Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Uh, guy, when Bush took power, we had 4% unemployment.

When he left, it was springing up to 10%.

Bush didn't get people off welfare, he put a lot more people on it.
When someone makes the economy viable again you might have to start supporting yourself. I know you'll do your utmost to avoid it, but the electorate will surely tire of parasites.

I wouldn't know, guy. I work a full time job, a part time job and a side business.

That's how "viable" your boy Bush made the economy.

The Republicans never make the economy "viable". They just fuck it up.

Ah, Joe...unless you're counting posting on the internet as your "job"...it's pretty obvious that with almost 50,000 internet posts on just this site alone...that you aren't working 3 jobs! Just saying...:dig::dig::dig:
Okay, so lets frame this in terms that the progressives here at the USMB will surely understand.

Lets say that the replacement for Lois Lerner is the USMB's one and only [MENTION=18755]mal[/MENTION] .

He is now in charge of scrutinizing all liberal 501(c)4 entities.

We all know how he feels about liberals.

I guess its okay with you guys, eh?

Not really.

501(c)4's shouldn't be used to hide political activity on either side.

I'd have no problem if liberal ones were scrutinized.

And frankly, - one more time- if the GOP ever got back into power, 501's would be the least of my problems.

I'd be more worried about the wars and recessions that always seem to follow these assholes into office.

Ah, Joe? That's the whole POINT of the IRS scandal! Lerner and her little band of minions DIDN'T scrutinize liberal groups in the same manner as they did conservative ones! What part of that concept can't you grasp?

They also didn't turn over confidential tax payer information about liberals to conservative groups!

If this had been an "even handed" treatment of both sides then the IRS wouldn't be trying so desperately to hide what took place!
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Okay, so lets frame this in terms that the progressives here at the USMB will surely understand.

Lets say that the replacement for Lois Lerner is the USMB's one and only @mal .

He is now in charge of scrutinizing all liberal 501(c)4 entities.

We all know how he feels about liberals.

I guess its okay with you guys, eh?

Not really.

501(c)4's shouldn't be used to hide political activity on either side.

I'd have no problem if liberal ones were scrutinized.

And frankly, - one more time- if the GOP ever got back into power, 501's would be the least of my problems.

I'd be more worried about the wars and recessions that always seem to follow these assholes into office.
Went right over your head, didn't it?
No, but a lot more people will be on them if the GOP ever gets back into power.

A lot more people are on them since Obama has come into power.

This fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Gee, Clayton...let me guess...you're one of those people that deludes themselves into thinking that couching a non-response in flowery language makes it appear intelligent even when you're more or less admitting you have no come back?

Slyhunter is wrong simply because you don't believe what was said is correct? That's essentially what you're saying. Here's a novel concept...why don't you point out WHY what Sly said was a "fallacy"? That of course would actually REQUIRE intelligence!
Guy, I'm not going to go down one of your unmedicated rabbit holes.

Americans don't want the rich buying their politics. Obviously.

Not sure why you want them to.

Your anti-crazy pills will be the first thing they cut, and then you'll be out screaming at the lampposts again.

Yet they keep electing rich people into offices.

As I said, want to try again?

No, I don't want to keep trying to deal with your batshit crazy.

You do realize you are an irrational, crazy person, right?

You also see there's a big difference between voting for a rich person and having rich people behind the scenes manipulating shit, right? I didn't vote for the Koch Brothers, but they've infected our process.

Yes, I am irrational and crazy, just like everyone else who is smarter than you are.
Yet they keep electing rich people into offices.

As I said, want to try again?

No, I don't want to keep trying to deal with your batshit crazy.

You do realize you are an irrational, crazy person, right?

You also see there's a big difference between voting for a rich person and having rich people behind the scenes manipulating shit, right? I didn't vote for the Koch Brothers, but they've infected our process.

Yes, I am irrational and crazy, just like everyone else who is smarter than you are.
There is an undoubted irony when JoeB starts calling others batshit crazy. We then have truly reached the outer limits.
Obama Derangement Syndrome in three...two... one...

Uh, guy? When Bush left office unemployment was at 8%. Under Obama it "sprung" up to over 10% and that was with Nancy and Harry spending nearly a trillion dollars on their badly conceived stimulus plan. It's taken Barry six years to lower the unemployment rate a point and a half and most of that number is bullshit because so many people either are working part time jobs or have simply given up looking for work. Barack Obama has led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. I know that's an "inconvenient" truth for you progressives...but it remains the truth no matter how hard you try and spin it!

The number of Americans collecting entitlements from the government is at record levels! That's what six years of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's "leadership" have given us!

Guy, are you some kind of fucking retard? Seriously, have you gotten brain damage from listening to too much Hate Radio?

Are you really so fucking detached from reality that when you had an economy that was in a nose dive after the crash of 2008, where we were losing half a million jobs EVERY MONTH, and then try to pretend that somehow, that Was Obama's fault because he couldn't fix the catastrophic damage fast enough?

Seriously, what kind of sucking whole of emptiness is your miserable life that you are full of this much unreasoning hatred?


I'm not really expecting an intelligent answer.
Yet they keep electing rich people into offices.

As I said, want to try again?

No, I don't want to keep trying to deal with your batshit crazy.

You do realize you are an irrational, crazy person, right?

You also see there's a big difference between voting for a rich person and having rich people behind the scenes manipulating shit, right? I didn't vote for the Koch Brothers, but they've infected our process.

Yes, I am irrational and crazy, just like everyone else who is smarter than you are.

1) you are crazy.
2) While there are people who are no doubt smarter than I am, they are not represented by the Wingnuts and high-grade ODS sufferers we see on this board.
No, I don't want to keep trying to deal with your batshit crazy.

You do realize you are an irrational, crazy person, right?

You also see there's a big difference between voting for a rich person and having rich people behind the scenes manipulating shit, right? I didn't vote for the Koch Brothers, but they've infected our process.

Yes, I am irrational and crazy, just like everyone else who is smarter than you are.

1) you are crazy.
2) While there are people who are no doubt smarter than I am, they are not represented by the Wingnuts and high-grade ODS sufferers we see on this board.

The funny part is you actually believe that.
Ah, Joe...unless you're counting posting on the internet as your "job"...it's pretty obvious that with almost 50,000 internet posts on just this site alone...that you aren't working 3 jobs! Just saying...:dig::dig::dig:

Uh, actually, I was.

I work 40 hours on my straight job.
I work 12 hours a week on my weekend job.
My side job can take up anywhere 5-10 hours a week, depending how many customers i get.

Now, i do a lot of the latter working on my computer.

Of course, i'm not some soulless creature like you who has let hatred of the President consume my life like it has your, buddy.
Yes, I am irrational and crazy, just like everyone else who is smarter than you are.

1) you are crazy.
2) While there are people who are no doubt smarter than I am, they are not represented by the Wingnuts and high-grade ODS sufferers we see on this board.

The funny part is you actually believe that.

NO, guy, I know it.

Frankly, I'm not worried about the intellectual heft of people who believe in talking snakes.
Okay, so lets frame this in terms that the progressives here at the USMB will surely understand.

Lets say that the replacement for Lois Lerner is the USMB's one and only @mal .

He is now in charge of scrutinizing all liberal 501(c)4 entities.

We all know how he feels about liberals.

I guess its okay with you guys, eh?

Not really.

501(c)4's shouldn't be used to hide political activity on either side.

I'd have no problem if liberal ones were scrutinized.

And frankly, - one more time- if the GOP ever got back into power, 501's would be the least of my problems.

I'd be more worried about the wars and recessions that always seem to follow these assholes into office.
Went right over your head, didn't it?

No, guy, you don't have a fucking point.

Bush can kill hundreds of thousands of people and go off to his ranch to enjoy his life.

I'm not really worried that the Republicans will engage in any worse behavior than they already have.

Gee, Clayton...let me guess...you're one of those people that deludes themselves into thinking that couching a non-response in flowery language makes it appear intelligent even when you're more or less admitting you have no come back?

Slyhunter is wrong simply because you don't believe what was said is correct? That's essentially what you're saying. Here's a novel concept...why don't you point out WHY what Sly said was a "fallacy"? That of course would actually REQUIRE intelligence!

Um, why, if we explained it to you you still wouldn't understand it.

Instead, you'd be muttering "Obama, Damned Socialist, negro hates America, grumble, grumble."

It's really tiresome to even try to get past your level of derangement, guy.
Obama Derangement Syndrome in three...two... one...

Uh, guy? When Bush left office unemployment was at 8%. Under Obama it "sprung" up to over 10% and that was with Nancy and Harry spending nearly a trillion dollars on their badly conceived stimulus plan. It's taken Barry six years to lower the unemployment rate a point and a half and most of that number is bullshit because so many people either are working part time jobs or have simply given up looking for work. Barack Obama has led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. I know that's an "inconvenient" truth for you progressives...but it remains the truth no matter how hard you try and spin it!

The number of Americans collecting entitlements from the government is at record levels! That's what six years of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's "leadership" have given us!

Guy, are you some kind of fucking retard? Seriously, have you gotten brain damage from listening to too much Hate Radio?

Are you really so fucking detached from reality that when you had an economy that was in a nose dive after the crash of 2008, where we were losing half a million jobs EVERY MONTH, and then try to pretend that somehow, that Was Obama's fault because he couldn't fix the catastrophic damage fast enough?

Seriously, what kind of sucking whole of emptiness is your miserable life that you are full of this much unreasoning hatred?


I'm not really expecting an intelligent answer.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression 70 YEARS AGO! He came into office saying he had a plan to fix things. It's six years later. When does responsibility start to kick in for Barry? Ever? Never?
Ah, Joe...unless you're counting posting on the internet as your "job"...it's pretty obvious that with almost 50,000 internet posts on just this site alone...that you aren't working 3 jobs! Just saying...:dig::dig::dig:

Uh, actually, I was.

I work 40 hours on my straight job.
I work 12 hours a week on my weekend job.
My side job can take up anywhere 5-10 hours a week, depending how many customers i get.

Now, i do a lot of the latter working on my computer.

Of course, i'm not some soulless creature like you who has let hatred of the President consume my life like it has your, buddy.

Hmmmm...let's see...YOU have nearly 50,000 posts on this site and I have a little over 10,000 posts. So tell me again who's the soulless creature who has let hatred consume their life? It's so much fun chatting with you, Joey! You invariably make me feel incredibly intelligent!

Gee, Clayton...let me guess...you're one of those people that deludes themselves into thinking that couching a non-response in flowery language makes it appear intelligent even when you're more or less admitting you have no come back?

Slyhunter is wrong simply because you don't believe what was said is correct? That's essentially what you're saying. Here's a novel concept...why don't you point out WHY what Sly said was a "fallacy"? That of course would actually REQUIRE intelligence!

Um, why, if we explained it to you you still wouldn't understand it.

Instead, you'd be muttering "Obama, Damned Socialist, negro hates America, grumble, grumble."

It's really tiresome to even try to get past your level of derangement, guy.

You can't explain it either, can you, Joey? So you fall back on your usual "everyone who disagrees with me is batshit crazy" routine? You know what's amazing, Joe? You come here and waste ALL that time posting ALL those posts...and you never really say anything thoughtful.

Cut to the chase, little buddy! Copy one message "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is crazy!" and then cut & paste it over and over again. Think of all the time you'll save!
Not really.

501(c)4's shouldn't be used to hide political activity on either side.

I'd have no problem if liberal ones were scrutinized.

And frankly, - one more time- if the GOP ever got back into power, 501's would be the least of my problems.

I'd be more worried about the wars and recessions that always seem to follow these assholes into office.
Went right over your head, didn't it?

No, guy, you don't have a fucking point.

Bush can kill hundreds of thousands of people and go off to his ranch to enjoy his life.

I'm not really worried that the Republicans will engage in any worse behavior than they already have.

You know what's amazing, Joe? Barack Obama's total lack of leadership (leading from behind? Really?) combined with the most incoherent foreign policy in the history of the country has brought us to where we are now...with hundreds of thousands of people being killed in the Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza...as Barry jets off to play golf with a bunch of rich pals.

George W. Bush is no longer President...which is why he's back in Crawford, Texas! Yet you find "him" at fault but you don't have a problem with Barry taking off for vacation as the entire world is going up in flames. Think about the absurdity of that...
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Gee, Clayton...let me guess...you're one of those people that deludes themselves into thinking that couching a non-response in flowery language makes it appear intelligent even when you're more or less admitting you have no come back?

Slyhunter is wrong simply because you don't believe what was said is correct? That's essentially what you're saying. Here's a novel concept...why don't you point out WHY what Sly said was a "fallacy"? That of course would actually REQUIRE intelligence!

Um, why, if we explained it to you you still wouldn't understand it.

Instead, you'd be muttering "Obama, Damned Socialist, negro hates America, grumble, grumble."

It's really tiresome to even try to get past your level of derangement, guy.

You can't explain it either, can you, Joey? So you fall back on your usual "everyone who disagrees with me is batshit crazy" routine? You know what's amazing, Joe? You come here and waste ALL that time posting ALL those posts...and you never really say anything thoughtful.

Cut to the chase, little buddy! Copy one message "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is crazy!" and then cut & paste it over and over again. Think of all the time you'll save!

So right about Lil' Joe. I like your style Oldstyle.

The thing is Joe is a DNC mouth piece.
Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression 70 YEARS AGO! He came into office saying he had a plan to fix things. It's six years later. When does responsibility start to kick in for Barry? Ever? Never?

gee, why is that?

Maybe because it was the worst crash since the Great Depression 80 years ago.

Maybe because we have never gotten out of a recession without a HUGE influx of government spending, and the GOP fought him tooth and nail on that.

We are better off than we were six years ago. That's why he won a second term.
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