Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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And you think the pubs lost elections because 51% support Lois Lerner and government tyranny?

No Joe. The pubs lost because Obama convinced the village idiots of the US that the 1% was evil not to mention, we'll give you free stuff.

Nothing more, nothing less


Yeah, guy, they were all voting for Free Stuff.

Not that you guys nominated a crazy nut who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear and talked about how he liked to fire people and move American jobs overseas.

And you think the pubs lost elections because 51% support Lois Lerner and government tyranny?

No Joe. The pubs lost because Obama convinced the village idiots of the US that the 1% was evil not to mention, we'll give you free stuff.

Nothing more, nothing less


Yeah, guy, they were all voting for Free Stuff.

Not that you guys nominated a crazy nut who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear and talked about how he liked to fire people and move American jobs overseas.

Then we'll agree to disagree

I'm not you guys or Republican

And you think the pubs lost elections because 51% support Lois Lerner and government tyranny?

No Joe. The pubs lost because Obama convinced the village idiots of the US that the 1% was evil not to mention, we'll give you free stuff.

Nothing more, nothing less


Yeah, guy, they were all voting for Free Stuff.

Not that you guys nominated a crazy nut who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear and talked about how he liked to fire people and move American jobs overseas.

Then we'll agree to disagree

I'm not you guys or Republican

but Sadly, the GOP spends too much time and effort pandering to nuts like you.

The worst thing Nixon ever did was not Watergate, it was the Southern Strategy of thinking slack jawed, gun-toting, racist nuts were worth pandering to.
And Lois Lerner isn't being "scapegoated". She is however being held responsible for breaking the law. Is she in the cross hairs of the Republicans investigating this? Without question!!! How could she NOT be? She was the person in charge at an IRS agency that deliberately leaked confidential taxpayer information of conservatives to their liberal opponents...a person that then took the 5th after denying she'd done ANYTHING wrong!

Hey, guy, yesterday a GOP Panel just quietly admitted that all their crazy mewling about Benghazi was just that.

And sorry, last time I checked, taking the fifth was a right.

Or are you one of those wingnuts who stopped reading after the Second Amendment.

What GOP Panel admitted that about Benghazi, Joe? Let me guess...you never read the Senate report you're talking about...did you? Oh, Joe...oh Joe...oh Joe!!! You know how much trouble you get into when you get your views from those biased sources. They end up making you look ignorant! If you HAD read it you'd know that there is a "majority" view (who are all Democrats) that found the Administration to be essentially blameless for Benghazi (what a surprise!) and then there is the "minority" view (who are all Republicans) that stated that the Administration is STILL not being forthcoming and that many of their questions were not answered and that many of the answers that had been given were not credible.

Yes, taking the 5th IS a right! It is not a "get out jail free card" however. Someone in Lois Lerner's department leaked confidential tax payer information to liberal groups so that information could be used against conservatives. I believe the maximum sentence for doing so is 5 years for each count. I wouldn't count on this investigation going away until someone is held responsible for those leaks. That person should be doing jail time along with all those who knew about and did not notify the IG's office.
I support people who can get the job done.

Whining about something "subjective" like "Dictatorship" is kind of silly.

Actually, Joe...what you support are people who "get the job done" by breaking the rule of law! You're EXACTLY the sort of nearsighted person that allows dictators to do away with the laws that constrain them in the name of "progress".

You know what. Lincoln imprisoned pro-Confederate people, suspended Habeus Corpus and won the Civil War.

Greatest. President. Ever.

You see, the problem is, the Teabagger groups were breaking the law by applying for fraudulent tax exemptions. Which you apparently don't have a problem with.

It's doubtful that Lerner broke the law by using extra scrutiny to catch them, and I really don't care that she outed them by passing along their info to others.

So name all the conservative groups that have been brought to trial and convicted of tax fraud, Joe! Why is the answer to that riddle a big fat ZERO!

Then explain how leaking the confidential tax information of conservatives to liberal groups helps to bring conservatives to justice for tax fraud? That isn't "extra scrutiny"...that's just plain illegal.

What GOP Panel admitted that about Benghazi, Joe? Let me guess...you never read the Senate report you're talking about...did you? Oh, Joe...oh Joe...oh Joe!!! You know how much trouble you get into when you get your views from those biased sources. They end up making you look ignorant! If you HAD read it you'd know that there is a "majority" view (who are all Democrats) that found the Administration to be essentially blameless for Benghazi (what a surprise!) and then there is the "minority" view (who are all Republicans) that stated that the Administration is STILL not being forthcoming and that many of their questions were not answered and that many of the answers that had been given were not credible.

Uh, no, guy, I'm talking about this one.

House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate

The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee.

The panel voted Thursday to declassify the report, the result of two years of investigation by the committee. U.S. intelligence agencies will have to approve making the report public.

Thompson said the report "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

Yes, taking the 5th IS a right! It is not a "get out jail free card" however. Someone in Lois Lerner's department leaked confidential tax payer information to liberal groups so that information could be used against conservatives. I believe the maximum sentence for doing so is 5 years for each count. I wouldn't count on this investigation going away until someone is held responsible for those leaks. That person should be doing jail time along with all those who knew about and did not notify the IG's office.

And if you could prove that information came from her department or who sent it, you might have a case that someone will take a disciplinary slap on the wrist for.

So name all the conservative groups that have been brought to trial and convicted of tax fraud, Joe! Why is the answer to that riddle a big fat ZERO!

Then explain how leaking the confidential tax information of conservatives to liberal groups helps to bring conservatives to justice for tax fraud? That isn't "extra scrutiny"...that's just plain illegal.

So name all the IRS Officials who have been brought to trial.

Frankly, I consider kind of a need to know kind of thing. Whistleblowers used to be a good thing.

I'm Glad Snowden told us that the government has been spying on us.

I'm Glad that Manning exposed info the military was trying to hide.

and I'm glad someone in the IRS let us know who the creeps trying to buy our democracy are.

So name all the conservative groups that have been brought to trial and convicted of tax fraud, Joe! Why is the answer to that riddle a big fat ZERO!

Then explain how leaking the confidential tax information of conservatives to liberal groups helps to bring conservatives to justice for tax fraud? That isn't "extra scrutiny"...that's just plain illegal.

So name all the IRS Officials who have been brought to trial.

Frankly, I consider kind of a need to know kind of thing. Whistleblowers used to be a good thing.

I'm Glad Snowden told us that the government has been spying on us.

I'm Glad that Manning exposed info the military was trying to hide.

and I'm glad someone in the IRS let us know who the creeps trying to buy our democracy are.

I can't tell you IRS officials that have been brought to trial, Joe because up until Lois Lerner and her merry band...this kind of behavior wasn't something that HAPPENED at the IRS! As I said before...when Nixon tried it years ago the Republican head of the IRS refused to go along with it.

What you don't want to admit to is how dangerous a precedent this is...using the IRS to target political opponents. If you had any common sense at all you'd know that what Lerner did cannot be tolerated. What was used against conservatives now was attempted to be used against liberals back then. But you're willing to overlook that aren't you Joe? You're willing to turn a blind eye to what took place simply because you like that it hurt conservatives.
And what Lerner did at the IRS had nothing to do with identifying anyone...she didn't like one sides politics and used her authority to counter what took place with the Citizen's ruling at the Supreme Court.

So tell me, Joe...who made Lois Lerner a higher authority than the US Supreme Court?
I can't tell you IRS officials that have been brought to trial, Joe because up until Lois Lerner and her merry band...this kind of behavior wasn't something that HAPPENED at the IRS! As I said before...when Nixon tried it years ago the Republican head of the IRS refused to go along with it.

What you don't want to admit to is how dangerous a precedent this is...using the IRS to target political opponents. If you had any common sense at all you'd know that what Lerner did cannot be tolerated. What was used against conservatives now was attempted to be used against liberals back then. But you're willing to overlook that aren't you Joe? You're willing to turn a blind eye to what took place simply because you like that it hurt conservatives.

If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.
And what Lerner did at the IRS had nothing to do with identifying anyone...she didn't like one sides politics and used her authority to counter what took place with the Citizen's ruling at the Supreme Court.

So tell me, Joe...who made Lois Lerner a higher authority than the US Supreme Court?

What made the Supreme Court a higher authority than the People?

The People voted to limit campaign corruption with dark money.

CItizen's United is such an awful decision it goes beyond words. It's the end of democracy in America if it is allowed to stand.
I can't tell you IRS officials that have been brought to trial, Joe because up until Lois Lerner and her merry band...this kind of behavior wasn't something that HAPPENED at the IRS! As I said before...when Nixon tried it years ago the Republican head of the IRS refused to go along with it.

What you don't want to admit to is how dangerous a precedent this is...using the IRS to target political opponents. If you had any common sense at all you'd know that what Lerner did cannot be tolerated. What was used against conservatives now was attempted to be used against liberals back then. But you're willing to overlook that aren't you Joe? You're willing to turn a blind eye to what took place simply because you like that it hurt conservatives.

If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

The ends justify the means, AKA government abusing its power, and even tyranny.

You are beneath contempt.
And what Lerner did at the IRS had nothing to do with identifying anyone...she didn't like one sides politics and used her authority to counter what took place with the Citizen's ruling at the Supreme Court.

So tell me, Joe...who made Lois Lerner a higher authority than the US Supreme Court?

What made the Supreme Court a higher authority than the People?

The People voted to limit campaign corruption with dark money.

CItizen's United is such an awful decision it goes beyond words. It's the end of democracy in America if it is allowed to stand.

I never voted on that, and would have pointed out that it violates the Constitution if anyone had put it on a ballet.
She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
And still no objective documented evidence from the right that the president 'violated' any laws related to the IRS witch hunt, or 'authorized' a 'cover up' of any crimes related to the IRS witch hunt.

Just subjective, partisan, irrelevant speculation.
I can't tell you IRS officials that have been brought to trial, Joe because up until Lois Lerner and her merry band...this kind of behavior wasn't something that HAPPENED at the IRS! As I said before...when Nixon tried it years ago the Republican head of the IRS refused to go along with it.

What you don't want to admit to is how dangerous a precedent this is...using the IRS to target political opponents. If you had any common sense at all you'd know that what Lerner did cannot be tolerated. What was used against conservatives now was attempted to be used against liberals back then. But you're willing to overlook that aren't you Joe? You're willing to turn a blind eye to what took place simply because you like that it hurt conservatives.

If you had any common sense, you'd see ANYTHING that keeps the corrupt GOP out of power is acceptable.

Until the GOP rids itself of the crazies, I don't want them ANYWHERE near where they can fuck up my life again like they did in 2008.

So I have no problem with what Lerner did. It was for the good of the country.

So "ANYTHING" that keeps the GOP out of power is acceptable, Joe? Really? So if the GOP wins control of the White House in 2016 you'd be in favor of Barack Obama declaring Marshal Law and refusing to vacate the Oval Office? Would shooting Republicans in the streets work for you? Perhaps we should do away with that danged inconvenient Supreme Court all together? We can do EVERYTHING by Executive Order! Heck we can even do away with those pesky elections all together! You can have Barry name his "successor"! As long as it's "for the good of the country"...right, Joe?
She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?
Do you really think we thought it was deliberate? How foolish you are. It was extremely, y negligent, though, resulting in their deaths along with others injured.

What GOP Panel admitted that about Benghazi, Joe? Let me guess...you never read the Senate report you're talking about...did you? Oh, Joe...oh Joe...oh Joe!!! You know how much trouble you get into when you get your views from those biased sources. They end up making you look ignorant! If you HAD read it you'd know that there is a "majority" view (who are all Democrats) that found the Administration to be essentially blameless for Benghazi (what a surprise!) and then there is the "minority" view (who are all Republicans) that stated that the Administration is STILL not being forthcoming and that many of their questions were not answered and that many of the answers that had been given were not credible.

Uh, no, guy, I'm talking about this one.

House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate

The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee.

The panel voted Thursday to declassify the report, the result of two years of investigation by the committee. U.S. intelligence agencies will have to approve making the report public.

Thompson said the report "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

Yes, taking the 5th IS a right! It is not a "get out jail free card" however. Someone in Lois Lerner's department leaked confidential tax payer information to liberal groups so that information could be used against conservatives. I believe the maximum sentence for doing so is 5 years for each count. I wouldn't count on this investigation going away until someone is held responsible for those leaks. That person should be doing jail time along with all those who knew about and did not notify the IG's office.

And if you could prove that information came from her department or who sent it, you might have a case that someone will take a disciplinary slap on the wrist for.
She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?

What's obvious however is that this WASN'T some "rogue agents" in Cinn. operating on their own. This was something that was done with the knowledge and approval of higher ups in Washington and what they did were a violation of the law. Someone should be going to jail for this so that nobody (from either side of the political spectrum) tries it again!
She wasn't referring to all the GOP. Her statement was very specific to far RW whackadoodles.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Ah, yes...now Lois Lerner gets to decide who is a viable political group and who is a "whackadoodle"? Funny think, Marc...all of the conservative groups that Lerner delayed and beat down with red tape for all of those months subsequently were awarded tax free status. If they really WERE "far RW whackadoodles" then why weren't their applications denied?

What's obvious however is that this WASN'T some "rogue agents" in Cinn. operating on their own. This was something that was done with the knowledge and approval of higher ups in Washington and what they did were a violation of the law. Someone should be going to jail for this so that nobody (from either side of the political spectrum) tries it again!
By investing potential fraudulent organizations she was doing her job OldStyle. By going on about jail you're aligning yourself with said whackadoodles.

Cut it out.

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