronies broke the law. They used the power of the IRS to target people who's political views they didn't approve of. They leaked confidential tax payer information in an attempt to hurt people who's political views they didn't approve of.

Laws were put in place following Nixon's ATTEMPT to use the IRS against his political enemies so that would never take place again. Lois Lerner and her pals broke those laws. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Even die hard liberals should understand the danger involved when a party in power can use agencies like the IRS against the opposition.

This has nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq...it has nothing to do with water boarding of terrorists...it has nothing to do with spying on Americans...and it has nothing to do with how much money the rich are making! This is about people in power using that power in ways that break the law. It's what makes America different from Banana Republics. We have laws that protect citizens from abuses by government. When an administration in power can treat those laws with contempt we put our entire political structure in jeopardy.

You're so happy that some conservatives were abused by Lerner and Friends that you're willing to overlook how dangerous what they did is for the country.
What made the Supreme Court a higher authority than the People?

The People voted to limit campaign corruption with dark money.

CItizen's United is such an awful decision it goes beyond words. It's the end of democracy in America if it is allowed to stand.

I never voted on that, and would have pointed out that it violates the Constitution if anyone had put it on a ballet.

put it on the ballet?


It doesn't matter what you voted for. Both political parties answered the popular demand that we fix campaign finance, both after Watergate (when Nixon was getting suitcases full of money from God knows who) to McCain-Feingold, which President Bush signed.

And Five assholes on the Supreme Court said, "Nope, money equals speech, the Koch Brothers can buy elections if they want to. And the IRS has to work it out!"

Popular demand?

Can you provide actual examples of said demand that didn't come from incumbent politicians?
If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

The ends justify the means, AKA government abusing its power, and even tyranny.

You are beneath contempt.

Guy, you fools scream "tyranny" whenever the Democrats suggest you eat your vegetables.

And then sit around with your thumbs up your asses when the Republicans start wars based on lies, torture prisoners of war, spy on average Americans, let their rich cronies loot the country, and so on.

Whenever the government tries to tell anyone they have to do something it is tyranny.
She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?

Not all of them were.

and frankly, all of them should have been.

Here's the ugly little secret. The Republican Party wants you Teabaggers to go away even worse than the Democrats do. That's why they sabotaged every Teabagger who ran for Senate this year.

You hate the Republican Party, yet you think they are right when they try to eliminate a group that wants to change them.

Interesting, and typically incoherent.
Good to know that the chief tax collector in the land is impartial.

It's not just IRS employees who think the Tea Baggers are assholes.

So, how many 501(c)(4) apps from the Tea Baggers did she deny, anyway?

Answer: None

So you see, she was impartial.

The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status
The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status

Idiots everyone of you,hateful idiots.
Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?

Not all of them were.

and frankly, all of them should have been.

Here's the ugly little secret. The Republican Party wants you Teabaggers to go away even worse than the Democrats do. That's why they sabotaged every Teabagger who ran for Senate this year.

You hate the Republican Party, yet you think they are right when they try to eliminate a group that wants to change them.

Interesting, and typically incoherent.

The Teabaggers want to take the GOP further in the wrong direction, which is what you don't get.

I'd love to have the GOP of Ike and Nixon back. The one that was for sensible government and didn't carry a copy of Ayn Rand under one arm and the Bible under the other.
Popular demand?

Can you provide actual examples of said demand that didn't come from incumbent politicians?

Support High For Strong Campaign Finance Legislation: Poll

"A majority of voters strongly favor both requiring corporations to get shareholder approval for political spending (56 percent strongly favor, 80 percent total favor) and a ban on political spending by foreign corporations (51 percent strongly favor, 60 percent total favor)."

The Fair Elections Now Act, which would set up a publicly-financed campaign system, is favored by a two-to-one margin (62 to 31 percent), according to the survey. Fifty percent of Republicans support the proposal compared to 40 percent who oppose it.
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