Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Hmmmm...let's see...YOU have nearly 50,000 posts on this site and I have a little over 10,000 posts. So tell me again who's the soulless creature who has let hatred consume their life? It's so much fun chatting with you, Joey! You invariably make me feel incredibly intelligent!

GUy, I have 50K posts because unlike you, I actually have something to say.

Unlike you, who pretty much have 10,000 posts of how much you hate the Negro.
You can't explain it either, can you, Joey? So you fall back on your usual "everyone who disagrees with me is batshit crazy" routine? You know what's amazing, Joe? You come here and waste ALL that time posting ALL those posts...and you never really say anything thoughtful.

Cut to the chase, little buddy! Copy one message "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is crazy!" and then cut & paste it over and over again. Think of all the time you'll save!

Okay, so why are you getting all wrapped around the axle.

"Huff, huff, huff... Lois Lerner is the anti-christ!!!"

"Meh, not really."

Yeah, you show yourself as being truly sane, guy.

Clearly, lying us into a war isn't nearly as serious an offense as screwing wiht someone's paperwork.
You know what's amazing, Joe? Barack Obama's total lack of leadership (leading from behind? Really?) combined with the most incoherent foreign policy in the history of the country has brought us to where we are now...with hundreds of thousands of people being killed in the Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza...as Barry jets off to play golf with a bunch of rich pals.

George W. Bush is no longer President...which is why he's back in Crawford, Texas! Yet you find "him" at fault but you don't have a problem with Barry taking off for vacation as the entire world is going up in flames. Think about the absurdity of that...

I'm upset BUsh isn't sitting in some prison along with the rest of his war criminal administration. That's where Bush ought to be. Bush lied us into a war, thousands of people died, and "Barry" as you say, is left to clean up the mess.

Okay, guy, um, how many AMERICANS are dying in Gaza? I mean Americans, not Zionists with American citizenship.

Syria, Ukraine, Iraq (hopefully). These aren't America and they aren't American problems.
Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression 70 YEARS AGO! He came into office saying he had a plan to fix things. It's six years later. When does responsibility start to kick in for Barry? Ever? Never?

gee, why is that?

Maybe because it was the worst crash since the Great Depression 80 years ago.

Maybe because we have never gotten out of a recession without a HUGE influx of government spending, and the GOP fought him tooth and nail on that.

We are better off than we were six years ago. That's why he won a second term.

I don't know why I should be surprised by your total ignorance of American economic history, Joe...but I for some reason thought that even someone as clueless as yourself would grasp the fact that the US has had scores of recessions over the years and that we got out of MOST of them without "HUGE" influxes of government spending! To state that we've never gotten out of them without large amounts of government spending is simply incorrect.

The Great Depression was in fact the FIRST time that HUGE influxes of government spending were tried and if you'd taken any economics classes that looked at the Great Depression objectively you'd know that there is a large economic school of thought that believes that FDR's stimulus programs created the Great Depression out of a bad recession.

As for the GOP fighting him "tooth and nail"? Ah, Joey? Didn't Obama have large majorities in both the House and Senate when he took office? Kindly explain why Obama was able to pass the Affordable Care Act (which the GOP loathed yet could do nothing to stop!) but wasn't able to pass what he wanted to pass as far as stimulus programs went?

The truth is...Barry got what he wanted in year one of his Administration and then started to bleed DEMOCRATIC support as it became obvious that the stimulus that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi oversaw and Barack Obama signed was a very expensive failure. Obama couldn't get moderate Democrats to sign on for "do-over" of the first stimulus!

Are we better off than we were 6 years ago? Well yes we are! The problem for Barry and his supporters is that we've done non-stop quantitative easing for those 6 years and spent trillions of dollars in government spending that has resulted in an economy that can best be described as "stagnant". We've got record numbers of people that have simply left the work force because they couldn't find work and record numbers of others who have been forced to take part time jobs because that was all that was available.

So tell me, Joey...what's Barack Obama's "plan" to get the economy going that the GOP has prevented from happening? That watered down repeat of the first stimulus that he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for? I've asked several times now if you even know who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is at the moment! NOBODY knows who that is because Barry gave up on the economy years ago! All he does now is blame the Republicans for not "cooperating" with him.

Hmmmm...let's see...YOU have nearly 50,000 posts on this site and I have a little over 10,000 posts. So tell me again who's the soulless creature who has let hatred consume their life? It's so much fun chatting with you, Joey! You invariably make me feel incredibly intelligent!

GUy, I have 50K posts because unlike you, I actually have something to say.

Unlike you, who pretty much have 10,000 posts of how much you hate the Negro.

Find ONE post where I say I "hate" Barack Obama!

You know what's pathetic, Joe? You have to play the race card because you've been exposed for the partisan hack you are and don't have a come-back. I don't hate Barry. I find him to be incompetent. It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation. It has to do with his skills (or lack of skills) to do the job he has.
You know what's amazing, Joe? Barack Obama's total lack of leadership (leading from behind? Really?) combined with the most incoherent foreign policy in the history of the country has brought us to where we are now...with hundreds of thousands of people being killed in the Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza...as Barry jets off to play golf with a bunch of rich pals.

George W. Bush is no longer President...which is why he's back in Crawford, Texas! Yet you find "him" at fault but you don't have a problem with Barry taking off for vacation as the entire world is going up in flames. Think about the absurdity of that...

I'm upset BUsh isn't sitting in some prison along with the rest of his war criminal administration. That's where Bush ought to be. Bush lied us into a war, thousands of people died, and "Barry" as you say, is left to clean up the mess.

Okay, guy, um, how many AMERICANS are dying in Gaza? I mean Americans, not Zionists with American citizenship.

Syria, Ukraine, Iraq (hopefully). These aren't America and they aren't American problems.

Interesting concept...Nazis taking over Europe wasn't America either...should it not have been our "problem"?

What Barry is now discovering is that "problems" like Muslim extremists don't go away because you tuck tail and run.
You know what's amazing, Joe? Barack Obama's total lack of leadership (leading from behind? Really?) combined with the most incoherent foreign policy in the history of the country has brought us to where we are now...with hundreds of thousands of people being killed in the Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza...as Barry jets off to play golf with a bunch of rich pals.

George W. Bush is no longer President...which is why he's back in Crawford, Texas! Yet you find "him" at fault but you don't have a problem with Barry taking off for vacation as the entire world is going up in flames. Think about the absurdity of that...

I'm upset BUsh isn't sitting in some prison along with the rest of his war criminal administration. That's where Bush ought to be. Bush lied us into a war, thousands of people died, and "Barry" as you say, is left to clean up the mess.

Okay, guy, um, how many AMERICANS are dying in Gaza? I mean Americans, not Zionists with American citizenship.

Syria, Ukraine, Iraq (hopefully). These aren't America and they aren't American problems.

Just for my own amusement, Joe...did you want to give us an example of something that Barry has successfully "cleaned up"?

The truth is...our foreign policy hasn't EVER been in as much disarray as it is now. From the Ukraine...through Gaza and Israel...Syria...Iraq...Afghanistan...watching Barry is like watching a Division III quarterback get his feet wet in the NFL...he's got the uniform on and looks like a player but the game is going so much faster than he can handle that he's two steps behind everyone else on the field!
I don't know why I should be surprised by your total ignorance of American economic history, Joe...but I for some reason thought that even someone as clueless as yourself would grasp the fact that the US has had scores of recessions over the years and that we got out of MOST of them without "HUGE" influxes of government spending! To state that we've never gotten out of them without large amounts of government spending is simply incorrect.

Guy, I've got a degree in history. Thanks.

And, no, most recessions were answered with big influxes of government spending until this one. This is the one where everyone tried "austerity", with disasterous results.

The Great Depression was in fact the FIRST time that HUGE influxes of government spending were tried and if you'd taken any economics classes that looked at the Great Depression objectively you'd know that there is a large economic school of thought that believes that FDR's stimulus programs created the Great Depression out of a bad recession.

And before htey did that, Recessions were called "Panics" and they were generally devastating.

As for the GOP fighting him "tooth and nail"? Ah, Joey? Didn't Obama have large majorities in both the House and Senate when he took office? Kindly explain why Obama was able to pass the Affordable Care Act (which the GOP loathed yet could do nothing to stop!) but wasn't able to pass what he wanted to pass as far as stimulus programs went?

Because the Republicans were able to filibuster those things. Come on, guy, don't be dense because you can't make your point.

The truth is...Barry got what he wanted in year one of his Administration and then started to bleed DEMOCRATIC support as it became obvious that the stimulus that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi oversaw and Barack Obama signed was a very expensive failure. Obama couldn't get moderate Democrats to sign on for "do-over" of the first stimulus!

No, the stimulus was too small and too loaded down with giveaways for the rich. That's why it didn't produce as good of results as were needed.

Are we better off than we were 6 years ago? Well yes we are! The problem for Barry and his supporters is that we've done non-stop quantitative easing for those 6 years and spent trillions of dollars in government spending that has resulted in an economy that can best be described as "stagnant". We've got record numbers of people that have simply left the work force because they couldn't find work and record numbers of others who have been forced to take part time jobs because that was all that was available.

Yes, Bush really did fuck everything up.

So tell me, Joey...what's Barack Obama's "plan" to get the economy going that the GOP has prevented from happening? That watered down repeat of the first stimulus that he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for? I've asked several times now if you even know who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is at the moment! NOBODY knows who that is because Barry gave up on the economy years ago! All he does now is blame the Republicans for not "cooperating" with him.

I'm sorry, is "Chief Economic Adviser" something called for in the constitution?

Since Congress has no interest in passing a jobs bill, he's kind of got a point.

Just for my own amusement, Joe...did you want to give us an example of something that Barry has successfully "cleaned up"?

He got us the fuck out of Iraq and he's getting us the fuck out of Afghanistan.

He's repaired all the international relationships Bush fucked up. Even our allies didn't like us when that doofus was through.

The truth is...our foreign policy hasn't EVER been in as much disarray as it is now. From the Ukraine...through Gaza and Israel...Syria...Iraq...Afghanistan...watching Barry is like watching a Division III quarterback get his feet wet in the NFL...he's got the uniform on and looks like a player but the game is going so much faster than he can handle that he's two steps behind everyone else on the field!

I'm sorry, it's Obama's fault that the Arabs hate the Zionists? I'm pretty sure they hated the Zionists before Obama got there.
Interesting concept...Nazis taking over Europe wasn't America either...should it not have been our "problem"?

What Barry is now discovering is that "problems" like Muslim extremists don't go away because you tuck tail and run.

The only reason why we have a 'problem' with Muslims is we keep fucking with them.

Our Mideast Policy since 1948 has been to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.

The Muslims are doing EXACTLY what Americans would do if Space Aliens came down and started wrecking our country.
OP- Guess what? The rest of the world is ALL saying the same thing in private, but afraid to say it in public, because guess what, they're loudmouth, violent ugly American crazies and a-holes, ie hater dupes.
I don't know why I should be surprised by your total ignorance of American economic history, Joe...but I for some reason thought that even someone as clueless as yourself would grasp the fact that the US has had scores of recessions over the years and that we got out of MOST of them without "HUGE" influxes of government spending! To state that we've never gotten out of them without large amounts of government spending is simply incorrect.

Guy, I've got a degree in history. Thanks.

And, no, most recessions were answered with big influxes of government spending until this one. This is the one where everyone tried "austerity", with disasterous results.

The Great Depression was in fact the FIRST time that HUGE influxes of government spending were tried and if you'd taken any economics classes that looked at the Great Depression objectively you'd know that there is a large economic school of thought that believes that FDR's stimulus programs created the Great Depression out of a bad recession.

And before htey did that, Recessions were called "Panics" and they were generally devastating.

Because the Republicans were able to filibuster those things. Come on, guy, don't be dense because you can't make your point.

No, the stimulus was too small and too loaded down with giveaways for the rich. That's why it didn't produce as good of results as were needed.

Are we better off than we were 6 years ago? Well yes we are! The problem for Barry and his supporters is that we've done non-stop quantitative easing for those 6 years and spent trillions of dollars in government spending that has resulted in an economy that can best be described as "stagnant". We've got record numbers of people that have simply left the work force because they couldn't find work and record numbers of others who have been forced to take part time jobs because that was all that was available.

Yes, Bush really did fuck everything up.

So tell me, Joey...what's Barack Obama's "plan" to get the economy going that the GOP has prevented from happening? That watered down repeat of the first stimulus that he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for? I've asked several times now if you even know who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is at the moment! NOBODY knows who that is because Barry gave up on the economy years ago! All he does now is blame the Republicans for not "cooperating" with him.

I'm sorry, is "Chief Economic Adviser" something called for in the constitution?

Since Congress has no interest in passing a jobs bill, he's kind of got a point.

You have degree in history? Seriously, Joe? That was my major in college so my question for you at this point is...what school of higher learning gave YOU a diploma in history when you know so appallingly little about the subject? I'd like to know what college has the "honor" of having you as a graduate!

I'm curious, Joe...how is it that the GOP somehow managed to filibuster Barack Obama's plans for economic recovery in the first years of his Presidency yet couldn't filibuster the Affordable Care Act?

So the stimulus failed because it was loaded down with too many "giveaways" for the rich? Kindly enlighten us as to what those giveaways were, Joe! Then explain why the GOP would be responsible for them since the stimulus was crafted by Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? Or are you talking about "giveaways" to Obama supporters like the owners of Solyndra? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Bush left YEARS ago...so when is Barry going to be responsible for not having a plan to fix the economy and put people back to work?

There is no Constitutional requirement that a President have a Chief Economic Adviser, Joe...but I wonder why a President who supposedly WAS worried about the economy and jobs would have economic advisers that are essentially invisible when the economy and jobs have been the number one problem facing the country FOR YEARS NOW!!!

Just for my own amusement, Joe...did you want to give us an example of something that Barry has successfully "cleaned up"?

He got us the fuck out of Iraq and he's getting us the fuck out of Afghanistan.

He's repaired all the international relationships Bush fucked up. Even our allies didn't like us when that doofus was through.

The truth is...our foreign policy hasn't EVER been in as much disarray as it is now. From the Ukraine...through Gaza and Israel...Syria...Iraq...Afghanistan...watching Barry is like watching a Division III quarterback get his feet wet in the NFL...he's got the uniform on and looks like a player but the game is going so much faster than he can handle that he's two steps behind everyone else on the field!

I'm sorry, it's Obama's fault that the Arabs hate the Zionists? I'm pretty sure they hated the Zionists before Obama got there.

I don't know what's funnier, Joe...that you think we're "out" of Iraq or that you think Afghanistan is going to be any better once we leave?

And Barry has obviously done SO MUCH to diffuse that hatred between Israel and it's Arab neighbors!!! I can see why he won the Nobel Peace Prize! (Now THAT in retrospect is even funnier than you claiming to be a history major!)
Interesting concept...Nazis taking over Europe wasn't America either...should it not have been our "problem"?

What Barry is now discovering is that "problems" like Muslim extremists don't go away because you tuck tail and run.

The only reason why we have a 'problem' with Muslims is we keep fucking with them.

Our Mideast Policy since 1948 has been to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.

The Muslims are doing EXACTLY what Americans would do if Space Aliens came down and started wrecking our country.

So was that the only reason that we had a "problem" with the Nazis...because we kept "fucking with them"?

You really are quite a naive man, Joe. What's the old saw about those not learning from history being doomed to repeat it?
Interesting concept...Nazis taking over Europe wasn't America either...should it not have been our "problem"?

What Barry is now discovering is that "problems" like Muslim extremists don't go away because you tuck tail and run.

The only reason why we have a 'problem' with Muslims is we keep fucking with them.

Our Mideast Policy since 1948 has been to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.

The Muslims are doing EXACTLY what Americans would do if Space Aliens came down and started wrecking our country.

Explain why the Muslims are closing streets in France, illegally, to pray.
Where ever there is a group of Muslims they try to take over the country that they are in and force the rest of us to bow to their fantasy god Allah.

You have degree in history? Seriously, Joe? That was my major in college so my question for you at this point is...what school of higher learning gave YOU a diploma in history when you know so appallingly little about the subject? I'd like to know what college has the "honor" of having you as a graduate!

University of Illinois.

Where'd you get yours? Liberty University or some other fuckwad Christian College that teaches about fucking Talking Snakes in Science class?

I'm curious, Joe...how is it that the GOP somehow managed to filibuster Barack Obama's plans for economic recovery in the first years of his Presidency yet couldn't filibuster the Affordable Care Act?

They did exactly that. Keep in mind, Obama didn't get a filibuster proof Senate until Arlen Specter switched sides. And he lost it after Ted Kennedy died and we got Scott Brown. Which is why we didn't have a conference committee to work out a compromise. seriously, were you not paying attention, or were you to busy mutterings "Stupid Mulatto Socialist, Muslim Commie bastard ruining my Christian 'Merica!"

So the stimulus failed because it was loaded down with too many "giveaways" for the rich? Kindly enlighten us as to what those giveaways were, Joe! Then explain why the GOP would be responsible for them since the stimulus was crafted by Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? Or are you talking about "giveaways" to Obama supporters like the owners of Solyndra?

Guy, i'm not going to make a habit of doing your research for you, because what I find is that when I do, you pretend you didn't see it.

Stewart claims that the stimulus bill is one-third tax cuts | PolitiFact

The stimulus bill, formally known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is meant to create jobs and boost the economy. It cost $787 billion, including $499 billion to fund new roads, hire teachers and generally keep people employed, and about $288 billion in tax breaks to individuals and businesses. Among other things, the mix of tax cuts includes a refundable credit of up to $400 per individual and $800 for married couples; a temporary increase of the earned income tax credit for disadvantaged families; and an extension of a program that allows businesses to recover the costs of capital expenditures faster than usual.

Bush left YEARS ago...so when is Barry going to be responsible for not having a plan to fix the economy and put people back to work?

There is no Constitutional requirement that a President have a Chief Economic Adviser, Joe...but I wonder why a President who supposedly WAS worried about the economy and jobs would have economic advisers that are essentially invisible when the economy and jobs have been the number one problem facing the country FOR YEARS NOW!!!

Guy, you are so blinded by your insane hatred, you can't see much of anything.
Interesting concept...Nazis taking over Europe wasn't America either...should it not have been our "problem"?

What Barry is now discovering is that "problems" like Muslim extremists don't go away because you tuck tail and run.

The only reason why we have a 'problem' with Muslims is we keep fucking with them.

Our Mideast Policy since 1948 has been to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.

The Muslims are doing EXACTLY what Americans would do if Space Aliens came down and started wrecking our country.

Explain why the Muslims are closing streets in France, illegally, to pray.
Where ever there is a group of Muslims they try to take over the country that they are in and force the rest of us to bow to their fantasy god Allah.

You mean as opposed to your fantasy God, Jesus?

Frankly, I don't see Muslims doing that in this country. I've never had a Muslim try to convert me to anything. Man, I tell people I'm an Atheist, I get a bunch of CHristian Assholes trying to "Save" my soul.

and I very quickly make them regret it. :badgrin:

I don't know what's funnier, Joe...that you think we're "out" of Iraq or that you think Afghanistan is going to be any better once we leave?

Why does it have to be any better? Frankly, your boy BUsh lost Afghanistan when he decided to use 9/11 as an excuse to avenge his Daddy and take out Saddam for the Zionists at PNAC. By the time Obama got back to it, the Taliban had already regrouped and Afghans were pining for their return.

Where I do criticize Obama is for dragging that mess out for as long as he did. We should have left right after we snuffed Bin Laden.

And Barry has obviously done SO MUCH to diffuse that hatred between Israel and it's Arab neighbors!!! I can see why he won the Nobel Peace Prize! (Now THAT in retrospect is even funnier than you claiming to be a history major!)

He got one for not being Bush. You guys seem to miss that. Bush so offended EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET that just by being gone it was worthy of recognition. Foreigners made fantasy films about Bush getting snuffed they hated him so much. seriously, we need to cart that fucker off to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes and apologize to the rest of the world for him.
So was that the only reason that we had a "problem" with the Nazis...because we kept "fucking with them"?

You really are quite a naive man, Joe. What's the old saw about those not learning from history being doomed to repeat it?

The Muslims aren't the Nazis, and they aren't the Borg.

I know the Zionists spend millions trying to convince stupid people they are- but they aren't occupying OUR countries, we are occupying theirs.

Hey, remember when this thread was about Lois Lerner and not OldStyle's Severe Obama Derangement Syndrome and Xenophobia? I think they have a common root.
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